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Armed Forces Medical College has prescribed the AFMC Syllabus for AFMC MBBS Entrance exam. Candidates who are going to participate in the AFMC must check the AFMC Syllabus and Exam pattern for Biology/ Chemistry /Physics from here.
Candidates must go through the AFMC MBBS ToELR exam pattern given below:
- Mode: The mode of examination will be online (computer based test) mode.
- Type of Questions: Questions will be of multiple choice
- Duration: Total time duration for the exam will be 30 minutes.
- Total Questions: 40 questions will be asked in the exam.
- Subjects: Written test of ToELR will include the subject English language, comprehension and logical reasoning.
- Marking Scheme: 2 marks will be awarded for each correct answer.
- Negative Marking: 0.5 marks will be deducted for every wrong answer.
Candidates must prepare for the Armed Forces Medical College MBBS Exam as per the syllabus and pattern of exam. With the help of AFMC Syllabus, candidates will be able to know about all the important topics that can come in the exam.
AFMC Biology/Chemistry/Physics Syllabus
Candidates can collect all the required information about AFMC entrance exam pattern, eligibility and Armed Force Medical College Entrance Exam Syllabus etc, from this page which is well developed by team of
Syllabus for Biology
AFMC Biology syllabus contains subsequent unit:
- Diversity in Living World, Cell: The Unit of Life;
- Structure and Function,
- Genetics and Evolution,
- Structure and Function – Animals, Structure and Function – Plants, Reproduction,
- Growth and Movement in Plants,
- Reproduction and Development in Humans,
- Ecology and Environment, Biology and Human Welfare,
- Biotechnology and its Applications.
Syllabus for Chemistry
AFMC Chemistry syllabus contains following unit:
- Some basic concepts in Chemistry,
- States of matter,
- Atomic structure,
- Classification of elements and periodicity in properties,
- 5 Chemical energetic,
- Chemical bonding, Equilibrium,
- Redox reactions, Solid state Chemistry,
- Chemical thermodynamics, Solutions, Chemical kinetics,
- Electrochemistry, Surface chemistry, Hydrogen,
- S-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth metals),
- General principles and processes of isolation of elements,
- p-Block Elements, The d-and f-Block elements,
- Coordination compounds,
- Some basic principles of Organic Chemistry,
- Hydrocarbons,
- Purification and characterization of carbon compounds,
- Organic compounds with functional groups containing halogens (X),
- Organic compounds with functional groups containing oxygen,
- Organic Compounds with functional group containing nitrogen,
- Polymers, Environmental Chemistry,
- Biomolecules, Chemistry in everyday life.
Syllabus for Physics
AIPMT Physics syllabus contains following unit:
- Introduction and Measurement,
- Description of Motion in One Dimension,
- Description of Motion in Two and Three Dimensions,
- Laws of Motion, Work, Energy and Power,
- Rotational Motion, Gravitation,
- Heat and Thermodynamics, Oscillations, Waves,
- Electrostatics, Current Electricity,
- Thermal and Chemical Effects of Currents,
- Magnetic Effect of Currents, Magnetism,
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents,
- Electromagnetic Waves (Qualitative Treatment),
- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Electrons and Photons,
- Atoms, Molecules and Nuclei, Solids and Semiconductor Devices.
English language and Comprehension
- Reading comprehension
- Sentence Correction
- Word meaning – Antonyms, synonyms, analogies – your ability to recognize relationships among words and concepts, parallel relationships, etc.
- Sentence completions – your ability to recognize words or phrases that both logically and stylistically complete the meaning of a sentence
Intelligence, Logic and Reasoning
This section contains Logical Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning and Decision Making questions. The topic included in this section is:
- Arrangements
- Family Tree
- Numerical grid
- Coding
- Series
The Verbal Reasoning questions are on the following:
- Statement-Conclusion
- Syllogisms
- Critical Reasoning