CAT Previous Year Paper Session-I 2017

CAT 2017 Session 1


Questions: 1 – 6

Understanding where you are in the world is a basic survival skill, which is why we, like most species come hard-wired with specialized brain areas to create cognitive maps of our surroundings. Where humans are unique, though, with the possible exceptions of honeybees, is that we try to communicate this understanding of the world with others. We have a long history of doing this by drawing maps – the earliest versions yet discovered were scrawled on cave walls 14,000 years ago. human cultures have been drawing them on stone tablets, papyrus, paper and now computer screens ever since. Given such a long history of human map-making, it is perhaps surprising that it is only within the last few hundred years that north has been consistenetly considered to be at the top. In fact, for much of human history, north almost never appreared at the top, according to Jerry Brotton, a map historian…” North was rarely put at the top for the simple fact that north is where darkness comes from,”he says. “West is also very unlikely to be put at the top because west is where the sun disappears.” Confusingly, early Chinese maps seem to buck this trend. But, Broton, says even though they did have compasses at the time, that isn’t the reason that they placed north at the top. Early Chinese compasses were actually oriented to point south, which was considered to be more desirable than deepest darkest north. But in Chinese maps, the emperor who lived in the north of the country was always put at the top of the map, with everyone else, his loyal subjects, looking up towards him. ” In Chinese culture the emperor looks south because it’s where the wind comes from, it’s a good direction. North is not very good but you are in a position of subjection to the emperor, so you look up to him.” says Brotton. Given that each culture has a very different idea of who, or what, they should look up to it’s perhaps not surprising that there is very little consistency in which way early maps pointed. In ancient Egyptian times the top of the world was east the position of Sunrise. Early Islamic maps favored south at the top because of the early Muslim cultures were north of the Mecca. So they imagined looking up (south) towards it. Christian maps from the same era ( called Mappa Mundi) put east at the top, towards the Garden of Eden and with Jerusalem in the center. So when did everyone get together and decide that north was the top? It’s tempting to put it down to European explorers like Christopher Columbus and Ferianand Megellan, who where navigating by the North Star. ” Columbus says he going to towards paradise, so his mentality is form medieval mappa mundi.”We’ve got to remember, adds Erotton, that at the time,”no one knows what they are doing and where they are going.” 


Q. 1 Which one of the following best describes what the passage is trying to do?

A. It questions an explanation about how maps are designed

B. It corrects a misconception about the way maps are designed

C. It critiques a methodology used to create maps

D. It explores some myths about maps


Q. 2 Early maps did NOT put north at the top for all the following reasons EXCEPT

A. North was the source of darkness

B. South was favored by some emperors

C. East and South were more important for all religious reasons for some civilizations.

D. East was considered by some civilizations to be a more positive direction.


Q. 3 According to the passage, early Chinese maps placed north at the top because

A. the Chinese invented the compass and were aware of magnetic north.

B. they wanted to show respect to the emperor.

C. the Chinese emperor appreciated the winds from the South

D. north was considered the most desirable direction.


Q. 4 It can be inferred from the passage that European explorers like Columbus and Megellan

A. set the precedent for north-up maps

B. navigated by the compass

C. used an eastward orientation for religious reasons

D. navigated with the help of early maps


Q. 5 Which one of the following about the northern orientation of modern maps is asserted in the passage?

A. The biggest contributory factor was the understanding of magnetic north

B. The biggest contributory factor was the role of European explorers

C. The biggest contributory factor was the influence of Chinese maps

D. The biggest contributory factor is not stated in the passage


Q. 6 The role of natural phenomena is influencing map-making conventions is seen most clearly in

A. early Egyptian maps

B. early Islamic maps

C. early Chinese maps

D. early Christian maps


Questions: 7 – 12

I used a smartphone GPS to find my way through the cobble stoned maze of Geneva’s Old Town, in search of a handmade machine that changed the world more than any other invention. Near a 13th-century cathedral in this Swiss city on the shores of a lovely lake. I found what I was looking for : a Gutenberg printing press was the Internet of its day – at least as influential as the iPhone,” said Gabriel de Montmollin, the director of the Museum of the Reformation, toying with the replica of Johann Gutenberg’s great invention. [Before the invention of the printing press] it used to take four monks… up to a year to produce a single book. With the advance in movable type in 15th century Europe one press could crank out 3,000 pages a day. Before long, average people could travel to places that used to be unknown to them – with maps! Medical information passed more freely and quickly, diminishing the sway of quacks… The printing press offered prospects that tyrants would never be able to kill a book or suppress an idea. Gutenberg’s brainchild broke the monopoly that clerics had on scripture. And later stirred by pamphlets from a version of that same press, the American colonies rose up against a king and a gave a birth to a nation. So, a question in the summer of this 10th anniversary of the iPhone has the device that is perhaps the most revolutionary of all time given us a single magnificent idea? Nearly every advancement of the written word through new technology has also advanced humankind. The iPhone has made us more narcissistic – here’s more of me doing cool stuff! – and it unleashed an army of awful trolls. We no longer have the patience to sit through a baseball game without that reach to the pocket. And one more casualty of Apple selling more than a billion phones in a decade’s time, daydreaming has become a lost art. For all of that, I’m still waiting to see if the iPhone can do what the printing press did for religion and democracy… the Geneva museum makes a strong case that the printing press opened more minds than anything else… it’s hard to imagine the French or American revolutions without those enlightened voices in print…. Not long after Steve jobs introduced his iPhone, he said the bound book was probably headed for history’s attic. Not so fast. After a period of rapid growth in e-books, something closer to the medium for Chaucer’s volumes has made a great comeback. The hope of the iPhone , and the internet in general, was that it would free people in closed societies. But the failure of the Arab Spring, and the continued Suppression of ideas in North Korea, China and Iran, has not borne that out.. The iPhone is still Young. It has certainly been ” one of the most important, world-changing and successful products in history,” as Apple C.E.O. Tim Cook said. But I’m not sure if he would changed for the better with the iPhone – as it did with the printing press – or merely changed.


Q. 7 The printing press has been likened to the Internet for which one of the following reasons?

A. It enabled rapid access to new information and the sharing of new ideas

B. It represented new and revolutionary technology compared to the past

C. It encouraged reading among people by giving them access to thousands of books

D. It gave people access to pamphlets and literature in several languages


Q. 8 According to the passage, the invention of the printing press did all of the following EXCEPT

A. promoted the spread of enlightened political views across countries

B. gave people direct access to authentic medical information and religious texts

C. shortened the time taken to produce books and pamphlets

D. enabled people to perform various tasks simultaneously


Q. 9 Steve Jobs predicted which one of the following with the introduction of the iPhone?

A. People would switch from reading on the internet to reading on their iPhones

B. People would lose interest in historical and traditional classics

C. Reading printed books would become a thing of the past

D. The production of e-books would eventually fall


Q. 10 “I’m still waiting to see if the iPhone can do what the printing press did for religion and democracy.” The author uses which one of the following to indicate his uncertainty?

A. The rise of religious groups in many parts of the world

B. The expansion in trolling and narcissism among the users of the internet

C. The continued suppression of free speech in closed societies.

D. The decline in reading habits among those who use the device.


Q. 11 The author attributes the French and American revolutions to the invention of the printing press because

A. maps enabled large numbers of Europeans to travel and settle in the American continent

B. the rapid spread of information exposed people to new ideas on freedom and democracy

C. It encouraged religious freedom and among the people by destroying the monoply of religious leaders on the scriptures

D. It made a available revolutionary strategies and opinions to the people


Q. 12 The main conclusion of the passage is that the new technology has 

A. some advantages but these are outweighed by its disadvantages

B. so far not proved as successful as the printing press in opening people’s minds

C. been disappointing because it has changed society too rapidly

D. been more wasteful than the printing press because people spend more time daydreaming or surfing


Questions: 13 – 18

This year alone, more than 8,600 stores could close, according to industry estimates, many of them the brand name anchor outlets that real estate developers once stumbled over themselves to court. Already there have been 5,300 retail closings this year… Sears Holdings — which owns Kmart — said in March that there’s “substantial doubt” it can stay in business altogether, and will close 300 stores this year. So far this year, nine national retail chains have filed for bankruptcy. Local jobs are a major casualty of what analysts are calling, with only a hint of hyperbole, the retail apocalypse. Since 2002, department stores have lost 448,000 jobs, a 25% decline, while the number of store closures this year in on pace to surpass the worst depths of the Great Recession. The growth of online retailers, meanwhile, has failed to offset those losses, with the ecommerce sector adding just 178,000 jobs over the past 15 years Some of those jobs can be found in the massive distribution centers Amazon has opened across the country, often not too far from malls the company helped shutter. But those are workplaces, not gathering places. And in the 61 years since the first enclosed one opened in Suburban Minneapolis, the shopping mall was home of first jobs and blind dates, the place for family photos and ear piercings, where goths and grandmothers could somehow walk through the same doors and find something they all liked. Sure the food was lousy for you and the oceans of parking lots encouraged car-heavy development, something now scorned by contemporary planners. Buts for better or worse, the mall has been America’s public square for the last 60 years. So what happens when it disappears? Think of your mall or think of the one you went to as a kid. Think of the perfume clouds in the department stores. The cinnamon wafting from the food court. As far back as Ancient Greece, societies have congregated around a central marketplace. In medieval Europe, they were outside cathedrals. For Half of the 20th century and almost 20 years into the new one, much of America has found their agora on the terrazzo between Orange Julius and Sbarro, Waldenbooks and the Gap, Sunglass Hut and Hot Topic. That mall was an ecosystem unto itself, a combination of community and commercialism peddling everything you needed and everything you didn’t Magic Eye posters, wind catchers, Air Jordans… A growing number of Americans, however, don’t see the need to go to any Macy’s at all. Our digital lives are friction less and ruthlessly efficient, with retail and romance available at a click. Malls were designed for leisure, abundance , ambling. Today, much of that time has been given over to busier lives and second jobs and apps that let you swipe right instead of haunt the food court. Mails, says Harvard business professor Leonard Schlesinger, “were built for patterns of social interaction that increasingly don’t exist.


Q. 13 The central idea of this passage is that

A. the closure of malls has affected the economic and social life of middle-class America

B. the advantages of malls outweigh their disadvantages

C. malls used to perform a social function that has been lost

D. malls are closing down because people have found alternate ways to shop


Q. 14 Why does the author say in paragraph 2, ‘the massive distribution centers Amazon has opened across the country, often not too far from malls the company helped shutter’?

A. To highlight the irony of the situation

B. To indicate that malls and distribution centres are located in the same area

C. To show that Amazon is helping certain brands go online

D. To indicate that the shopping habits of the American middle class have changed


Q. 15 The author calls the mall an ecosystem unto itself because

A. people of all ages and from all walks of life went there

B. people could shop as well as eat in one place

C. It was a commercial space as well as a gathering place

D. it sold things that were needed as well as those that were not


Q. 16 in paragraph 1, the phrase “real estate developers once stumbled over themselves to court” suggests that they

A. took brand-name anchor to court

B. no longer pursue brand-name anchor outlets

C. collaborated with one another to get brand-name anchor outlets

D. were eager to get brand-name anchor outlets to set up shop in their mall


Q. 17 Why does the author say that the mall has been America’s public square

A. Malls did not bar anybody from entering the space

B. Malls were a great place to shop for a huge section of the middle calss

C. Malls were a hangout place where families grew close to each other

D. Malls were a great place for everyone to gather and interact


Q. 18 The author describes “Perfume clouds in the department stores” in order to

A. evoke memories by painting a picture of malls

B. describe the smells and sights of malls

C. emphasise that all brands were available under one roof

D. show that malls smelt good because of the various stores and food court


Questions: 19 – 21

Scientists have long recognized the incredible diversity within species . But they thought it reflected evolutionary changes that unfolded imperceptibility, over millions of years. That diverges between populations within a species was enforced, according to Ernst Mayr, the great evolutionary biologist of the 1940s, when a population was separated from the rest of the species by a mountain range or a desert. Without the separation, gene flow was relentless. But as the separation persisted, the isolated population grew apart and speciation occurred. In the mid – 1960s, the biologist Paul Ehrlich – author of The Population Bomb(1968) – and his Stanford University Colleague Peter Raven challenged Mayr’s ideas about speciation. They had studied checkerspot butterflies living in the Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve in California, and it soon became clear that they were not examining a single population. Through years of capturing, marking and then recapturing the butterflies, they were able to prove that within the population spread over just 50 acres of suitable checkerspot habitat, there were three groups that rarely interacted despite their very close proximity. Among other ideas, Ehrlich and Raven argued in a now classic paper from 1969 that gene flow was not as predictable and ubiquitous as Mayr and his cohort maintained, and thus evolutionary divergence between neighboring groups in a population was probably common. They also asserted that isolation and gene flow were less important to evolutionary divergence than natural selection ( when factors such as mate choice, weather, disease or predation better- adapted individuals to survive and pass on their successful genetic traits). For example, Ehrlich and Raven suggested that, without the force of natural selection, an isolated population would remain unchanged and that, in other scenarios, natural selection could be strong enough to overpower gene flow.


Q. 19 Which of the following best sums up Ehrlich and Raven’s argument in their classic 1969 paper?

A. Ernst Mayr was wrong in identifying physical separation as the cause of species diversity

B. Checkerspot butterflies in the 50-acre Jasper Ridge Preserve formed three groups that rarely interacted with each other

C. While a factor, isolation was not as important to speciation as natural selection

D. Gene flow is less common and more erratic than Mayr and his colleagues claimed.


Q. 20 All of the following statements are true according to the passage EXCEPT

A. Gene flow contributes to evolutionary divergence

B. The Population Bomb questioned dominant ideas about species diversity

C. Evolutionary changes unfold imperceptibly over time

D. Checkerspot butterflies are known to exhibit speciation while living in close proximity


Q. 21 The author discusses Mayr, Ehrlich and Raven to demonstrate that

A. evolution is a sensitive and controversial topic

B. Ehrlich and Raven’s ideas about evolutionary divergence are widely accepted by


C. the causes of speciation are debated by scientists

D. checkerspot butterflies offer the best example of Ehrlich and Raven’s ideas about


Questions: 22 – 24

Do sports mega events like the summer Olympic Games benefit the host city economically? It depends, but the prospects are less than rosy. The trick is converting… several billion dollars in operating costs during the 17-day fiesta of the Games into a basis for long-term economic returns. These days, the Summer Olympic Games themselves generate total revenue of $4 billion to $5 billion, the lion’s share of this goes to the International Olympics Committee. Any economic benefit would have to flow from the value of the Games as an advertisement for the city, the new transportation and communications infrastructure that were created for the Games, or the ongoing use of the new facilities. Evidence suggests that the advertising effect is far from certain. The infrastructure benefit depends on the initial condition of the city and the effectiveness of the planning. The facilities benefit is dubious at best for buildings such as velodromes or natatoriums and problematic for 100,000-seat Olympic stadiums. The latter require a conversion plan for future use. Hosting the summer games generally requires 30-plus sports venues and dozens of

training centers. Today, the Bird’s Nest in Beijing sits virtually empty, while the Olympic Stadium in Sydney costs some $30 million a year to operate. Part of the problem is that Olympics planning takes place in a frenzied and time-pressured atmosphere of intense competition with the other prospective host cities – not optimal conditions for contemplating the future shape of an urban landscape. Another part of the problem is that urban land is generally scarce and growing scarcer. Even if they have future use, are they the best use of precious urban real estate? Further, cities must consider the human cost. Residential areas often razed and citizens relocated. Life is made more hectic and congested. There are, after all, other productive uses that can be made of vanishing fiscal resources.

Q. 22 The central point in the first paragraph is that the economic benefits of the Olympic Games

A. are shared equally among the three organising committees

B. accrue mostly through revenue from advertising and ticket sales

C. accrue to host cities, if at all, only in the long term

D. are usually eroded by expenditure incurred by the host city

Q. 23 Sports facilities built for the Olympics are not fully utilised after the Games are over because

A. their scale and the costs of operating them are large

B. their location away from the city centre usually limits easy access

C. the authorities do not adapt them to local conditions

D. they become outdated having being built with little planning and under time pressure

Q. 24 The author feels that the Games place a burden on the host city for all of the following reasons EXCEPT that

A. they divert scarce urban land from more production uses

B. they involve the demolition of residential structures to accommodate sports facilities and infrastructure

C. the finances used to fund the Games could be better used for other purposes

D. the influx of visitors during the Games places a huge strain on the urban infrastructure

Question 25

To me, a “classic” means precisely the opposite of what my predecessors understood: a work is classical by reason of its resistance to contemporary and supposed universality, by reason of its capacity to indicate human particularity and difference in that past epoch. The classic is not what tells me about shared humanity – or, more truthfully put, what lets me recognize myself as already present in the past, what nourishes in me the illusion that everything has been like me and has existed only to prepare the way for me. Instead, the classic is what gives access to radically different dorms of human consciousness for any given generation of readers, and thereby expands for them the range of possibilities of what it means to be a human being. 

Q. 25 The passage given is followed by four summaries. Choose the option that best captures the author’s position:

A. A classic is able to focus on the contemporary human condition and a unified

experience of human consciouness

B. A classical work seeks to resist particularity and temporal difference even as it focuses on a common humanity

C. A classic is a work exploring the new, going beyond the universal, the contemporary, and the notion of a unified human consciousness

D. A classic is a work that provides access to a universal experience of the human race as opposed to radically different forms of human consciousness

Question 26

A translator of literary works needs a secure hold upon the two languages involved, supported by a good measure of familiarity with the two cultures. For an Indian translating works in an Indian language into English, finding satisfactory equivalents in a generalized western culture of practices and symbols in the original would be less difficult than gaining fluent control of contemporary English. When a westerner works on texts in Indian languages the interpolation of cultural elements will be the major challenge, rather than control over the grammar and essential vocabulary of the language concerned. It is much easier to remedy lapses in language in a text translated into English, than flaws of content Since it is easier for an Indian to learn the English language than it is for a Briton or American to comprehend Indian culture, translations of Indian texts is better left to Indians.

Q. 26 The given passage is followed by four summaries. Choose the option that best captures the author’s position.

A. While translating, the Indian and the westerner face the same challenges but they

have different skill profiles and the former has the advantage

B. As preserving cultural meanings is the essence of literary translation Indian’s

knowledge of the local culture outweighs the initial disadvantage of lower fluency in


C. Indian translators should translate Indian texts into English as their work is less likely to pose cultural problems which are harder to address than the quality of language

D. Westerners might be good at gaining reasonable fluency in new languages, but as

understanding the culture reflected in literature is crucial, Indians remain better placed

Question 27

For each of the past three years, temperatures have hit peaks not seen since the birth of meteorology, and probably not for more than 100,000 years. The amount of CO2 in the air is at its highest level in 4 million years. This does not cause storms like Harvey – there have always been storms and hurricanes along the Gulf of Mexico – but it makes them wetter and more powerful. As the seas warm, they evaporate more easily and provide energy to storm fronts. As the air above them warms, it holds more water vapour. For every half a degree Celsius in warming, there is about 3% increase in atmospheric moisture content. Scientists call this the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. The storm surge was greater because sea levels have risen 20 cm as a result of more than 100 years of human related global warming which has melted glaciers and thermally expanded the volume of seawater.

Q. 27 The given passage is followed by four summaries. Choose the option that best captures the author’s position.

A. The storm Harvey is one of the regular, annual ones from the Gulf of Mexico, global warming and Harvey are unrelated phenomena.

B. Global warming does not breed storms but makes them destructive, the Clausius-

Clapeyron equation, though it predicts potential increase in atmospheric moisture

content, cannot predict the scale of damage storms might wreck.

C. Global warming melts glaciers, resulting in seawater volume expansion, the enables more water vapour to fill the air above faster. Thus, modern storms contain more destructive energy.

D. It is naive to think that rising sea levels and the force of tropical storms are unrelated; Harvey was destructive as global warming has armed it with more moisture content, but this may not be true of all storms.

Question 28

1. The process of handing down implies not a passive transfer, but some

contestation in defining what exactly is to be handed down.

2. Wherever Western scholars have worked on the Indian past, the selection is

even more apparent and the inventing of a tradition much more recognizable.

3. Every generation selects what it requires from the past and makes its innovations some more than others. 

4. it is now a truism to say that traditions are not handed down unchanged, but are invented.

5. just as life has death as its opposite, so is tradition by default the opposite of innovation.

Q. 28 The five sentences( labelled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) given in this question when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentence of five numbers as you answer.

A. 54132

B. 21345

C. 31524

D. 51423

Question 29

1.Scientists have for the first time managed to edit genes in a human embryo to repair a genetic mutation fuelling hopes that such procedures may one day be available outside laboratory conditions.

2. The cardiac disease causes sudden death in otherwise healthy young athletes and affects about one in 500 people overall.

3. Correcting the mutation in the gene would not only ensure that the child is healthy but also prevents transmission of the mutation to future generations.

4. It is caused by a mutation in a particular gene and a child will suffer from the condition even if it inherits only one copy of the mutated gene.

5. In results announced in the Nature this week, scientists fixed a mutation that thickens the heart muscle, a condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Q. 29 The five sentences ( labelled 1,2,3,4,5 ) given this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer. 

A. 42513

B. 15243

C. 25341

D. 15342

Question 30

1. The study suggests that the disease did not spread with such intensity, but it may have driven human migrations across Europe and Asia.

2. The oldest sample came from an individual who lived in southeast Russia about 5,000 years ago.

3. The ages of the skeletons correspond to a time of mass exodus from today’s Russia and Ukraine into western Europe and central Asia, suggesting that a pandemic could have driven those migrations.

4. In the analysis of fragments of DNA from 101 Bronze Age skeletons for sequences of Yersinia pestis, the bacterium that causes the disease, seven tested positive.

5. DNA from Bronze Age human skeletons indicate that the black plague could have emerged as early as 3,000 BCE, long before the epidemic that swept through Europe in the mid-1300s.

Q. 30 The five sentences ( labeled 1,2,3,4,5 ) given this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer. 

A. 12345

B. 15234

C. 54123

D. 32415

Question 31 

1.) This visual turn in social media has merely accentuated this announcing instinct of ours, enabling us with easy-to-create, easy-to-share and easy-toconsume platforms, gadgets and apps.

2.) There is absolutely nothing new about us framing the vision of who we are or what we want, visually or otherwise, in our Facebook page, for example.

3.) Turning the pages of most family albums, which belong to a period well before the digital dissemination of self-created and self-curated moments and images, would reconfirm the basic instinct of documenting our presence in a particular space, on a significant occasion, with others who matter. 

4.) We are empowered to book our faces and act as celebrities within the confinement of our respective friend lists, and communicate our activities, companionship and locations with minimal clicks and touches.

5.) What is unprecedented is not the desire to put out newsfeeds related to the self, but the ease with which this broadcast operation can now be executed, often provoking (un)anticipated responses from beyond’s one’s immediate location.

Q. 31 The five sentences ( labled 1,2,3,4,5 ) given this question, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the proper order for the sentences and key in this sequence of five numbers as your answer.

A. 32145

B. 41523

C. 51432

D. 12543

Question 32

1.) People who study children’s language spend a lot of time watching how babies react to the speech they hear around them.

2.) They make films of adults and babies interacting, and examine them very carefully to see whether the babies show any signs of understanding what the adults say.

3.) They believe that babies begin to react to language from the very moment they are born.

4.) Sometimes the signs are very subtle – slight movements of the baby’s eyes or the head or the hands.

5. ) You’d never notice them if you were sitting with the child, but by watching a recording over and over, you can spot them.

Q. 32 Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out.

A. 3

B. 2

C. 4

D. 5

Q. 33 Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. 

A. Neuroscientists have just begun studying exercise’s impact within the brain cells – on the genes themselves.

B. Even there, in the roots of our biology, they’ve found signs of the body’s influence on the mind.

C. It turns out that moving our muscles produce proteins that travel through the

bloodstream and into the brain, where they play vital roles in the mechanisms of our

highest thought process.

D. In today’s technology-driven, plasma-screened-in world, it’s easy to forget that we are born movers – animals, in fact- because we’ve engineered movement right out of our lives.

E. Its only in the past few years that nueroscientists have begun to describe these factors and how they work , and each new discovery adds awe-inspiring depth to the


Q. 34 Five sentences related to a topic are given below. Four of them can be put together to form a meaningful and coherent short paragraph. Identify the odd one out. 

1. The water that made up ancient lakes and perhaps an ocean was lost.

2. Particles from the Sun collided with molecules in the atmosphere, knocking them into space or giving them an electric charge that caused them to be swept away by the solar wind.

3. Most of the planet’s remaining water is now frozen or buried, but clues over the past decade suggested that some liquid water, a presumed necessity for life, might survive in underground aquifers.

4. Data from NASA’s MAVEN orbiter show that solar storms stripped away most of Mars’s once-thick atmosphere.

5. A recent study reveals how Mars lost much of its early water, while another indicates that some liquid water remains.

A. 1

B. 2

C. 4

D. 5

Questions: 35 – 38

Healthy Bites is a fast food joint serving three items: burgers, fries and ice cream. It has two employees, Anish and Bani who prepare the items ordered by the clients. Preparation time is 10 minutes for a burger and 2 minutes for an order of ice cream. An employee can prepare only one of these items at a time. The fries are prepared in an automatic fryer which can prepare up to 3 portions of fries at a time, and takes 5 minutes irrespective of the number of portions. The fryer does not need an employee to constantly attend to it, and we can ignore the time taken by an employee to start and stop the fryer; thus, an employee can be engaged in preparing other items while the frying is on. However fries cannot be prepared in anticipation of future orders.

Healthy Bites wishes to serve the orders as early as possible. The individual items in any order are served as and when ready; however, the order is considered to be completely served only when all the items of the order are served. The given table shows the orders of three clients and the times at which they placed their orders.

Q. 35 Assume that only one client’s order can be processed at any given point of time. So, Anish or Bani cannot start preparing a new order while a previous order is being prepared. At what time is the order placed by Client 1 completely served?

A. 10:17

B. 10:10

C. 10:15

D. 10:20

Q. 36 Assume that only one client’s order can be processed at any given point of time. So, Anish or Bani cannot start preparing a new order while a previous order is being prepared. At what time is the order placed by Client 3 completely served?

A. 10:35

B. 10:22

C. 10:25

D. 10:17

Q. 37 Suppose the employees are allowed to process multiple orders at a time, but the preferences would be to finish orders of clients who placed their orders earlier. At what time is the order placed by Client 2 completely served?

A. 10:10

B. 10:12

C. 10:15

D. 10:17

Q. 38 Suppose the employees are allowed to process multiple orders at a time, but the preferences would be to finish orders of clients who places their orders earlier. Also assume that the fourth client came in only at 10:35. Between 10:00 and 10:50, for how many minutes is exactly one of the employees idle?

A. 7

B. 10

C. 15

D. 23

Questions: 39 – 42

A study to loo  at the early learning of rural kids was carried out in a number of villages spanning three states, chosen from the North East (NE), the West (W) and the South (S). 50 four-year old kids each were sampled from each of the 150 villages from NE, 250 villages from W and 200 villages from S. It was found that of the 30000 surveyed kids 55% studied in primary schools run by government (G), 37% in private schools (P) while the remaining 8% did not go to school (O). The kids surveyed were further divided into two groups based on whether their mothers dropped out of schools before completing primary education or not. The given table shows the number of kids in different types of schools for mothers who dropped out of school before completing primary education. It is also known that:

1. In S, 60% of the surveyed kids were in G. Moreover, in S, all surveyed kids whose mothers had completed primary education were in school.

