SSC GD 2015 Previous Year Paper

SSC GD 2015 



For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 1 If the alphabets are numbers the sum of which 5 alphabets is 51. 





Answer: (D) 


(A) : AEOIT ; 1 + 5 + 15 + 9 + 20 = 50 

(B) : AIOEJ ; 1 + 9 + 15 + 5 + 10 = 40 

(C) : AOUEH ; 1 + 15 + 21 + 5 + 8 = 50 

(D) : AIOEU ; ; 1 + 9 + 15 + 5 + 21 = 51 

=> Ans – (D) 


Find the odd word/letter/number from the given alternatives. 


Q. 2 

(A) YVX 

(B) QNO 


(D) IFH 

Answer: (B) 


(A) : Y (-3) = V (+2) = X 

(B) : Q (-3) = N ( +1) = O 

(C) : E (-3) = B (+2) = D 

(D) : I (-3) = F (+2) = H 

=> Ans – (B) 


Q. 3 

(A) 424 

(B) 631 

(C) 432 

(D) 460 

Answer: (C) 


Except the third option, sum of digits of rest of the numbers is same. 

(A) : 424 ; 4 + 2 + 4 = 10 

(B) : 631 ; 6 + 3 + 1 = 10 

(C) : 432 ; 4 + 3 + 2 =

(D) : 460 ; 4 + 6 + 0 = 10 

=> Ans – (C) 


Q. 4 

(A) Triangle 

(B) Cube 

(C) Square 

(D) Trapezium 

Answer: (B) 


Triangle, square and trapezium are two dimensional figures, hence cube being a 3-D figure is the odd one. => Ans – (B) 


For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 5 Which figure represents the relation amongst rose, flower and leaves. 

Answer: (A) 


Roses comes under the category of flowers, but leaves are different, hence the venn diagram that best describes above relation is :

=> Ans – (A) 


Q. 6 Raghu starts from his house in his car and travels 8 km towards the North, then 6 km towards East, then 10 km towards his right, 4 km towards his left, 10 km toward north and finally 4 km towards his right. In which direction is he now with reference to the starting point ? 

(A) North 

(B) South-East 

(C) South 

(D) North-East 

Answer: (D) 


Raghu starts from his house in his car at (A) and travels 8 km towards the North to B, then 6 km towards East to reach C, then 10 km towards his right towards south, 4 km towards his left in the east direction, 10 km toward north to reach F and finally 4 km towards his right to stop at point G. 

∴ He is now in North-East direction with reference to the starting point. 

=> Ans – (D) 


A series is given, with one/two terms missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series. 


Q. 7 A, Z, B, Y, C, X, D, W, E, V, F, U, G, ? 





Answer: (A) 


Above series is a combination of two alternate series, one being in increasing order and other in reverse order according to the English alphabetical series. 

1st : A, B, C, D, E, F, G 

2nd : Z, Y, X, W, V, U, T 

=> Ans – (A) 


Q. 8 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, ?, ? 

(A) 26, 28 

(B) 29, 31 

(C) 29, 32 

(D) 29, 34 

Answer: (B) 


The numbers ‘5’ and ‘2’ are alternatively added. 

3 + 5 = 8 

8 + 2 = 10 

10 + 5 = 15 

15 + 2 = 17 

17 + 5 = 22 

22 + 2 = 24 

24 + 5 = 29 

29 + 2 = 31 

=> Ans – (B) 


For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 9 Which of the answer figures can be formed using the questions figures. 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 10 In a certain code TEMPLE is written as METELP. How is FAITHFUL written in that code ? 





Answer: (A) 


TEMPLE is written as METELP 

If we break the word in half, i.e. ‘TEM’ and ‘PLE’ and reverse each of the part, we get the desired result.

Eg :- TEM -> MET and PLE -> ELP 

Similarly, FAIT -> TIAF and HFUL -> LUFH 


=> Ans – (A) 


Select the related word/letter/ number from the given alternatives. 

