Patwari Pre Exam 24 Oct 2021 Shift -II Previous Year Paper

Patwari Pre Exam 24 Oct 2021 Shift -II Previous Year Paper

Direction : Read the given passage and answer the questions (1 to 3) that follows based on passage : 

The caffeine in one morning’s coffee or tea may improve the complex reasoning ability of extroverts but has the opposite effect on introverts. More than 700 people were given caffeine equal to no more than three cups of coffee and then tested on word analogies, sentence completion, and identification of antonyms. The researchers believe that the caffeine was beneficial to the extroverts in the morning because they take longer to wake up. Introverts are more alert in the morning and become overstimulated by the drug which interferes with their reasoning power. 

निर्देश : दिए गए परिच्छेद को पढ़िए और उस पर आधारित प्रश्नों (1-3) के उत्तर दीजिए: 

सुबह की चाय या कॉफी में कैफीन, बहिर्मुखियों की जटिल तार्किक क्षमता में संभवतः वृद्धि कर सकता है, परन्तु अंतर्मुखियों पर विपरीत प्रभाव डालता है । 700 से भी ज्यादा लोगों को तीन कप कॉफी के लगभग बराबर कैफीन दी गई और उन्हें विपरीतार्थक शब्द पहचानने, वाक्य पूर्णता एवं शब्द तुल्यरूपता पर परखा गया । शोधकर्ताओं का मानना है कि प्रातःकाल में बहिर्मुखियों के लिए कैफीन लाभदायक है क्योंकि वे उठने (जागने) में ज्यादा समय लेते हैं । अंतर्मुखी प्रातः ज्यादा चैतन्य होते हैं और ड्रग के प्रभाव से अधिक प्रेरित हो जाते हैं जो उनकी तार्किक शक्ति में बाधा डालता है। 

Q. 1.  Caffeine has greater effect carly in the morning. 

(A) Probably true 

(B) Data inadequate 

(C) Definitely true 

(D) Probably false 

प्रातः काल में कैफीन का अधिक प्रभाव रहता है। 

(A) संभवतः सही 

(B) डेटा अपर्याप्त 

(C) निश्चित सही 

(D) संभवतः गलत 


Q. 2. Extroverts do not find caffeine beneficial in the evening. 

(A) Definitely true 

(B) Data inadequate 

(C) Probably true 

(D) Definitely false 

बहिर्मुखी सायंकाल में कैफीन को लाभदायक नहीं पाते हैं। 

(A) निश्चित सही 

(B) डेटा अपर्याप्त 

(C) संभवतः सही 

(D) निश्चित गलत 


Q. 3. Caffeine affects reasoning ability of people who drink tea or coffee. 

(A) Definitely true 

(B) Probably true 

(C) Data inadequate 

(D) Definitely false 

 जो लोग चाय या कॉफी पीते हैं, कैफीन उनकी तार्किक क्षमता को प्रभावित करती है। 

(A) निश्चित सही 

(B) संभवतः सही 

(C) डेटा अपर्याप्त 

(D) निश्चित गलत 


Q. 4. Ankit is related to Binny and Chinky. Daizy is Chinky’s mother. Also, Daizy is Binny’s sister and Aruna is Binny’s sister. How is Chinky related to Aruna ? 

(A) Cousin 

(B) Niece 

(C) Aunt 

(D) Sister 

अंकित, बिन्नी और चिंकी से संबंधित है । डेज़ी, चिंकी की मां है । अरुणा, बिन्नी की बहन है और डेज़ी भी बिन्नी की बहन है । चिंकी, अरुणा से किस प्रकार संबंधित है ? 

(A) कज़िन 

(B) नीस 

(C) आंटी 

(D) बहन 


Q. 5. IT BEAT is coded as ‘EHDW’, how will you code ‘ROAD’ ? 

यदि ‘BEAT’ को ‘EHDW’ कूटित किया गया हो, तो आप ‘ROAD’ को किस प्रकार कूटित करोगे? (A) URBG 





Q. 6. Parimal walks 40 metres towards east. He then turns left and walks 20 metres. He again tums left and walks 40 metres. How far is he from his starting point ? 

(A) 60 metres 

(B) 30 metres 

(C) 20 metres 

(D) 40 metres 

परिमल 40 मीटर पूर्व की ओर चलता है । फिर वह बायीं ओर मुड़कर 20 मीटर चलता है । वह दुबारा बायीं ओर मुड़कर 40 मीटर चलता है । वह अपने शुरुआती बिंदु से कितनी दूरी पर है? 

(A) 60 मीटर 

(B) 30 मीटर 

(C) 20 मीटर 

(D) 40 मीटर 


Q. 7. A, B, C, O, E, F and G are sitting around a circular table facing the centre. C is next to the left of F and G is second to the left of C. A is sitting third to the left of E. Bis between 0 and E. What is the position of O ? 

(A) O is to immediate right of G. 

(B) O sits between A and C. . 

(C) O sits between Gand B. 

(D) O is to the immediate left of B. 

A, B,C,O,E,F और G केंद्र की ओर मुख कर एक गोल मेज के चारों ओर बैठे हैं । F के बायें अगला c है और C के बायें से दूसरा G है । E के बायें से तीसरे स्थान पर A बैठा है । 0 एवं E के मध्य B है। 0 का स्थान कौन सा है? 

(A) G के तुरंत दायें 0 है। 

(B) A एवं c के मध्य 0 बैठा है। 

(C) G एवं B के मध्य 0 बैठा है। 

(D) B के तुरंत बायें 0 है। 


Q. 8. Mukesh is twenty-fifth from left and Suresh is twenty-fourth from right in a row of 40 students. If Dhiren is sitting in between them, what will be his position from left? 

40 छात्रों की एक पंक्ति में, मुकेश बायें से पच्चीसवाँ और सुरेश दाहिने से चौबीसवाँ है । यदि धीरेन उन दोनों के मध्य बैठा हैं, तो बायें से उसका स्थान क्या होगा? 

(A) 24 

(B) 26 

(C) 21 

(D) 23 


Q. 9. From the pairs of words, you have to select the pair which is related in the same way as the words of the first pair. Editor : Magazine : : _____: ____

(A) Poem : Story 

(B) Novel : Volume 

(C) Chair : Table 

(D) Director : Film 

दिये गये शब्दों के युग्मों में से आपको उस युग्म का चयन करना है जो प्रथम युग्म के शब्दों की तरह ही। समान रूप से संबंधित हैं। संपादक : पत्रिका :: 

(A) कविता : कहानी 

(B) उपन्यास : ग्रंथ 

(C) कुर्सी : मेज 

(D) निर्देशक : फिल्म 


Q. 10. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words? 

निम्न शब्दों का अर्थपूर्ण क्रम दिए गए उत्तरों में से 

कौन सा एक होगा? 