2. In NE, among the O kids, 50% had mothers who had dropped out before completing primary education.

3. The number of kids in G in NE was the same as the number of kids in G in W.

G P O Total
NE 4200  500  300 5000
W 4200 1900 1200 7300
S 5100 300 300 5700
Total 13500 2700 1800 18000


Q. 39 What percentage of kids from S were studying in P?

A. 37%

B. 6%

C. 79%

D. 56%

Q. 40 Among the kids in W whose mothers had completely primary education, how many were not in school?

A. 300

B. 1200

C. 1050

D. 1500

Q. 41 In a follow up survey of the same kids two years later, it was found that all the kids were now in school. Of the kids who were not in school earlier, in one region, 25% were in G now, whereas the rest were enrolled in P; in the second region, all such kids were in G now, while in the third region, 50% of such kids had now joined G while the rest had joined P. As a result, in all three regions put together, 50% of the kids who were earlier out of school had joined G. It was also seen that no surveyed kid had changed schools. What number of the surveyed kids now ere in G in W? 

A. 6000

B. 5250

C. 6750

D. 6300

Q. 42  In a follow up survey of the same kids two years later, it was found that all the kids were now in school. Of the kids who were not in school earlier, in one region, 25% were in G now, whereas the rest were enrolled in P; in the second region, all such kids were in G now while in the third region, 50% of such kids had now joined G while the rest had joined P. As a result, in all three regions put together, 50% of the kids who were earlier out of school had joined G. It was also seen that no surveyed kid had changed schools. What percentage of the surveyed kids in S, whose mothers had dropped out before completing promary education, were in G now? 

A. 94.7%

B. 89.5%

C. 93.4%

D. Cannot be determined from the given information

Questions: 43 – 46

Applicants for the doctoral programmes of Ambi Institute of Engineering (AIE) and Bambi Institute of Engineering (BIE) have to appear for a Common Entrance Test (CET). The test has three sections: Physics (P), Chemistry (C), and Maths (M). Among those appearing for CET, those at or above the 80th percentile in at least two sections, and at or above the 90th percentile overall, are selected for Advance Entrance Test (AET) conducted by AIE. AET is used by AIE for final selection. For the 200 candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall based on CET, the following are known about their performance in CET:-

1. No one is below the 80th percentile in all 3 sections.

2. 150 are at or above the 80th percentile in exactly two sections.

3. The number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in P is is the

same as the number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in C. The same is the number of candidates at or above the 80th percentile only in M.

4. Number of candidates below 80th percentile in P : Number of candidates below 80th percentile in C : Number of candidates below 80th percentile in M = 4 : 2 : 1 BIE uses a different process for selection. If any candidate is appearing in the AET by AIE, BIE considers their AET score for final selection provided the candidate is at or above the 80th percentile at P. Any other candidate at or above the 80th percentile in P in CET, but who is not eligible for the AET, is required to appear in a separate test to be conducted by BIE for being considered for final selection. Altogether, there are 400 candidates this year who are at or above the 80th percentile in P. 

Q. 43 What best can be concluded about the number of candidates sitting for the separate test for BIE who were at or above the 90th percentile overall in CET?

A. 3 or 10

B. 10

C. 5

D. 7 or 10

Q. 44 If the number of candidates who are at or above 90th percentile overall and also at or above the 80th percentile in all three sections in CET is actually multiple of 5, what is the number of candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall at or above the 80th percentile in both P and M in CET?

A. 50

B. 60

C. 30

D. 49

Q. 45 If the number of candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall and also at or above the 80th percentile in all three sections in CET is actually multiple of 5, then how many candidates were shortlisted for the AET or AIE?

A. 180

B. 175

C. 170

D. 165

Q. 46 If the number of candidates who are at or above the 90th percentile overall and also at or above the 80th percentile in P in CET, is more than 100, how many candidates had to sit for the separate test for EIE?

A. 299

B. 310

C. 321

D. 330

Questions: 47 – 50

Simple Happiness Index (SHI) of a country is computed on the basis of three parameters: social support (S), freedom to life choices (F) and corruption perception (C). Each of these three parameters is measured on a scale of 0 to 8 (integers only). A country is then categorised based on the total score obtained by summing the scores of all the three parameters, as shown in the given table. (From the bar graph)

Further, the following are known:

1. Amda and Calla jointly have the lowest total score, 7, with identical scores in all

the three parameters.

2. Zooma has a total score of 17.

3. All the three countries, which are categorised as happy, have the highest score

in exactly one parameter.


Total Score 0-4 5-8 9-13 14-19 20-24
Category  Very Unhappy Unhappy Neutral Happy Very Happy

Following diagram depicts the frequency distribution of the scores in S, F and C of 10 countries – Amda, Benga, Calla, Delma, Eppa, Varsa, Wanna, Xanda, Yanga and Zooma:

Q. 47 What is Amda’s score in F?

A. 2

B. 1

C. 4

D. 3

Q. 48 What is Zooma’s score in S?

A. 6

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

Q. 49 Benga and Delma, two countries categorized as happy, are tied with the same total score. What is the maximum score they can have?

A. 14

B. 15

C. 16

D. 17

Q. 50 If Benga scores 16 and Delma scores 15, then what is the maximum number of countries with a score of 13?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. 3

Questions: 51 – 54

There are 21 employees working in a division, out of whom 10 are special-skilled employees (SE) and the remaining are regular-skilled employees (RE). During the next five months, the division has to complete five projects every month. Out of the 25 projects, 5 projects are “challenging”, while the remaining ones are “standard”. Each of the challenging projects has to be completed in different months. Every month, five teams – T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5, work on one project each. T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5 are allotted the challenging project in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth month, respectively. The team assigned the challenging project has one more employee than the rest. In the first month, T1 has one more SE than T2, T2 has one more SE than T3, T3 has one more SE than T4, and T4 has one more SE than T5. Between two successive months, the composition of the teams changes as follows:-

a) The team allotted the challenging project, gets two SE from the team which was allotted the challenging project in the previous month. In exchange, one RE is shifted from the former team to the latter team.

b) After the above exchange, if T1 has any SE and T5 has any RE, then one SE is shifted from T1 to T5, and one RE is shifted from T5 to T1. Also, if T2 has any SE and T4 has any RE, then one SE is shifted from T2 to T4, and one RE is shifted from T4 to T2.

Each standard project has a total of 100 credit points, while each challenging project has 200 credit points. The credit points are equally shared between the employees included in that team.

Q. 51 The number of times in which the composition of team T2 and the number of times in which composition of team T4 remained unchanged in two successive months are: 

A. (2,1)

B. (1,0)

C. (0,0)

D. (1,1)

Q. 52 The number of SE in T1 and T5 for the projects in the third month are, respectively 

A. (0,2)

B. (0,3)

C. (1,2)

D. (1,3)

Q. 53 Which of the following CANNOT be the total credit points earned by any employee from the projects?

A. 140

B. 150

C. 170

D. 200

Q. 54 One of the employees named Aneek scored 185 points. Which of the following CANNOT be true?

A. Aneek worked only in teams T1,T2,T3 and T4

B. Aneek worked only in teams T1,T2,T5 and T4

C. Aneek worked only in teams T5,T2,T3 and T4

D. Aneek worked only in teams T1,T5,T3 and T4

Questions: 55 – 58

In a square layout of size 5 m x 5 m, 25 equal-sized square platforms of different heights are built. The heights (in metres) of individual platforms are as shown in the figure. Individuals (all of same height) are seated on these platforms. We say that individual A can reach an individual B if all the three following conditions are met:-

i) A and B are in the same row or column

ii) A is at a lower height than B

iii) If there is/are any individual(s) between A and B, such individual(s) must be at a height lower than that of A

Thus in the given table, consider the individual seated at height 8 on 3rd row and 2nd column. He can be reached by four individuals. He can be reached by the individual on his left at height 7, by the two individuals on his right at heights of 4 and 6 and by the individual above at height 5. Rows in the layout are numbered from top to bottom and columns are numbered from left to right.

Q. 55 How many individuals in this layout can be reached by just one individual?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 7

D. 8

Q. 56 Which of the following is true for any individual at a platform of height 1 m in this layout? 

A. They can be reached by all the individuals in their own row and column

B. They can be reached by at least 4 individuals

C. They can be reached by at least one individual

D. They cannot be reached by anyone

Q. 57 We can find two individuals who cannot be reached by anyone in

A. the last row

B. the fourth row

C. the fourth column

D. the middle column

Q. 58 Which of the following statements is true about this layout?

A. Each row has an individual who can be reached by 5 or more individuals

B. Each row has an individual who cannot be reached by anyone

C. Each row has at least two individuals who can be reached by an equal number of


D. All individuals at the height of 9 m can be reached by at least 5 individuals

Questions: 59 – 62

A new airlines company is planning to start operations in a country. The company has identified ten different cities which they plan to connect through their network to start with. The flight duration between any pair of cities will be less than one hour. To start operations, the company has to decide on a daily schedule.

The underlying principle that they are working on is the following:-

Any person staying in any of these 10 cities should be able to make a trip to any other city in the morning and should be able to return by the evening of the same day.

Q. 59 If the underlying principle is to be satisfied in such a way that the journey between any two cities can be performed using only direct ( non – stop) flights, then the minimum number of direct flights to be scheduled is:

A. 45

B. 90

C. 180

D. 135

Q. 60 Suppose three of the ten cities are to be developed as hubs. A hub is a city which is connected with every other city by direct flights each way, both in the morning as well as in the evening. The only direct flights which will be scheduled are originating and/or terminating in one of the hubs. Then the minimum number of direct flights that need to be scheduled so that the underlying principle of the airline to serve all the ten cities is met without visiting more than one hub during one trip is:

A. 54

B. 120

C. 96

D. 60

Q. 61 Suppose the 10 cities are divided into 4 distinct groups G1, G2, G3, G4 having 3, 3, 2 and 2 cities respectively and that G1 consists of cities named A, B and C. Further, suppose that direct flights are allowed only between two cities satisfying one of the following: 

1.) Both cities are in G1

2.) Between A and any city in G2

3.) Between B and any city in G3

4.) Between C and any city in G4

Then the minimum no. of direct flights that satisfies the underlying principle of the airline is:

A. 40

B. 30

C. 36

D. 46

Q. 62 Suppose the 10 cities are divided into 4 distinct groups G1, G2, G3, G4 having 3, 3, 2 and 2 cities respectively and that G1 consists of cities named A, B and C. Further, suppose that direct flights are allowed only between two cities satisfying one of the following:

1.) Both cities are in G1

2.) Between A and any city in G2

3.)Between B and any city in G3

4.)Between C and any city in G4 .

However, due to operational difficulties at A, it was later decided that the only flights that would operate at A would be those to and from B. Cities in G2 would have to be assigned to G3 or G4. What would be the maximum reduction in the number of direct flights as compared to the situation before the operational difficulties arose?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Questions: 63 – 66

Four cars need to travel from Akala (A) to Bakala (B). Two routes are available, one via Mamur (M) and the other via Nanur (N). The roads from A to M, and from N to B, are both short and narrow. In each case, one car takes 6 minutes to cover the distance, and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 3 minutes because of congestion. (For example, if two cars drive from A to M, each car takes 9 minutes.) On the road from A to N, one car takes 20 minutes, and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 1 minute. On the road from M to B, one car takes 20 minutes, and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 0.9 minute. The police department orders each car to take a particular route in such a manner that it is not possible for any car to reduce its travel time by not following the order, while the other cars are following the order.

Q. 63 How many cars would be asked to take the route A-N-B, that is Akala-Nanur-Bakula route, by the police department?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Q. 64 If all the cars follow the police order, what is the difference in travel time (in minutes) between a car which takes the route A-N-B and a car that takes the route A-M-B? 

A. 1

B. 0.1

C. 0.2

D. 09

Q. 65 A new one-way road is built from M to N. Possible routes for each car from A to B: A-M-B, AN- B and A-M-N-B. On the road from M to N, one car takes 7 mins and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 1 minute. Assume that any car taking the A-M-N-B routes travels the A-M portion at the same time as the other cars taking the A-M-B route, and the N-B portion at the same time as other cats taking the A-N-B route. How many cars would the police Dept. order to take the A-M-N-N route so that it is not possible for any car to reduce its travel time by not following the order while the other cars follow the order?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Q. 66 A new one-way road is built from M to N. Possible routes for each car from A to B: A-M-B, AN- B and A-M-N-B. On the road from M to N, one car takes 7 mins and each additional car increases the travel time per car by 1 minute. Assume that any car taking the A-M-N-B routes travels the A-M portion at the same time as the other cars taking the A-M-B route, and the N-B portion at the same time as other cats taking the A-N-B route. If all the cars follow the police order, what is minimum travel time from A to B?

A. 26

B. 32

C. 29.9

D. 30

Q. 67 Arun’s present age in years is 40% of Barun’s. In another few years, Arun’s age will be half of Barun’s. By what percentage will Barun’s age increase during this period? 

A. 20

B. 22

C. 18

D. 21

Q. 68 A person can complete a job in 120 days. He works alone on Day 1. On Day 2, he is joined by another person who also can complete the job in exactly 120 days. on Day 3, they are joined by another person of equal efficiency. Like this, everyday a new person with the same efficiency joins the work. How many days are required to complete the job? 

A. 20

B. 15

C. 18

D. 12

Q. 69 An elevator has a weight limit of 630 kg. It is carrying a group of people whom the heaviest weighs 57 kg and the lightest weighs 53 kg. What is the maximum possible number of people in the group?

A. 11

B. 12

C. 10

D. 13

Q. 70 A man leaves his home and walks at a speed of 12 kmph, reaching the railway station in 10 mins after the train had departed. if instead he had walked at a speed of 15 kmph, he would have reached the station in 10 minutes before the train’s departure. The distance (in km) from his home to the railway station is

A. 25

B. 15

C. 22

D. 20

Q. 71 Ravi invests 50% of his monthly savings in fixed deposits. 30% of the rest of his savings is invested in stocks and the rest into Ravi’s savings account. If the total amount deposited by him in the bank (for savings account and fixed deposits) is Rs 59500, then Ravi’s total monthly savings (in Rs) is

A. 56000

B. 63000

C. 60000

D. 70000

Q. 72 If a seller gives a discount of 15% on retail price, she still makes a profit of 2%. Which of the following ensures that she makes a profit of 20%?

A. Give a discount of 5% on retail price

B. Give a discount of 2% on retail price

C. Increase the retail price by 2%

D. Sell at retail price

Q. 73 A man travels by a motor boat down a river to his office and back. With the speed of the river unchanged, if he doubles the speed of his motor boat, then his total travel time gets reduced by 75%. The ratio of the original speed of the motor boat to the speed of the river is:

A. √6 : √2

B. √7 : 2

C. 2√5 : 3

D. 3 : 2

Q. 74 Suppose C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 are five companies. The profits made by C1, C2 and C3 are in the ratio is 9 : 10 : 8 while the profits made by C2, C4 and C5 are in the ratio 18 : 19 : 20. If C5 has made a profit of Rs 19 crore more than C1, then the total profit (in Rs) made by all five companies is

A. 438 crore

B. 435 crore

C. 348 crore

D. 345 crore

Q. 75 The number of girls appearing for an admission test is twice the number of boys. If 30% of the girls and 45% of the boys get admission, the percentage of candidates who do not get admission is

A. 35

B. 50

C. 60

D. 65

Q. 76 A stall sells packets of popcorn and chips in three sizes: large, super and jumbo. The number of large, super and jumbo packets in its stock are in the ratio 7:17:16 and 6:15:14 for chips. If the total number of popcorn packets in its stock is the same as that of chips packets, then the number of jumbo popcorn packets and jumbo chips packets are in the ratio:

A. 1:1

B. 8:7

C. 4:3

D. 6:5

Q. 77 In a market, the price of medium quality mangoes is half that of good mangoes. A shopkeeper buys 80 kg good mangoes and 40 kg medium quality mangoes from the marker and then sells all these at a common price which is 10% less than the price at which he bought the good ones. His overall profit is

A. 6%

B. 8%

C. 10%

D. 12%

Q. 78 If Fatima sells 60 identical toys at a 40% discount on the printed price, then she makes 20% profit. Ten of these toys are destroyed in fire. While selling the rest, how much discount should be given on the printed price to that she can make the same amount of profit? 

A. 30%

B. 25%

C. 24%

D. 28%

Q. 79 If a and b are integers of opposite signs such that (a + 3)^2 : b^2 = 9 : 1 and (a – 1)^2 : (b – 1)^2 = 4 : 1, then the ratio a^2 : b^2 is

A. 9 : 4

B. 81 : 4

C. 1 : 4

D. 25 : 4

Q. 80 A class consists of 20 boys and 50 girls. In the mid-semester examination, the average score of the girls was 5 higher than that of the boys. In the final exam, however, the average score of the girls dropped by 3 while the average score of the entire class increased by 2. The increase in the average score of the boys is

A. 9.5

B. 10

C. 4.5

D. 6

Q. 81 The area of the closed region bounded by the equation | x | + | y | = 2 in the twodimensional plane is:

Note: Π represents pi

A. 4 Π

B. 4

C. 8

D. 2 Π

Q. 82 From a triangle ABC with sides of lengths 40 ft, 25 ft and 35 ft, a triangular portion GBC is cut off where G is the centroid of ABC. The area, in sq ft, of the remaining portion of triangle ABC is

A. 225√3

B. 500 / √3

C. 275 / √3

D. 250 / √3

Q. 83 Let ABC be a right-angled isosceles triangle with hypotenuse BC. Let BQC be a semi-circle, away from A, with diameter BC. Let BPC be an arc of a circle centered at A and lying between BC and BQC. If AB has length 6 cm then the area, in sq cm, of the region enclosed by BPC and BQC is

A. 9π – 18

B. 18

C. 9π

D. 9

Q. 84 A solid metallic cube is melted to form five solid cubes whose volumes are in the ratio 1 : 1 : 8 : 27 : 27. The percentage by which the sum of the surface areas of these five cubes exceeds the surface area of the original cube is nearest to

A. 10

B. 50

C. 60

D. 20

Q. 85 A ball of diameter 4 cm is kept on top of a hollow cylinder standing vertically. The height of the cylinder is 3 cm, while its volume is 9π cm^3. Then the vertical distance, in cm, of the topmost point of the ball from the base of the cylinder is

A. 6

B. 7

C. 8

D. 9

Q. 86 Let ABC be aright-angled triangle with BC as the hypotenuse. Lengths of AB and AC are 15 km and 20 km, respectively. The minimum possible time, in minutes, required to reach the hypotenuse from A at a speed of 30 kmph is

A. 20

B. 22

C. 24

D. 26

Q. 87 Suppose log3 (x) = log12 (y) = a, where x, y are positive numbers. If G is the geometric mean of x and y, and log6 (G) is equal to

A. √a

B. 2a

C. a / 2

D. a

Q. 88 If x + 1 = x^2 and x > 0, then 2 x^4 is

A. 6 + 4√5

B. 3 + 5√5

C. 5 + 3√5

D. 7 + 3√5

Q. 89 The value of log0.008 (√5) + log√3 ( 81) – 7 is equal to

A. 1/3

B. 2/3

C. 5/6

D. 7/6

Q. 90 If 9^(2x-1) – 81^(x-1) = 1944, then x is

A. 3

B. 9/4

C. 4/9

D. 1/3

Q. 91 The number of solutions (x, y, z) to the equation x – y – z = 25, where x, y and z are positive integers such that x <= 40, y <=12 and z <= 12 is

A. 101

B. 99

C. 87

D. 105

Q. 92 For how many integers n, will the inequality (n-5)(n-10) – 3(n-2) <=0 be satisfied?

A. 10

B. 11

C. 12

D. 13

Q. 93 If f1(x) = x^2 + 11x + n and f2(x) = x, then the largest positive integer n for which the equation f1(x) = f2(x) has two distinct real roots, is

A. 20

B. 21

C. 23

D. 24

Q. 94 If a, b, c and d are integers such that a + b + c + d = 30, then the minimum possible value of (a – b)^2 + (a – c)^2 + (a – d)^2 is

A. 1

B. 4

C. 12

D. 2

Q. 95 Let AB, CD, EF, GH and JK be five diameters of a circle with center at O. In how many ways can three points be chosen out of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K and O so as to form a triangle? 

A. 120

B. 160

C. 180

D. 320

Q. 96 The shortest distance of the point (1/2 , 1) from the curve y = | x – 1 | + | x + 1 | is

A. 1

B. 0

C. √2

D. √(3/2)

Q. 97 If the square of the 7th term of an A.P. with positive common difference equals the product of the 3rd and 17th terms, then the ratio of the first term to the common difference is 

A. 2:3

B. 3:2

C. 3:4

D. 4:3

Q. 98 In how many ways can 7 identical erasers be distributed among 4 kids in such a way that each kid gets at least one eraser but nobody gets more than 3 erasers?

A. 16

B. 20

C. 14

D. 15

Q. 99 If f(x) = (5x + 2)/(3x – 5) and g(x) = x^2 – 2x – 1, then the value of g(f(f(3))) is?

A. 2

B. 1/3

C. 6

D. 2/3

Q. 100 Let a1, a2,… a3n be an arithmetic progression with a1 = 3 and a2 = 7. If a1 + a2 +…+ a3n = 1830, then what is the smallest positive integer m such that m(a1 + a2 + … + an ) > 1830?

A. 8

B. 9

C. 10

D. 11

Answer Sheet 
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer B B B C D A A D C C
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer B B C A C B D A C B
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer C C A D C C C A B C
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer A A D A B C A B A A
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer A A A B C A B A B B
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer B A B D C D C C C C
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Answer A D B B B B A B A D
Question 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Answer D D B A D A B D D A
Question 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer C B B B A C D D C B
Question 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Answer B B D D B A A A A B

CAT Previous Year Paper 2016

CAT 2016 Session 1

Question :- 1 – 4

Section I – Verbal Ability:-

Arrange the sentences A, B, C and D to form a logical sequence between sentences 1 and 6.

Q. 1 Amount of published information available varies widely by industry.

A. Unfortunately for the researcher, many industries do not meet these criteria, and there may be little published information available.

B. Generally, the problem the researcher will face in using published data for analysing an economically meaningful industry is that they are too broad or too arranged to fit the industry.

C. However, it is always possible to gain some important information about an industry from published sources and these sources should be aggressively pursued.

D. Larger the industry, the older it is, and the slower the rate of technological change, better is the available published information.


If a researcher starts a searching for data with this reality in mind, the uselessness of broad data will be better recognized and the tendency to give up will be avoided.






Q. 2 1. The main source of power in industrial undertaking is electricity.

A. Electricity from water also requires enormous river valley projects involving huge expenditure.


B. In contrast, electricity from atomic power stations will result in a tremendous saving in expenditure.

C. Besides, the mineral resources of the world required for generation of electricity are being rapidly depleted.

D. But the production of electricity needs huge quantities of coal.

6. The installation of atomic plants will help in meeting the shortage of these resources.






Q. 3 1. Intensity of competition in an industry is neither a matter of coincidence nor bad luck.

A. The collective strength of these forces determines the ultimate profit potential in the industry where profit potential is measured in terms of long run returns on invested capital.

B. Rather, competition in an industry is rooted in its underlying economic structure and goes well beyond the behavior of current competitors.

C. Not all industries have the same potential.

D. The state of competition in an industry depends on five basic competitive forces.

6. They differ fundamentally in their ultimate profit potential as the collective strength of the forces differ.






Q. 4 1. The New Economic Policy comprises the various policy measures and changes introduced since July 1991.

A. There is a common thread running through all these measures.

B. The objective is simple to improve the efficiency of the system.

C. The regulator mechanism involving multitude of controls has fragmented the capacity and reduced competition even in the private sector.


D. The thrust of the new policy is towards creating a more competitive environment as a means to improving the productivity and efficiency of the economy.

6. This is to be achieved by removing the banners and restrictions on the entry and growth of firms.






Questions: 5 – 7

A number of sentences are given below which, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph, Each sentence is labelled with a letter. However, One of the statement is illogically placed. Choose the illogically placed out of sentences from among the five given choices and construct a coherent paragraph from the remaining four sentences.


Q. 5 A. It is turning off the tap.

B. And with no consensus of the exit policy, the government is damned if it supports loss making units and damned if it doesn’t.

C. The private sector did the same in the past because securing legal sanction for closure was virtually impossible.

D. After years of funding the losses of public sector companies, the government is doing the unthinkable.

E. Private sector and public sector companies act in a similar fashion when in crisis.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E


Q. 6 A. Trade protocols were signed, the dollar as the medium of exchange was ignored, trade was denominated in rupees and the exchange rate between the two countries was to be fixed outside the ambit of free markets.

B. A young India, some years after independence fashioning her foreign policy of nonalignment, found it prudent to stay close to the former Soviet Union.


C. Therefore it lead to the escalation of cold war between Soviet Union and the U.S.A.

D. Once upon a time there was a super power named Soviet Union that attracted nations apprehensive of the global aspirations of the other superpower, the U.S.A.

E. One way of doing this was to evolve a bilateral relations in trade that could be called upon provide a buffer against the arm-twisting by the U.S.A.

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E


Q. 7 A. I had heard that sort of thing before.

B. He said that his generation was the first to believe that it had no future.

C. A young American made earthling stopped by my house the other day to talk about some book of mine he had read.


D. He was the son of a Boston man who had died an alcoholic vagrant.

E. Alcohol had a devastating effect on this Boston based American family

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E


Question 8

Evidence has been presented that the unconscious mind, still viewed by many psychological scientists as the shadow of a ‘‘real’’ conscious mind, is identifiably more deliberate, action oriented and complex than its conscious counterpart. Furthermore researchers have proven that the mind is incredibly efficient at extracting meaning from stimuli of which one is not consciously aware. The claims above are made on conclusive experimentations in which test subjects who were allowed to sleep during a decision making process made more optimal decisions when compared to the subjects who were given the exact same amount of information but were not allowed to sleep, leading researchers to believe that rationality comes on the way of making a rational decision. Researchers explain that while the conscious mind can only follow strict rules, unconscious mind can handle and integrate a larger amount of information, explaining why it can make better decisions. Even more surprising than this unconscious mind’s ability is that the mental processes that drive such decision making are necessarily minimal and unsophisticated and do not require humongous amount of calories to make us arrive at the best decision whereas using conscious mind for complex decisions burns up a lot of energy, setting in fatigue, forcing the conscious mind to give up and leading to subconscious decisions. Overall, researchers agree that there is no need to have sleepless night pondering over a complex issue to resolve it when it can actually be solved more efficiently by snoring the night away.


Q. 8 The purpose of the passage is to:

A. highlight the differences among psychologists regarding the importance of the unconscious mind in making complex decisions.

B. contrast and compare the workings of the rationality with that of deliberate, action oriented and complex decision making processes.