Q. 11 CARD: JOKER : : BOOK : ? 





Answer: (B) 


Q. 12 8 : 81 : : 64 : ? 

(A) 525 

(B) 625 


(D) 137 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 13 AK : FP : : XD : ? 

(A) SJ 

(B) CI 

(C) BH 

(D) TE 

Answer: (B) 


Expression = AK : FP : : XD : ? 

The pattern followed is : A (+6) = F and K (+6) = P 

Similarly, X (+6) = C and D (+6) = I 

Thus, XD : CI 

=> Ans – (B) 



(A) GUM 




Answer: (D) 


Second is kept in first, money is kept in wallet, similarly an envelope contains a letter.

=> Ans – (D) 


For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 15 A word is represented by only one set of numbers as given in any one of the alternatives. The sets of numbers given in the alternatives are represented by two classes of alphabets as in two Matrices given below. The columns and rows of Matrix-I are numbered from 0 to 4 and that of Matrix-II are numbered from 5 to 9. A letter from these matrices can be represented first by its row and next by its column, e.g., “T” can be represented by 03, 12 etc., and ‘M’ can be represented by 55, 67 etc. Similarly, you have to identify the set for the word ‘RUDE’. 

(A) 59, 99, 34, 11 

(B) 77, 56, 02, 01 

(C) 95, 87, 42, 12 

(D) 56, 65, 10, 33 

Answer: (A) 


(A) : 59, 99, 34, 11 : RUDE 

(B) : 77, 56, 02, 01 : RUED 

(C) : 95, 87, 42, 12 : RUDT 

(D) : 56, 65, 10, 33 : UUDE 

=> Ans – (A) 

Q. 16 Which answer figure will complete the pattern in the Question figure ? 

Answer: (A) 


In each row, (if we look at the small 2-(D) figures), each row contains a square, triangle and circle, thus in the last row, the missing figure will definitely contain a circle, hence the middle two options are eliminated. 

Also, in each row, the two semi circles are in opposite directions, thus first is the correct option. 

=> Ans – (A) 


Q. 17 From the given alternative words, select the word which cannot be formed using the letters of the given word. 






Answer: (A) 


The word ADMINISTRATION does not contain any ‘U’, thus the term Situation cannot be formed. 

=> Ans – (A) 


Two statements are given followed by two Conclusions / Assumptions, I and II. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions / assumptions can definitely be drawn from given statements. Indicate your answer. 


Q. 18 Statements 

1. No teacher come to the school on a bicycle. 

b: Anand comes to the school on a bicycle. 


I. Anand is not a teacher 

II. Anand is a student. 

(A) Conclusion II alone can be drawn. 

(B) Both conclusions cannot be drawn. 

(C) Both conclusions can be drawn. 

(D) Conclusion I alone can be drawn. 

Answer: (D) 


The given statement indicates that none of the teachers of a school uses bicycle to come to the school and Anand comes to school using a bicycle, thus this concludes that Anand is not a teacher, but we cannot know whether Anand is a student or not. 

Thus, conclusion I alone can be drawn. 

=> Ans – (D) 


For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 19 The number of students in an art class is increasing month after month as follows. Find the number of students in June from the following information. 

(A) 16 

(B) 13 

(C) 15 

(D) 14 

Answer: (A) 


Consecutive natural numbers are added. 

1 + 1 = 2 

2 + 2 = 4 

4 + 3 = 7 

7 + 4 = 11 

11 + 5 = 16 

=> Ans – (A) 


Q. 20 In the question, if a mirror is placed on the line AB then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure ? 

Answer: (B) 


A vertical mirror is placed, so the object on the left will appear right in reverse position and vice-versa. So all the arrows will point in the same direction alternatively, thus the first and last options will be eliminated. 

Also, in the Q. figure, the first arrow is at the top which will still stay at the top but will face leftwards, hence second option is the right image. 