1. Police / पुलिस . 

2. Punishment / दण्ड 

3. Crime / अपराध 

4. Trial/ मुकदमा 

5. Judgement / निर्णय 

(A) 5,3,4,2,1 

(B) 3, 1, 4,5,2 

(C) 3,1, 2,5,4 

(D) 1,2,4,5,3 


Q. 11. Which letter will replace the question mark(?) in the following circle? 

निम्न वृत्त में कौन सा अक्षर प्रश्न चिन्ह (?) को प्रतिस्थापित करेगा ? 

(A) V

(B) O 

(C) H 

(D) T 


Q. 12. Supply the right letters for the Question Mark (?): 

प्रश्न चिह्न (?) के लिए सही अक्षर प्रदान करें: 

ZA, UF, QJ, ?, LO 

(A) AM 

(B) QM 

(C) NM 

(D) PM 


Q. 13. It ‘CLOCK’ is written as ‘KCOLC’, how STEPS’ can be written in that code? 

यदि ‘CLOCK’ को ‘KCOLC’ लिखा गया है, तो उसी कूट में STEPS’ को किस प्रकार लिखा जा सकता है? 






Q. 14. Sheela walks 1 km to east and turns right and walks another 1 km and then turns left and walks 2 km and again turning to her left travels 5 km. How far is Sheela from her starting point ? 

शीला पूर्व की ओर 1 कि.मी. चलती है और दायें -: ओर मुड़कर 1 कि.मी. चलती है और फिर बायें मुड़कर 2 कि.मी. चलती है और वापस बायें मुड़कर -5 कि.मी. चलती है । शीला अपने शुरुआती बिंदु से कितनी दूरी पर है? 

(A) 7km/कि.मी. 

(B) 2 km/कि.मी. 

(C) 9 km/कि.मी. 

(D) 5 km/कि.मी. 


Q. 15. Choose the odd one from the given alternatives. 

दिए गए विकल्पों में से विषम को चुनें। 

(A) 6-12 

(B) 9-20 

(C) 4-8 

(D) 8-16 


Q. 16. Which letter will be 14th to the left of 10th letter from the right end in English alphabetical series? 

अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला श्रेणी में दायें छोर से 10वें अक्षर के बायीं ओर का 14वाँ अक्षर कौन सा होगा ? 

(A) X

(B) A

(C) Z

(D) C


Q. 17. Pointing to a boy in a photograph Abir says, “He is the son of my mother’s only son”. How is Abir related to that boy? 

(A) Uncle. 

(B) None of these 

(C) Brother 

(D) Father 

एक चित्र में एक लड़के की ओर इशारा करते हुए अबीर ने कहा, “वह मेरी माँ के इकलौते पुत्र का पुत्र है। अबीर उस लड़के से किस प्रकार संबंधित है ? 

(A) अंकल 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) भाई 

(D) पिता 


Q. 18. In a College, Lallu _________________ Biology and Physics. N and M were teaching Physics and English. O and L were teaching Sanskrit and Biology. P and M were teaching Geography and Spanish. L and M were teaching which subjects ? 

(A) Sanskrit 

(B) Physics and Sanskrit 

(C) Physics 

(D) Biology and Physics 

एक कॉलेज में L और M जीव-विज्ञान एवं भौतिकशास्त्र पढ़ाते थे | N और M भौतिकशास्त्र एवं अंग्रेजी पढ़ाते थे | O और L संस्कृत एवं जीव-विज्ञान पढ़ाते थे । P और M भूगोल और स्पैनिश पढ़ाते थे। ‘L और M कौन से विषय पढ़ाते थे ? 

(A) संस्कृत 

(B) भौतिकशास्त्र एवं संस्कृत 

(C) भौतिकशास्त्र 

(D) जीव-विज्ञान एवं भौतिकशास्त्र 


Q. 19. If ‘water’ is called ‘food’, ‘food’ is called ‘tree’, ‘tree’ is called ‘sky’, ‘sky’ is called ‘wall’, on which of the following grows a fruit ? 

(A) Tree 

(B) None of these 

(C) Water 

(D) Food 

यदि ‘पानी’ को ‘खाना’ कहा जाता है, ‘खाना’ को ‘पेड़’ कहा जाता है, ‘पेड़’ को ‘आकाश’ कहा जाता है, ‘आकाश’ को ‘दीवार’ कहा जाता है, तो निम्न में से किस पर फल उगते हैं ? 

(A) पेड़ 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) पानी 

(D) खाना 


Q. 20. Which one of the given responses would be a meaningful order of the following words? 

निम्न शब्दों का अर्थपूर्ण क्रम दिए गए उत्तरों में से कौन सा एक होगा ? 

1. Village / गाँव 

2. Nation / राष्ट्र 

3. District / जिला 

4. Taluk/ तालुका 

5. State / राज्य 

(A) 1,4,3,5,2. 

(B) 1,2,3,4,5 

(C) 1,4,2,3,5 

(D) 1,3,2,4,5 . 


Q. 21. A lady has 25p and 50p coins in her bag. She has a total of 120 coins amounting to₹50. What is the ratio of the number of 25p and 50p coins ? 

एक महिला के बैग में 25p और 50p के सिक्के हैं। उसके पास 120 सिक्के हैं जिनका मूल्य ₹50 है । 25p और 50p के सिक्कों की संख्या का अनुपात क्या है ? 

(A) 1:2 

(B) 1:30 

(C) 2:3 

(D) 1:4 


Q. 22. If the volumes of two cones are in the ratio of 1:4 and their diameters are in the ratio of 4 : 5, then the ratio of their heights is: 

यदि दो शंकुओं का आयतन 1 : 4 के अनुपात में एवं उनका व्यास 4:5 के अनुपात में है, तो उनकी ऊँचाई का अनुपात है: 

(A) 6:9 

(B) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) 5:4 

(D) 4:5 25. 


Q. 23. Select an appropriate number to replace the question mark (?). 

प्रश्न चिह्न (?) को प्रतिस्थापित करने के लिए एक उपयुक्त संख्या चुनें। 

(A) 186 

(B) 126 

(C) 118 

(D) 162 


Q. 24. (7+7+7)➗7 / (5+5+5➗5) = ?

(A) 16/21

(B) 3/11

(C) 1 

(D) 11/5 


Q. 25. Find the average of the cubes of first five natural numbers. 

प्रथम पाँच धनपूर्ण संख्याओं के घनों का औसत ज्ञात कीजिए। 

(A) 65 

(B) 55 

(C) 35 

(D) 45


Q. 26. If 10 spiders can catch 10 flies in 10 min, thien how many flics can 200 spiders catch in 20 min ? 

यदि 10 मकड़ियाँ 10 मि. में 10 मक्खियों को पकड़ सकती हैं, तो 200 मकड़ियाँ 20 मि. में कितनी मक्खियाँ पकड़ सकती है ? 