C. prove by citing results of experiments that one decision making process is better than the other.

D. show that unconscious mind is not that undependable as previously thought.

E. ascertain that using conscious and unconscious minds together yield second-to-none judgments.


Question 9

French cuisine is highly regarded all over the world. Yet in Paris there are more American restaurants selling burgers and fries (which many people now class as junk food) than there are in any other European capital city. Obviously the French are very fond of junk food, and are not too proud to eat it. 


Q. 9 Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the author’s contention?

A. There are also a larger number of Lebanese restaurants in Paris than there are in

other European capital cities

B. French Cordon Bleu cuisine is very expensive

C. The number of French tourists eating in New York burger restaurants is very low

D. Junk food is actually has high nutritional value when eaten in moderation

E. There are an unusually large number of American tourists in Paris who eat at burger joints


Question 10

In research designed to investigate the possibility of animals developing friendship with other, unrelated, members of their species, a group of 29 chimpanzees were reared together for 15 years. At the end of that time the chimps were presented with two options for obtaining food: press a lever and feed themselves, or press another identical lever and feed themselves, and at the same time deliver food to the chimp next door. (The chimps were able to see each other). The researchers found that the chimps were no more likely to choose the lever that fed a neighbour. The researchers concluded that the chimps had no concept of friendship. However, one critic has suggested that the animals were in an artificial environment from which little can be concluded, and that, at the least, the test ought to have involved the animals being able to touch. 


Q. 10 What role do the parts in boldface play in the argument above?

A. The first is a position that the critic opposes. The second is a position that the critic supports.


B. The first is an observation that supports the researcher’s position. The second is an observation that opposes the researcher’s position.


C. The first is a finding on which the researchers base their conclusion. The second is a suggestion that might cast doubt on that finding.

D. The first is an observation that supports the critic’s conclusion. The second is the critic’s conclusion.


E. The first is part of the evidence that the critic disputes. The second is a suggestion that the researchers do not accept.



Questions: 11 – 16

Reading Comprehension:

A conservation problem equally as important as that of soil erosion is the loss of soil fertility. Most agriculture was originally supported by the natural fertility of the soil; and, in areas in which soils were deep and rich in minerals, farming could be carried on for many years without the return of any nutrients to the soil other than those supplied through the natural breakdown of plant and animal wastes. In river basins, such as that of the Nile, annual flooding deposited a rich layer of silt over the soil, thus restoring its fertility. In areas of active volcanism, such as Hawaii, soil fertility has been renewed by the periodic deposition of volcanic ash. In other areas, however, natural fertility has been quickly exhausted. This is true of most forest soils, particularly those in the humid tropics. Because continued cropping in such areas caused a rapid decline in fertility and therefore in crop yields, fertility could be restored only by abandoning the areas and allowing the natural forest vegetation to return. Over a period of time, the soil surface would be rejuvenated by parent materials, new circulation channels would form deep in the soil, and the deposition of forest debris would restore minerals to the topsoil. Primitive agriculture in such forests was of shifting nature: areas were cleared of trees and the woody material burned to add ash to the soil; after a few years of farming, the plots would be abandoned and new sites cleared. As long as populations were sparse in relation to the area of forestland, such agricultural methods did little harm. They could not, however, support dense populations or produce large quantities of surplus foods. Starting with the most easily depleted soils, which were also the easiest to farm, the practice of using various fertilizers was developed. The earliest fertilizers were organic manures, but later, larger yields were obtained by adding balanced combinations of those nutrients (e.g. potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus and calcium) that crop plants require in greatest quantity. Because high yields are essential, most modern agriculture depends upon the continued addition of chemical fertilizers to the soil. Usually these substances are added in mineral form, but nitrogen is often added as urea, an organic compound. Early in agricultural history, it was found that the practice of growing the same crop year after year in a particular plot of ground not only caused undesirable changes in the physical structure of the soil, but also drained the soil of its nutrients. The practice of crop rotation was discovered to be a useful way to maintain the condition of the soil, and also to prevent the build-up of those insects and other plant pests that are attracted to a particular kind of crop. In rotation systems, a grain crop is often grown the first year, followed by a leafy vegetable crop in the second year, and pasture crop in the third. The last usually contains legumes (e.g. clover, alfalfa), because such plants can restore nitrogen to the soil through the action of bacteria that live in nodules on their roots. In irrigation agriculture, in which water is brought in to supply the needs of crops in an area with insufficient rainfall, a particular soil-management problem that develops is the salinization (concentration of salts) of the surface soil. This most commonly results from inadequate drainage of the irrigated land; because the water cannot flow freely, it evaporates, and the salts dissolved in the water are left on the surface of the soil. Even though the water does not contain a large concentration of dissolved salts, the accumulation over the years can be significant enough to make the soil unsuitable for crop production. Effective drainage solves the problem; in many cases, drainage canals must be constructed, and drainage tiles must be laid beneath the surface of the soil. Drainage also requires the availability of an excess of water to flush the salts from the surface soil. In certain heavy soils with poor drainage, this problem can be quite severe; for example, large areas of formerly irrigated land in the Indus basin, in the Tigris-Euphrates region, in the Nile Basin, and in the Western United States, have been seriously damaged by salinization.




Q. 11 The areas most prone to salinization are

A. those irrigated with well-water.

B. those in which crop rotation is not practiced.

C. sub-tropical forests.

D. flat land irrigated from reservoirs.


Q. 12 The most appropriate title to his passage is

A. Problems of soil erosion

B. Agriculture in Volcanic islands.

C. The importance of chemical fertilizers.

D. Causes of and remedies of soil-infertility.


Q. 13 Natural fertility exhausts most quickly in

A. river valley lands

B. humid tropical forests

C. volcanic areas

D. lands near urban areas


Q. 14 The factor that can restore fertility to the soil not mentioned in the passage is

A. alluvium brought by rivers

B. bacterial action

C. fertilizer fixation through lightning

D. organic manure


Q. 15 Crop rotation helps to

I. increase the farmer’s seasonal income.

II. preserve soil condition.

III. desalinate the soil.

IV. destroy pests

A. I, II, III & IV

B. I, II & IV only.

C. II & IV only

D. II, III & IV only


Q. 16 One of the characteristics of agricultural land in Nile basin is

A. it contains a lot of bacteria.

B. it consists of heavy soil with poor drainage properties.

C. the Nile water contains an excess of salts.

D. it contains nutritive minerals.


Questions: 17 – 21


Scientism has left humanity in our technical mastery of inanimate nature, but improvised us in our quest for an answer to the riddle of the universe and of our existence in it. Scientism has done worse than that with respect to our status as social beings, that is, to our life with our fellow human beings. The quest for the technical mastery of social life, comparable to our mastery over nature, did not find scientism at a loss for an answer: reason suggested that physical nature and social life were fundamentally alike and therefore proposed identical methods for their domination. Since reason in the form of causality reveals itself most plainly in nature, nature became the model for the social world and the natural sciences the image of what the social sciences one day would be. According to scientism, there was only one truth, the truth of science, and by knowing it, humanity would know all. This was, however, a fallacious argument, its universal acceptance initiated an intellectual movement and a political technique which retarded, rather than furthered, human mastery of the social world. The analogy between the natural and social worlds is mistaken for two reasons. On the one hand human action is unable to model the social world with the same degree of technical perfection that is possible in the natural world. On the other hand, the very notion that physical nature is the embodiment of reason from which the analogy between natural and social worlds derives, is invalidated by modern scientific thought itself. Physical nature, as seen by the practitioner of science consists of a multitude of isolated facts over which human action has complete control. We know that water boils at a temperature of 212 degrees Fahrenheit and, by exposing water to this temperature, we can make it boil at will. All practical knowledge of physical nature and all control over it are essentially of the same kind. Scientism proposed that the same kind of knowledge and of control held true for the social world. The search for a single cause, in the social sciences, was but a faithful copy of the method of the physical sciences. Yet in the social sphere, the logical coherence of the natural sciences finds no adequate object and there is no single cause by the creation of which one can create a certain effect at will. Any single cause in the social sphere can entail an indefinite number of different effects, and the same effect can spring from an indefinite number of different effects, and the same effect can spring from an indefinite number of different causes.



Q. 17 The author’s attitude towards the application of scientism to the social sciences is best described as one of

A. committed scrutiny

B. dismissal

C. criticism

D. approval


Q. 18 According to the author, causes and effects in the social world are

A. unrelated to each other

B. difficult to identify or predict.

C. subject to manipulation at will.

D. reducible to a single cause for each effect.


Q. 19 Which of the following statements about scientism is best supported by the passage?

A. Scientism provides the basis for mastery of the social world

B. Scientism is only superficially concerned with cause-and – effect relationships

C. Scientism is poorly suited to explain social behaviour

D. Scientism is no longer applicable to the study of the natural sciences.


Q. 20 As is used in the passage, the term ‘scientism’ can best be defined as

A. belief that the methods of the physical sciences can be applied to all fields of enquiry.

B. faith that human beings can master their own physical limitations.

C. desire to keep the social sciences separate from the physical sciences

D. opinion that scientists must take moral responsibility for their actions


Q. 21 In the passage, the author is most concerned with doing which of the following?

A. Upholding the primacy of reason over superstition

B. Attacking a particular approach to the social sciences

C. Describing a method for achieving control over human social behaviour

D. Demonstration the superiority of the social sciences over the natural sciences


Questions: 22 – 25


From a vantage point in space, an observer could see that the Earth is engaged in a variety of motions. First, there is its rotation on its own axis, causing the alternation of day and night. This rotation, however, is not altogether steady. Primarily because of the moon’s gravitational action, the Earth‘s axis wobbles like that of an ill-spun top. In this motion, called ‘precession’, the North and South Poles each traces out the base of a cone in space, completing a circle every 25,800 years, In addition, as the Sun and the Moon change their positions with respect to the Earth, their changing gravitational effects result in a slight ‘nodding’ of the earth’s axis, called ‘mutation’, which is superimposed on precession. The Earth completes one of these ‘nods’ every 18.6 years. The earth also, of course, revolves around the Sun, in a 6-million mile journey that takes 365.25 days. The shape of this orbit is an ellipse, but it is not the center of the Earth that follows the elliptical path. Earth and Moon behave like an asymmetrical dumb-bell, and it is the center of mass of this dumb-bell that traces the ellipse around the sun. The center of the Earth-Moon mass lies about 3000 miles away from the center of the Earth, and the Earth thus moves in an S-curve that crosses and uncrosses its orbital path. Then too, the Earth accompanies the sun in the sun’s movements: 

first, through its local star cloud, and second, in a great sweep around the hub of its galaxy, the Milky Way that takes 200 million years to complete. 



Q. 22 The passage is most likely directed towards an audience of

A. geologists.

B. astronauts.

C. meteorologists interested in weather prediction.

D. person with little technical knowledge of astronomy.


Q. 23 Which of the following best describes the main subject of the passage?

A. The various types of the Earth’s motions

B. Past changes in the Earth’s position

C. The moon gravitational effect on the earth

D. Oddities of the Earth’s rotation of its axis.


Q. 24 The passage indicates that a single cycle of which of the following motions is completed in the shortest period of time?

A. Mutation.

B. Precession.

C. The Earth’s rotation on its axis.

D. The movement of the dumb-bell formed by the center of mass of Earth-Moon.


Q. 25 Which of the following techniques does the author use in order to make the descriptions of motion clear?

I. Comparison with familiar objects.

II. Reference of geometric forms.

III. Allusions to the works of other authors.

A. I only

B. II only

C. I and II only

D. II and III only


Questions: 26 – 29


The connective tissues are heterogeneous group of tissues derived from the mesenchyme, a meshwork of stellate cells that develop in the middle layer of the early embryo. They have the general function of maintaining the structural integrity of organs, and providing cohesion and internal support for the body as a whole. The connective tissues include several types of fibrous tissue that vary only in their density and cellularity, as well as more specialized variants ranging from adipose tissue through cartilage to bone. The cells that are responsible for the specific function of an organ are referred to as it parenchyma, while the delicate fibrous meshwork that blinds the cells together into functional units, the fibrous partitions or septa that enclose aggregations of functional units, and the dense fibrous capsule that encloses the whole organ, collectively make up its connective-tissue framework, or stroma. Blood vessels, both large and small, course through connective tissues, which is therefore closely associated with the nourishment of tissues and organs throughout the body. All nutrient materials and waste products exchanged between the organs and the blood must traverse perivascular spaces occupied by connective tissue. One of the important functions of the connective – tissue cells is to maintain conditions in the extracellular spaces that favour this exchange. Some organs are suspended from the wall of a body cavity by thin sheets of connective tissues called mesenteries; others are embedded in adipose tissue a form of a connective tissue in which the cells are specialized for the synthesis and storage of energy-rich reserves of fat, or lipid. The entire body is supported from within by a skeleton composed of bone, a type of connective tissue endowed with great resistance to stress owing to its highly ordered, laminated structure and to its hardness, which results from deposition of mineral salts in its fibres and amorphous matrix. The individual bones of the skeleton are held firmly together by ligaments, and muscles are attached to bone by tendons, both of which are examples of dense connective tissue in which many fibre bundles are associated in parallel array to provide great tensile strength. At joints, the articular surfaces of the bones are covered with cartilage, a connective tissue with an abundant intercellular substance that gives it a firm consistency well adopted to permit smooth gliding movements between the opposed surfaces. The synovial membrane, which lines the margins of the joint cavity and lubricates and nourishes the joint surfaces, is also a form of connective tissue.



Q. 26 The passage has most probably been taken from a book on

A. neurology

B. nutrition

C. physiology

D. calisthenics


Q. 27 Mesenteries are

A. adipose tissue in which some organs are embedded.

B. referred to as parenchyma, and are responsible for specific functions of an organ.

C. thin sheets from which some organs are suspended.

D. cells through which blood flows.


Q. 28 Through perivascular spaces exchange takes place between

A. blood and organs.

B. cells and embryo.

C. nutrients and waste products.

D. septa and stroma.


Q. 29 Some instances of connective tissues are

I. Cartilage

II. Stroma

III. Lipid

IV. Synovia

A. I, II, III & IV

B. I, III & IV only

C. I, II, & IV only

D. I and II only


Questions: 30 – 34


Emile Durkheim, the first person to be formally recognized as a sociologist and the most scientific of the pioneers, conducted a study that stands as a research model for sociologists today. His investigation of suicide was, in fact, the first sociological study to use statistics. In suicide (1964, originally published in 1897) Durkheim documented his contention that some aspects of human behaviour – even something as allegedly individualistic as suicide – can be explained without reference to individuals. Like all of Durkheim’s work, suicide must be viewed within the context of his concern for social integration. Durkheim wanted to see if suicide rates within a social entity (for example, a group, organization, or society) are related to the degree to which individuals are socially involved (integrated and regulated). Durkheim describes three types of suicide: egoistic, anomic, and altruistic. Egoistic suicide is promoted when individuals do not have sufficient social ties. Since single (never married) adults, for example, are not heavily involved with the family life, they are more likely to commit suicide than are married adults. Altruistic suicide on the other hand, is more likely to occur when social integration is too strong. The ritual suicide of Hindu widows on their husbands’ funeral pyres is one example. Military personnel, trained to lay down their lives for their country, provide another illustration. Durkheim’s third type of suicide – anomic suicide increases when the social regulation of individuals is disrupted. For example, suicide rates increase during economic depressions. People who suddenly find themselves without a job or without hope of finding one are more prone to kill themselves. Suicides may also increase during period of prosperity. People may loosen their social ties by taking new jobs, moving to new communities, or finding new mates. Using data from the government population reports of several countries (much of it from the French Government Statistical Office), Durkheim found strong support for his line reasoning. Suicide rates were higher among single than married people, among military personnel than civilians, among divorced than married people, and among people involved in nationwide economic crises. It is important to realize that Durkheim’s primary interest was not in the empirical (observations) indicators he used such as suicide rates among military personnel, married people, and so forth. Rather, Durkheim used the following indicators to support several of his contentions: (1) Social behaviour can be explained by social rather than psychological factors; (2) suicide is affected by the degree of integration and regulation within social entities; and (3) Since society can be studied scientifically, sociology is worthy of recognition in the academic world. Durkheim was successful on all three counts. 



Q. 30 In his study of suicide Durkheim’s main purpose was

A. to document that suicide can be explained without reference to the individual.

B. to provide an explanation of the variation in the rate of suicide across societies.

C. to categorize various types of suicides.

D. to document that social behavior can be explained by social rather than psychological factors.


Q. 31 Single adults not heavily involved with family life are more likely to commit suicide. Durkheim categorized this as

A. anomic suicide.

B. altruistic suicide.

C. egoistic suicide.

D. Both (b) and (c)


Q. 32 According to Durkheim, suicide rates within a social entity can be explained in terms of

A. absence of social ties.

B. disruption of social regulation.

C. nature of social integration

D. All of the above.


Q. 33 Basing himself on his own indicators. Durkheim was

A. right on some counts, not others.

B. vindicated on all counts.

C. wrong but did not realize that he was right.

D. substantially correct but formally wrong.


Q. 34 To support his contentions, Durkheim relied on the following indicators

A. social behaviour is explicable predominantly through social factors.

B. suicide is contingent upon the degree of regulation and interaction.

C. recognizing sociology is to acknowledge that society is susceptible to scientific investigation.


D. All of the above.


Questions: 35 – 38

Recently, the answers of a test held nationwide were leaked to a group of unscrupulous people. The investigative agency has arrested the mastermind and nine other people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I in this matter. Interrogating them, the following facts have been obtained regarding their operation. Initially the mastermind obtains the correct answer-key. All the others create their answerkey from one or two people who already possess the same. These people are called his/her “sources”. If the person has two sources, then he/she compares the answer keys obtained from both sources. If the key to a question from both sources is identical, it is copied, otherwise it is left blank. If the person has only one source, he/she copies the source’s answers into his/her copy. Finally, each person compulsorily replaces one of the answers (not a blank one) with a wrong answer in his/her answer key. The paper contained 200 questions; so the investigative agency has ruled out the possibility of two or more of them introducing wrong answers to the same question. The investigative agency has a copy of the correct answer key and has tabulated the following data. These data represent question numbers.



Q. 35 Which one among the following must have two sources?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D


Q. 36 How many people (excluding the mastermind) needed to make answer keys before C could make his answer key?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5


Q. 37 Both G and H were sources to

A. F

B. B

C. I

D. None of the nine


Q. 38 Which of the following statements is true?

A. C introduced the wrong answer to question 27.

B. E introduced the wrong answer to question 46.

C. F introduced the wrong answer to question 14.

D. H introduced the wrong answer to question 46.


Questions: 39 – 42

The table below gives information about four different crops, their different quality categories and the regions where they are cultivated. Based on the information given in the table answer the questions given below 


Q. 39 How many regions produce medium qualities of Crop-1 or Crop-2 and also produce low quality of Crop-3 or Crop-4?

A. R4

B. R9

C. R8

D. R13


Q. 40 Which of the following statements is true?

A. All medium quality Crop-2 producing regions are also high quality Crop-3 producing regions.

B. All high quality Crop-1 producing regions are also medium and low Crop-4 producing regions. 

C. There are exactly five Crop-3 producing regions, which also produce Crop-4 but not Crop-2.

D. Some Crop-3, producing regions produce Crop-1, and high quality Crop-2.


Q. 41 How many low quality Crop-1 producing regions are either high quality Crop-4 producing regions or medium quality Crop-3 producing regions?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4


Q. 42 How many high quality Crop 4 producing regions are there?

A. 3

B. 4

C. 9

D. 11


Questions: 43 – 46

A study was conducted to ascertain the relative importance that employees in five different countries assigned to five different traits in their Chief Executive Officers. The traits were compassion (C), decisiveness (D), negotiation skills (N), public visibility (P), and vision (V). The level of dissimilarity between two countries is the maximum difference in the ranks allotted by the two countries to any of the five traits. The following table indicates the rank order of the five traits for each country.


Q. 43 Three of the following four pairs of countries have identical levels of dissimilarity. Which pair is the odd one out?

A. Malaysia & China

B. China & Thailand

C. Thailand & Japan

D. Japan & Malaysia


Q. 44 Which amongst the following countries is most dissimilar to India?

A. China

B. Japan

C. Malaysia

D. Thailand


Q. 45 Which of the following countries is least dissimilar to India?

A. China

B. Japan

C. Malaysia

D. Thailand


Q. 46 Which of the following pairs of countries are most dissimilar?

A. China & Japan

B. India & China

C. Malaysia & Japan

D. Thailand & Japan


Questions: 47 – 50

Purana and Naya are two brands of kitchen mixer-grinders available in the local market. Purana is an old brand that was introduced in 1990, while Naya was introduced in 1997. For both these brands, 20% of the mixer-grinders bought in a particular year are disposed off as junk exactly two years later. It is known that 10 Purana mixer-grinders were disposed off in 1997. The following figures show the number of Purana and Naya mixer-grinders in operation from 1995 to 2000, as at the end of the year.


Q. 47 How many Naya mixer-grinders were disposed off by the end of 2000?

A. 20

B. 124

C. 50

D. 74


Q. 48 How many Naya mixer-grinders were purchased in 1999?

A. 6

B. 10

C. 16

D. 17


Q. 49 How many Purana mixer-grinders were purchased in 1999?

A. 20

B. 24

C. 30

D. Cannot be determined


Q. 50 How many Purana mixer-grinders were disposed off in 2000?

A. 16

B. 20

C. 24

D. Cannot be determined


Questions: 51 – 54

The year was 2006. All six teams in Pool A of World Cup hockey, play each other exactly once. Each win earns a team three points, a draw earns one point and a loss earns zero points. The two teams with the highest points qualify for the semi-finals. In case of a tie, the team with the highest goal difference (Goal For – Goals Against) qualifies. In the opening match, Spain lost to Germany. After the second round (after each team played two matches), the pool table looked as shown below and no match was a draw. In the third round, Spain played Pakistan, Argentina played Germany, and New Zealand played South Africa. All the third round matches were drawn. The following are some results from the fourth and fifth round matches. (a) Spain won both the fourth and fifth round matches. (b) Both Argentina and Germany won their fifth round matches by 3 goals to 0. (c) Pakistan won both the fourth and fifth round matches by 1 goal to 0.


Q. 51 Which one of the following statements is true about matches played in the first two rounds?

A. Pakistan beat South Africa by 2 goals to 1.

B. Argentina beat Pakistan by 1 goal to 0.

C. Germany beat Pakistan by 2 goals to 1.

D. Germany beat Spain by 2 goals to 1.


Q. 52 Which one of the following statements is true about matches played in the first two rounds?

A. Germany beat New Zealand by 1 goal to 0.

B. Spain beat New Zealand by 4 goals to 0.

C. Spain beat South Africa by 2 goals to 0.

D. Germany beat South Africa by 2 goals to 1.


Q. 53 If Pakistan qualified as one of the two teams from Pool A, which was the other team that qualified?

A. Argentina

B. Germany

C. Spain

D. Cannot be determined


Q. 54 Which team finished at the top of the pool after five rounds of matches?

A. Argentina

B. Germany

C. Spain

D. Cannot be determined


Questions: 55 – 58 

Venkat, a stockbroker, invested a part of his money in the stock of four companies – A, B, C and D. Each of these companies belonged to different industries, viz., Cement, Information Technology (IT), Auto, and Steel, in no particular order. At the time of investment, the price of each stock was Rs.100. Venkat purchased only one stock of each of these companies. He was expecting returns of 20%, 10%, 30%, and 40% from the stock of companies A, B, C and D, respectively. Returns arc defined as the change in the value of the stock after one year, expressed as a percentage of the initial value. During the year, two of these companies announced extraordinarily good results. One of these two companies belonged to the Cement or the IT industry, while the other one belonged to either the Steel or the Auto industry. As a result, the returns on the stocks of these two companies were higher than the initially expected returns. For the company belonging to the Cement or the IT industry with extraordinarily good results, the returns were twice that of the initially expected returns. For the company belonging to the Steel or the Auto industry, the returns on announcement of extraordinarily good results were only one and a half times that of the initially expected returns. For the remaining two companies, which did not announce extraordinarily good results, the returns realized during the year were the same as initially expected.



Q. 55 What is the minimum average return Venkat would have earned during the year?

A. 30%

B. 31.25%

C. 32.5%

D. Cannot be determined


Q. 56 If Venkat earned a 35% return on average during the year, then which of these statements would necessarily be true?

I. Company A belonged either to Auto or to Steel Industry.

II. Company B did not announce extraordinarily good results.

III. Company A announced extraordinarily good results.

IV. Company D did not announce extraordinarily good results.

A. I and II only

B. II and III only

C. I and IV only

D. II and IV only


Q. 57 If Venkat earned a 38.75% return on average during the year, then which of these statement(s) would necessarily be true?

I. Company C belonged either to Auto or to Steel Industry.

II. Company D belonged either to Auto or to Steel Industry.

III. Company A announced extraordinarily good results.

IV. Company B did not announce extraordinarily good results.

A. I and II only

B. II and III only

C. I and IV only

D. II and IV only


Q. 58 If Company C belonged to the Cement or the IT industry and did announce extraordinarily good results, then which of these statement(s) would necessarily be true?

I. Venkat earned not more than 36.25% return on average.

II. Venkat earned not less than 33.75% return on average.

III. If Venkat earned 33.75% return on average, Company A announced extraordinarily good results.

IV. If Venkat earned 33.75% return on average, Company B

A. I and II only

B. II and IV only

C. II and III only

D. III and IV only


Questions: 59 – 62

The year is 2089. Beijing, London, New York, and Paris are in contention lo host the 2096 Olympics. The eventual winner is determined through several rounds of voting by members of the IOC with each member representing a different city. All the four cities in contention are also represented in IOC. In any round of voting, the city receiving the lowest number of votes in that round gets eliminated. The survivor after the last round of voting gets to host the event. A member is allowed to east votes for at most two different cities in all rounds of voting combined. (Hence, a member becomes ineligible to cast a vote in a given round if both the cities (s)he voted for in earlier rounds are out of contention in that round of voting). A member is also ineligible to cast a vote in a round if the city (s)he represents is in contention in that round of voting. As long as the member is eligible, (s)he must vote and vote for only one candidate city in any round of voting. The following incomplete table shows the information on cities that received the maximum and minimum votes in different rounds, the number of votes cast in their favour, and the total votes that were cast in those rounds. It is also known that: All those who voted for London and Paris in round 1, continued to vote for the same cities in subsequent rounds as long as these cities were in contention. 75% of those who voted for Beijing in round 1, voted for Beijing in round 2 as well. Those who voted for New York in round 1, voted either for Beijing or Paris in round 2. The difference in votes cast for the two contending cities in the last round was 1. 50% of those who voted for Beijing in round 1, voted for Paris in round 3. 


Q. 59 What percentage of members from among those who voted for New York in round I, voted for Beijing in round 2?

A. 33.33

B. 50

C. 66067

D. 75


Q. 60 What is the number of votes cast for Paris in round 1?

A. 16

B. 18

C. 22

D. 24


Q. 61 What percentage of members from among those who voted for Beijing in round 2 and were eligible to vote in round 3, voted for London?

A. 33.33

B. 38.10

C. 50

D. 66067


Q. 62 Which of the following statements must be true?

a. IOC member from New York must have voted for Paris in round 2.

b. IOC member from Beijing voted for London in round 3.