=> Ans – (B) 


Q. 21 A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the Question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened ? 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 22 From the given answer figures, select the one in which the Question figure is hidden / embedded. 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 23 Which will appear 3rd in the dictionary ? 

(A) collision 

(B) collegiate 

(C) collinear 

(D) colloquy 

Answer: (A) 


As per the order of dictionary, 

= collegiate -> collinear -> collision -> colloquy 

Thus, 3rd word is collision 

=> Ans – (A) 


Q. 24 Find the missing number from the given responses ? 





Answer: (D) 


The number at the top is subtracted from the sum of bottom two numbers to get the middle number. 

Eg :- (8 + 4) − 3 = 9 


(6 + 5) − 4 = 7 


(9 + 3) − 5 = 7 

=> Ans – (D) 


Q. 25 If 50 minutes ago, it was 45 minutes past four O clock, how many minutes is it until six ‘O clock ? 

(A) 45 

(B) 15 

(C) 25 

(D) 35 

Answer: (C) 


45 minutes past four O clock = 4:45 

Thus, present time = 4:45 + 50 minutes = 5:35 

Thus minutes until six ‘o clock = 6:00 – 5:35 = 25 minutes 

=> Ans – (C) 



For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 26 A 200 metre long train is running at a speed of 72 km/ hr How long will it take to cross 800 meter long bridge ? 

(A) 50 seconds 

(B) 40 seconds 

(C) 60 seconds 

(D) 30 seconds 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 27 The average age of a husband and is wife was 23 years at the time of their marriage. After five years they have a one year old child. The average age of the family now is 

(A) 29.3 years 

(B) 19 years 

(C) 23 years 

(D) 28.5 years 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 28 A use worth Rs.1,50,000 is sold by X to Y at 5% profit. Y sells the house back to X at 2% loss. Then in the entire transaction: 

(A) X gains Rs.3150 

(B) X loses Rs.4350 

(C) X loses Rs.1350 

(D) X gains Rs.4350 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 29 The value of (75.8)2 −(35.8)2 /40 is 

(A) 121.6 

(B) 40 

(C) 160 

(D) 111.6 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 30 What should be the least number of years in which the simple interest on Rs.2600 at 6⅔% will be an exact number of rupees ? 





Answer: (A) 


Q. 31 A man allows a discount of 10% on a book whose marked price is Rs.40. What is the cost price so that the profit is 20% ? 

(A) Rs.35 

(B) Rs.40 

(C) Rs.30 

(D) Rs.45 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 32 The three angles of a triangle are in the ratio 3 : 4 : 5. Then the angles respectively are: 

(A) 45, 60, 75 

(B) 60, 45, 75 

(C) 60, 75, 45 

(D) 75, 60, 45 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 33 The amount of rice produced in a square field of side 50 m is 750 kg. The amount of rice produced in a similar square field of side 100 m will be 

(A) 2000 kg 

(B) 3000 kg 

(C) 3500 kg 

(D) 1500 kg 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 34 The sum of all natural numbers from 75 to 97 is: 

(A) 1598 

(B) 1978 

(C) 1798 

(D) 1958 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 35 Six friends have an average height of 167 cms. A boy with height 162 cm leaves the group. Find the new average height. 

(A) 168 cm 

(B) 166 cm 

(C) 169 cm 

(D) 167 cm 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 36 If x, y are rational numbers and 5 + 113 – 211= x + y 11. The values of x and y are 

(A)  X= -14/17 ,Y= -13/26

(B)  X= 4/13 , Y= 11/17

(C)  X= -27/25 ,Y= -11/37

(D)  X= -37/35 ,Y= -13/35

Answer: (D) 


Q. 37 If the radius of a circle is decreased by 10% then the area of the circle is decreased by 

(A) 89% 

(B) 18% 

(C) 19% 

(D) 25% 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 38 Ritu purchased 2½ dozen eggs at the rate of Rs.20 per dozen. She found that 6 eggs were rotten. She sold the remaining eggs at the rate of Rs.22 per dozen. Then her profit or loss percent is: 

(A) 12% loss 

(B) 12% profit 

(C) 10% loss 

(D) 10% profit 

Answer: (A) 


The following pie-chart shows the market share of four companies S, T, U and V. Total market is worth Rs.72 crores. Study the pie-chart and answer the questions. 