(A) 600 

(B) 800 

(C) 700 

(D) 400 


Q. 27. A shopkeeper by selling 44 calculators eams a profit equal to the selling price of 11 calculators. His profit percentage is : 

एक दुकानदार 44 कैलकुलेटर बेचकर 11 कैलकुलेटर के विक्रय मूल्य के बराबर का लाभ अर्जित करता है । उसका लाभ प्रतिशत है : 

(A) 30.33% 

(B) 40.33% 

(C) 33.33% 

(D) 25.33% 


Q. 28. If A’s income is 25% more than B’s income, then by how much percent is B’s income less than A’s income?

यदि A की आय B की आय से 25% ज्यादा है, तो B की आय A की आय से कितना प्रतिशत कम है? 

(A) 20% 

(B) 30% 

(C) 25% 

(D) 15% 


Q. 29. Deepak invested an amount of ₹21,250 for 6 years. At what rate of simple interest will he obtain the total amount of₹26,350 at the end of 6 years? 

दीपक ने ₹ 21,250 की एक राशि का 6 वर्षों के लिए निवेश किया । 6 वर्षों पश्चात्, वह किस साधारण ब्याज दर से कुल राशि ₹ 26,350 प्राप्त करेगा ? 

(A) 9% p.a./ प्रति वर्ष 

(B) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) 4% p.a. / प्रति वर्ष 

(D) 7% p.a. / प्रति वर्ष 


Q. 30. The compound interest on ₹2,000 for 3 years is₹315.25. The rate of interest is :

₹ 2,000 पर 3 वर्षों का चक्रवृद्धि ब्याज ₹315.25 है । ब्याज की दर है : 

(A) 5% 

(B) 9%  

(C) 7% 

(D) 8%


Q. 31. One litre of water is added to 5 litres of a 20% solution of alcohol in water. The strength of alcohol is now: 

पानी में एल्कोहल के 20% घोल के पाँच लीटर में एक लीटर पानी मिश्रित किया गया । अब एल्कोहल की मात्रा है 

(A) 16.66% 

(B) 24% 

(C) 12.5% 

(D) 16% 2. 


Q. 32. How much percent is 20 paise of ₹5? 

20 पैसे, ₹5 का कितना प्रतिशत है ? 

(A) 0.8% 

(B) 4% 

(C) 0.12% 

(D) 0.4% 


Q. 33. 4 men and 6 women finish a job in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women finish it in 10 days. 10 women working together will finish it in: 

4 पुरुष एवं 6 महिलाएँ 8 दिन में एक कार्य को पूर्ण करते हैं जबकि 3 पुरुष एवं 7 महिलाएँ इसे 10 दिन में पूर्ण करते हैं । 10 महिलाएँ एकसाथ काम करके इसे पूर्ण करेंगी : 

(A) 60 days/दिनों में 

(B) 40 days/दिनों में 

(C) 20 days/दिनों में 

(D) 30 days/दिनों में 


Q. 34. The profit earned after selling an article for ₹ 1,754 is the same as loss incurred after selling the article for ₹ 1,492. What is the cost price of the article ? 

एक वस्तु को ₹ 1,754 में बेचने के बाद अर्जित लाभ, वस्तु को ₹ 1,492 में बेचने के बाद हानि के बराबर है । वस्तु का लागत मूल्य क्या है ? 

(A) ₹1,580 

(B) ₹1,623 

(C) ₹1,524 

(D) ₹1,680 


Q. 35. 0.5 0.5 + 0.5 + 5 = ? 

(A) 0.15 

(B) 0.25a d 

(C) 0.45 

(D) 0.35 


Q. 36. The breadth of a rectangular field is 60% of its length. If the perimeter of the field is 800 m, what is the area of the field? 

एक आयाताकार क्षेत्र की चौड़ाई उसकी लंबाई की 60% है । यदि क्षेत्र का परिमाप 800 m. है, तो क्षेत्र का क्षेत्रफल क्या है ? 

(A) 58000 m 

(B) 38000 m2 

(C) 10750 sq. m 

(D) 37500 sq. m 


Q. 37. The average of 5 consecutive even numbers A, B, C, D and E is 52. What is the product of B and E? 

5 क्रमागत सम संख्याओं A, B, C, D और E का औसत 52 है | B और E का गुणनफल कितना है ?

(A) 2980 

(B) 2910 

(C) 2800 

(D) 3080 


Q. 38. In a shower, 5 cm of rain falls. The volume of water that falls on 1.5 hectares of ground is : 

एक बौछार में 5 cm वर्षा होती है । 1.5 हेक्टेयर भूमि पर गिरे पानी की मात्रा है 

(A) 950 cu. m 

(B) 1060 cu. m 

(C) 850 cu. m 

(D) 750 cu. m 

Directions (Questions 39 to 41) : Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below : | 

निर्देश (प्रश्न 39 से 41) : निम्नलिखित सूचनाओं को ध्यानपूर्वक पढ़े एवं नीचे दिए प्रश्नों का उत्तर देवें : 

Given an input, a machine generates pass codes for the six batches each day as follows: 

एक निवेश दिया गया है, प्रतिदिन एक मशीन छः बैचों के लिए पास कोड इस प्रकार उत्पन्न करती है : 

Input / निवेश : these icons were taken out from the sea 

Pass codes / पास कोड : 

Batch I/ बैच1 : from sea the out taken were icons these | 

Batch II/ बैच II : from icons these were taken out the sea 

Batch III / बैच III : from icons out sea the taken were these | 

Batch IV/बैच IV : from icons out sea these were taken the and so on. 

First batch starts at 10.00 a.m. and each batch is .. for one hour. There is a rest period of one hour after the end of the fourth batch.. 

और इसी प्रकार आगे प्रथम बैच 10.00 a.m. पर शुरू होता है और हर बैच एक घंटे का होता है । चौथे बैच के अंत के बाद एक घंटे का विश्राम होता है। 


Q. 39. What will be the pass code for the batch at 3.00 p.m., if input is ‘four of the following five form a group’? 

3.00 p.m. पर बैच के लिए पास कोड क्या होगा यदि निवेश ‘four of the following five form a group’ है ? 

(A) a five following form four of the group 

(B) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) a five following form four group the of 

(D) a five following form group the of four 


Q. 40. If the pass code for the batch at 1.00 p.m. on a day was ‘back go here people who settle want to’, what was the pass code for the batch at 3.00 p.m. on that day? 