A. a

B. b

C. Both

D. None


Questions: 63 – 66

The table below presents the revenue (in million rupees) of four firms in three states. These firms, Honest Ltd., Aggressive Ltd., Truthful Ltd. and Profitable Ltd. are disguised in the table as A, B, C and D, in no particular order. Further, it is known that: In the state of MP, Truthful Ltd. has the highest market share. Aggressive Ltd.’s aggregate revenue differs from Honest Ltd.’s by Rs. 5 million.


Q. 63 What can be said regarding the following two statements?

Statement 1: Profitable Ltd. has the lowest share in MP market.

Statement 2: Honest Ltd.’s total revenue is more than Profitable Ltd.

A. If Statement 1 is true then Statement 2 is necessarily true.

B. If Statement 1 is true then Statement 2 is necessarily false.

C. Both Statement 1 and Statement 2 are true.

D. Neither Statement 1 nor Statement 2 is true.


Q. 64 What can be said regarding the following two statements?

Statement 1: Aggressive Ltd.’s lowest revenues are from MP.

Statement 2: Honest Ltd.’s lowest revenues are from Bihar.

A. If Statement 2 is true then Statement 1 is necessarily false.

B. If Statement 1 is false then Statement 2 is necessarily true.

C. If Statement 1 is true then Statement 2 is necessarily true.

D. None of the above.


Q. 65 What can be said regarding the following two statements?

Statement 1: Honest Ltd. has the highest share in the UP market.

Statement 2: Aggressive Ltd. has the highest share in the Bihar market.

A. Both statements could be true.

B. At least one of the statements must be true.

C. At most one of the statements is true.

D. None of the above


Q. 66 If Profitable Ltd.’s lowest revenue is from UP, then which of the following is true?

A. Truthful Ltd.’s lowest revenues are from MP.

B. Truthful Ltd.’s lowest revenues are from Bihar.

C. Truthful Ltd.’s lowest revenues are from UP.

D. No definite conclusion is possible.


Q. 67 Direction for questions: Answer the questions based on the following information. In a locality, there are five small cities: A, B, C, D and E. The distances of these cities from each other are as follows. AB = 2 km; AC = 2km; AD > 2 km; AE > 3 km; BC = 2 km; BD = 4 km; BE = 3 km; CD = 2 km; CE = 3 km; DE > 3 km. If a ration shop is to be set up within 3 km of each city, how many ration shops will be required?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4


Q. 68 A cube of side 12 cm is painted red on all the faces and then cut into smaller cubes, each of side 3 cm. What is the total number of smaller cubes having none of their faces painted? 

A. 4

B. 8

C. 16

D. 24


Q. 69 If ABCD is a square and BCE is an equilateral triangle, what is the measure of ∠DEC? 

A. 15°

B. 30°

C. 20°

D. 45°


Q. 70 Instead of a metre scale, a cloth merchant uses a 120 cm scale while buying, but uses an 80 cm scale while selling the same cloth. If he offers a discount of 20% on cash payment, what is his overall profit percentage?

A. 20%

B. 25%

C. 40%

D. 15%


Q. 71 From a circular sheet of paper with a radius 20 cm, four circles of radius 5 cm each are cut out. What is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion?

A. 1:3

B. 4:1

C. 3:1

D. 4:3


Q. 72 A wooden box (open at the top) of thickness 0.5 cm, length 21 cm, width 11 cm and height 6 cm is painted on the inside. The expenses of painting are Rs. 70. What is the rate of painting per square centimetres?

A. Re. 0.7

B. Re. 0.5

C. Re. 0.1

D. Re. 0.2


Q. 73 A, S, M and D are functions of x and y, and they are defined as follows.

A(x, y) = x + y; S(x, y) = x – y;

M(x, y) = xy; D(x, y) = x / y , y ≠ 0;

What is the value of M(M(A(M(x, y), S(y, x)), x), A(y, x)) for x = 2, y = 3?

A. 60

B. 140

C. 25

D. 70


Q. 74 The cost of diamond varies directly as the square of its weight. Once, this diamond broke into four pieces with weights in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. When the pieces were sold, the merchant got Rs. 70,000 less. Find the original price of the diamond.

A. Rs. 1.4 lakh

B. Rs. 2 lakh

C. Rs. 1 lakh

D. Rs. 2.1 lakh


Q. 75 If n is any odd number greater than 1, then n(n2 – 1) is

A. divisible by 96 always

B. divisible by 48 always

C. divisible by 24 always

D. None of these


Q. 76 The figure shows a circle of diameter AB and radius 6.5 cm.

If chord CA is 5 cm long, find the area of ΔABC.

A. 78

B. 30

C. 45

D. 75

Q. 77 A watch dealer incurs an expense of Rs. 150 for producing every watch. He also incurs an additional expenditure of Rs. 30,000, which is independent of the number of watches produced. If he is able to sell a watch during the season, he sells it for Rs. 250. If he fails to do so, he has to sell each watch for Rs. 100. If he is able to sell only 1,200 out of 1,500 watches he has made in the season, then he has made a profit of

A. Rs. 90,000

B. Rs. 75,000

C. Rs. 45,000

D. Rs. 60,000


Q. 78 Once I had been to the post office to buy five-rupee, two rupee and one-rupee stamps. I paid the clerk Rs. 20, and since he had no change, he gave me three more one-rupee stamps. If the number of stamps of each type that I had ordered initially was more than one, what was the total number of stamps that I bought?

A. 10

B. 20

C. 16

D. 7


Q. 79 In ΔABC, ∠B is a right angle, AC = 6 cm, and D is the midpoint of AC. The length of BD is 

A. 1.5

B. 2

C. 3

D. 6


Q. 80 A salesman enters the quantity sold and the price into the computer. Both the numbers are two-digit numbers. But, by mistake, both the numbers were entered with their digits interchanged. The total sales value remained the same, i.e. Rs. 1,148, but the inventory reduced by 54. What is the actual price per piece?

A. Rs. 82

B. Rs. 41

C. Rs. 6

D. Rs. 28


Q. 81 In a locality, two-thirds of the people have cable TV, one-fifth have VCR, and one-tenth have both. What is the fraction of people having either cable -TV or VCR?

A. 19/30

B. 2/3

C. 17/30

D. 23/30


Q. 82 Given the quadratic equation x² – (A – 3)x – (A – 2), for what value of A will the sum of the squares of the roots be zero?

A. -2

B. 3

C. 6

D. None


Q. 83 If a₁ = 1 and aₙ₊₁ – 3aₙ + 2 = 4n for every positive integer n, then a₁₀₀ equals

A. 3⁹⁹ – 200

B. 3⁹⁹ + 200

C. 3¹⁰⁰ – 200

D. 3¹⁰⁰ + 200


Q. 84 In a mile race, Akshay can be given a start of 128 m by Bhairav. If Bhairav can give Chinmay a start of 4 m in a 100 m dash, then who out of Akshay and Chinmay will win a race of one and half miles, and what will be the final lead given by the winner to the loser? (One mile is 1,600 m.)

A. Akshay, 1/12 mile

B. Chinmay, 1/32 mile

C. Akshay, 1/24 mile

D. Chinmay, 1/16 mile


Q. 85 Two liquids A and B are in the ratio 5 : 1 in container 1 and 1 : 3 in container 2. In what ratio should the contents of the two containers be mixed so as to obtain a mixture of A and B in the ratio 1 : 1?

A. 2:3

B. 4:3

C. 3:2

D. 3:4


Q. 86 A man travels three-fifths of a distance AB at a speed 3a, and the remaining at a speed 2b. If he goes from B to A and return at a speed 5c in the same time, then

A. 1/a + 1/b = 1/c

B. a + b = c

C. 1/a + 1/b = 2/c

D. None of these


Q. 87 There are five machines A, B C, D and E situated on a straight line at distances of 10 metres, 20 metres, 30 metres, 40 metres and 50 metres respectively from the origin of the line. A robot is stationed at the origin of the line. The robot serves the machines with raw material whenever a machine becomes idle. All the raw material is located at the origin. The robot is in an idle state at the origin at the beginning of a day. As soon as one or more machines become idle, they send messages to the robot-station and the robot starts and serves all the machines from which it received messages. If a message is received at the station while the robot is away from it, the robot takes notice of the message only when it returns to the station. While moving, it serves the machines in the sequence in which they are encountered, and then returns to the origin. If any messages are pending at the station when it returns, it repeats the process again. Otherwise, it remains idle at the origin till the next message(s) is received. Suppose on a certain day, machines A and D have sent the first two messages to the origin at the beginning of the first second, and C has sent a message at the beginning of the 5th second and B at the beginning of the 6th second, and E at the beginning of the 10th second. How much distance in metres has the robot travelled since the beginning of the day, when it notices the message of E? Assume that the speed of movement of the robot is 10 metres per second.

A. 140

B. 80

C. 340

D. 360


Q. 88 Out of two-thirds of the total number of basketball matches, a team has won 17 matches and lost 3 of them. What is the maximum number of matches that the team can lose and still win more than three fourths of the total number of matches, if it is true that no match can end in a tie?

A. 4

B. 2

C. 6

D. 3


Q. 89 What value of x satisfy x²/³ + x¹/³ – 2 ≤ 0?

A. –8 ≤ x ≤ 1

B. –1 ≤ x ≤ 8

C. 1 < x < 8

D. 1 ≤ x ≤ 8

E. –8 ≤ x ≤ 8


Q. 90 The points of intersection of three lines 2X + 3Y – 5 = 0, 5X – 7Y + 2 = 0 and 9X – 5Y – 4= 0 

A. form a triangle

B. are on lines perpendicular to each other

C. are on lines parallel to each other

D. are coincident


Q. 91 A man has 9 friends: 4 boys and 5 girls. In how many ways can he invite them, if there have to be exactly 3 girls in the invitees?

A. 150

B. 160

C. 180

D. 200


Q. 92 In a watch, the minute hand crosses the hour hand for the third time exactly after every 3 hr 18 min and 15 s of watch time. What is the time gained or lost by this watch in one day? 

A. 14 min 10s lost

B. 13 min 50s lost

C. 13 min 20s gained

D. 14 min 40s gained


Q. 93 I sold two watches for Rs. 300 each, one at the loss of 10% and the other at the profit of 10%. What is the percentage of loss(–) or profit(+) that resulted from the transaction? 

A. (+)10

B. (–)1

C. (+)1

D. (–)10


Questions: 94 – 95

A series S1 of five positive integers is such that the third term is half the first term`and the fifth term is 20 more than the first term. In series S2, the nth term defined as the difference between the (n+1) term and the nth term of series S1, is an arithmetic progression with a common difference of 30.



Q. 94 Second term of S2 is

A. 50

B. 60

C. 70

D. None of these


Q. 95 What is the average value of the terms of series S1?

A. 60

B. 70

C. 80

D. None of these


Q. 96 If log₁₀x – log₁₀√x = 2 logₓ10, then a possible value of x is given by

A. 10

B. 1/100

C. 1/1000

D. None of these


Q. 97 What is the sum of all two-digit numbers that give a remainder of 3 when they are divided by 7?

A. 666

B. 676

C. 683

D. 777


Q. 98 There are 12 towns grouped into four zones with three towns per zone. It is intended to connect the towns with telephone lines such that every two towns are connected with three direct lines if they belong to the same zone, and with only one direct line otherwise. How many direct telephone lines are required?

A. 72

B. 90

C. 96

D. 144


Q. 99 If both a and b belong to the set {1, 2, 3, 4}, then the number of equations of the form ax² + bx + 1 = 0 having real roots is

A. 5

B. 7

C. 9

D. 11


Q. 100 If three positive real numbers x, y, z satisfy y – x = z – y and xyz = 4, then what is the minimum possible value of y?

A. 21/3

B. 22/3

C. 21/4

D. 23/4



Answer Sheet 
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer B C A B E C E E C C
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer D D B C C B C B C A
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B D A C C C C A C A
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer C D B D B C D C B C
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer C B C A B C B C D B
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer D B D D A B C B D D
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Answer D A B C C C A B A A
Question 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Answer C C D C C B B A C B
Question 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer B D C D D C A A A D
Question 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Answer B B B D C B B B B B

CAT Previous Year Paper 2015

CAT 2015





34 Questions (1 – 34)



32 Questions (35 – 66)


Quantitative Aptitude

34 Questions (67 – 100)


Questions: 1 – 6

Language is not a cultural artifact that we learn the way we learn to tell time or how the federal government works. Instead, it is a distinct piece of the biological makeup of our brains. Language is a complex, specialized skill, which develops in the child spontaneously, without conscious effort or formal instruction, is deployed without awareness of its underlying logic, is qualitatively the same in every individual, and is distinct from more general abilities to process information or behave intelligently. For these reasons some cognitive researchers have described language as a psychological faculty, a mental organ, a neural system, and a computational module. But I prefer the admittedly quaint term “instinct”. It conveys the idea that people know how to talk in more or less the sense that spiders know how to spin webs. Web-spinning was not invented by some unsung spider genius and does not depend on having had the right education or on having an aptitude for architecture or the construction trades. Rather, spiders spin spider webs because they have spider brains, which give them the urge to spin and the competence to succeed. Although there are differences between webs and words, I will encourage you to see language in this way, for it helps to make sense of the phenomena we will explore. Thinking of language as an instinct inverts the popular wisdom, especially as it has been passed down in the canon of the humanities and social sciences. Language is no more a cultural invention than is upright posture. It is not a manifestation of a general capacity to use symbols: a three-yearold, we shall see, is a grammatical genius, but is quite incompetent at the visual arts, religious iconography, traffic signs, and the other staples of the semiotics curriculum. Though language is a magnificent ability unique to Homo sapiens among living species, it does not call for sequestering the study of humans from the domain of biology, for a magnificent ability unique to a particular living species is far from unique in the animal kingdom. Some kinds of bats home in on flying insects using Doppler sonar. Some kinds of migratory birds navigate thousands of miles by calibrating the positions of the constellations against the time of day and year. In nature’s talent show, we are simply a species of primate with our own act, a knack for communicating information about who did what to whom by modulating the sounds we make when we exhale. Once you begin to look at language not as the ineffable essence of human uniqueness hut as a biological adaptation to communicate information, it is no longer as tempting to see language as an insidious shaper of thought, and, we shall see, it is not. Moreover, seeing language as one of nature’s engineering marvels — an organ with “that perfection of structure and co-adaptation which justly excites our admiration,” in Darwin’s words – gives us a new respect for your ordinary Joe and the much-maligned English language (or any language). The complexity of language, from the researcher’s point of view, is part of our biological birthright; it is not something that parents teach their children or something that must be elaborated in school — as Oscar Wilde said, “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught.” A preschooler’s tacit knowledge of grammar is more sophisticated than the thickest style manual or the most state-of-the-art computer language system, and the same applies to all healthy human beings, even the notorious syntax fracturing professional athlete and the, you know, like, inarticulate teenage skateboarder. Finally, since language is the product of a well engineered biological instinct, we shall see that it is not the nutty barrel of monkeys that entertainer columnists make it out to be.


Q. 1 According to the passage, all of the following stem from popular wisdom on language Except?

A. Language is a cultural artifact.

B. Language is a cultural invention.

C. Language is learnt as we grow.

D. Language is a psychological faculty.


Q. 2 Which of the following can be used as parallel reasoning for the “spiders know how to spin webs” analogy as used by the author?

A. A kitten learning to jump over a wall

B. Bees collecting nectar

C. A donkey carrying a load

D. A horse running a Derby


Q. 3 According to the passage, which of the following is unique to human beings?

A. Ability to use symbols while communicating with one another.

B. Ability to communicate with each other through voice modulation.

C. Ability to communicate information to other members of the species.

D. Ability to use sound as means of communication.


Q. 4 According to the passage, complexity of language cannot be taught by parents or at school to children because

A. children instinctively know language.

B. children learn the language on their own.

C. language is not amenable to teaching.

D. children know language better than their teachers or parents.


Q. 5 Which of the following best summarizes the passage?

A. Language is unique to Homo sapiens.

B. Language is neither learnt nor taught.

C. Language is not a cultural invention or artifact as it is made out.

D. Language is instinctive ability of human beings.


Q. 6 Why author has referred to ‘preschooler’s tacit knowledge of grammar’

A. To prove that Language is unique to Homo sapiens.

B. Used as an analogy for healthy human beings

C. To prove his point that language is not a cultural invention or artifact as it is made out.

D. To compare children instinctively know language.


Questions: 7 – 12

If American policy towards Europe in the postwar years had been a conspicuous success, and towards Asia a disappointing balance between success and failure, it could be said that the most conspicuous thing about relations with Latin America was the absence of any policy. Franklin Roosevelt, to be sure, had launched a “Good Neighbour” policy, but being a good neighbour was, it seemed, a negative rather than a positive affair, a matter of keeping hands off, of making the Monroe Doctrine, in form at least, multilateral. All through the postwar years, the states of Latin America – – Mexico and Chile were partial exceptions – – were in the throes of major economic and social crises. Population was growing faster than in any other part of the globe, without a comparable increase in wealth or productivity; the gap between the poor and the rich was widening; and as the rich and powerful turned to the military for the preservation of order and privilege, the poor turned to revolution. Deeply involved in other quarters of the globe, the United States paid little attention to the fortunes or misfortunes of her neighbours to the south, and when she did intervene, it appeared to be on the side of order and the status quo rather than on the side of reform. So frightened was the United States of “Communism” in Latin America that it preferred military dictatorship to reformers who might drift too far to the “left”, and sustained a Batista in Cuba, a Trujillo in the Dominican Republic, a Peron in Argentina, and a Jimenez in Venezuela. In his last two years, President Eisenhower had tried to mend his Latin American fences. Though rejecting a Brazilian proposal of a Marshall Plan for Latin America, he did take the initiative in setting up an Inter-American development Bank with a capital of one billion dollars, almost half of it supplied by the United States. Other government investments in Latin America ran to some four million dollars, while private investments exceeded nine billion. Yet though to most Americans, all this seemed a form of economic aid, many Latin Americans regarded it as economic imperialism. In September 1960, came a co-operative plan that could not be regarded as other than enlightened: the Act of Bogota, which authorized a grant of half a billion dollars to subsidize not only economic but social and educational progress in Latin America. “We are not saints”, said President Eisenhower when he visited Santiago de Chile, “We know we make mistakes, but our heart is in the right place”. But was it? President Kennedy was confronted by the same dilemma that had perplexed his predecessors. Clearly it was essential to provide a large-scale aid to the countries south of Rio Grande, but should this aid go to bolster up established regimes and thus help maintain status quo, or should it be used to speed up social reforms, even at the risk of revolt? As early as 1958, the then Senator Kennedy had asserted that “the objective of our aid program in Latin America should not be to purchase allies, but to consolidate a free and democratic Western Hemisphere, alleviating those conditions which might foster opportunities for communistic infiltration and uniting our peoples on the basis of constantly increasing living standards”. This conviction that raising the standards of living was the best method of checking Communism now inspired President Kennedy’s bold proposal for the creation of the alliance for progress – – a ten year plan designed to do for Latin America what Marshall Plan had done for Western Europe. It was to be “a peaceful revolution on a hemispheric scale, a vast cooperative effort, unparalleled in magnitude and nobility of purpose, to satisfy the basic needs of the American people for homes, work, land, health and schools. “To achieve this, the United States pleaded an initial grant of one billion dollars, with the promise of additional billions for the future.


Q. 7 Following World War II, which problem was the United States most concerned with regarding Latin America?

A. Economic stability.

B. Political ideology

C. Religious persecution.

D. Military dictatorship.


Q. 8 A key reason why Latin American rejected the Inter-American development Bank was that 

A. it primarily provided money for social reform subsidies.

B. the moneys provided were only for specific performance projects.

C. it constituted an extension of the Marshall Plan into Latin America

D. it was being used as a means to control the economic destiny of Latin America.


Q. 9 Which of the following is most closely associated with the concept of a Marshall Plan for Latin America?

A. The Good Neighbour Policy.

B. The Alliance for Progress.

C. The Act of Bogota.

D. The Monroe Doctrine.


Q. 10 According to the passage, the fundamental change in U.S. foreign policy directed towards Latin America

A. resulted in a deterioration of U.S. Latin American relations.

B. was responsible for Peron remaining as a dictator in Peru.

C. recognized that economic aid alone would prevent social revolutions.

D. provided for increased military and economic aid to prevent the spread of communism in Latin America.


Q. 11 All of the following statements are true, except?

A. Mexico and Chile did not experience the general social crises that are common to the majority of Latin American countries.

B. President Eisenhower continued in practice the theory that economic aid was the best defense against communist incursion into Latin America

C. The Good Neighbour Policy favoured a multilateral interpretation of the Monroe Doctrine.

D. The traditional U.S. approach in Latin America was to protect the status quo.


Q. 12 Which of the inferences can be drawn if everything said in the passage were assumed to be true?

A. Rebellions are fuelled by social reforms and avoided by supporting established authorities or continuing the present state of affairs.

B. The American policy towards Asia can be called an overall success, though small in magnitude.

C. Kennedy, in 1958, wanted America to aid South American countries to acquire more support in their fight against communism

D. Eisenhower rejected the Marshall Plan, whereas Kennedy implemented a similar one.


Questions: 13 – 18

Last fortnight, news of a significant development was tucked away in the inside pages of newspapers. The government finally tabled a bill in Parliament seeking to make primary education a fundamental right. A fortnight earlier, a Delhi-based newspaper had carried a report about a three month interruption in the Delhi Government’s ‘Education for All’ programme. The report made for distressing reading. It said that literacy centres across the city were closed down, volunteers beaten up and enrollment registers burnt. All because the state government had, earlier this year, made participation in the programme mandatory for teachers in government schools. The routine denials were issued and there probably was a wee bit of exaggeration in the report. But it still is a pointer to the enormity of the task at hand. That economic development will be inherently unstable unless it is built on a solid base of education, specially primary education, has been said so often that it is in danger of becoming a platitude. Nor does India’s abysmal record in the field need much reiteration. Nearly 30 million children in the six to ten age group do not go to school — reason enough to make primary education not only compulsory but a fundamental right. But is that the solution? More importantly, will it work? Or will it remain a mere token, like the laws providing for compulsory primary education? It is now widely known that 14 states and four Union Territories have this law on their statute books. Believe it or not, the list actually includes Bihar, Madhya Pradesh (MP) and Rajasthan, where literacy and education levels are miles below the national average. A number of states have not even notified the compulsory education law. This is not to belittle the decision to make education a fundamental right. As a statement of political will, a commitment by the decision-makers, its importance cannot be undervalued. Once this commitment is clear, a lot of other things like resource allocation will naturally fall into place. But the task of universalizing elementary education (UEE) is complicated by various socio-economic and cultural factors which vary from region to region and within regions. If India’s record continues to appall, it is because these intricacies have not been adequately understood by the planners and administrators. The trouble has been that education policy has been designed by grizzled mandarins ensconced in Delhi and is totally out of touch with the ground reality. The key then is to decentralise education planning and implementation. What’s also needed is greater community involvement in the whole process. Only then can school timings be adjusted for convenience, school children given a curriculum they can relate to and teachers made accountable. For proof, one has only to look at the success of the district primary education programme, which was launched in 1994. It has met with a fair degree of success in the 122 districts it covers. Here the village community is involved in all aspects of education — allocating finances to supervising teachers to fixing school timings and developing curriculum and textbooks — through district planning teams. Teachers are also involved in the planning and implementation process and are given small grants to develop teaching and learning material, vastly improving motivational levels. The consequent improvement in the quality of education generates increased demand for education. But for this demand to be generated, quality will first have to be improved. In MP, the village panchayats are responsible for not only constructing and maintaining primary schools but also managing scholarships, besides organising non-formal education. How well this works in practice remains to be seen (though the department claims the schemes are working very well) but the decision to empower panchayats with such powers is itself a significant development. Unfortunately, the Panchayat Raj Act has not been notified in many states. After all, delegating powers to the panchayats is not looked upon too kindly by vested interests. More specifically, by politicians, since decentralization of education administration takes away from them the power of transfer, which they use to grant favors and build up a support base. But if the political leadership can push through the bill to make education a fundamental right, it should also be able to persuade the states to implement the laws on Panchayat Raj. For, UEE cannot be achieved without decentralization. Of course, this will have to be accompanied by proper supervision and adequate training of those involved in the administration of education. But the devolution of powers to the local bodies has to come first. 


Q. 13 None of these problems are plaguing the education system in India Except

A. poverty.

B. diverse cultural and socio-economic factors.

C. male chauvinism.

D. Celebrating festivals


Q. 14 In the context of the passage, the term ‘grizzled mandarins’ means.

A. old hags.

B. decrepit men.

C. ineffective old men.

D. none of these


Q. 15 One of the reasons contributing to India’s poor performance on the education front is that 

A. its leaders do not have the conviction required to improve the education system.

B. male members of society do not want their female counterparts to be educated.

C. administrators in charge of education are out of touch with ground realities.

D. the country does not have the law for implementation of education policies in its statute books.


Q. 16 The only way in which the education system can be improved is by

A. decentralizing education planning and implementation.

B. introducing fresh blood in the planning body.

C. injecting funds into the exchequer solely for the purpose.

D. educating the people on the need for primary education.


Q. 17 Primary education

A. is a fundamental right.

B. will be made a fundamental right.

C. is only for the privileged sections of society.

D. none of these


Q. 18 Education policy cannot be successfully implemented by any of the following Except?

A. greater community involvement.

B. greater community development.

C. greater community awareness.

D. Greater community experience


Questions: 19 – 24

A game of strategy, as currently conceived in game theory, is a situation in which two or more “players” make choices among available alternatives (moves). The totality of choices determines the outcomes of the game, and it is assumed that the rank order of preferences for the outcomes is different for different players. Thus the “interests” of the players are generally in conflict. Whether these interests are diametrically opposed or only partially opposed depends on the type of game. Psychologically, most interesting situations arise when the interests of the players are partly coincident and partly opposed, because then one can postulate not only a conflict among the players but also inner conflicts within the players. Each is torn between a tendency to cooperate, so as to promote the common interests, and a tendency to compete, so as to enhance his own individual interests. Internal conflicts are always psychologically interesting. What we vaguely call “interesting” psychology is in very great measure the psychology of inner conflict. Inner conflict is also held to be an important component of serious literature as distinguished from less serious genres. The classical tragedy, as well as the serious novel reveals the inner conflict of central figures. The superficial adventure story on the other hand, depicts only external conflict; that is, the threats to the person with whom the reader (or viewer) identifies stem in these stories exclusively from external obstacles and from the adversaries who create them. On the most primitive level this sort of external conflict is psychologically empty. In the fisticuffs between the protagonists of good and evil, no psychological problems are involved or, at any rate, none are depicted in juvenile representations of conflict. The detective story, the “adult” analogue of a juvenile adventure tale, has at times been described as a glorification of intellectualized conflict. However, a great deal of the interest in the plots of these stories is sustained by withholding the unraveling of a solution to a problem. The effort of solving the problem is in itself not a conflict if the adversary (the unknown criminal) remains passive, like Nature, whose secrets the scientist supposedly unravels by deduction. If the adversary actively puts obstacles in the detective’s path toward the solution, there is genuine conflict. But the conflict is psychologically interesting only to the extent that it contains irrational components such as a tactical error on the criminal’s part or the detective’s insight into some psychological quirk of the criminal or something of this sort. Conflict conducted in a perfectly rational manner is psychologically no more interesting than a standard Western. For example, Tic-tac-toe, played perfectly by both players, is completely devoid of psychological interest. Chess may be psychologically interesting but only to the extent that it is played not quite rationally. Played completely rationally, chess would not be different from Tic-tac-toe. In short, a pure conflict of interest (what is called a zero-sum game) although it offers a wealth of interesting conceptual problems, is not interesting psychologically, except to the extent that its conduct departs from rational norms.