Q. 39 The company having maximum market share is 





Answer: (D) 


Q. 40 The difference of market shares of companies V and U is 

(A) Rs.8 crores 

(B) Rs.9 crores 

(C) Rs.6 crores 

(D) Rs.4 crores 

Answer: (D) 


For the following questions answer them individually 


Q. 41 The time required for a boy to travel along the external and internal boundaries of a circular path are in the ratio 20: 19. If the width of the path be 5 meters, the internal diameter is: 

(A) 195 metres 

(B) 192 metres 

(C) 180 metres 

(D) 190 metres 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 42 8 children and 12 men complete a certain piece of work in 9 days, Each child takes twice the time taken by a man to finish the work. In how many days will 12 men finish the same work ? 

(A) 9 days 

(B) 13 days 

(C) 12 days 

(D) 15 days 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 43 A certain number of men can do a work in 40 days. If there we 8 men more, it could be finished in 10 days less. How many men were there initially ? 

(A) 20 

(B) 24 

(C) 30 

(D) 16 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 44 If Rs.510 be divided among A,B and C in such a way that A gets 2/3 of what B gets and B gets 1/4 of what C gets, then their shares are respectively. 

(A) Rs.150, Rs.240, Rs.120 

(B) Rs.60, Rs.90, Rs.360 

(C) Rs.120, Rs.240, Rs.150 

(D) Rs.150, Rs.300, Rs.60 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 45 The average weight of 8 persons increases by 2.5 kg when a new persons comes in place of one of them weighing 65 kg. The weight of the new person is 

(A) 84 kg 

(B) 85 kg 

(C) 76 kg 

(D) 76.5 kg 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 46 The sum of two positive numbers is 20% of the sum of their squares and 25% of the difference of their squares. If the numbers are x and y the, x + y/x3 is equal to 

(A) 1/4

(B) 3/8

(C) 1/3

(D) 2/9 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 47 A seller gains 20% profit even after allowing 10% discount. If the amount of profit on a TV set is Rs.750, then the marked price of the TV set is 

(A) Rs.5200 

(B) Rs.5000 

(C) Rs.4800 

(D) Rs.5500 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 48 Ram bought a bike for Rs.60,000. He paid Rs.10,000 cash down and the rest at the end of 2 years at 15% simple interest. How much more did he pay as simple interest ? 

(A) Rs.15,000 

(B) Rs.25,000 

(C) Rs.35,000 

(D) Rs.50,000 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 49 A man rows 750 m in 675 seconds against the stream and returns in 7½ minutes. Its rowing speed in still water is (in km/hr). 

(A) 5.5 

(B) 5.75 


(D) 5.25 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 50 A scooter is sold at three successive discounts of 10%, 5% and 2%. If the marked price of the scooter is Rs.18,000, find its net selling price. 

(A) Rs.15028.20 

(B) Rs.15082.00 

(C) Rs.15082.20 

(D) Rs.15080.00 

Answer: (C) 



In the following questions, some parts of the sentences have errors and some are correct. Find out which part of a sentence has an 

error. The number of that part is the answer. If a sentences is free from error, your answer is No Error. 

Q. 51 An idea was worth nothing if it has no champion. 

(A) No error 

(B) If it has no champion 

(C) An idea 

(D) was worth nothing 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 52 The camp beside ours has been built in 1966 by John’s brother. 

(A) No error 

(B) by John;s brother 

(C) The camp beside ours 

(D) has been built in 1966. 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 53 I have been waiting for you since two hours. 

(A) for you 

(B) No error 

(C) I have been waiting 

(D) since two hours 

Answer: (D) 


In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words / sentences. 