यदि एक दिन 1.00 p.m. पर बैच के लिए पास कोड था ‘back go here people who settle want to’, तो उसी दिन 3.00 p.m. पर बैच का पास कोड क्या था ? 

(A) Cannot be determined / ज्ञात नहीं किया जा सकता। 

(B) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) back go here people settle who want to 

(D) back go here people settle to want who 


Q. 41. The pass code for the first batch on a day was ‘he so used to sell the surplus items’. What was the input on that day? 

किसी दिन प्रथम बैच का पास कोड था ‘he so used to sell the surplus items’, तो उसी दिन का निवेश क्या था ? 

(A) Cannot be determined / ज्ञात नहीं किया जा सकता। 

(B) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) he items surplus the sell to used so 

(D) so used to sell the surplus items he 


Q. 42. What was Kharda in Rajasthan during British period ? 

(A) The cost to be collected from the working castes. 

(B) None of these 

(C) The money to be collected from the people of the village for food for the army of the state when a halt is opened near a village. 

(D) To be charged two rupees per house for the construction and repair of citadel. 

 ब्रिटिश काल के दौरान राजस्थान में खरड़ा क्या था ? 

(A) श्रमजीवी जातियों से वसूली जाने वाली राशि । 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) राज्य की सेना जब किसी गाँव के पास पड़ाव . डालती, तो उसके भोजन के लिए गाँव के लोगों से वसूल किया जाने वाला धन । 

(D) गढ़ के निर्माण व मरम्मत हेतु दो रुपए प्रति घर से वसूले जाते थे। 


Q. 43. Ghagghar Ka Maidan’ is situated at 

(A) In the district of Ganganagar & Hanumangarh 

(B) In the districts of Jaisalmer & Barmer 

(C) In the districts of Jhunjhunu & Sikar 

(D) In the districts of Jalor & Sirohi 

घग्घर का मैदान स्थित है । 

(A) गंगानगर व हनुमानगढ़ जिलों में 

(B) जैसलमेर व बाड़मेर जिलों में 

(C) झुंझुनूं व सीकर जिलों में 

(D) जालौर व सिरोही जिलों में 


Q. 44. In Bheel tribes of Rajasthan, village head is called 

(A) Phala 

(B) Gameti 

(C) Palvi 

(D) Pal 

राजस्थान की भील जनजाति में गाँव का मुखिया कहलाता है 

(A) फला 

(B) गमेती 

(C) पालवी 

(D) पाल 


Q. 45. Match the following : सुमेलित कीजिए: 

Granth (Books) / ग्रथ  writer / लेखक 
a. Prithvi Raj Raso / पृथ्वीराज रासो  1. Vijaydan Detha / / विजयदान देथा 
b. Vir Vinod / वीर विनोद  2.Chandbardai/ चन्दबरदाई 
c. Batan-Ri-Phulwari / बातां री फुलवारी  3. Shyamaldas / श्यामलदास 

Codes / कूट : 

* a b c
(A) 1 2 3
(B) 2 1 3
(C) 3 1 2
(D) 2 3 1

Q. 46. When was Karauli district formed in Rajasthan ? 

राजस्थान में करौली जिले का गठन कब हुआ था ? 

(A) 17.09.98 

(B) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) 07.09.95 

(D) 19.07.97 


Q. 47. Who was the first ruler of Rathore dynasty? 

(A) Rao Jodha 

(B) Rao Chuda 

(C) Rao Ranmal 

(D) Mokal 

राठौर राजवंश के प्रथम शासक कौन थे ? 

(A) राव जोधा 

(B) राव चूड़ा 

(C) राव रणमल 

(D) मोकल 


Q. 48. Who was the first Chief Justice of ‘Rajasthan High Court’ ? 

(A) Sarju Prasad 

(B) None of these 

(C) K.K. Verma 

(D) D.S. Dave 

‘राजस्थान उच्च न्यायालय’ के पहले मुख्य न्यायाधीश कौन थे? 

(A) सरजू प्रसाद 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) के.के. वर्मा 

(D) डी.एस. दवे : 


Q. 49. The correct chronological order of the attacks of Alauddin on Rajasthan is 

1. Jalor Attack 

2. Chittor Attack 

3. Ranthambhaur Attack 

अलाउद्दीन के राजस्थान पर आक्रमणों का कालानुक्रम है 

1. जालौर आक्रमण 

2. चित्तौड़ आक्रमण 

3. रणथम्भौर आक्रमण 

Code / कूट: 

(A) 1,2,3 

(B) 3,1,2 

(C) 3,2,1 

(D) 2,3,1 


Q. 50. were the leaders of the revolt of 1857 in Kota State of Rajasthan. 

(A) Lala Jaidayal and Mehrab Khan 

(B) Pt. Naynuram Sharma and Vijay Singh Pathik 

(C) Lala Hardayal and Mahavat Khan 

(D) Khushal Singh and Ram Singh 

राजस्थान के कोटा राज्य में 1857 के विद्रोह का नेतृत्व करने वाले थे 

(A) लाला जयदयाल तथा मेहराब खाँ 

(B) पं. नयनूराम शर्मा तथा विजयसिंह पथिक 

(C) लाला हरदयाल तथा महावत खाँ 

(D) खुशालसिंह तथा रामसिंह 


Q. 51. Which of the following is not a dance of Kalbelia’s of Rajasthan ? 

(A) Panihari 

(B) Indoni 

(C) Shankaria 

(D) Chari 

निम्न में से कौन सा नृत्य राजस्थान के कालबेलियो का नहीं है? 

(A) पणिहारी 

(B) इण्डोनी 

(C) शंकरिया 

(D) चरी 


Q. 52. Which of the following pairs is incorrect? 

(A) Samidheshwar Temple – Chittor 

(B) Rama Vaikunthnath Temple – Pushkar 

(C) Vashishtha ji Temple – Sirohi 

(D) Laxminarayan Temple – Alwar 

निम्न में से कौन सा युग्म असंगत है ? 