Q. 19 Find the main idea of the passage?

A. To explain game of strategy

B. To explain detective’s path

C. To explain juvenile representations of conflict

D. none of these


Q. 20 According to the passage, internal conflicts are psychologically more interesting than external conflicts because

A. internal conflicts, rather than external conflicts, form an important component of serious literature as distinguished from less serious genres.

B. only juveniles or very few “adults” actually experience external conflict, while internal conflict is more widely prevalent in society.

C. in situations of internal conflict, individuals experience a dilemma in resolving their own preferences for different outcomes

D. there are no threats to the reader (or viewer) in case of external conflicts.


Q. 21 Which, according to the author, would qualify as interesting psychology?

A. A statistician’s dilemma over choosing the best method to solve an optimization problem.

B. A chess player’s predicament over adopting a defensive strategy against an aggressive opponent.

C. A mountaineer’s choice of the best path to Mt. Everest from the base camp.

D. A finance manager’s quandary over the best way of raising money from the market.


Q. 22 According to the passage, which of the following options about the application of game theory to a conflict-of-interest situation is true?

A. Assuming that the rank order of preferences for options is different for different players.

B. Accepting that the interests of different players are often in conflict.

C. Not assuming that the interests are in complete disagreement.

D. All of the above


Q. 23 The problem solving process of a scientist is different from that of a detective because

A. scientists study inanimate objects, while detectives deal with living criminals or law offenders.

B. scientists study known objects, while detectives have to deal with unknown criminals or law offenders.

C. scientists study phenomena that are not actively altered, while detectives deal with phenomena that have been deliberately influenced to mislead.

D. scientists study psychologically interesting phenomena, while detectives deal with “adult” analogues of juvenile adventure tales.


Q. 24 How Tic-tac-toe as a game is different from Chess?

A. Games like Tic-tac-toe is played in a perfectly rational manner is psychologically no more interesting than chess which is played not quite rationally.

B. Both games are same when it comes to pure conflict of interest.

C. Both games are played psychology of inner conflict

D. Tic-tac-toe is a juvenile adventure tale, while chess at times been described as a glorification of intellectualized conflict.


Question 25

Parents usually do not insist that their children learn to walk by a certain age. Parents feel confident that the children will learn to walk within a reasonable period of time, when their bodies are ready for such an undertaking. Teachers should adopt the same attitude when teaching children in school how to read. If teachers did this, children might learn to read much more quickly and experience less anxiety while doing so.


Q. 25 Which of the following best describes the Essence or structure of the passage?

A. How children learn one kind of activity is described and then this method is recommended for teaching children another kind of activity.

B. Two different views of how children should be taught to read are compared and contrasted.

C. A view of how children should be taught is described and then criticized.

D. Contrasting views of parents and teachers on how quickly children actually learn are described and then analyzed.

E. The amount of time it take for children to learn one kind of activity is described and then used to predict how long it will take them to learn another kind of activity.


Q. 26 The sentences given, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. Sentence 1 and 6 are fixed starting and ending of the paragraph.

1. Amount of published information available varies widely by industry.

A. Unfortunately for the researcher, many industries do not meet these criteria, and there may be little published information available.

B. Generally, the problem the researcher will face in using published data for analyzing an economically meaningful industry is that they are too broad or too arranged to fit the industry.

C. However, it is always possible to gain some important information about an industry from published sources and these sources should be aggressively pursued.

D. Larger the industry, the older it is, and the slower the rate of technological change,

better is the available published information.

6. If a researcher starts a searching for data with this reality in mind, the uselessness of broad data will be better recognized and the tendency to give up will be avoided.





Question 27

Trade protectionism, disguised as concern for the climate, is raising its head. Citing competitiveness concerns, powerful industrialized countries are holding out threats of a levy on imports of energy intensive products from developing countries that refuse to accept their demands. The actual source of protectionist sentiment in the OECD countries is, of course, their current lackluster economic performance, combined with the challenges posed by the rapid economic rise of China and India – in that order.


Q. 27 In the following question a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Type the correct option number in the given space below.

A. Climate change is evoked to bring trade protectionism through the back door.

B. OECD countries are taking refuge in climate change issues to erect trade barriers against these two countries.

C. Climate change concerns have come as a convenient stick to beat the rising trade power of China and India.

D. Defenders of the global economic status quo are posing as climate change champions.

E. Today’s climate change champions are the perpetrators of global economic inequity.


Question 28

Whatever their disadvantage with respect to distributing education tax dollars equally among school districts, in one respect at least, local property taxes are superior to state taxes as a means of funding public schools. Because local property taxes provide public schools with a direct source of revenue, these public schools are relatively free from competition for tax dollars with other government services. School administrators do not have to compete for a share of the state tax dollars, which are already being spent on health, criminal justice, public safety, and transportation. They are not placed in the position of having to argue that school programs must have priority over other public services financed by state taxes.


Q. 28 Which of the following statements best expresses essence of the passage?

A. Education is more important than other government services, such as criminal justice or public safety.

B. The disadvantage of local property taxes is that they do not equally distribute tax dollars spent on education.

C. School administrators are not accustomed to arguing that their programs must have priority over other government services.

D. Financing education with local property taxes has the advantage of eliminating competition for funding between schools and other public services.

E. School administrators must be prepared to justify the funds they spend on education programs.


Question 29

Most people at their first consultation take a furtive look at the surgeon’s hands in the hope of reassurance. Prospective patients look for delicacy, sensitivity, steadiness, perhaps unblemished pallor. On this basis, Henry Perowne loses a number of cases each year. Generally, he knows it’s about to happen before the patient does: the downward glance repeated, the prepared questions beginning to falter, the overemphatic thanks during the retreat to the door. 


Q. 29 In the following question a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

A. Other people do not communicate due to their poor observation.

B. Other patients don’t like what they see but are ignorant of their right to go elsewhere.

C. But Perowne himself is not concerned.’

D. But others will take their place, he thought.

E. These hands are steady enough, but they are large.


Question 30

The sentences given, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph. Sentence 1 and 6 are fixed starting and ending of the paragraph. 


Q. 30 A. Intensity of competition in an industry is neither a matter of coincidence nor bad luck.

A. The collective strength of these forces determines the ultimate profit potential in the industry where profit potential is measured in terms of long run returns on invested capital.

B. Rather, competition in an industry is rooted in its underlying economic structure and goes well beyond the behavior of current competitors.

C. Not all industries have the same potential.

D. The state of competition in an industry depends on five basic competitive forces.

6. They differ fundamentally in their ultimate profit potential as the collective strength of the forces differs.






Question 31

Shakespeare wrote four types of plays: histories, comedies, tragedies, and tragicomedies. Some scholars contend that Shakespeare’s choice of three of these types of dramatic forms reflects his various psychological states. As a young man making a name for himself in London, he wrote comedies. Then, saddened by the death of this son, he turned to tragedies. Finally, seasoned by life’s joys and sorrows, he produced tragicomedies. But a look at the theater scene of his day reveals that Shakespeare was not so much writing out of his heart as into his pocketbook. When comedies were the vogue, he wrote comedies; when tragedies were the rage, he wrote tragedies; and when tragicomedies dominated the stage, he produced tragicomedies.


Q. 31 Which of the following statements best expresses essence of the passage?

A. Examine Shakespeare’s life in light of his dramatic works

B. Contest a theory that attempts to explain why Shakespeare wrote the kinds of plays he did

C. Explain the terms “comedy,” “tragedy,” and “tragicomedy” as they are used in discussions of Shakespeare’s plays

D. Compare Shakespeare’s plays with the works of other dramatists of his day

E. Discuss what is known about Shakespeare’s psychological states


Question 32

The sentences given, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.

Q. 32 A. A few months ago I went to Princeton University to see what the young people who are going to be running our country in a few decades are like.

B. I would go to sleep in my hotel room around midnight each night, and when I awoke, my mailbox would be full of replies—sent at 1:15 a.m., 2:59 a.m., 3:23 a.m.

C.One senior told me that she went to bed around two and woke up each morning at seven; she could afford that much rest because she had learned to supplement her full day of work by studying in her sleep.

D.Faculty members gave me the names of a few dozen articulate students, and I sent them e-mails, inviting them out to lunch or dinner in small groups.

E.As she was falling asleep she would recite a math problem or a paper topic to herself;






Question 33

Mattan cherry is Indian Jewry’s most famous settlement. Its pretty streets of pastel colored houses, connected by first-floor passages and home to the last twelve saree-and-sarong-wearing, white skinned Indian Jews are visited by thousands of tourists each year. Its synagogue, built in 1568, with a floor of blueand- white Chinese tiles, a carpet given by Haile Selassie and the frosty Yaheh selling tickets at the door, stands as an image of religious tolerance. 


Q. 33 In the following question a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.

A. Mattancherry represents, therefore, the perfect picture of peaceful co-existence.

B. India’s Jews have almost never suffered discrimination, except for European colonizers and each other.

C. Jews in India were always tolerant.

D. Religious tolerance has always been only a façade and nothing more.

E. The pretty pastel streets are, thus, very popular with the tourists.


Question 34

The sentences given, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Each sentence is labeled with a letter. Choose the most logical order of sentences from among the given choices to construct a coherent paragraph.


Q. 34 A. Four days later, Infosist announced its own bid for Pep-Software, and invited the firm’s board to a discussion.

B. Furious that his own plans had been endangered, Pep-software’s boss, Chandan Shah, called Infosist’s offer “diabolical”, and its boss, Laxman, a “sociopath”.

C. In early June, Pep-software said that it would buy J.D.Soft, a smaller rival.

D. Moreover, said Mr. Shah, he “could imagine no price nor combination of price and other conditions to recommend accepting the offer.”

E. On June 12th, PepSoftware turned Infosist down.






Questions: 35 – 38

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Purana and Naya are two brands of kitchen mixer-grinders available in the local market. Purana is an old brand that was introduced in 1990, while Naya was introduced in 1997. For both these brands, 20% of the mixer-grinders bought in a particular year are disposed off as junk exactly two years later. It is known that 10 Purana mixer-grinders were disposed off in 1997. The following figures show the number of Purana and Naya mixer-grinders in operation from 1995 to 2000, as at the end of the year. 


Q. 35 How many Naya mixer-grinders were purchased in 1999?

A. 44

B. 50

C. 55

D. 64


Q. 36 How many Naya mixer-grinders were disposed off by the end of 2000?

A. 10

B. 16

C. 22

D. Cannot be determined from the data


Q. 37 How many Purana mixer-grinders were disposed off in 2000?

A. 0

B. 5

C. 6

D. Cannot be determined from the data


Q. 38 How many Purana mixer-grinders were purchased in 1999?

A. 20

B. 23

C. 50

D. Cannot be determined from the data


Questions: 39 – 42

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A study was conduced to ascertain the relative importance that employees in five different countries assigned to five different traits in their Chief Executive Officers. The traits were compassion (C), decisiveness (D), negotiation skills (N), public visibility (P), and vision (V). The level of dissimilarity between two countries is the maximum difference in the ranks allotted by the two countries to any of the five traits. The following table indicates the rank order of the five traits for each country.


Q. 39 Which of the following pairs of countries are most dissimilar?

A. China and Japan

B. India and China

C. Malaysia and Japan

D. Thailand and Japan


Q. 40 Which of the following countries is least dissimilar to India?

A. China

B. Japan

C. Malaysia

D. Thailand


Q. 41 Which amongst the following countries is most dissimilar to India?

A. China

B. Japan

C. Malaysia

D. Thailand


Q. 42 Three of the following four pairs of countries have identical levels of dissimilarity. Which pair is the odd one out?

A. Malaysia and China

B. China and Thailand

C. Thailand and Japan

D. Japan and Malaysia


Questions: 43 – 46

Answer the questions based on the table given below. The table below gives information about four different crops, their different quality, categories and the regions where they are cultivated. Based on the information given in the table answer the questions below.


Q. 43 How many regions produce medium qualities of Crop-1 or Crop-2 and also produce low quality of Crop-3 or Crop-4?

A. zero

B. one

C. two

D. three


Q. 44 Which of the following statements is true?

A. All medium quality Crop-2 producing regions are also high quality Crop-3 producing regions.

B. All high quality Crop-1 producing regions are also medium and low Crop-4 producing regions.

C. There are exactly four Crop-3 producing regions, which also produce Crop-4 but not Crop-2.

D. Some Crop-3 producing regions produce Crop-1, but not high quality Crop-2.


Q. 45 How many low quality Crop-1 producing regions are either high quality Crop-4 producing regions or medium quality Crop-3 producing regions?

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. zero


Q. 46 How many high quality Crop-1 producing regions are low quality Crop-3 producing regions? 

A. one

B. two

C. three

D. zero


Questions: 47 – 50 

Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

In a sports event, six teams (A, B, C, D, E and F) are competing against each other. Matches are scheduled in two stages. Each team plays three matches in stage – I and two matches in Stage – II. No team plays against the same team more than once in the event. No ties are permitted in any of the matches. The observations after the completion of Stage – I and Stage – II are as given below. 


• One team won all the three matches.

• Two teams lost all the matches.

• D lost to A but won against C and F.

• E lost to B but won against C and F.

• B lost at least one match.

• F did not play against the top team of Stage-I.


• The leader of Stage-I lost the next two matches.

• Of the two teams at the bottom after Stage-I, one team won both matches, while

the other lost both matches.

• One more team lost both matches in Stage-II.


Q. 47 The two teams that defeated the leader of Stage-I are:

A. F & D

B. E & F

C. B & D

D. E & D

E. F & D


Q. 48 The only team(s) that won both matches in Stage-II is (are):

A. B

B. E & F

C. A, E & F

D. B, E & F

E. B & F


Q. 49 The teams that won exactly two matches in the event are:

A. A, D & F

B. D & E

C. E & F

D. D, E & F

E. D & F


Q. 50 The team(s) with the most wins in the event is (are):

A. A

B. A & C

C. F

D. E

E. B & E


Questions: 51 – 54

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below: 

Two traders, Harshit and Dhara, were involved in the buying and selling of MCS shares over five trading days. At the beginning of the first day, the MCS share was priced at Rs 100, while at the end of the fifth day it was priced at Rs 110. At the end of each day, the MCS share price either went up by Rs 10, or else, it came down by Rs 10. Both Harshit and Dhara took buying and selling decisions at the end of each trading day. The beginning price of MCS share on a given day was the same as the ending price of the previous day. Harshit and Dhara started with the same number of shares and amount of cash, and had enough of bototh. Below are some additional facts about how Harshit and Dhara traded over the five trading days. Each day if the price went up, Harshit sold 10 shares of MCS at the closing price. On the other hand, each day if the price went down, he bought 10 shares at the closing price. 2 If on any day, the closing price was above Rs 110, then Dhara sold 10 shares of MCS, while if it was below Rs 90, he bought 10 shares, all at the closing price.


Q. 51 If Harshit sold 10 shares of MCS on three consecutive days, while Dhara sold 10 shares only once during the five days, what was the price of MCS at the end of day 3?

A. Rs 90

B. Rs 100

C. Rs 110

D. Rs 120

E. Rs 130


Q. 52 If Harshit ended up with Rs 1300 more cash than Dhara at the end of day 5, what was the price of MCS share at the end of day 4?

A. Rs 90

B. Rs 100

C. Rs 110

D. Rs 120

E. Not uniquely determinable


Q. 53 If Dhara ended up with 20 more shares than Harshit at the end of day 5, what was the price of the share at the end of day 3?

A. Rs 90

B. Rs 100

C. Rs 110

D. Rs 120

E. Rs 130


Q. 54 What could have been the maximum possible increase in combined cash balance of Harshit and Dhara at the end of the fifth day?

A. Rs 3700

B. Rs 4000

C. Rs 4700

D. Rs 5000

E. Rs 6000


Questions: 55 – 58

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below:

Mathematicians are assigned a number called Zohos number (named after the famous mathematician, Paul Zohos). Only Paul Zohos himself has an Zohos number of zero. Any mathematician who has written a research paper with Zohos has an Zohos number of 1. For other mathematicians, the calculation of his/ her Zohos number is illustrated below: Suppose that a mathematician X has co-authored papers with several other mathematicians. From among them, mathematician Y has the smallest Zohos number. Let the Zohos number of Y be y. Then X has an Zohos number of y+1. Hence any mathematician with no co-authorship chain connected to Zohos has an Zohos number of infinity. In a seven day long mini-conference organized in memory of Paul Zohos, a close group of eight mathematicians, call them A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H, discussed some research problems. At the beginning of the conference, A was the only participant who had an infinite Zohos number. Nobody had an Zohos number less than that of F.

1 On the third day of the conference F co-authored a paper jointly with A and C.

This reduced the average Zohos number of the group of eight mathematicians to

3. The Zohos numbers of B, D, E, G and H remained unchanged with the writing of

this paper. Further, no other co-authorship among any three members would have reduced the average Zohos number of the group of eight to as low as 3.

2 At the end of the third day, five members of this group had identical Zohos numbers while the other three had Zohos numbers distinct from each other.

3 On the fifth day, E co-authored a paper with F which reduced the group’s average Zohos number by 0.5. The Zohos numbers of the remaining six were unchanged with the writing of this paper.

4 No other paper was written during the conference.


Q. 55 How many participants in the conference did not change their Zohos number during the conference?


Q. 56 The person having the largest Zohos number at the end of the conference must have had Zohos number (at that time):


Q. 57 How many participants had the same Zohos number at the beginning of the conference? 


Q. 58 The Zohos number of C at the end of the conference was:


Questions: 59 – 62

Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Coach John sat with the score cards of Indian players from the 3 games in a oneday cricket tournament where the same set of players played for India and all the major batsmen got out. John summarized the batting performance through a table, one column for each game. In each column, the three entries communicate the number of runs scored by the three top scores from India. The last row in the table denotes the percentage of the total score that was scored by the top three Indian scorers in that game. No two players score the same number of runs in the same game. John also calculated two batting indices for each player based on his scores in the tournaments; the R-index of a batsman is the difference between his highest and lowest scores in the 3 games while the M-index is the middle number, if his scores are arranged in a non-increasing order.


Q. 59 For how many Indian players is it possible to calculate the exact M-index?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. More than 2


Q. 60 Among the players mentioned, who can have the lowest R-index from the tournament? 

A. Only Kaif, Rahul or Yuvraj

B. Only Kaif or Rahul

C. Only Kaif or Yuvraj

D. Only Kaif


Q. 61 How many players among those listed definitely scored less than Yuvraj in the tournament?

A. 0

B. 1

C. 2

D. More than 2


Q. 62 Which of the players had the best M-index from the tournament?

A. Rahul

B. Saurav

C. Virender

D. Yuvraj


Questions: 63 – 66

Answer the following questions based on the information given below:

For admission to various affiliated colleges, a university conducts a written test with four different sections, each with a maximum of 50 marks. The following table gives the aggregate as well as the sectional cut-off marks fixed by six different colleges affiliated to the university. A student will get admission only if he/she gets marks greater than or equal to the cut-off marks in each of the sections and his/her aggregate marks are at least equal to the aggregate cut-off marks as specified by the college.


Q. 63 Ramaya got calls from all colleges. What could be the minimum aggregate marks obtained by her?


Q. 64 Gauri got calls from two colleges. What could be the minimum marks obtained by him in a section?


Q. 65 Minakshi did not get a call from even a single college. What could be the maximum aggregate marks obtained by him?


Q. 66 What is the maximum score required by a Cetking student in Section D so that student clear all colleges cut-off?


Q. 67 A person who has a certain amount with him goes to market. He can buy 50 oranges or 40 mangoes. He retains 10% of the amount for taxi fares and buys 20 mangoes and of the balance he purchases oranges. Number of oranges he can purchase is 

A. 36

B. 40

C. 15

D. 20


Q. 68 2/5 of the voters promise to vote for P and the rest promised to vote for Q. Of these, on the last day 15% of the voters went back of their promise to vote for P and 25% of voters went back of their promise to vote for Q, and P lost by 2 votes. Then the total number of voters is 


Q. 69 A stockist wants to make some profit by selling sugar. He contemplates about various methods . Which of the following would maximize his profit?

I. Sell sugar at 10% profit.

II. Use 900 g of weight instead of 1 kg.

III. Mix 10% impurities in sugar and selling sugar at cost price.

IV. Increase the price by 5% and reduce weights by 5%.

A. I or III


C. II, III and IV

D. profits are same


Q. 70 For the product n(n + 1)(2n + 1), n ∈ N, which one of the following is not necessarily true? 

A. It is even

B. Divisible by 3

C. Divisible by the sum of the square of first n natural numbers

D. Never divisible by 237


Q. 71 ABCD is a square of area 4 with diagonals AC and BD, dividing square into 4 congruent triangles. Figure looks like four non-over lapping triangles. Then the sum of the perimeters of the triangles is

A. 8(2 + √2)

B. 8(1 + √2)

C. 4(1 + √2)

D. 4(2 + √2)


Q. 72 PQRS is a square. SR is a tangent (at point S) to the circle with centre O and TR = OS. Then the ratio of area of the circle to the area of the square is

A. π/3

B. 11/7

C. 3/π

D. 7/11


Q. 73 From a circular sheet of paper with a radius 20 cm, four circles of radius 5 cm each are cut out. What is the ratio of the uncut to the cut portion?

A. 1 : 3

B. 4 : 1

C. 3 : 1

D. 4 : 3


Q. 74 A wooden box (open at the top) of thickness 0.5 cm, length 21 cm, width 11 cm and height 6 cm is painted on the inside. The expenses of painting are Rs. 70. What is the rate of painting per square centimetres?

A. Re 0.7

B. Re 0.5

C. Re 0.1

D. Re 0.2


Q. 75 The cost of diamond varies directly as the square of its weight. Once, this diamond broke into four pieces with weights in the ratio 1 : 2 : 3 : 4. When the pieces were sold, the merchant got Rs. 70,000 less. Find the original price of the diamond.


Q. 76 The figure shows the rectangle ABCD with a semicircle and a circle inscribed inside in it as shown. What is the ratio of the area of the circle to that of the semicircle?

A. (√2 – 1)² : 1

B. 2(√2 – 1)² : 1

C. (√2 – 1)² : 2

D. none of these


Q. 77 In a mile race, Akshay can be given a start of 128 m by Bhairav. If Bhairav can give Chinmay a start of 4 m in a 100 m dash, then who out of Akshay and Chinmay will win a race of one and half miles, and what will be the final lead given by the winner to the loser? (One mile is 1,600 m.)

A. Akshay, 1/12 mile

B. Chinmay, 1/32 mile

C. Akshay, 1/24 mile

D. Chinmay, 1/16 mile


Q. 78 Two liquids A and B are in the ratio 5 : 1 in container 1 and 1 : 3 in container 2. In what ratio should the contents of the two containers be mixed so as to obtain a mixture of A and B in the ratio 1 : 1?

A. 2 : 3

B. 4 : 3

C. 3 : 2

D. 3 : 4


Q. 79 if x² + y² = 0.1 and |x – y| = 0.2, then |x| + |y| is equal to

A. 0.3

B. 0.4

C. 0.2

D. 0.6


Q. 80 ABCD is a rhombus with the diagonals AC and BD intersecting at the origin on the x-y plane. The equation of the straight line AD is x + y = 1. What is the equation of BC? 

A. x + y = –1

B. x – y = –1

C. x + y = 1

D. none of these


Q. 81 The set of all positive integers is the union of two disjoint subsets: {f(1), f(2), …, f(n), …} and {g(1), g(2), …, g(n), …}, where f(1) < f(2) < … < f(n) …, and g(1) < g(2) < … < g(n) …, and g(n) = f(f(n)) + 1 for all n ≥ 1. What is the value of g(1)?

A. 0

B. 2

C. 1

D. Cannot be determined


Q. 82 For all non-negative integers x and y, f(x, y) is defined as below.

f(0, y) = y + 1 f(x + 1, 0) = f(x, 1) f(x + 1, y + 1) = f(x, f(x + 1, y)).

Then what is the value of f(1, 2)?


Q. 83 In the figure above, AB = BC = CD = DE = EF = FG = GA. Then ∠DAE is approximately.

A. 15°

B. 20°

C. 30°

D. 25°


Q. 84 A water tank has three taps A, B, and C. A fills four buckets in 24 mins, B fills 8 buckets in 1 hour and C fills 2 buckets in 20 minutes. If all the taps are opened together a full tank is emptied in 2 hours. If a bucket can hold 5 litres of water, what is the capacity of the tank in litres?


Q. 85 Shyam went from Delhi to Shimla via Chandigarh by car. The distance from Delhi to Chandigarh is ¾ times the distance from Chandigarh to Shimla. The average speed from Delhi to Chandigarh was half as much again as that from Chandigarh to Shimla. If the average speed for the entire journey was 49 kmph. What was the average speed from Chandigarh to Shimla?

A. 39.2 kmph

B. 63 kmph

C. 42 kmph

D. none of these


Q. 86 Fourth term of an arithmetic progression is 8. What is the sum of the first 7 terms of the arithmetic progression?

A. 7

B. 64

C. 56

D. Cannot be determined


Q. 87 Two towns A and B are 100 km apart. A school is to be built for 100 students of town B and 30 students of Town A. Expenditure on transport is Rs. 1.20 per km per student. If the total expenditure on transport by all 130 students is to be as small as possible, then the school should be built at

A. 33 km from Town A.

B. 33 km from Town B

C. Town A

D. Town B


Q. 88 One man can do as much work in one day as a woman can do in 2 days. A child does one third the work in a day as a woman. If an estate-owner hires 39 pairs of hands, men, women and children in the ratio 6 : 5 : 2 and pays them in all Rs. 1113 at the end of the days work. What must the daily wages of a child be, if the wages are proportional to the amount of work done?

A. Rs.14

B. Rs.5

C. Rs.20

D. Rs.7


Q. 89 Then u₁₀ nearest to


Q. 90 Let x < 0.50, 0 < y < 1, z > 1. Given a set of numbers, the middle number, when they are arranged in ascending order, is called the median. So the median of the numbers x, y, and z would be

A. less than one

B. between 0 and 1

C. greater than 1

D. cannot say


Q. 91 The maximum possible value of y = min (1/2 – 3x² /4, 5x² /4) for the range 0 < x < 1 is 

A. 1/3

B. 1/2

C. 5/27

D. 5/16


Q. 92 Let x < 0, 0 < y < 1, z > 1. Which of the following may be false?

A. (x² – z² ) has to be positive.

B. yz can be less than one.

C. xy can never be zero

D. (y² – z² ) is always negative


Q. 93 A young girl counted in the following way on the fingers of her left hand. She started calling the thumb 1, the index finger 2, middle finger 3, ring finger 4, little finger 5, then reversed direction, calling the ring finger 6, middle finger 7, index finger 8, thumb 9, then back to the index finger for 10, middle finger for 11, and so on. She counted up to 1994. She ended on her.