Q. 54 To put two and two together 

(A) Proud 

(B) Good friend 

(C) Selfish friend 

(D) Understand 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 55 A container for the ashes of a dead person 

(A) Vessel 

(B) Vase 

(C) Jug 

(D) Urn 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 56 One who pretends to be what he is not 

(A) Hypocrite 

(B) Turncoat 

(C) Liar 

(D) Actor 

Answer: (A) 


In the following questions, a part of the sentence is printed is bold. Below are given alternatives to the bold part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternatives. In case no improvement is needed your answer is No improvement. 

Q. 57 Journalism and medicine would be two of his career options. 

(A) No improvement 

(B) could be 

(C) will be 

(D) might be 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 58 No economist can accurately foresee whether ta will go up or down. 

(A) expect 

(B) anicipate 

(C) No improvement 

(D) obviate 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 59 One should keep their word. 

(A) One’s 

(B) his 

(C) everyone’s 

(D) No improvement 

Answer: (A) 


In the following three questions, choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word. 



(A) loudly 

(B) quietly 

(C) clearly 

(D) distinctly 

Answer: (B) 



(A) blame 

(B) contempt 

(C) disapprove 

(D) despise 

Answer: (B) 



(A) bountiful 

(B) unique 

(C) bizarre 

(D) ugly 

Answer: (D) 


In the following questions, four words are given in each question, out of which only one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word as your answer. 

Q. 63 

(A) complacency 

(B) complacensy 

(C) cumplacency 

(D) complicency 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 64 

(A) compelsory 

(B) compullsory 

(C) compulsorry 

(D) compulsory 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 65 

(A) entusiasm 

(B) enthussiasm 

(C) enthusiasm 

(D) enthusaism 

Answer: (D) 


In the following three questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 



(A) Petty 

(B) Warehouse 

(C) Immense 

(D) Trivial 

Answer: (C) 



(A) Significant 

(B) Unavoidable 

(C) Crucial 

(D) Undentable 

Answer: (B) 



(A) Sprinkle 

(B) Trickle 

(C) Splash 

(D) Downpour 

Answer: (A) 


In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to ge filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four as your answer. 

Q. 69 We get milk from the_______. 

(A) dairy 

(B) daily 

(C) daisy 

(D) diary 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 70 A man from our village has been nominated ____ the ruling party’s candidate for the post. 

(A) to 

(B) as 

(C) in 

(D) for 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 71 He has been staying in Delhi ____ a long time. 

(A) for 

(B) since 

(C) from 

(D) till 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 72 Jones is a member of our ______ 

(A) coup 

(B) council 

(C) counter 

(D) counsel 

Answer: (B) 


In each of the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom / Phrase printed is bold in the sentence. Choose the alternatives which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom / Phrase as your answer. 


Q. 73 Television has become part and parcel of our lives. 

(A) status symbol 

(B) unavoidable luxury 

(C) important part 

(D) showy part 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 74 My kith and kin congratulated me on my brilliant success. 

(A) niece and nephew 

(B) father and mother 

(C) relatives 

(D) colleagues 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 75 His frequent journeys are telling upon his health. 

(A) threatening 

(B) improving 

(C) informing 

(D) affecting 

Answer: (D) 

General Awareness 


For the following questions answer them individually 

Q. 76 A person with blood group O’ can receive blood from a person with blood group____ 

(A) Only A, B 

(B) O & A B

(C) Only O 

(D) A, B & O 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 77 The first black president of of South Africa and anti apartheid activist Nelson Mandela passed away on ? 

(A) 2nd Dec 2013 

(B) 5th Dec 2013 

(C) 9th Dec 2014 

(D) 6th Dec 2014 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 78 What are the extremely hot and acid local winds blowing in North-Indian plains in summers called ? 

(A) Mistral 

(B) Jet Stream 

(C) Loo 

(D) Fin 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 79 What is that nuclear reaction called in which mass turns into energy ? 