(A) समिधेश्वर मंदिर – चित्तौड़ 

(B) रमा वैकुण्ठनाथ मंदिर – पुष्कर 

(C) वशिष्ठ जी का मंदिर – सिरोही 

(D) लक्ष्मीनारायण मंदिर – अलवर 


Q. 53. Match List-1 (Wild-life Sanctuary) with List-II (Place) and choose the answer from the given codes : 

List – I List – II
a. Desert National Park  1. Udaipur 
b. Talchhapar  2. Bharatpur 
c. Phulwari Ki Nal  3. Jaisalmer 
d. Bandh Baretha  4. Churu 

सूची-I (वन्य-जीव अभयारण्य) को सूची-II (स्थान) से सुमेलित कीजिए तथा नीचे दिये गये कूट के आधार पर उत्तर का चयन कीजिए : 

सूची-I  सूची – II 
a. मरु राष्ट्रीय उद्यान  1. उदयपुर 
b. तालछापर 2. भरतपुर 
c. फूलवाड़ी की नाल 3. जैसलमेर 
d. बन्ध बारेठा  4. चुरू 

Codes / कूट: 

* a b c d
(A) 3 4 1 2
(B) 4 3 2 1
(C) 2 3 1 4
(D) 3 2 4 1


Q. 54. The Prime Minister of Matsya Union was 

(A) Tikaram Paliwal 

(B) Shobharam Kumawat 

(C) Sawai Mansingh 

(D) Bhupal Singh 

मत्स्य संघ के प्रधानमंत्री थे 

(A) टीकाराम पालीवाल 

(B) शोभाराम कुमावत 

(C) सवाई मानसिंह 

(D) भूपाल सिंह 


Q. 55. Match the following : 

निम्नलिखित को सुमेलित करें : 

Tourist Services (पर्यटन सेवाएँ)  Starting Year (प्रारम्भ वर्ष) 
a. Heritage On Wheels/ हेरिटेज ऑन व्हील्स  1. 2004 
b. Royal Rajasthan On Wheels/ रॉयल राजस्थान ऑन व्हील्स  2. 2009
c. Royal Orient Express / रॉयल ओरिएंट एक्सप्रेस  3. 1994-95 
d. Village On Wheels/ विलेज ऑन व्हील्स  4. 2006 

Codes / कूट : 

* a b c d
(A) 4 2 3 1
(B) 2 1 4 3
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 2 1 4

Q. 56. Who was the first Chairperson of Rajasthan Public Service Commission ? 

(A) D.S. Tiwari 

(B) M.M. Verma 

(C) S.C. Tripathi 

(D) Sir S.K. Ghosh 

राजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग के प्रथम अध्यक्ष कौन थे? 

(A) डी.एस. तिवारी 

(B) एम.एम. वर्मा 

(C) एस.सी. त्रिपाठी 

(D) सर एस.के. घोष 


Q. 57. Peepal Panna is 

(A) Women’s neck ornament 

(B) Women’s waist omament 

(C) Women’s ear omament 

(D) Women’s head omament 

पीपल पन्ना है 

(A) स्त्रियों के गले का आभूषण 

(B) स्त्रियों के कमर का आभूषण 

(C) स्त्रियों के कान का आभूषण 

(D) स्त्रियों के सिर का आभूषण 


Q. 58. The saint who was invited to Fatehpur Sikri by Mughal Emperor Akbar was _____.

(A) Rajjbaji 

(B) Dadu Dayal 

(C) Lal Das 

(D) Jasnath 

मुगल सम्राट अकबर द्वारा जिस सन्त को फतेहपुर सीकरी आमंत्रित किया गया था, वह था 

(A) रज्जबजी 

(B) दादू दयाल 

(C) लाल दास 

(D) जसनाथ 


Q. 59. In 1932 Mev Peasant Movement of Rajasthan started in whose leadership? 

(A) Alwar Maharaja Jaisingh 

(B) None of these 

(C) Pratap Singh 

(D) Dr. Mohammad Hadi 

1932 में राजस्थान का मेव किसान आंदोलन किसके नेतृत्व में प्रारम्भ हुआ ? 

(A) अलवर महाराजा जयसिंह 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) प्रतापसिंह 

(D) डॉ. मोहम्मद हादी 


Q. 60. Consider the following statementS the State Election Commission make the right selection : 

1. Preparation of electoral rolls to elections of State Panchaya Municipalities. 

2. To conduct the election Panchayats and Municipalities. 

3. The work of preparing and electina electoral rolls submitted by the Election Commission of India. 

राज्य निर्वाचन आयोग के बारे में निम्न कयों विचार कीजिए एवं सही निर्णय का चुनाव कीजिए। 

1. राज्य की पंचायतों एवं नगरपालिकाओं के चुनावों के लिए निर्वाचन सूची तैयार करना ।

2. पंचायतों एवं नगरपालिकाओं के लिए चुनाव / संपन्न कराना। 

3. भारतीय निर्वाचन आयोग द्वारा प्रस्तुत निर्वाचन सूची का चयन और तैयार करने का कार्य ।

(A) None of these / इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(B) 1,2 

(C) 2,3 

(D) 1, 2,3 


Q. 61. Match the following from List – I (Heritage) with List – II (Place) and choose the correct answer from the given codes as under: 

List-I  List – II 
a. Jal Mahal  1. Jodhpur 
b. Ek Thamba Mahal  2. Bikaner 
c. Junagarh Fort  3. Jaipur 

निम्नलिखित सूची – I (विरासत) का सूची – II (स्थान) के साथ मिलान करें और नीचे दिए गए कूट से सही उत्तर चुनें : 

सूची-I  सूची-II 
a. जल महल  1. जोधपुर 
b. एक थंबा महल 2. बीकानेर 
c. जूनागढ़ किला  3. जयपुर 

Codes / कूट : 

* a b c
(A) 1 2 3
(B) 1 3 2
(C) 3 2 1
(D) 3 1 2


Q. 62. Consider the following statements about Governor of any State : 

1. He is appointed by Chief Justice of India. 

2. They remain in office as per wishes of President. 

3. Executive powers of State are embedded within him. 

4. Generally, they remain in office for five years. 

किसी राज्य के राज्यपाल (गवर्नर) के संबंध में निम्न कथनों पर विचार कीजिए: 

1. उनको भारत के मुख्य न्यायाधीश नियुक्त करते 

2. वे राष्ट्रपति की इच्छा अनुसार पद पर रहते हैं । 

3. उनमें राज्य की कार्यकारी शक्तियाँ निहित हैं। 

4. सामान्यतः वे पाँच वर्ष के लिए पद पर रहते हैं। 

Choose the correct statements. 

सही कथनों का चयन कीजिए। 

Codes / कूट : 

(A) 2, 3, 4 

(B) 1, 2 

(C) 1, 2,3 

(D) 1, 2,4


Q. 63. Which of the following musical instrument is played by people of Kamad caste in Rajasthan ? 

(A) Gujari 

(B) None of these 

(C) Tandura 

(D) Surinda 

राजस्थान में कामड़ जाति के लोगों द्वारा निम्न में से कौन सा संगीत वाद्य बजाया जाता है ? 

(A) गुजरी 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) तन्दुरा 

(D) सुरिन्दा 


Q. 64. What is pachevada with reference to Rajasthan ? 

(A) Thick cotton shawl 

(B) Hand made paper 

(C) Jut patti 

(D) Mud toys 

राजस्थान के संदर्भ में पचवेदा (pachevada) क्या है ? 