A. thumb

B. index finger

C. middle finger

D. ring finger


Q. 94 Consider the set S = {1, 2, 3, . . ., 1000}. How many arithmetic progressions can be formed from the elements of S that start with 1 and end with 1000 and have at least 3 elements? 

A. 3

B. 4

C. 6

D. 7


Q. 95 The number of solutions of the equation 2x + y = 40 where both x and y are positive integers and x ≤ y is:


Q. 96 If logᵧx = (a . logzᵧ) = (b . logₓz) = ab, then which of the following pairs of values for (a, b) is not possible?

A. (-2, 1/2)

B. (1, 1)

C. (π, 1/π)

D. (2, 2)


Q. 97 When you reverse the digits of the number 13, the number increases by 18. How many other two digit numbers increase by 18 when their digits are reversed?


Q. 98 Survey was conducted of 100 people to find out whether they had read recent issues of Golmal, a monthly magazine. The summarized information regarding readership in 3 months is given below: Only September: 18; September but not August: 23; September and July: 8; September: 28; July: 48; July and August: 10; None of the three months: 24. What is the number of surveyed people who have read exactly two consecutive issues (out of the three)?

A. 7

B. 9

C. 12

D. 14


Q. 99 Amol was asked to calculate the arithmetic mean of 10 positive integers, each of which had 2 digits. By mistake, he interchanged the 2 digits, say a and b, in one of these 10 integers. As a result, his answer for the arithmetic mean was 1.8 more than what it should have been. Then b – a equals 1


Q. 100 The angle of elevation of the top of a tower 30 m high, from two points on the level ground on its opposite sides are 45 degrees and 60 degrees. What is the distance between the two points?

A. 30

B. 51.96

C. 47.32

D. 81.96



Answer Sheet 
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer D B B A D B B D A C
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer B A B D C A D A D C
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer B B C A A B D D B C
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer B D B C B C D A D A
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer B D B D C B B D E E
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer C B A D 5 7 3 2 C A
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Answer B B 181 25 50 46 D 100 B D
Question 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Answer B A C C 1,00,000 D D D A C
Question 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer B 4 D 240 C C D D 1023 B
Question 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Answer D A B D 13 D 6 B 2 C

REET Latest Objective Questions 2020

REET नवीनतम वस्तुनिश्ठ प्रश्न

प्रश्न 1 सुरक्षा मुद्दों पर ब्रिक्स के उच्च प्रतिनिधियों की 7 वीं बैठक 27-28 जुलाई, 2017 को बीजिंग (चीन) में सम्पन्न हुई, इस बैठक में भारत का प्रतिनिधित्व किसने किया ?

(अ) अजीत डोभाल

(ब) प्रो. यशपाल

(स) नीतिश कुमार

(द) इंदर कुमार

प्रश्न 2 जुलाई 2017 से पूरे भारत में लागू जी एसटी के संदर्भ में जी एसटी परिषद का गठन संविधान के किस अनुच्छेद के तहत किया गया है-

(अ) अनुच्छेद 279

(ब) अनुच्छेद 279 A 

(स) अनुच्छेद 280

(द) अनुच्छेद 281

प्रश्न 3 26 जुलाई, 2017 को करगिल विजय दिवस की कौन – सी वर्षगाठॅ मनाई गई –

(अ) 15 वीं

(ब) 16 वीं

(स) 17 वीं

(द) 18 वीं

प्रश्न 4 केन्द्रीय परिवार व स्वास्थ्य कल्याण मंत्रालय द्वारा 12 जुलाई 2017 को प्रारम्भ की गई राष्ट्रीय सामरिक योजना के तहत कौन – से कार्यक्रम का अनावरण किया गया –

(अ) मलेरिया उन्मूलन कार्यक्रम 2018 – 2020

(ब) मलेरिया उन्मूलन कार्यक्रम 2020 – 2025

(स) मलेरिया उन्मूलन कार्यक्रम 2017 – 2019

(द) मलेरिया उन्मूलन कार्यक्रम 2017 – 2022

प्रश्न 5   6 – 7 जुलाई, 2017 के मध्य ब्रिक्स के स्वास्थ्य मंत्रियों की 7 वीं बैठक कहाँ सम्पन्न हुई –

(अ) तियानजिन

(ब) वियतनाम

(स) सोहम

(द) भोपाल

प्रश्न 6 देश  का सबसे प्रदूषित शहर है ?

(अ) गाज़ियाबाद

(ब) अहमदाबाद

(स) भोपाल

(द) लखनऊ

प्रश्न 7 देश  के सबसे बडे ग्लोबल स्किल पार्क का उदघाटन किया गया –

(अ) मध्य प्रदेश

(ब) उत्तर प्रदेश

(स) गुजरात

(द) भोपाल

प्रश्न 8 राष्ट्रपति  ने ऑनलाइन एजुकेशन पोर्टल लाॅन्च किया है उसका नाम –

(अ) खुद

(ब) अपना

(स) स्वयं

(द) मेरा

प्रश्न 9 शैक्षिक संस्थानों में वंदे मात्रम गायन अनिवार्य किया –

(अ) राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय ने 

(ब) मद्रास उच्च न्यायालय ने

(स) पंजाब उच्च न्यायालय ने

(द) दिल्ली उच्च न्यायालय ने

प्रश्न 10 नव नियुक्त राष्ट्रपति श्री रामनाथ कोविंद, जिन्हें 25 जुलाई 2017 को भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश जे. एस. खेहर ने पद व गोपनीयता की शपथ दिलाई, को राष्ट्रपति चुनाव में कुल कितने प्रतिशत मत प्राप्त हुए थे?

(अ) 65.65%

(ब) 62.65%

(स) 64.65%

(द) 63.65%

प्रश्न 11 23 – 24 नवंबर 2017 के मध्य ‘साइबरस्पेस’ पर वैश्विक सम्मेलन 2017 का आयोजन 

किस स्थान पर किया जाएगा –

(अ) जयपुर

(ब) लखनऊ

(स) नई दिल्ली

(द) भोपाल

प्रश्न 12 राजस्थान में सेतु भारतम् के अंतर्गत 10 रेलवे ओवरब्रिज के लिए चालू वित्तीय वर्ष में कितनी राशि आवंटित की गई है –

(अ) 25.72%

(ब) 25.73%

(स) 25.74%

(द) 25.75%

प्रश्न 13 23- 24 नवंबर 2017 के मध्य ‘साइबरस्पेस’ पर वैश्विक सम्मेलन 2017 का आयोजन किस स्थान पर किया जाएगा-

(अ) जयपुर

(ब) भोपाल

(स) गुजरात

(द) नई दिल्ली

प्रश्न 14  दूरदर्शन पर ‘टर्निग प्वाइंट’ नामक कार्यक्रम के प्रस्तुत कर्ता व विश्वविघालय अनुदान आयोग के पूर्व अध्यक्ष जिनका 25 जुलाई 2017 को निधन हो गया-

(अ) प्रो. यशपाल

(ब) प्रो. यू. आर. राव

(स) इंदर कुमार

(द) सुन्दर सिंह

प्रश्न 15 20 जुलाई 2014 को किस मंत्रालय ने आजीविका ग्रामीण एक्सप्रेस योजना प्रारम्भ करने की घोषणा की –

(अ) मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय

(ब) ग्रामीण विकास मंत्रालय

(स) दोनों

(द) कोई नही

प्रश्न 16  वह प्रसिद्ध अंतरिक्ष वैज्ञानिक एवं इसरो के पूर्व अध्यक्ष, जिनके नेतृत्व में भारत का पहला उपग्रह ‘आर्यभट्’ को प्रक्षेपित किया गया था, का 24 जुलाई 2017 को निधन हो गया –

(अ) प्रो. यशपाल

(ब) प्रो. यू. आर राव

(स) इंदर कुमार

(द) सुन्दर सिंह

प्रश्न 17 फिल्म ‘मासूम’ से अपने करियर की शुरूआत करने वाले जयपुर में जन्मे वह बाॅलीवुड एक्टर जिनका 28 जुलाई 2017 को निधन हो गया –

(अ) पनामागेट मामला

(ब) इंदर कुमार

(स) यशपाल

(द) सुन्दर कुमार

प्रश्न 18 20-23 जुलाई 2017 के मध्य यूनाइटेड वर्ल्ड रेस लिंग द्वारा बैकाॅक मे आयोजित कैडेट एशियाई कुश्ती चैंपियनशिप में भारत ने कुल कितने स्वर्ण पदक जीते –

(अ) दो

(ब) तीन

(स) चार

(द) पाँच

प्रश्न 19 अन्तरराष्ट्रीय मुद्रा कोष  द्वारा 24 जुलाई 2017 को प्रकाशित ‘विश्व आर्थिक दृष्टिकोण अद्यतन’, जुलाई 2017 के अनुसार , वर्ष 2017 व वर्ष 2018 के लिए भारत की वृद्धि दर क्रमषः कितने प्रतिशत आकलित की गई है ?

(अ) 7.2% व 7.5%

(ब) 7.2% व 7.4%

(स) 7.2% व 7.7%

(द) 7.2% व 7.8%

प्रश्न 20 भारतीय मूल की किस कनाडियन यूट्यूब पर्सनलिटी को संयुक्त राष्ट्र बाल कोष (यूनिसेफ़) ने 15 जुलाई 2017 को अपना ग्लोबल गुडविल एम्बेसडर नियुक्त किया है ?

(अ) अजीत डोभाल

(ब) लिलीसिंह

(स) सुन्दर सिंह

(द) लार्सेन सी

प्रश्न 21 धीरूभाई अंबानी एयरोस्पेस पार्क कहा विकसित किया जाएगा –

(अ) कानपुर

(ब) नागपुर

(स) जबलपुर

(द) उदयपुर

प्रश्न 22 देश  का अपनी तरह का पहला दो दिवसीय एजुकेशन फ़ेस्टिवल 5-6 अगस्त 2017 को आयोजित किया गया-

(अ) अजमेर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) उदयपुर

(द) कोटा

प्रश्न 23 पहला राष्ट्रीय आयुर्वेद युवा महोत्सव का आयोजन किया गया –

(अ) अजमेर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) कोटा

(द) उदयपुर

प्रश्न 24 भारत के 21 वें मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त नियुक्त किया गया –

(अ) अचल कुमार जोति  

(ब) नसीम जैदी

(स) रविश  कुमार

(द) वेणुगोपाल

प्रश्न 25  भारत के नए अटार्नी जनरल नियुक्त किया गया –

(अ) रविश कुमार

(ब) के. के वेणुगोपाल

(स) मुकुल रोहतगी

(द) सुकुमार सेन

प्रश्न 26 देश  का पहला ‘लेडीज स्पेशल’ रेंलवे स्टेशन कौनसा है?

(अ) माटुंगा

(ब) आशियाना

(स) नातूना

(द) कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 27 विश्व युवा कौशल दिवस मनाया जाता है ?

(अ) 5 जुलाई

(ब) 10 जुलाई

(स) 15 जुलाई

(द) 20 जुलाई

प्रश्न 28 विश्व जनसंख्या दिवस मनाया जाता है ?

(अ) 10 जुलाई

(ब) 11 जुलाई

(स) 12 जुलाई

(द) 22 जुलाई

प्रश्न 29 मैत्री का अन्तरराष्ट्रीय दिवस मनाया जाता है ?

(अ) 28 जुलाई

(ब) 30 जुलाई

(स) 26 जुलाई

(द) 28 जुलाई

प्रश्न 30 23 जुलाई, 2017 को खेल गए महिलाओं के आईसीसी विश्व कप 2017 के फाइनल में इंग्लैंड ने भारत को कितने रन से पराजित कर यह खिताब अपने नाम किया ?

(अ) 23 रन

(ब) 11 रन

(स) 9 रन

(द) 19 रन

प्रश्न 31 3 जुलाई, 2017 को बांग्लादेश के उच्चतम न्यायालय ने न्यायाधीशों पर महाभियोग चलाने के लिए संसद को अधिकार प्रदान करने वाले संविधान संशोधन को अमान्य कर दिया। इस उच्चतम न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश कौन है ?

(अ) अली अहमद

(ब) सुरेन्द्र कुमार सिन्हा

(स) बख्तियार चौधरी

(द) इक़बाल महबूब आलम 

प्रश्न 32 21 जुलाई , 2017 को लोकसभा में पारित निः शुल्क व अनिवार्य शिक्षा (संशोधन) विधेयक 2017 के अनुसार किस तिथि तक सभी कार्यरत शिक्षकों को अनिवार्य न्यूनतम प्राप्त करनी होगी ?

(अ) 31 मार्च 2019

(ब) 31 मार्च 202

(स) 31 जुलाई 2020

(द) 31 दिसम्बर 2019

प्रश्न 33 3-17 जुलाई 2017 के मध्य किन देशों की सेनाओं के मध्य संयुक्त सैन्य अभ्यास ’मैत्री 2017‘ का आयोजन किया गया –

(अ) भारत व इंडोनेशिया

(ब) भारत व थाइलैंड

(स) भारत व श्रीलंका

(द) भारत

प्रश्न 34 नेवर इन आर्म्स: ऐन अमेरिकन सीनेट से केस्ट फाॅर डिसआर्मामेण्ड इन अ न्यूक्लियर सबकंटीनेट के लेखक कौन है, जिन्होनें चीन से मुकाबले के लिए अमेरिका भारत के सुपर – एलायस निर्माण का सुझाव किया है ?

(अ) राॅबिन हटिंगटन

(ब) लैरी प्रैसलर

(स) स्टीफन किंग

(द) सिडनी सेल्डाॅन

प्रश्न 35 8 जुलाई 2017 को सरकार ने नवाचार व बौद्धिक सम्पदा के प्रति जागरूकता बढाने के 

लिए कितने वर्षीय स्कीम के तहत रु 29.7 करोड व्यय करने का आकलन किया है ?

(अ) द्वि – वर्षीय

(ब) त्रिवर्शीय

(स) चतुवर्शीय

(द) पंचवर्शीय

प्रश्न 36  केन्द्रीय रेल मंत्री सुरेश प्रभु ने 14 जुलाई 2017 को देश  की पहली सौर ऊर्जा पैनी युक्त डीईएमयू ट्रेन का उदघाटन किया –

(अ) गाॅधीनगर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) नई दिल्ली

(द) मुम्बई

प्रश्न 37 ब्रिटेन की कैम्ब्रिज यूनिवर्सिटी के शोधकर्ताओं द्वारा खोजे गए अब तक के सबसे छोटे तारे को क्या नाम दिया गया है –

(अ) Lusbag – 505

(ब) Camss 57, AB 

(स) EBLMJ0555-57 AB

(द) JLEM  55 AV – 0555

प्रश्न 38 चुम्बी घाटी के दक्षिण में स्थित भारत – जीच भूटान का वह संधि स्थल कौन – सा है जो कि वर्तमान में चीन – भारत सीमा विवाद का ज्वलंत विषय बना हुआ है ?

(अ) डोकलम

(ब) गेलेफू

(स) जोगंखार

(द) फुएनत्षोलिंग

प्रश्न 39 निम्र में से किसने देश  के सबसे बडे स्टाॅक एक्सचेंज – नेशलन स्टाॅक एक्सचेंज के नए प्रबंध निदेशक तथा मुख्य कार्यकारी का पद 17 जुलाई 2017 को सॅभालं लिया –

(अ) चित्रा रामकृष्णा

(ब) विक्रम लिमाए

(स) एस. बी. के . घोष

(द) ललित विक्रम सिंधे

प्रश्न 40 फॅार्चुन पत्रिका द्वारा जारी वर्ष 2017 के लिए विश्व की 500 सबसे बडी कंपनियों की सूची 2017 फॅार्चून ग्लोब 500 में किस कम्पनी को सर्वोच्च स्थान दिया गया है?

(अ) वालमार्ट

(ब) एप्पल

(स) माइक्रोसाॅफ्ट

(द) राॅयल

प्रश्न 41 नेशनल काउसिंल फाॅर एप्लाइड इकोनाॅमिक रिसर्च द्वारा जुलाई 2017 में जारी अध्ययन रिपोर्ट के अनुसार भारत का कौन – सा राज्य व्यवसाय की दृष्टि से सबसे अधिक प्रतिस्पर्धा राज्य है ?

(अ) महाराष्ट्र

(ब) कर्नाटक

(स) गुजरात

(द) आंध्रप्रदेश

प्रश्न 42 14 – 23 जुलाई 2017 के मध्य लंदन में आयोजित विश्व पैरा स्थलेटिक्स चैंपियनशिप 2017 में भारत के किस खिलाड़ी ने भाला फेंक प्रतियोगिता के पुरूष वर्ग में 15 जुलाई 2017 को स्वर्ण पदक जीता –

(अ) सुंदर सिंह गुर्जर

(ब) लिलीसिंह

(स) इंदर कुमार

(द) यशपाल

प्रश्न 43 सर्वोच्च न्यायालय ने 27 जुलाई 2017 को अपने निर्णय में केन्द्र सरकार को प्रत्येक जिले में कौनसी समिति के गठन के निर्देश जारी किए है, जो कि आईपीसी 498 A  (दहेज़ उत्पीडन) से जुडी शिकायतों को देख सकें –

(अ) वेलफेयर फैमिली कमेटी

(ब) फैमिली वेलफेयर कमेटी

(स) कमेटी वेलफेयर

(द) फैमिली कमेटी 

प्रश्न 44 वह प्रसिद्ध अंतरिक्ष वैज्ञानिक एवं इसरो के पूर्व अध्यक्ष, जिनके नेतृत्व में भारत का पहला उपग्रह ‘आर्यभट्’ को प्रक्षेपित किया गया था, का 24 जुलाई 2017 को निधन हो गया –

(अ) प्रो. यशपाल

(ब) प्रो. यू. आर. राव

(स) प्रो. सुन्दर सिंह

(द) प्रो. रमेश कुमार

प्रश्न 45 सिंगापुर स्थित तकनीकी शिक्षा और शिक्षा सेवा संस्थान के सहयोग से बनाए जा रहे देश के सबसे बडे ग्लोबल स्किल पार्क की आधारशिला 3 जुलाई 2017 को कहाँ पर रखी गई ?

(अ) जयपुर

(ब) लखनऊ

(स) भोपाल

(द) नई दिल्ली

प्रश्न 46 भारत तथा भूटान के मध्य की वह संधि जो कि भारत व भूटान की सेना को सयुंक्त रूप से डोकलाम क्षेत्र में चीनी सेना द्वारा सडक निर्माण से रोकने का अधिकार प्रदान करती है ?

(अ) भारत भूटान मैत्री संधि – 2005

(ब) भारत भूटान मैत्री संधी – 2006

(स) भारत भूटान मैत्री संधि – 2007

(द) भारत भूटान मैत्री संधि – 2008

प्रश्न 47 इंटरनेशनल टेलीकम्युनिकेशन यूनियन द्वारा 5 जुलाई 2017 को जारी 165 देशों की वैश्विक साइबर सिक्योरिटी इंडेक्स 2017 में साइबर सुरक्षा प्रतिबद्धता के लिए गए कार्यों हेतु भारत को कौन – सा स्थान दिया गया है ?

(अ) 20 वाँ

(ब) 21 वाँ

(स) 22 वाँ

(द) 23 वाँ

प्रश्न 48 भारत व बांग्लादेश ने जुलाई 2017 में व्यापार सुविधा को और अधिक बेहतर बनाने के लिए किस नदी पर पुल निर्माण करने का निर्णय लिया –

(अ) कर्नावुली

(ब) कर्नापुली

(स) कर्नामुली

(द) कर्नासुली

प्रश्न 49 वह फ्लोवर फार्म जिसका अवलोकन प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने अपनी इजरायल यात्रा के दौरान 4 जुलाई 2017 को किया –

(अ) दांजिगेर फ्लावर फार्म

(ब) राॅयल फ्लावर फार्म

(स) इंडियन फ्लावर फार्म

(द) जियाओवो फ्लावर फार्म

प्रश्न 50 वह अंतरिक्ष यान जिसने 12 जुलाई 2017 को बृहस्पति ग्रह को ग्रेट रेट स्पाॅट के  ऊपर से उडान भरकर वहाँ के विशाल तूफान को देखा –

(अ) बूनो

(ब) जूनो

(स) कुना

(द) दूनो

प्रश्न 51 राजस्व मंडल का अध्यक्ष मनोनीत किया गया है ?

(अ) ओमप्रकाश सैनी

(ब) अशोक शेखर

(स) अशोक लाहोटी

(द) अशरफ अली 

प्रश्न 52 राज्य के मुख्य निर्वाचन अधिकारी कौन बने है ?

(अ) कैलाश चौधरी

(ब) अरुण चतुर्वेदी 

(स) नारायण पंचारिया

(द) अश्वनी अली 

प्रश्न 53 वर्तमान में जयपुर पुलिस कमिश्नर पर पर कार्यरत है –

(अ) संजय अग्रवाल

(ब) अशोक लाहोटी

(स) ओम प्रकाश सैनी

(द) अशरफ अली 

प्रश्न 54 राजस्थान विधानसभा का उपाध्यक्ष बनाया गया है –

(अ) राव राजेन्द्र

(ब) राजीव महर्षि 

(स) ज्योति किरण

(द) कल्याण सिंह

प्रश्न 55 देश का पहला रेलवे स्टेशन जो पूर्ण रूप से (100 %) कैशलेस हो गया है –

(अ) उदयपुर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) लखनऊ

(द) नई दिल्ली

प्रश्न 56 प्रदेश के किस जिले में तीसरा हाॅकी एस्ट्रोटर्फ तैयार होगा –

(अ) जयपुर

(ब) उदयपुर

(स) कोटा

(द) जोधपुर

प्रश्न 57 राज्य का पहला अस्पताल जिसे ‘क्वालिटी एष्योरेंस सर्टिफ़िकेट’ से नवाजा गया है ?

(अ) सवाई मानसिंह अस्पताल

(ब) आर. के. जिला अस्पताल

(स) सेठ किशन  लाल अस्पताल

(द) यू. आर. जिला अस्पताल

प्रश्न 58 प्रदेश के किस स्थान पर एशिया का पहला टेलीस्कोप लगने जा रहा है जो अंतरिक्ष जंक पर नजर रखेगा –

(अ) नसीराबाद

(ब) मंडोर

(स) देवली

(द) माउंट आबू

प्रश्न 59 राज्य के कौन से जिले खुले में षौच से पूर्ण मुक्त होने के लिए पुरस्कृत किए गए है ?

(अ) अजमेर व जयपुर

(ब) बीकानेर व अजमेर

(स) अजमेर व नागौर

(द) जयपुर व जोधपुर

प्रश्न 60 प्रदेश का पहला ‘एयरोट्रोपोलिस’ एयरपोर्ट कहाँ बनेगा –

(अ) नीमराना

(ब) बालदिया

(स) कोटकासिम

(द) पल्लू

प्रश्न 61 राज्य का पहला शराब मुक्त गाँव बना है ?

(अ) काछबली

(ब) रामगंज मंडी

(स) ढिढोल

(द) भिवाडी

प्रश्न 62 राज्य की किस झील को प्रदेश का पहला वेट लैण्ड बनाया जाएगा ?

(अ) पिछोला झील

(ब) उदयसागर झील

(स) सांभर झील

(द) डिडवाना झील

प्रश्न 63 राज्य का पहला पैट्रो इंजीनियरिंग काॅलेज कहाँ खोला जाएगा ?

(अ) जोधपुर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) बाड़मेर

(द) जैसलमेर

प्रश्न 64 प्रदेश का पहला गौ अभ्यारण्य कहाँ बनेगा 

(अ) अजमेर

(ब) कोटा

(स) उदयपुर

(द) बीकानेर

प्रश्न 65 सौर ऊर्जा उत्पादन में देश  में अव्वल राज्य कौन – सा है-

(अ) गुजरात

(ब) पंजाब

(स) राजस्थान

(द) नई दिल्ली

प्रश्न  66 प्रदेश की सबसे लंबी टनल किस राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग पर प्रारम्भ की गई है ?

(अ) NH-8 पर

(ब) NH-12 पर

(स) NH-15 पर

(द) NH-5 पर

प्रश्न 67 राज्य के किस स्थान पर दिल्ली की तर्ज पर कृषि म्यूजियम बनाया जाएगा –

(अ) अजमेर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) कोटा

(द) उदयपुर

प्रश्न 68 केन्द्र सरकार की ‘बेटी बचाओ – बेटी पढाओं योजना’ राज्य के कितने जिलों में पहले चरण में लागू की गई ?

(अ) 5 जिलों में

(ब) 10 जिलों में 

(स) 15 जिलों में

(द) 20 जिलों में 

प्रश्न 69 देश की पहली गोमूत्र रिफ़ाइनरी का उदघाटन कहाँ किया गया –

(अ) पथमेडा

(ब) गिलोठ

(स) भिवाडी

(द) सूरतगढ

प्रश्न 70 राज्य में पहली बार किस जिले में नहर पर सौर ऊर्जा संयंत्र लगाया जा रहा है ?

(अ) हनुमानगढ

(ब) बीकानेर

(स) उदयपुर

(द) बाड़मेर

प्रश्न 71 राज्य सरकार द्वारा केन्द्रीय योजनाओं की कितने फीसदी राशि अपनी इच्छा से खर्च किया जा सकेगा –

(अ) 05 फीसदी

(ब) 10 फीसदी

(स) 15 फीसदी

(द) 25 फीसदी

प्रश्न 72 ब्रिक्स देशों के आपदा प्रबंधन मंत्रियों का द्वितीय सम्मेलन कहाँ सम्पन्न हुआ –

(अ) जयपुर

(ब) उदयपुर

(स) लखनऊ

(द) भोपाल

प्रश्न 73 पर्यटन मंत्रालय ने कृष्ण सर्किट के तहत निम्न में से किस मंदिर का शामिल नहीं किया 

गया –

(अ) श्रीनाथ जी

(ब) गोंविद देवजी

(स) चरण मंदिर

(द) रामदेव जी

प्रश्न 74 नदियों को जोड़ने का कानून लागू करने वाला देश का पहला राज्य है ?

(अ) गुजरात

(ब) मध्य प्रदेश

(स) राजस्थान

(द) नई दिल्ली

प्रश्न 75 प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी की महत्वाकांक्षी योजना ‘बेटी बचाओ, बेटी पढाओ’ की शुरूआत कहा से हुई –

(अ) श्री गंगा नगर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) दौसा

(द) अलवर

प्रश्न 76 राजस्थान में सोलर पाॅवर के क्षेत्र मे बढती संभावनाओं को देखते हुए एस्सेल समूह ने कितना निवेश रखने का करार किया है –

(अ) 2000 करोड

(ब) 3000 करोड

(स) 4000 करोड

(द) 5000 करोड

प्रश्न 77 केन्द्र सरकार ने देशभर में प्रतिदिन की न्यूनतम मजदूरी कितनी तय की है ?

(अ) 250

(ब) 300

(स) 350

(द) 400

प्रश्न 78 टाइम मैगज़ीन की दुनिया के 50 ‘ई – वेस्ट इन्वेंशन ऑफ द ईयर ’ की सूची में शामिल 

किया गया है ?