(A) Endoergic 

(B) Endothermic 

(C) Exothermic 

(D) Exoergic 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 80 Ramakrishna mission was established by ? 

(A) Swamy Vivekananda 

(B) Eshwar Chandra Vidyasagar 

(C) Dayanand Saraswathi 

(D) Raja Ramohan Roy 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 81 Which of the following is called ‘Continent of contrasts’ ? 

(A) Africa 

(B) Asia 

(C) Australia 

(D) Antarctica 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 82 Who is the first prime minister who submitted his/her resignation letter outside the parliament session ? 

(A) Moraji Desai 

(B) Lal Bahadur Sastri 

(C) Chaudhary Charan Singh 

(D) Indira Gandhi 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 83 Which is the second largest continent in the world ? 

(A) North America 

(B) Africa 

(C) Asia 

(D) Antarctica 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 84 According to the constitution the public health, sanitation, hospitals and dispensaries comes under which list ? 

(A) Union List 

(B) Concurrent List 

(C) Does not come under any list 

(D) States List 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 85 Which of the following is not a central problem of economy ? 

(A) What to produce 

(B) For whom to produce 

(C) How to produce 

(D) How to maximize profit 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 86 Which Mauryan Emperor went to Shravanabelagola along with Bhadrabahu ? 

(A) Dasaratha 

(B) Bindusara 

(C) Ashoka 

(D) Chandragupta 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 87 Who presented the ‘Dynamic Theory of Profit’ ? 

(A) Howle 

(B) Clarke 

(C) Walker 

(D) Knight 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 88 What are those grey clouds called which causes rain? 

(A) cumulus 

(B) cirrus 

(C) nimbostratus 

(D) nimbus 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 89 Which of the following methods is not used to remove permanent hardness of water? 

(A) by mixing sodium carbonate 

(B) by distillation 

(C) by mixing caustic soda 

(D) by boiling 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 90 Who is the woman boxer to win silver medal in London Olympics of 2012? 

(A) Natasha Jonas 

(B) Mary Kom 

(C) Katie taylor 

(D) Nicola Adams 

Answer: (D) 


Q. 91 Who was the Governor-General of India at the time of Revolt of 1857? 

(A) Lytton 

(B) Minto 

(C) Canning 

(D) Dalhousie 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 92 The census is caused out once in how many years ? 

(A) 5 years 

(B) every year 

(C) 10 years 

(D) 15 years 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 93 What did Louis Pasteur discover ? 

(A) Polio vaccine 

(B) Insulin 

(C) Anti Rabies vaccine 

(D) Penicillin 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 94 Which was the movement undertaken by the Indian Government to increase milk production ? 

(A) Green Revolution 

(B) White Revolution 

(C) Blue Revolution 

(D) Yellow Revolution 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 95 Which of the following countries was the first to given women voting nights ? 

(A) New Zealand 

(B) India 

(C) Iceland 

(D) America 

Answer: (A) 


Q. 96 Which countries are part of the group collectively termed as the Baltic countries ? 

(A) Poland, Belarus and Lithuania 

(B) Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania 

(C) Denmark, Poland and Latvia 

(D) Sweden, Finland and Estonia 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 97 Which of the following is not an aerosol ? 

(A) Smoke 

(B) Mud 

(C) Fog 

(D) Cloud 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 98 The first Electronic digital computer had which of the following components ? 

(A) Electronic Valve 

(B) Semiconductor Memory 

(C) Vacuum tube 

(D) Transistor 

Answer: (C) 


Q. 99 Amphoteric substance reacts in which of the following ways ? 

(A) Base 

(B) Both Base & Acid 

(C) None of these 

(D) Acid 

Answer: (B) 


Q. 100 Which day is celebrated as ‘National Youth Day’ in India ? 

(A) 12th January 

(B) 20th January 

(C) 1st January 

(D) 30th January 

Answer: (A) 

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