(A) मोटी सूती शॉल 

(B) हस्त निर्मित कागज 

(C) जूटपट्टी 

(D) कच्ची मिट्टी के खिलौने 


Q. 65. The term of Lokayukta in Rajasthan is : 

(A) 5 years or age of 62 years, whichever is earlier. 

(B) 5 years or age of 65 years, whichever is earlier. 

(C) 5 years or age of 66 years, whichever is earlier. 

(D) 5 years or age of 60 years, whichever is earlier. 

राजस्थान में लोकायुक्त का कार्यकाल होता है : 

(A) 5 वर्ष या 62 वर्ष की आयु, जो भी पहले हो । 

(B) 5 वर्ष या 65 वर्ष की आयु, जो भी पहले हो । 

(C) 5 वर्ष या 66 वर्ष की आयु, जो भी पहले हो । 

(D) 5 वर्ष या 60 वर्ष की आयु, जो भी पहले हो । 


Q. 66. Lalya-Kalya Fair is organized in 

(A) Bhilwara 

(B) Ajmer 

(C) Bharatpur 

(D) Jaipur 

लाल्या-काल्या मेला आयोजित होता है 

(A) भीलवाड़ा में 

(B) अजमेर में 

(C) भरतपुर में 

(D) जयपुर में 


Q. 67. Which of the following pair has taken oath maximum times as a Chief Minister of Rajathan? 

(A) Shiv Charan Mathur and Haridev Joshi 

(B) None of these 

(C) Haridev Joshi and Bhairon Singh Shekhavat 

(D) Bhairon Singh Shekhavat and Hiralal Devpura 

राजस्थान के मुख्यमंत्री के रूप में निम्न में से किस युग्म ने सर्वाधिक बार शपथ ली है ? 

(A) शिवचरण माथुर एवं हरिदेव जोशी 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) हरिदेव जोशी एवं भैरोंसिंह शेखावत 

(D) भैरोंसिंह शेखावत एवं हीरालाल देवपुरा । 


Q. 68. Which of the following pairs is correct ? 

निम्न में से कौन सा युग्म सही है ? 

Institution / संस्थान  Establishment / स्थापना 
(A) Rajasthan Lalit Kala Academy/राजस्थान ललित कला अकादमी  1957 
(B) Rajasthan Sanskrit Academy / राजस्थान संस्कृत अकादमी  1969 
(C) Jaipur Katthak Kendra / जयपुर कत्थक केन्द्र  1982 
(D) Rajasthan Hindi Granth Academy / राजस्थान हिन्दी ग्रन्थ अकादमी  1980 

Q. 69. Who among the following was not a Chairman of Rajasthan State Hurnan Rights Commission ? 

(A) Justice Kanta Bhatnagar 

(B) Justice Premchand Jain 

(C) Justice N.K. Jain 

(D) Justice S. Sageer Ahmed 

निम्न में से कौन राजस्थान राज्य मानवाधिकार आयोग के एक अध्यक्ष नहीं थे ? 

(A) न्यायमूर्ति कांता भटनागर 

(B) न्यायमूर्ति प्रेमचन्द जैन 

(C) न्यायमूर्ति एन.के. जैन 

(D) न्यायमूर्ति एस. सगीर अहमद 


Q. 70. In Rajasthan, ‘Satudi Teej’ festival is celebrated on 

(A) Bhadrapad Shukla Panchmi 

(B) Bhadrapad Krishna Tritiya 

(C) Kartik Krishna Tritiya 

(D) Kartik Shukla Panchami 

राजस्थान में ‘सातूड़ी तीज’ नामक त्यौहार मनाया जाता है 

(A) भाद्रपद शुक्ल पंचमी को 

(B) भाद्रपद कृष्ण तृतीया को 

(C) कार्तिक कृष्ण तृतीया को 

(D) कार्तिक शुक्ल पंचमी को 


Q. 71. Who appoints the Chief Information Commissioner of the State ? 

(A) President 

(B) Governor 

(C) Chief Secretary 

(D) Chief Minister 

राज्य के मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त की नियुक्ति कौन करता है ? 

(A) राष्ट्रपति 

(B) राज्यपाल 

(C) मुख्य सचिव 

(D) मुख्यमंत्री 


Q. 72. Who won the Best Actor in a Supporting Role (Female) Award in the Filmfare Awards 2021?

(A) Tillotama Shome 

(B) Aalia Furniturewalla 

(C) Farrokh Jaffer 

(D) Taapsee Pannu 

फिल्म-फेयर पुरस्कार 2021 में किसने सहायक भूमिका में श्रेष्ठ अभिनेत्री का पुरस्कार जीता ? 

(A) तिलोतमा शोम 

(B) आलिया फर्निचरवाला 

(C) फारोख जफर 

(D) तापसी पन्नू 


Q. 73. Which scheme has been launched by the Reserve Bank of India for retail investors, through which they can directly buy and sell government securities (G-Secs), both primary and secondary? 

(A) RBI Invest 

(B) None of these 

(C) RBI Retail Direct Scheme 

(D) G-Secs on sale scheme 

भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक द्वारा खुदरा निवेशकों के लिए कौन सी योजना शुरू की गई जिसके द्वारा वे प्राथमिक एवं द्वितीयक दोनों प्रकार की सरकारी प्रतिभूतियों (G-Secs) को सीधे खरीद और बेच सकते हैं ? 

(A) आर.बी.आई. इन्वेस्ट 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) आर.बी.आई. रिटेल डायरेक्ट स्कीम 

(D) जी-सेक ऑन सेल स्कीम 


Q. 74. India’s first Geothermal Power Project will be established in 

(A) Jammu & Kashmir 

(B) None of these 

(C) Himachal Pradesh 

(D) Ladakh 

भारत की प्रथम भूतापीय विद्युत परियोजना में स्थापित की जाएगी। 

(A) जम्मू एवं कश्मीर 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) हिमाचल प्रदेश 

(D) लद्दाख 


Q. 75. India’s first Air Taxi Services were launched from ?

(A) Kolkata 

(B) None of these 

(C) Hyderabad 

(D) Chandigarh 

भारत की प्रथम हवाई टैक्सी सेवाएँ कहाँ से शुरू की गई थी? 

(A) कोलकाता 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) हैदराबाद 

(D) ‘चंडीगढ़ 


Q. 76. In Modi Government which of the following is at present Union Information and Broadcast Minister ? 

(A) Nirmala Sitharaman 

(B) None of these 

(C) Anurag Singh Thakur 

(D) Narendra Singh Tomar 

मोदी सरकार में निम्न में से कौन वर्तमान में केन्द्र सूचना एवं प्रसारण मंत्री है ? 