(अ) जोधपुर हैण्ड

(ब) जयपुर हैण्ड

(स) जैसलमेर हैण्ड

(द) कोटा हैण्ड

प्रश्न 79 राजस्थान के बहुतायत में पैदा की जाने वाली मसाला फसल मैथी की नई किस्म ईजाइ की गई, यह है –

(अ) राज प्रताप

(ब) प्रताप राज

(स) वीर प्रताप

(द) प्रताप

प्रश्न 80 राज्यसभा में पेश किए गए राज्य विधान परिषद में सीटों की संख्या होगी ?

(अ) 65

(ब) 66

(स) 67

(द) 68

प्रश्न 81 राजस्थान के किस शहर को केन्द्र सरकार का ‘ फेवरेट इंडियन सिटी’ अवार्ड से सम्मानित किया गया है ?

(अ) उदयपुर

(ब) जयपुर

(स) कोटा

(द) जोधपुर

प्रश्न 82 राजस्थान राज्य एथलेटिक्स संघ के नव नियुक्त अध्यक्ष कौन है ?

(अ) गोपाल सैनी

(ब) सी. पी सिंह

(स) अनिल सैनी

(द) कृष्णा पूनिया

प्रश्न 83 राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग का अध्यक्ष है ?

(अ) प्रकाश टाटिया

(ब) सुदर लाल

(स) अश्विनी भगत

(द) ओमप्रकाश सैनी

प्रश्न 84 ‘इंक्रेडिबल इंडिया’ अभियान के नए ब्रांड एम्बेसेडर बने है –

(अ) नरेन्द्र मोदी

(ब) राजीव जैन

(स) आदित्य पुरी

(द) कर्नल सिंह

प्रश्न 85 देश को पहली महिला डायरेक्टर कौन बनी है –

(अ) रूपा गांगुली

(ब) उपमा चौधरी

(स) अंरूधति भट्टाचार्य

(द) इरोम शर्मिला

प्रश्न 86 एवरेस्ट फतह करने वाली देश की पहली महिला आईपीएस अधिकारी है।?

(अ) सुप्रिया साहू

(ब) अपर्णा कुमार

(स) किरण बेदी

(द) इरोम शर्मिला 

प्रश्न 87 कैग के पूर्व प्रमुख जिन्हें बैंक बोर्ड का पहला अध्यक्ष बनाया गया है ?

(अ) विनोद राय

(ब) के. एन. व्यास 

(स) के. के. शर्मा

(द) राजेन्द्र सिंह

प्रश्न 88 देश का पहला मेडिकल पार्क कहा बनेगा?

(अ) भोपाल

(ब) चेन्नई

(स) हरियाणा

(द) सिक्किम

प्रश्न 89 दुनिया का सबसे लंबा स्काईवाक कहाँ बन रहा है 

(अ) कोलकाता

(ब) गुड़गाँव

(स) मुम्बई

(द) नई दिल्ली

प्रश्न 90 संयुक्त राष्ट्र विश्व पर्यटक संध ने ‘डेस्टिनेषन ’ फ्लाइवे घोषित किया है –

(अ) चिल्का झील

(ब) सांभर झील

(स) उदय सागर झील

(द) डिडवाना झील

प्रश्न 91 लोकसभा ने 41 साल बाद भारत – बांग्लादेश में बस्तियों की अदला – बदली सम्बन्धी विधेयक पारित कर दिया, यह किस संविधान संशोधन के तहत हुआ है ?

(अ) 120 वाँ

(ब) 119 वाँ

(स) 118 वाँ

(द) 117 वाँ

प्रश्न 92 पुस्तक ‘एडवांटेज इंडिया’ के लेखक कौन है ?

(अ) अनुजधर

(ब) ए.पी.जे अब्दुल कलाम

(स) प्रेमचंद

(द) तिलक

प्रश्न 93 एशिया और अफ्रीका महाद्वीप को सडक मार्ग से जोड़ने के लिए किस सागर पर पुल बनाने की घोषणा की गई है –

(अ) लाल सागर

(ब) मृत सागर

(स) प्रशांत महासागर

(द) उपयुक्त सभी

प्रश्न 94 किस तिथि को पहला ‘ अन्तरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस’ मनाया गया है ?

(अ) 15 जून

(ब) 20 जून

(स) 21 जून

(द) 28 जून

प्रश्न 95 वस्तु एवं सेवा कर (जी एसटी) लोकसभा में कब पारित हुआ ?

(अ) 8 अगस्त 2016

(ब) 9 अगस्त 2016

(स) 9 अगस्त 2017

(द) 8 अगस्त 2017

प्रश्न 96 मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त नियुक्त किया है ?

(अ) अशीम ख़ुराना

(ब) आर. के माथुर

(स) के. वी. चौधरी

(द) ओमप्रकाश रावत

प्रश्न 97 नेपाल की पहली महिला राष्ट्रपति बनी है ?

(अ) विघा देवी भण्डारी

(ब) होईसुंगली

(स) डिल्मा राॅसेफ

(द) हिलैरी क्लिंटन

प्रश्न 98 देश की पहली अंतरिक्ष वेधशाला का नाम क्या है ?

(अ) एस्ट्रोसैट

(ब) इलेक्ट्रोसैट

(स) जीसैट

(द) स्क्रैमजेट

प्रश्न 99 7 वाँ राष्ट्रीय दल कौन – सा है?

(अ) राष्ट्रीय क्राग्रेस

(ब) तृणमूल कांग्रेस

(स) बसपा

(द) भारतीय कम्युनिस्ट  पार्टी

प्रश्न 100 संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघ (UNO) महासचिव कौन है?

(अ) जिम योग किम

(ब) इरिना बीकोवा

(स) पीटर थाॅमसन

(द) एंटोनियो गुतेरस 

Answer Sheet 
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer अ  ब  द  द  अ  अ  द  स  ब  अ 
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer स  स  द  ब  ब  ब  द  स  ब 
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer ब  ब  ब  ब  स  ब  ब  स 
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer ब  ब  ब  ब  स  स  ब 
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer स  ब  ब  स  स  द  ब  ब 
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer द  ब  ब  ब  द  ब  स 
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Answer ब  स  द  द  ब  ब  ब 
Question 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Answer द  ब  द  स  स  स  द  ब  ब 
Question 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer ब  ब  ब  ब 
Question 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Answer ब  ब  स  ब  ब  द 

Biology 12th Important Questions 2020

जीव विज्ञान 12th 

प्रश्न 1 जड़ों द्वारा कायिक प्रवर्धन होता है ?

(अ) आलू

(ब) डहेलिया

(स) प्याज

(द) जमीकन्द

प्रश्न 2 कौन से जन्तु में इस्ट्रस वर्ष में कई बार होता है ?

(अ) चूहा

(ब) कुत्ता

(स) गाय

(द) भैंस

प्रश्न 3 सबसे ज्यादा गुणसुत्र (मीयोसाइट्स) किस रूप में होते है ?

(अ) मानव

(ब) केजुराइना

(स) जिया मेज

(द) ऑपियोग्लोसम

प्रश्न 4 विषमयुग्मजी प्रकार के युग्मक निम्न पादप में होते है ?

(अ) कारा

(ब) यूलोथ्रिम्स

(स) स्पाइरोगायरा

(द) क्लेमाइडोमोनास

प्रश्न 5 12 वर्षों में एक बार फूल उत्पन्न करने वाला पादप है ?

(अ) मेलाकोना

(ब) ऑक्सेलिस

(स) नीलाकुरेंजी

(द) जैकफूट

प्रश्न 6 बंगाल के आंतक किस पादप को कहा जाता है ? 

(अ) जलकुंभी

(ब) ब्रायोफिलम

(स) माकेन्शिया

(द) सिकिल्या

प्रश्न 7 फल का निर्माण होता है ?

(अ) बीजाण्ड

(ब) अण्डाशय

(स) परिकार्प

(द) वर्तिका

प्रश्न 8 मोनोकार्पिक पादप का उदाहरण है ?

(अ) गेहूॅ

(ब) चावल

(स) गाजर

(द) सभी

प्रश्न 9 परांगकोष का सबसे भीतरी स्तर टेपीटक का कार्य है ?

(अ) स्फुटन

(ब) यांत्रिकीय

(स) सुरक्षात्मक

(द) पोषक

प्रश्न 10 वायु द्वारा होने वाली परागण की प्रक्रिया को क्या कहते है ?

(अ) जीटोनोगैमी

(ब) एनीमोफिली

(स) ऑटोगैमी

(द) कोई नहीं 

प्रश्न 11 निम्न में से किसमें लीवर विधि द्वारा परागण होता है ?

(अ) साल्विया

(ब) फाइकस

(स) एण्टीराइनम

(द) ओसियम

प्रश्न 12 पंखनुमा वर्तिकाग्र किसमें पाया जाता है ?

(अ) गेहूॅ में 

(ब) मटर में 

(स) सीजलपीनिया

(द) धतूरा

प्रश्न 13 एन्जियोस्पर्म भ्रूणपोष है –

(अ) एक गुणित

(ब) द्विगुणित

(स) त्रिगुणित

(द) बहुगुणित

प्रश्न 14 निम्न में से कौनसी संरचना (नर में) सहायक जनन ग्रंथि है ?

(अ) प्रोस्टेट ग्रंथि

(ब) जठर ग्रंथि

(स) मशरूमकाय

(द) वंक्षण ग्रंथि

प्रश्न 15 काउपर ग्रंथियॉ पायी जाती है ?

(अ) मादा स्तनधारियों 

(ब) नर स्तनधारियों में 

(स) अ व स दोनों 

(द) किसी में नहीं 

प्रश्न 16 वृषण तथा उदर भिति के बीच संयोजी उत्तक की कोर्ड कौन सी होती है ?

(अ) वृषण कोर्ड

(ब) गुबलेकुलम

(स) मीजेन्ट्रिक कोर्ड

(द) स्पर्मेटिक

प्रश्न 17 स्पर्मेटोजिनेसिस, पर नियंत्रण होता है ?

(अ) एस्ट्रोजन

(ब) प्रोजेस्टेरॉन

(स) टेस्टोस्टीरॉन

(द) ऑक्सीटोसीन

प्रश्न 18 स्तनियों के वृषण को ढ़कने वाला केप्सूल है ?

(अ) ट्यूनिका एल्बूजीनिया

(ब) ट्यूनिका मेम्ब्रेना

(स) ट्यूनिका वेजाइनेलिस

(द) ट्यूनिका वेस्कुलोसा

प्रश्न 19 निम्नलिखित में से कौनसी सहायक जनन ग्रन्थि सिर्फ स्तनधारी नर में पाई जाती है ?

(अ) प्रोस्टेट ग्रन्थि

(ब) परीनियल ग्रन्थि

(स) काउपर्स ग्रन्थि

(द) बार्थोलिन ग्रन्थि

प्रश्न 20 शुक्राणुओं की गति किसके द्वारा होती है ?

(अ) सीलिया

(ब) फ्लेजिला

(स) बेसल बॉडी

(द) न्यूक्लीओसोम

प्रश्न 21 F1 द्विसंकर के स्व परागण से F2 संतती में कितने प्रकार के जीनोटाइप बनते है ?

(अ) 6

(ब) 3

(स) 9 

(द) 4

प्रश्न 22 शब्द जीनोटाइप दिया गया था ?

(अ) एच. जे. मुलर

(ब) टी. बावेरी

(स) डब्ल्यू एस सहन

(द) डब्ल्यू एल. जोहानसन

प्रश्न 23 ‘एलीलीमोर्फिक’ का तात्पर्य है ?

(अ) कोई दो लक्षण

(ब) एक जोड़ा विपरीत लक्षण

(स) लिंग सहलग्र लक्षण

(द) एक जोडा समान लक्षण

प्रश्न 24 जब एक जीन में दो विपरीत लक्षण उपस्थित होते है तो वह कहलाता है ?

(अ) बाइगैमस

(ब) हेटरोगैमस

(स) पॉलीमॉर्फिक

(द) हेटरोमॉर्फिक

प्रश्न 25 मेण्डल का प्रथम नियम है ?

(अ) वंशागति

(ब) विभिन्नता 

(स) स्वतंत्र अपव्यूहन

(द) पृथक्करण

प्रश्न 26 मेण्डल के नियम का अपवाद है ?

(अ) स्वतंत्र अपव्यूहन

(ब) पृथक्करण

(स) प्रभाविता

(द) सहलग्नता

प्रश्न 27 मेण्डल के मोनोहाइब्रिड क्रॉस का जीनोटिपिक अनुपात होता है ?

(अ) 1:3

(ब) 3:1

(स) 1:2:1

(द) 1:1:1:1

प्रश्न 28 जब किसी जीव में दोनों विरोधाभास लक्षण वाले एलील्स पाये जाते है, तो इसे कहते है ?

(अ) होमोजाइगस

(ब) हेटरोइगस

(स) डायोसियस

(द) मोनोसियस

प्रश्न 29 मिराबिलिस जलापा उदाहरण है ?

(अ) पूर्ण प्रभाविता का 

(ब) प्लास्टिड वंशानुगति

(स) दोनों 

(द) कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 30 सहलग्नता सिद्वान्त देने वाले वैज्ञानिक है ?

(अ) मॉर्गन और कैसल

(ब) बीडल और टॉटम

(स) वाटसन और क्रिक

(द) बेटसन और पुनेट

प्रश्न 31 RNA में अनुपस्थित तत्व है ?

(अ) नाइट्रोजन 

(ब) सल्फर

(स) ऑक्सीजन

(द) हाइड्रोजन

प्रश्न 32 यूरिडीन मोनोफास्फेट किसमें पाया जाता है ? 

(अ) सेण्ट्रोसोम

(ब) लायसोसोम

(स) कोशिका भिति

(द) RNA

प्रश्न 33 RNA का कौनसा प्रकार सर्वाधिक हेटरोजिनस होता है ?

(अ) tRNA

(ब) mRNA

(स) rRNA

(द) hnRNA

प्रश्न 34 mRNA नाम किसने प्रतिपादित किया ?

(अ) कोर्नबर्ग तथा खोराना

(ब) खोराना तथा नीरेबर्ग

(स) जेकब तथा मोनोड

(द) मेसेल्सन तथा स्टॉल

प्रश्न 35 न्यूक्लिक अम्ल का डेटाबेस क्रम होता है ?

(अ) EMBL

(ब) DDBJ

(स) NCBI

(द) सभी

प्रश्न 36 फास्फोडाइएस्टर बन्ध पाया जाता है ?

(अ) ATM

(ब) ADP

(स) cAMP

(द) कोई नहीं 

प्रश्न 37 आनुवांशिकी सूचनाओं के वाहक है ?

(अ) DNA

(ब) rRNA

(स) राइबोसोम

(द) tRNA

प्रश्न 38 चारगॉफ नियमानुसार

(अ) A = G + T = C

(ब) A = T + G = C

(स) A = C + T = C

(द) सभी

प्रश्न 39 DNA का रेप्लीकेशन होता है ?

(अ) 31 → 51 दिशा में 

(ब)  21 → 51 दिशा में 

(स) 31 → 51 और 51 → 31 दिशा में 

(द) कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 40 DNA का रासायनिक चाकू है ?

(अ) लाइगेज

(ब) पॉलीमरेज

(स) एण्डोन्यूक्यिेज

(द) ट्रांसक्रिप्टेज

प्रश्न 41 लगभग कितने वर्ष पूर्व पृथ्वी का उद्भव हुआ था ?

(अ) 4.6 बिलियन वर्ष

(ब) 10 बिलियन वर्ष

(स) 3.0 बिलियन वर्ष

(द) 20 बिलियन वर्ष

प्रश्न 42 जीवन की उत्पत्ति हुई थी ?

(अ) जल में 

(ब) वायु में 

(स) पर्वतों में 

(द) पृथ्वी में 

प्रश्न 43 किस महाकल्प में स्तनियॉ तथा पक्षियों का विकास हुआ ?

(अ) मीसोजोइक

(ब) सीनोजोइक

(स) पेलिओजोइक

(द) प्रोकेम्ब्रियन

प्रश्न 44 निम्न में कौनसा विकास का सबसे स्पष्ट प्रणाम है ?

(अ) जीवाश्म 

(ब) भ्रुण 

(स) आकारिकी

(द) अवशेषी अंग

प्रश्न 45 डायनासोर अधिकतम किस काल में थे ?

(अ) जुरासिक

(ब) ट्राईएसिक

(स) क्रिटेशियस

(द) पेलिओसीन

प्रश्न 46 लैमार्क का सिद्वान्त सम्बन्धित है ?

(अ) उपार्जित लक्षणों से 

(ब) जनन द्रव्य से 

(स) अस्तित्व संघर्ष से 

(द) उत्परिवर्तन से 

प्रश्न 47 ‘ओरिजिन ऑफ स्पीशीज’ किसने लिखी है ?

(अ) जी.जे. मेन्डल

(ब) लैमार्क

(स) डी ब्रीज

(द) चार्ल्स डार्विन 

प्रश्न 48 होमो इरेक्टस के मस्तिष्क की क्षमता थी ?

(अ) 800 से 1300 cc

(ब) 1650 cc

(स) 650 cc

(द) 1400 cc

प्रश्न 49 महाद्वीप जहाँ मानव से सम्बन्धित जीवाश्म सबसे अधिक मिले है ?

(अ) यूरोप

(ब) अफ्रीका

(स) अमेरिका

(द) एशिया

प्रश्न 50 होमो हेबिलिस में ‘हेबिलिस’ सम्बन्धित है ?

(अ) घुमक्कड़ जाति

(ब) प्राचीन मानव से 

(स) आधुनिक मानव

(द) औजार निर्माणकर्ता से 

प्रश्न 51 निम्न में से कौन, शरीर की अविशिष्ट सुरक्षा प्रणाली है ?

(अ) T कोशिकायें

(ब) B कोशिकायें

(स) फैगोसाइट्स

(द) स्टैम कोशिकायें

प्रश्न 52 निम्न में से कौन – सी कैटेगरी में ‘मल्टीपल स्क्लीरॉसिस’ आता है ?

(अ) इम्यूनोडेफिशिऐंसी

(ब) ऑटोइम्यून रोग

(स) हाइपर सेंसीटीवीटी

(द) उपरोक्त सभी

प्रश्न 53 प्राथमिक इम्यून प्रभाव में कौन – सी प्ळ एन्टिबॉडी का निर्माण होता है ?

(अ) IgA

(ब) IgE

(स) IgG

(द) IgM

प्रश्न 54 ELISA का पूरा नाम लिखिए –

(अ) एन्जाइम लिंकड इम्युनोसार्वेट असे

(ब) एन्जाइम लिंकड आयन सार्वेट असे

(स) एन्जाइम लिंकड इन्डकटिव असे

(द) कोई नहीं

प्रश्न 55 लाइसोजाइम की क्रिया होती है ? 

(अ) कायिकी 

(ब) शारीरिक

(स) आकारिकि

(द) कोई नहीं 

प्रश्न 56 निष्क्रिय प्रतिरक्षा किसके इन्जेक्शन के द्वारा उत्पन्न की जाती है ?

(अ) एन्टीजन्स

(ब) एन्टीबॉडीज

(स) प्रतिजैविक

(द) दर्बल जीवाणुओं द्वारा टीकाकरण

प्रश्न 57 एडवर्ड जेनर ने खोजा – 

(अ) पोलियों का वैक्सीन

(ब) पोलियों के प्रति प्रतिरक्षा

(स) बड़ी माता का वैक्सीन

(द) बड़ी मात्रा के प्रति प्रतिरक्षा

प्रश्न 58 विषाणुओं द्वारा उत्पन्न रोग है ?

(अ) टायफाइड

(ब) पोलियों 

(स) डिप्थीरिया

(द) सिफिलिस

प्रश्न 59 एड्स दिवस कब होता है ?

(अ) 1 जून

(ब) 1 मई

(स) 1 दिसम्बर

(द) 20 दिसम्बर

प्रश्न 60 हेरोइन क्या है ? 

(अ) डाईएसिटाइलमार्फिन

(ब) ट्राईएसिटाइलमार्फिन

(स) टैट्रा एसिटाइलमार्फिन

(द) मोनोएसिटाइल मार्फिन

प्रश्न 61 पादप प्रजनन का उद्देश्य उत्पादित करना है ?

(अ) रोग विमुक्त किस्में 

(ब) उच्च उत्पादित किस्में 

(स) पूर्व परिपक्व किस्में 

(द) उपरोक्त सभी

प्रश्न 62 प्रजनन की कौन सी सबसे पुरानी विधि है ?

(अ) संकरण

(ब) वरण

(स) उत्परिवर्तन

(द) पुनः स्थापना

प्रश्न 63 कायिक संकरण उत्पन्न होता है?

(अ) जीवद्रव्य संयुग्मन द्वारा

(ब) टिशु कल्चर द्वारा

(स) परागण कल्चर द्वारा

(द) हाइब्रिडोमा प्रक्रिया द्वारा

प्रश्न 64 जेबु पशु है ?

(अ) जल भैंस

(ब) भारतीय भैंस

(स) गाय 

(द) भेड़

प्रश्न 65 निम्न में से भैंस की कौन – सी नस्ल की मुख्यतः माँग रहती है ?

(अ) जल भैंस 

(ब) भारतीय भैंस

(स) गाय

(द) भेड़

प्रश्न 65 निम्न में से भैंस की कौन – सी नस्ल की मुख्यतः माँग रहती है ?

(अ) सूरती 

(ब) मुर्राह

(स) जाफराबादी

(द) भदावरी

प्रश्न 66 खच्चर उत्पन्न होता है ?

(अ) ब्रिडिंग द्वारा

(ब) म्यूटेशन द्वारा

(स) हाइब्रिडाइजेशन 

(द) इन्टरस्पेस्फिीक हाइब्रिडाइजेशन

प्रश्न 67 मधुमक्खी पालन कहलाता है ?

(अ) सेरीकल्चर

(ब) ऐपीकल्चर

(स) टिशूकल्चर

(द) पिसीकल्चर

प्रश्न 68 शहद की मक्खी मानव के लिये किस कारण सबसे अधिक उपयोगी है ?

(अ) शहद प्राप्त होता है 

(ब) पर – परागण में मदद करती है 

(स) औषधि प्राप्त होती है 

(द) मनोरंजन करती है 

प्रश्न 69 रानीखेत रोग किसमें पाया जाता है ?

(अ) मधुमक्खी में 

(ब) मुर्गी में 

(स) मछली में 

(द) सूअर में 

प्रश्न 70 पक्षियों को केवल उनके माँस हेतु विकसित किया जाना कहलाता है ?

(अ) संकरण

(ब) ब्रॉयलर

(स) पक्षी प्रबन्धन 

(द) पक्षी संवर्धन 

प्रश्न 71 लैक्टिक अम्ल किसके द्वारा उत्पन्न किया जाता है ?

(अ) लैक्टोबेसिलस बल्गेरिस

(ब) स्ट्रेपटोकॉकस लेक्टिस

(स) राइजोपस ओराइजी

(द) उपरोक्त सभी 

प्रश्न 72 किसकी सहायता से शक्कर से सिरका बनाया जाता है ?

(अ) लेक्टोबेसीलस

(ब) एसीटोबैक्टर

(स) नाइट्रोसोमोनस

(द) सालमोनेला

प्रश्न 73 पृथक किया गया प्रथम एन्टीबायोटिक है ?

(अ) टेरामायसिन

(ब) नियोमायसिन

(स) पेनिसिलीन

(द) स्ट्रेप्टोमायसिन

प्रश्न 74 किसके उत्पादन में यीस्ट का प्रयोग होता है ?

(अ) एथिल एल्कोहॉल

(ब) एसीटिक एसिड

(स) पनीर

(द) दही

प्रश्न 75 पनीर बनाने में किस सूक्ष्मजीव का उपयोग होता है ?

(अ) स्ट्रप्टोकॉकस

(ब) एस्पर्जिलस

(स) एसीटिक एसिड बैक्टीरिया

(द) लैक्टिक एसिड बैक्टीरिया

प्रश्न 76 सर्वाधिक एण्टीबायोटिक्स किससे प्राप्त किये जाते है ?

(अ) बेसिलस द्वारा

(ब) पेनिसिलियम द्वारा

(स) स्ट्रेप्टोमायसिस द्वारा 

(द) सिफैलोस्पोरियम द्वारा

प्रश्न 77 रेनेट का उपयोग होता है ?

(अ) किण्वन में 

(ब) पनीर बनाने में 

(स) ब्रेड बनाने में 

(द) एन्टीवायोटिक के संश्लेषण में 

प्रश्न 78 निम्न में से कौनसा कार्बनिक अम्ल किण्वन द्वारा उत्पन्न होता है ?

(अ) ऑक्जेलिक अम्ल

(ब) लैक्टिक अम्ल

(स) सिट्रिक अम्ल

(द) प्रोपियोनिक अम्ल 

प्रश्न 79 किण्वन के दौरान विटामिन B12 सीधे ही किससे उत्पन्न होता है ?

(अ) एश्बया गॉसिपी

(ब) राइजोपस स्टोलोनीफर

(स) सैकेरोमायसीज सिरेविसी

(द) प्रोपियोनिबैक्टीरिया

प्रश्न 80 यीस्ट कोशिकाओं द्वारा होने वाली क्रिया है ?

(अ) वाष्पोत्सर्जन 

(ब) पाश्चुरीकरण

(स) किण्वन

(द) एफरवेसेन्स

प्रश्न 81 लक्ष्य ऊतक में ट्रॉसजीन की ट्रॉसजेनिक अभिव्यक्ति निर्धारित होती है ?

(अ) प्रमोटर द्वारा

(ब) रिपोर्टर द्वारा

(स) इन्हेन्सर द्वारा

(द) ट्रॉसजीन द्वारा

प्रश्न 82 रेस्ट्रिक्शन एन्जाइम की खोज की ?

(अ) बर्ग ने 

(ब) स्मिथ तथा नॉर्थ

(स) वैक्समैन

(द) अलेक्जेन्डर फ्लैमिंग ने 

प्रश्न 83 आनुवाशिक अभियांत्रिकी में निम्नलिखित में से किसकी आवश्यकता होती है?

(अ) DNA पॉलीमरेज

(ब) RNA पॉलीमरेज

(स) प्लाज्मिड

(द) राइबोसोम

प्रश्न 84 ‘एन्टीबायोटिक्स’ शब्द किसने प्रतिपादित किया ?

(अ) फ्लेमिंग

(ब) फ्लोरी

(स) चेन

(द) एस. वाक्समेन

प्रश्न 85 हूमूलिन है ?

(अ) एक प्रकार का काइटिन

(ब) एक शक्तिशाली एन्टीबायोटिक

(स) एक नया पाचक एन्जाइम 

(द) मानव इन्सुलिन

प्रश्न 86 इन्टरफेरॉन है ?

(अ) प्रति विषाणु प्रोटीन

(ब) जटिल प्रोटीन

(स) प्रति जीवाणु प्रोटीन 

(द) प्रति कैन्सर प्रोटीन

प्रश्न 87 एक ही क्षेत्र में रहने वाले पौधे तथा जन्तु बनाते है ?

(अ) बायोटिक कम्यूनिटी

(ब) ईकोटोन

(स) बायोम

(द) कॉन्सोसियेशन

प्रश्न 88 ईकोलॉजी शब्द किसने दिया था ?

(अ) लिनियस

(ब) विलियम

(स) ओडम

(द) हीकल

प्रश्न 89 निम्न में से कौन जैवीय घटक नहीं है ?

