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RPSC Archivist Exam Syllabus & Pattern for the examination is being the recruitment purposes. The Archivist exam is scheduled by Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC). The applicants apply for the examination after the full check on eligibility criterias. Below is the full details of the examination, following which you can prepare in the better way for the examination.
RPSC Archivist Exam Pattern: The details about the examination is-
Pattern of Question Papers:
- Objective Type Paper
- Maximum Marks : 100
- Number of Questions : 100
- Duration of Paper : Two Hours
- All Questions carry equal marks
- There will be Negative Marking.
RPSC Archivist Exam Syllabus: There are different sections in the exam paper from where the questions are asked. Check all the topics which are the part of syllabus-
Section – ‘A’
- Source of Mughal Period.
- India under the Great Mughals : From Babar to Aurangzeb.
- Growth of Administrative system under the Mughals : Central, Provincial, Revenue and Military Administration.
- Mughal Religious, Rajput, North-west and Deccan Policy.
- Growth of Art and Architecture during the Mughal Period.
Section – ‘B’
- Establishment of British power in Bengal. Marathas and the third battle of Panipat. East India Company and its relations with Rajputana states. Anglo-Maratha relations.
- Indian States and growth of British Paramountcy : Mysore, Punjab, Awadh and Hyderabad.
- Revolt of 1857 : Causes, expansion, nature and results.
- Indian Nationalism – Establishment of Indian National Congress. Role of the moderates. Rise of extremism and their role in National Movement. Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement.
- Ripon and Curzon.
- Growth of communalism and separatism – Sir Sayyed Ahmed Khan and Aligarh movement. Formation of Mulsim League and its activities.
- Non cooperation, Khilafat, Civil Disobedience and Quit India Movement. Role of Revolutionaries. Role of Nehru, Subhash Chandra Bose, Acharya Narendra Dev, Jai Prakash Narain and Maulana Azad.
- Political role and Social ideas of Gandhi.
- The depressed class movement and Ambedkar. Growth of Education and Press.
- Constitutional Development : Acts of 1861, 1892, 1909, 1919 and 1935.
Section – ‘C’
- Sources of History of Rajasthan – Khyats, Archival sources, East India Company records, Records of Tribal and Peasant Movements, Non-archival sources.
- Mughal and Rajput Relations : Mewar, Marwar, Amer, Bikaner and Harauti.
- Role of Rajasthan in the Revolt of 1857.
- Political Awakening in Rajasthan : Peasant and Tribal Movements. Prajamandal and Freedom Movement and the Role of Freedom Fighters of Rajasthan.
Section – ‘D’
- Vivekanand : Social Resurgence and integration.
- Jyotiba Phule : Social thought.
- Dadabhai Naoroji : Economic Nationalism.
- Bal Gangadhar Tilak : Concept of Swaraj.
- JawaharLal Nehru : Nationalism and Internationalism.
- RabindraNath Tagore : Universalism.
Section – ‘E’
- Definition of Archives and allied terms. Archives and allied Institutions. Accession requisition and characteristics of records.
- Origin & Development of Archives in India.
- Uses of Archives – Archives and its finding aids (Indexes, Lists, Check list etc.)
- Major Archival Centres in India with special reference to Rajasthan.
- Problems of authenticity of Documents. Office Organization and records management.
- Basic Principles of restoration and conservation of Documents.
- Preventive and Curative measures to counteract Physical deterioration of Archival Records and National Manuscripts mission in Rajasthan.
- Planning for binding of books and volumes, finding equipment and technique. Storage and housing of documentary materials.
- Importance of Cartographic records, video tapes and micro filming.
- Reprography – Advantages, Applications & Techniques.
- Introductions of Computer Application in Rajasthan State Archives.