(A) निर्मला सीतारमण 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) अनुराग सिंह ठाकुर 

(D) नरेन्द्र सिंह तोमर 


Q. 77. Who became the first IAS officer to win Paralympic medal ? 

(A) Devendra Jhajharia 

(B) Krishna Nagar 

(C) Sumit Antil 

(D) Suhas Yathiraj 

वह सर्वप्रथम आई.ए.एस. अधिकारी कौन है जिसने पैरालिम्पिक पदक जीता ? 

(A) देवेन्द्र झाझरिया 

(B) कृष्णा नागर 

(C) सुमित अन्तिल 

(D) सुहास यथिराज 


Q. 78. Which city of India is renamed as “Narmadapuram”? 

(A) Jabalpur 

(B) Narsinghpur 

(C) Bharuch 

(D) Hoshangabad 

भारत के किस शहर को “नर्मदापुरम” पुनर्नामित किया गया ? 

(A) जबलपुर 

(B) नरसिंहपुर 

(C) भरुच 

(D) होशंगाबाद 


Q. 79. Bauxite is the ore of 

(A) Silver 

(B) Mercury 

(C) Iron 

(D) Aluminium 

बॉक्साइट अयस्क है 

(A) चाँदी का 

(B) मरकरी (पारे) का 

(C) लोहे का 

(D) एल्यमिनिया का 


Q. 80. Which is known as laughing gas? 

किसे लाफिंग गैस (हास गैस) के रूप में जाना जाता है ? 

(A) CO 

(B) CH4 

(C) SO2 

(D) N2


Q. 81. India’s first indigenously developed DNA plasmid vaccine is 

(A) Covishield 

(B) None of these 

(C) ZyCov-D 

(D) Covaxin 

भारत का प्रथम देशी विकसित डी.एन.ए. प्लाज्मिड टीका है 

(A) कोवीशील्ड 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) जायकोव-डी 

(D) कोवैक्सीन 


Q. 82. Who among the following has been written a new book titled, “Bullets Over Bombay : Satya and the Hindi Film Gangster” ? 

(A) Anurag Kashyap 

(B) Uday Bhatia 

(C) Vishal Bhardwaj 

(D) Gopal Verma 

“बुलेट्स ओवर बॉम्बे : सत्या एण्ड दि हिन्दी फिल्म गैंगस्टर” शीर्षक वाली नई पुस्तक निम्न में से किसने लिखी है ? 

(A) अनुराग कश्यप 

(B) उदय भाटिया 

(C) विशाल भारद्वाज 

(D) गोपाल वर्मा 


Q. 83. Which is first state to set up India’s First Dugong Conservation Reserve ? 

(A) Tamil Nadu 

(B) None of these 

(C) Kerala 

(D) Odisha 

भारत का प्रथम समुद्री गाय संरक्षण रिजर्व स्थापित करने वाला प्रथम राज्य कौन सा है ? 

(A) तमिलनाडु 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) केरल 

(D) ओडिशा 


Q. 84. The bread, cereals and pasta group is a good source of 

(A) Carbohydrate 

(B) Fats 

(C) Vitamin C 

(D) Calcium 

ब्रेड, अनाज और पास्ता समूह एक अच्छा स्रोत है 

(A) कार्बोहाइड्रेट 

(B) वसा 

(C) विटामिन C 

(D) कैल्शियम 


Q. 85. Where are lungs situated in human body? 

(A) Pericardial Cavity 

(B) Thoracic Cavity 

(C) Abdominal Cavity 

(D) Buccal Cavity 

मानव शरीर में फेफड़े कहाँ पर स्थित होते हैं ? 

(A) हृदयावरणी गुहा 

(B) वक्षीय गुहा 

(C) उदरीय गुहा 

(D) मुख गुहा 


Q. 86. Which of the following is a perfect match? 

(A) Hypertension – Low blood pressure 

(B) Hypotension – Heart attack 

(C) Coronary attack – Vascular dilation 

(D) Atherosclerosis – Blockage of arteries 

निम्न में से कौन सा एक सुमेलित है ? 

(A) हाइपरटेन्शन – निम्न रक्त चाप 

(B) हाइपोटेन्शन – हृदयाघात 

(C) कोरोनरी अटैक – संवहनी विस्फारण 

(D) एथिरोस्क्लेरोसिस – धमनियों में अवरोध 


Q. 87. The part of yam that can be eaten, grows : 

(A) On the surface of water 

(B) None of these 

(C) On the surface of ground 

(D) Underground 

अरवी (यैम) का हिस्सा जिसे खाया जा सकता है, उगता है 

(A) जलीय सतह के ऊपर 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) ज़मीन की सतह पर 

(D) ज़मीन के अन्दर 


Q. 88. Which disease is caused by protein deficiency? 

(A) Rickets 

(B) Haemorrhage 

(C) Kwashiorkor 

(D) Anemia 

प्रोटीन की कमी के कारण कौन सा रोग होता है ? 

(A) रिकेट्स 

(B) हेमरेज 

(C) क्वाशियोरकॉर 

(D) एनीमिया 


Q. 89. Match the following: 

निम्न को सुमेलित करें: 

List-I/सूची-I  List-II/सूची-II 
a. Iltutmish/ इल्तुतमिश  1. Daulatabad/ दौलताबाद 
b. Alauddin Khilji/ अलाउद्दीन खिलजी  2. Purana Qila/ पुराना किला 
c. Mohammad-bin- Tughlaq/ मोहम्मद- बिन तुगलक  3. Qutub Minar / कुतुबमीनार 
d. Sher Shah Suri/ शेरशाह सूरी  4. Siri/सीरी 

Select the correct answer using the codes given below : 

नीचे दिए गए कूटों के आधार पर सही उत्तर चुनें : 

Codes/कूट : 

* a b c d
(A) 4 2 1 3
(B) 1 2 3 4
(C) 3 4 1 2
(D) 2 3 1 4


Q. 90. Which of the following is the correct chronological order of the visit of travellers to India ? 

भारत की यात्रा करने वाले इन यात्रियों का कालक्रमानुसार सही क्रम निम्न में से कौन सा है ? 

a. Thomas Roe / टामस रो 

b. Fa-hein / फाह्यान 

c. Hiuen Tsang / द्वेनसांग 

(A) b, a,c 

(B) b, c,a 

(C) a, b,c 

(D) c,a,b 


Q. 91. The Muslim League was initially floated in______ in 1906. 

(A) Colombo 

(B) Kathmandu 

(C) Burma 

(D) Dhaka 

मुस्लिम लीग को शुरुआत में 1906 में ___में गठित किया गया था। 

(A) कोलम्बो 

(B) काठमांडू 

(C) बर्मा 

(D) ढाका 


Q. 92. Consider the following statements : 

The immediate cause of the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857was: 

1. Transferring control of East India Company. 

2. Britishers’ exploitation of Indians. 

3. Inequality between Indian and British soldiers. 

4. The greased cartridges supplied to the soldiers for the New Enfield Rifles 

(A) Only 4 is correct. 