(अ) पादपप्लवक

(ब) शाकाहारी

(स) प्रकाश 

(द) जीवाणु 

प्रश्न 90 औरोबेन्की पौधा है ?

(अ) आंशिक मूल परजीवी

(ब) पूर्णतः मूल परजीवी

(स) सहजीवी

(द) पूर्णतः स्तम्भ परजीवी

प्रश्न 91 किस प्रकार की ऊर्जा का पिरामिड उल्टा होता है ?

(अ) ग्रास लैण्ड

(ब) वृक्ष

(स) दोनों 

(द) कोई नहीं 

प्रश्न 92 निम्न में से कौन मनुष्य निर्मित इकोसिस्टम है ?

(अ) हरबेरियम

(ब) एक्युरेरिम

(स) ऊतक संर्वधन

(द) वन

प्रश्न 93 खाद्य श्रृंखला के प्रारंभिक जीव होते है ?

(अ) शीर्ष उपभोक्ता 

(ब) द्वितीयक उपभोक्ता

(स) प्राथमिक उपभोक्ता 

(द) प्रकाशसंश्लेषी

प्रश्न 94 एक पारिस्थितिकी तंत्र के लिए ऊर्जा स्रोत है ?

(अ) सूर्य

(ब) ATP

(स) पौधों द्वारा निर्मित शर्करा

(द) हरे पौधे

प्रश्न 95 हरे पौधे बनाते है ?

(अ) प्रथम पोषक स्तर

(ब) द्वितीय पोषक स्तर

(स) तृतीय पोषक स्तर

(द) संपूर्ण भोजन श्रृंखला

प्रश्न 96 भारत में पारिस्थितिक ‘तप्त स्थान’ उपस्थित होते है ?

(अ) एक 

(ब) दो

(स) तीन

(द) चार

प्रश्न 97 भारत में बनने वाला प्रथम राष्ट्रीय पार्क है ?

(अ) कान्हा

(ब) जिम कार्बेट

(स) काजीरंगा

(द) गिर

प्रश्न 98 रेड डाटा बुक की सूची में स्पीशीज होती है ?

(अ) अनुक्षित 

(ब) संकटापन्न

(स) विलुप्तप्राय

(द) सभी

प्रश्न 99 ग्रीन हाऊस प्रभाव सम्बन्धित है ?

(अ) पृथ्वी के शीतलन से 

(ब) UV को ग्रहण करने से 

(स) अनाज उत्पादन से 

(द) पृथ्वी के गरम होने से 

प्रश्न 100 सुपोषण निम्न के द्वारा उत्पन्न होता है ?

(अ) अम्ल वर्षा

(ब) नाइट्रेट्स और फॉस्फेट्स

(स) सल्फेट्स और कार्बोनेट्स 

(द) CO2 और CO

Answer Sheet 
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer ब  अ  द  अ  स  अ  ब   द  द  ब 
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Answer अ  अ  स  अ  ब  द  स  अ  स  ब 
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Answer स  द  अ  ब  द  द  स  ब  ब  अ 
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Answer ब  द  द  स  द  द  अ  अ  स  स 
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Answer अ  अ  ब  अ  अ  अ  द  अ  अ  द 
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Answer स  ब  द  अ  अ  ब  स  ब  स  अ 
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Answer द  ब  अ  स  ब  स  ब  ब  ब  ब 
Question 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Answer द  ब  अ  अ  द  अ  ब  ब  द  स 
Question 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Answer ब  ब  स  द  द  अ  अ  द  स  ब 
Question 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
Answer द  ब  द  अ  अ  ब  ब  द  द  ब 

Maths 11th Important Questions 2020

Maths 11th 

प्रश्न 1 समीकरण x2 + x – 2 = 0 का हल समूच्चय रोस्टर रूप में है? 

(अ) {1,2}

(ब) {-1,2}

(स) {-1,-2}

(द) {1,-2}

प्रश्न 2 B=(Y:Y) अंग्रेजी वर्ण माला का एक स्वर है ) का रोस्टर रूप है? 

(अ) {a,e,i,o}   

(ब) {a,e,o,u}

(स) {a,o,u}

(द) {a,e,i,o,u}

प्रश्न 3 समुच्चय A = {1,4,9,16,25……} का समुच्चय निर्माण रूप होगा

(अ) {x:x एक विषम प्राक्रत संख्या है }

(ब) {x:x एक सम प्राक्रत संख्या है }

(स) {x:x एक प्राक्रत संख्या का वर्ग है }

(द) {x:x एक अभाज्य प्राक्रत संख्या है }

प्रश्न 4 निम्नलिखित समुच्चयों में कौनसा अपरिमित है

(अ) {x:x ∈ N और (x-1)(x-2)=0}     

(ब) {x:x ∈ N और x2=4}

(स) {x:x ∈ N और 2x-1=03}

(द) {x:x ∈ N और c एक अभाज्य संख्या है

प्रश्न 5 यदि A={0}, B={x; x>15 औरx>5}, C=x: x-5=03, D={x: x2=25}, E={x:x समीकरण x2-2x-15=0 का एक धन पुर्णाक मूल है } हो तो समान समुच्चयों का युग्म है?

(अ) A,B

(ब) B,C

(स) C,D

(द) C,E

प्रश्न 6 समुच्चयों φ  A={1,3}, B={1,5,9}, C={1,5,7,9} के लिए निम्न में से सत्य है?

(अ) A ⊂ B

(ब) B ⊂ C

(स) C ⊂ D

(द) A ⊂ C

प्रश्न 7 यदि A={2,4,6,8,} और B={1,4,7,8} तो A-B तथा B-A क्रमश होगे ?

(अ) {2,6}; {1,7}

(ब) {1,7}; {4,8}

(स) {1,7}; {2,6}

(द) {4,8}; {1,7}

प्रश्न 8 निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा कथन सत्य है?

(अ) A ∩ B = φ ⇒ A = φ या B= φ

(ब) A-B φ = A ⊂ B

(स) A ∪ B= φ ⇒ A ⊂ B

(द) इनमे से कोई नहीं 

प्रश्न 9 यदि A ∪ B = φ तो

(अ) A – B= φ

(ब) A – B= A

(स) A ∪ B= φ

(द) A – B = B

प्रश्न  10 निम्न आरेख का छाया चित्र क्षेत्र निरूपित करता है?

(अ) A ∪ B

(ब) A ∩ B

(स) A – B

(द) B – A

प्रश्न 11 यदि A={1,2,3,4,5,6}, B={2,4,6,8} हो तो A-B का मान होगा।

(अ) {1,3,5,8}       

(ब) {1,3,5}  

(स) {1,3,3,4,5,6,8}

(द) {—–}

प्रश्न 12 यदि U={1,2,3,4,5,6}, A={2,3} और B={3,4,5} हो, तो सत्य है

(अ) (A ∪ B)= (2,3,4,5)

(ब) B – A = {4,5}

(स) A – B = {2,4,5}

(द) A ∪ B = {3}

प्रश्न 13 यदि A={a,b,c,d}  तथा B={p,q,r,s} तब A से B में सम्बन्ध है 

(अ) {(a,p), (b,r),(c,r)}

(ब) {(a,p),(b,q),(c,r), (s,d)}


(द) {(c,s),(d,s),(r,a),(a,b)}

प्रश्न 14 N में एक सम्बन्ध R इस प्रकार परिभाषित है कि xRy ⇔ x + 4y = 16 तो R का परिसर है?

(अ) {1,2,4}

(ब) {1,3,4}

(स) {1,2,3}

(द) {2,3,4}

प्रश्न 15 N में सम्बन्ध {(1,2),(2,5), (3,10), (4,17)….} का नियम रूप है

(अ) {(x,y) |x,y ∈  N,  y = 2x+1}

(ब) {(x,y) |x,y ∈  N, y = x2+1}

(स) {(x,y) |x,y ∈  N, y = 3x-1}

(द) {(x,y) |x,y ∈  N, y = x+3}

प्रश्न 16 यदि A= {2,3,4}  तथा B={3,4,5,6,7,8} A से B में एक सम्बन्ध  R दस प्रकार परिभाषित करता है कि “x,y को विभाजित करता है तब R-1 है”

(अ) {(4,2),(6,2),(8,2),(3,3),(6,3),(4,4),(8,4)}

(ब) {(2,4),(2,6),(2,8),(3,3),(3,6),(4,4),(4,8)}

(स) {(3,3),(4,4),(8,4)}

(द) {(4,2),(6,3),(8,4)}

प्रश्न 17 वास्तविक संख्याओं के समुच्चय में सम्बन्ध “x,y से छोटा है”  होगा।

(अ) स्वतुल्य तथा सूचकांक

(ब ) सममित तथा सक्रांमक

(स) प्रति सममित तथा सूचकांक

(द) स्वतुल्य तथा प्रति सममित

प्रश्न 18 अशून्य पूर्णाकों के समुच्चय में एक सम्बन्ध इस प्रकार परिभाषित कि xRY ⇔  xY = yX तब  R है?

(अ) स्वतुल्य तथा सममित परन्तु संक्रामक

(ब ) स्वतुल्य तथा प्रति सममित परन्तु संक्रामक नहीं

(स) स्वतुल्य, प्रतिसममित तथा संक्रामक

(द) स्वतुल्य, सममित तथा संक्रामक

प्रश्न 19 यदि सम्बन्ध R,”x,y का भाजक है” द्वारा परिभाषित हो तो बताइए कि N के निम्न उपसमुच्चयों में से कौन सा उपसमुच्चय एक पूर्ण क्रमित समुच्च है?

(अ) {36,3,9}      

(ब) {7,77,11}

 (स) {3,6,9,12,24}

(द) {1,2,3,4}

प्रश्न 20 पूर्णाकों में समुच्चर्य Z पर परिभाषित निम्न सम्बन्धों में से कौन सा सम्बन्ध तुल्यता सम्बन्ध नहीं है ?

(अ) aR1(a+b)एक सम पूर्णांक है 

(ब) aR2(a-b)एक सम पूर्णांक है 

(स) aR3a<b

(द) aR4a=b

प्रश्न 21 समुच्चय A={1,2,3} पर एक सम्बन्ध R परिभाषित है जहाँ R={(1,2), (2,2),(3,3)(1,2),(2,3),(1,3)} तब R है

(अ) स्वतुल्य परन्तु संक्रामक नहीं

(ब ) स्वतुल्य परन्तु सममित नहीं

(स) सममित तथा संक्रामक 

(द) न सममित न स्वतुल्य

प्रश्न 22 यदि A={1,2,3,4} तब निम्न में से कौन A में एक फलन है?

(अ) F1={{x,y} | y=x+1}

(ब) F2={{x,y} | x+y>4}

(स) F3={{x,y} | y>x}

(द) F4={{x,y} | x+y=5}

प्रश्न 23 यदि A={a,b,c} तो में परिभाषित किए जाने वाले सभी संभव अरिक्त सम्बन्धों की संख्या है?

(अ) 511      

(ब) 512

(स) 8  

(द) 7

प्रश्न 24 फलन F:N→N, F(x)=2x+3 है?

(अ) एकैकी आच्छादक

(ब) एकैकी अन्तक्षैपी

(स) बहु-एकी आच्छादक 

(द) बहु-एकी अन्तक्षैपी

प्रश्न 25 R से R में परिभाषित निम्न में से कौन – सा फलन आच्छादक है?

(अ) F(x) = |x|

(ब) F(x) = e-x

(स) F(x) = x3

(द) F(x) = Sinx

प्रश्न 26 R से R में परिभाषित निम्न में से कौन सा फलन एकैकी है?

(अ) F(x) = |x|

(ब) F(x) = Cosx

(स) F(x) = ex

(द) F(x) = x2

प्रश्न 27 F:R→R, F (x) = x2+x है?

(अ) एकैकी आच्छादक

(ब ) एकैकी अन्तक्षैपी

(स) बहु-एकी आच्छादक 

(द) बहु-एकी अन्तक्षैपी

प्रश्न 28 निम्न में से कौन सा फलन आच्छादक है?

(अ) F:Z→Z, F(x) =|x|

(ब) F:N→Z, F(x) =|x|

(स) F:Ra→R+,F(x) =|x|

(द) F:c→R,F(x) =|x|

प्रश्न 29 फलन F(x) = 1 / √(|x| – x) का प्रांत है?

(अ) RE

(ब) R

(स) R0  

(द) R

प्रश्न 30 सम्मिश्र संख्या (1 + i) / (1 – i)  का वास्तविक एवं काल्पनिक भाग क्रमश है?

(अ) 1,1

(ब) 0,0

(स) 0,1 

(द) 1,0

प्रश्न 31 यदि 2+(2a+5ib) =8+10i,तब

(अ) a=2, b=3

(ब) a=2,b=-3

(स) a=3, b=2

(द) a=3, b=-2

प्रश्न 32 (3 – i) का गुणांक प्रतिलोम है?

(अ) 3+i / 10

(ब) -3+i / 10

(स) 3-i / 10

(द) -3-i / 10

प्रश्न 33 (2-3i) / (4-i) का सयुग्मी है ?

(अ) -5+14i / 17

(ब) 5+14i / 17

(स) 14+5i / 17

(द) 14-5i / 17

प्रश्न 34 यदि Z1 Z2 cC तो  कौन सा कथन सत्य है?

(अ) |z1z2| ≥ |z1|+|z2|

(ब) |z1+z2| ≤ |z1z2|

(स) |z1+z2| ≥ |z1z2|

(द) |z1+z2| ≤ |z1|+|z2|

प्रश्न 35 यदि |z-3|=|z+3|तो Z स्थित है?

(अ) x- अक्ष पर

(ब) y- अक्ष पर

(स) x=y रेखा पर  

(द) x=-y रेखा पर

प्रश्न 36  -2 का मुख्य कोणांक लिखिए।

(अ) π 1     


(स)  π 2  

(द) π 3

प्रश्न 37 (5√3 / 2) + (5/2)i का ध्रुवीय रूप लिखिए।

(अ) 5(Cosπ/+ iSinπ/6)

(ब) 4(Cosπ/6 + iSinπ/6)

(स) 3(Cosπ/6 + iSinπ/6)

(द) 2(Cosπ/6 + iSinπ/6)

प्रश्न 38 4 + 5W3W5 का मान होगा ?


(ब) √3i

(स) √4i

(द) √5i

प्रश्न 39 1 / (1-Cosθ + iSinθ) को a+ ib रूप में लिखिए।

(अ) 1/2i/2Cotθ/2

(ब) 1/2i/3Cotθ/2

(स) 1/2i/2Cotθ/1

(द) 1/2i/2Cotθ/3

प्रश्न 40 (a/x+ bx)12 के विस्तार में कुल पदों की संख्या है?

(अ) 11

(ब) 13

(स) 10 

(द) 14

प्रश्न 41 (1/2+a)8 के विस्तार में 7 वा पद है?

(अ) 8C7(1/2)(a)7

(ब) 8C7 (1/2)7a  

(स) 8C6 (1/2)2(a)6   

(द) 8C6 (1/2)6(a)

प्रश्न 42 (a – x)8 के प्रसार में मध्य पद है?

(अ) 56 a3 x5

(ब) -56 a3 x5

(स) 70 a4 x4  

(द) -70 a4 x4

प्रश्न 43 (2x +1/3x2)9 के प्रसार में अचर पद है?

(अ) पाॅचवा

(ब) चौथा

(स) छववाॅ

(द) सातवाँ

प्रश्न 44 (x+a)8 के प्रसार में व्यापक पद है? 

(अ) MCX6-7 ar

(ब) MCXr -ar

(स) nCn-r Xn-r ar

(द) nCn-r Xan-r

प्रश्न 45 2x1/x12 के विस्तार में x पद का मान है?

(अ) 264

(ब) -264

(स) 7920

(द) -7920

प्रश्न 46 (x41/x3)15 के प्रसार में x-17 का गुणांक है?

(अ) 1365

(ब) -1365

(स) 3003

(द) -3003

प्रश्न 47 यदि (1+x)18 के प्रसार में (2r+4) वें तथा (x-2) वें पदों के गुणांक बराबर हो तब r का मान है?

(अ) 5

(ब) 6

(स) 7

(द) 8

प्रश्न 48 यदि (a+b)n तथा (a+b)n+3 के प्रसार में क्रमश दूसरे एवं तीसरे एवं तीसरे एवं चौथे पदों का अनुपात बराबर हो N का मान है?

(अ) 5

(ब) 6

(स) 3

(द) 4

प्रश्न 49 यदि (1+x)2n के विस्तार में 3r वें तथा (x+2) वे पदों के गुणांक बराबर हो, तो

(अ) n=r

(ब) n=2r-1

(स) n=2r+1

(द) n=r+1

प्रश्न 50 सरलीकरण के पश्चात् (x+a)200 + (x-a)200 के प्रसार में पदों की संख्या लिखिए।

(अ) 101

(ब) 102

(स) 103

(द) 104

प्रश्न 51  श्रेढी -4,-1,+2,+5……….. का 10 वाँ पद है।


(ब) -23

(स) 32

(द) -32

प्रश्न 52 एक स. श्रे. का 9 वाँ पद 35 तथा 19 वाँ पद 75 हो, तो इसका 20 वाँ पद होगा।

(अ) 78

(ब) 79

(स) 80

(द) 81

प्रश्न 53 श्रेढी 1,3,5 ……… के n पदों का योगफल है?

(अ) (n-1)2

(ब) (n+1)2

(स) (2n+1)2

(द) n2

प्रश्न 54 यदि किसी स. श्रे. का प्रथम पद 5, अंतिम पद 45 तथा पदों का योगफल 400 हो, तो पदों की संख्या है ?

(अ) 8

(ब) 10

(स) 16

(द) 20

प्रश्न 55 यदि किसी स. श्रे. का तीसरा पद 18 तथा सातवाँ पद 30 है, तो उसके प्रथम 17 पदों का योगफल होगा ?

(अ) 600

(ब) 612

(स) 624

(द) 636

प्रश्न 56 यदि (x+1), 3x, (4x+2) स. श्रे. में हो , तो इस श्रेढी का पांचवा पद होगा।

(अ) 14

(ब) 19

(स) 24

(द) 28

प्रश्न 57 a, b, c ब स. श्रे में है।  a तथा b का स. मा. x, b तथा c का स. मा y हो तो  x तथा y का स. मा. होगा।

(अ) a

(ब) b

(स) c

(द) a+c

प्रश्न 58 किसी स. श्रे. के n पदों का योगफल 3n2+5n है इसका 27 वाॅ पद है ?

(अ) 160

(ब) 162

(स) 164

(द) 166

प्रश्न 59 20 तथा 30 के मध्य 50 समांतर माध्यों का योगफल है?

(अ) 1255

(ब) 1205

(स) 1250

(द) 1225

प्रश्न 60 स. श्रे. √3, 1/√31/3√3 का सार्वअनुपात है?

(अ) 1/3

(ब) 1/√3

(स) √3

(द) 3

प्रश्न 61 श्रेणी 96, 48, 24, 12………..3/16 में पदों की संख्या है?

(अ) 8

(ब) 10

(स) 12

(द) 15

प्रश्न 62 श्रेणी √3+1/√3+1/3√3+……….. के अनंत पदों का योगफल है?

(अ) √3/2

(ब) 3√3

(स) 3√3/2

(द) 3/2

प्रश्न 63 श्रेणी 1/7+2/72+1/73+2/74 के अनंत पदों का योगफल है

(अ) 1/6

(ब) 3/16

(स) 1/16

(द) 7/16

प्रश्न 64 यदि गु. श्रे. का तीसरा पद 2 है, तो उसके प्रथम पांच पदों का गुणनफल है ?

(अ) 4

(ब) 16

(स) 32

(द) 64

प्रश्न 65 n के किस मान के लिए व्यंजक  (an+1 + bn-1 ) / (an + bn ) a तथा b के बीच गु. मा. होगा?

(अ) 1

(ब) 2

(स) 0

(द) 12

प्रश्न 66 यदि -9 और -4 के मध्य गु. मा. है?

(अ) -36

(ब) 6

(स) -6

(द) 36

प्रश्न 67 श्रेढी 1/2, 5/13, 5/16…….. है?

(अ) स. श्रे.

(ब) गु. श्रे.

(स) ह. श्रे.

(द) अन्य श्रेणी

प्रश्न 68 श्रेढी 1,1/4, 1/7, 5/16…………. का छठा पद है?

(अ) 1/13

(ब) 1/16

(स) 1/15

(द) इनमें से कोई नही

प्रश्न 69 यदि a, b, c  ह. श्रे. में हो, तो सत्य कथन है?

(अ) ac=b2

(ब) √ac < b

(स) a + c = 2b

(द) √ac < b

प्रश्न 70 दो संख्याओं के ह. मा. तथा गु. मा. का अनुपात 12:13 है तो संख्याओं का अनुपात होगा।

(अ) 1:2

(ब) 2:3

(स) 3:5

(द) 4:9

प्रश्न 71 5 व्यक्ति एक गोल मेज पर कितने प्रकार से बैठ सकते है?

(अ) 120

(ब) 24

(स) 60

(द) 12

प्रश्न 72 BHILWARA के अक्षरों से कितने शब्द बनाए जा सकते है?

(अ) 8!/2!

(ब) 8!

(स) 7 !

(द) 6!/2!

प्रश्न 73 61C57 – 60C56का मान है?

(अ) 61C58

(ब) 60C57

(स) 60C58

(द) 61C57

प्रश्न 74 BHOPAL के अक्षरों से कितने शब्द बनाए जा सकते है?

(अ) 124

(ब) 240

(स) 360

(द) 260

प्रश्न 75 10g (√2)x = 4 हो तो x का मान होगा।

(अ) 4√2

(ब) 1/4 

(स) 4

(द) 4 x √2

प्रश्न 76 log (1+2x3) का मान है?

(अ) 2 log 3

(ब) log1 . log2 . log3

(स) log1+log2+log3

(द) log 7 

प्रश्न 77 संख्या log2 7 है?

(अ) पूर्णांक

(ब) परिमेय

(स) अपरिमेय

(द) अभाज्य

प्रश्न 78 lim x→0 [(1 – Cosx)/x2 ] का मान है।

(अ) 0

(ब) 1/2

(स) -1/2

(द) 1

प्रश्न 79 lim x→0 [(1+3)1/x / (1-3)1/x ] का मान है?

(अ) 0

(ब) ∞

(स) -1

(द) 1

प्रश्न 80 lim x→0 [Sinx0 / x ]  का मान है?

(अ) 0

(ब) 1

(स) π/180


प्रश्न 81 उस सरल रेखा का समीकरण जो Y अक्ष से समांतर तथा Y अक्ष के बायी ओर 5 इकाई की दूरी पर है?

(अ) y=5

(ब) x=5

(स) x=-5

(द) y=-5

प्रश्न 82 उस रेखा का समीकरण जो बिंदु (3,-4) से होकर गुजरती है तथा x अक्ष से समांतर है?

(अ) x=3

(ब) y=-4

(स) x+3=0

(द) y-4=0

प्रश्न 83 y अक्ष की प्रवणता है।

(अ) 1

(ब) 0

(स) ∞ 

(द)π /2

प्रश्न 84 समीकरण X×1/+ Y×√3/= 5  द्वारा निरूपित सरल रेखा निम्न रूप में है?

(अ) सममित रूप

(ब) झुकाव रूप

(स) अन्तः खंड रूप 

(द) लम्ब रूप

प्रश्न 85 सरल 3x – 4y = 7 रेखा के समांतर और मूल बिन्दू से गुजरने वाली रेखा का समीकरण है?

(अ) 3x – 4y = 1

(ब) 3x – 4y = 0

(स) 4x – 3y = 1

(द) 3y – 4x = 0 

प्रश्न 86 मूल बिन्दू से सरल रेखा x+√3y = 1  पर डाले गए लम्ब की लम्बाई P है तो P का मान है?

(अ) 1/4

(ब) 1/2

(स) √3/2

(द) 1

प्रश्न 87 यदि रेखाए y = mx + 5 तथा 3x + 5y = 8 परस्पर लम्ब है तो m का मान है?

(अ) 5/3

(ब) 5/3

(स) 3/5

(द) 3/5

प्रश्न 88 सरल रेखा 3x – 4y + 7 = 0 पर लम्ब और बिन्दू (1,-2) में से गुजरने वाली रेखा का समीकरण होगा

(अ) 4x = 3y – 2 = 0

(ब) 4x + 3y +2 = 0

(स) 4x – 3y + 2 = 0

(द) 4x – 3y -2 = 0

प्रश्न 89 रेखाओं y = -2 तथा y = x + 2 से मध्य का अधिक कोण है?

(अ) 145°

(ब) 150°

(स) 135°

(द) 120°

प्रश्न 90 रेखा के समीकरण 2x +√3y-4 = 0  को झुकाव रूप  में बदलने पर झुकाव रूप में प्रयुक्त अचर राशि के मान है?

(अ) m=2, c =4

(ब) m=2/√3, c= –4/√3 

(स) m=√3/2, c = 2

(द) m=-2/√3, c=4/√3

प्रश्न 91 वृत 9x2 + y2 +  8x = 4 (x2 – y2)की त्रिज्या है?

(अ) 1

(ब) 2

(स) 4/5

(द) 5/4

प्रश्न 92 आयतीय अतिपरवलय की उत्क्रेन्द्रता होगी ?

(अ) 0

(ब) 1

(स) √2

(द) 2

प्रश्न 93 पांच छात्रों के गणित में प्राप्तांक 20, 25, 15, 35 और 30 है तो इसका परास होगा।

(अ) 15

(ब) 20

(स) 25

(द) 30

प्रश्न 94 किसी वस्तु का अधिकतम मूल्य 500 रू  तथा न्यूनतम मूल्य 75 रू होने पर परास गुणाक होगा।

(अ) 0.739

(ब) 0.937

(स) 7.39

(द) 73.9

प्रश्न 95 परास गुणांक परिभाषित किया जा सकता है?

(अ) (H – L) / 2

(ब) (H + L) / 2

(स) (H – L) / (H + L)

(द) (H + L) / (H – L)

प्रश्न 96 एक सिक्के का n बार उछालने पर n(s) है?

(अ) 2n

(ब) 2n

(स) n2

(द) n/2

प्रश्न 97  दो पासों के उछालने पर उनका योगफल 3 आने की प्रतिवर्ष समश्टि है?

(अ) (1,2)

(ब) {(2,1)}

(स) {(3,3)}

(द) {(1,2),(2,1)}

प्रश्न 98  एक सिक्का तथा एक पासा एक साथ उछालने पर प्रतिदर्श समष्टि के अवयवों की संख्या है ?

(अ) 12  

(ब) 6

(स) 64

(द) 36 

प्रश्न 99  किसी अभिप्रयोग का प्रत्येक परिणाम कहलाता है?

(अ) प्रतिदर्श  समष्टि

(ब) यादृच्छिक परीक्षण

(स) प्रतिदर्श बिन्दू

(द) क्रमित युग्म

प्रश्न 100 एक लीप वर्ष में 53 सोमवार होन की अनुकूल द्यटनाए होगी।

(अ) 7

(ब) 2

(स) 1

(द) 1

Answer Sheet 
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Question 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Question 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Question 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Question 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Question 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
Question 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70
Question 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
Question 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
Question 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100


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