(B) None of these 

(C) 1 and 2 are correct. 

(D) 2,3 and 4 are correct. 

निम्न वक्तव्यों पर विचार करें: 1857 के सिपाहियों के विद्रोह का तात्कालिक कारण था 

1. ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी के नियंत्रण का हस्तांतरण 

2. अंग्रेजों द्वारा भारतीयों का शोषण 

3. भारतीय एवं अंग्रेज सैनिकों के मध्य असमानता 

4. नई एनफील्ड रायफलों के लिए सैनिकों को चरबीयुक्त कारतूसों की आपूर्ति 

(A) केवल 4 सही है। 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) 1 व 2 सही हैं। 

(D), 2, 3 और 4 सही हैं। 


Q. 93 Consider the following statements and pick out the correct option from  the given codes ;
‘Rajtarangini is a book written by kalhan.
1.An anthology of lyrics.
2. A history of kashmir.
3.Its about chandragupta reign .
4.Its about loyalty of king towards state.

Codes ;
(A) only 1,2,3,are correct
(B) Only 4 is correct
(c) Only 1 and 2 are correct
(D) Only 2 is correct


Q. 94. By drawing inspiration from Brahmo Samaj, the Veda Samaj was established at_______in_______. 

(A) Kochi, 1974 

(B) Vishakhapatnam, 1874 

(C) Bangalore, 1964 

(D) Madras, 1864 

ब्रह्म समाज से प्रेरणा लेकर, वेद समाज की स्थापना_____में______में की गई थी। 

(A) कोच्ची, 1974 

(B) विशाखापट्टनम, 1874 

(C) बैंगलोर, 1964 

(D) मद्रास, 1864 


Q. 95. Select the incorrect pair from the following: 

निम्न में से गलत युग्म का चयन कीजिए : 

Committee of Constituent Assembly / संविधान सभा की समिति  Chairman / अध्यक्ष 
(A) Union Constitution Committee / संघ संविधान समिति  Jawaharlal Nehru / जवाहरलाल नेहरू 
(B) Provincial Constitution Committee / प्रान्तीय संविधान समिति  Vallabhbhai Patel/ वल्लभभाई पटेल 
(C) Drafting Committee / प्रारूप समिति  Dr. Rajendra Prasad / डॉ. राजेन्द्र प्रसाद 
(D) Fundamental Rights Sub Committee / मौलिक अधिकार उप-समिति  J.B. Kripalani / जे.बी. कृपलानी 


Q. 96. INA prisoners of war were trialed at 

(A) Parliament, Delhi 

(B) Governor General House, Delhi 

(C) Tis Hazari Court, Delhi 

(D) Red Fort, Delhi 

आई.एन.ए. के युद्धबंदियों पर मुकद्दमा चला 

(A) संसद, दिल्ली में 

(B) गवर्नर जनरल हाउस, दिल्ली में 

(C) तीस हजारी अदालत, दिल्ली में 

(D) लाल किला, दिल्ली में 


Q. 97. President’s Electoral College consists of 

(A) Members of Loksabha only 

(B) Members of State Legislatures only 

(C) Elected members of both the houses of Parliament and Elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the states 

(D) Members of Parliament and Vice President 

राष्ट्रपति के निर्वाचन-मण्डल में शामिल हैं 

(A) केवल लोकसभा के सदस्य 

(B) केवल राज्य विधान मण्डलों के सदस्य 

(C) संसद के दोनों सदनों के चुने हुए सदस्य एवं राज्य विधानसभाओं के चुने हुए सदस्य 

(D) संसद के सदस्य और उप-राष्ट्रपति 


Q. 98. In Indian Constitution, Fundamental Duties are inserted by 

(A) 77th Amendment 

(B) 40th Amendment 

(C) 42nd Amendment 

(D) 44th Amendment 

भारतीय संविधान में मूल कर्त्तव्य जोड़े गए : 

(A) 77वें संशोधन द्वारा 

(B) 40वें संशोधन द्वारा 

(C) 42वें संशोधन द्वारा 

(D) 44वें संशोधन द्वारा 


Q. 99. Who among the following was the first Speaker of Lok Sabha ? 

(A) G.V. Mavlankar 

(B) Baliram Bhagat 

(C) Sardar Hukum Singh 

(D) Neelam Sanjiva Reddy 

निम्न में से प्रथम लोकसभा अध्यक्ष कौन थे? 

(A) जी.वी. मावलंकर 

(B) बलिराम भगत 

(C) सरदार हुकुम सिंह 

(D) नीलम संजीव रेड्डी 


Q. 100. Which of the following Article of Indian Constitution deals with Public Service Commission? 

(A) Article – 105 

(B) Article -315 

(C) Article -325 

(D) Article – 226 

भारतीय संविधान का निम्न में से कौन सा अनुच्छेद लोक सेवा आयोग से सम्बन्धित है ? 

(A) अनुच्छेद – 105 

(B) अनुच्छेद-315 

(C) अनुच्छेद – 325 

(D) अनुच्छेद – 226 


Q. 101. Given below are two statements labelled as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). In the context of the two statements, which of the following is correct? 

Assertion (A): The Indian Constitution closely follows the British Parliamentary model. 

Reason (R) : In India, the Upper House of the Parliament has judicial powers. 

(A) (A) is true, but (R) is false. 

(B) (A) is false, but (R) is true. 

(C) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A). 

(D) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A). 

नीचे दिए गए दो वक्तव्यों को अभिकथन (A) और तर्क (R) के रूप में चिह्नित किया गया हैं। दोनों वक्तव्यों के संदर्भ में, निम्न में से कौन सा सत्य है ? 

अभिकथन (A) : भारतीय संविधान निकट रूप से ब्रिटिश संसदीय मॉडल का अनुसरण करता है। 

तर्क (R) : भारत में संसद के ऊपरी सदन के पास न्यायिक शक्तियां हैं । 

(A) (A) सत्य है, परन्तु (R) असत्य है । 

(B) (A) असत्य है, परन्तु (R) सत्य है । 

(C) (A) एवं (R) दोनों सत्य हैं और (R), (A) की सही व्याख्या है। 

(D) (A) एवं (R) दोनों सत्य हैं, परन्तु (R), (A) की सही व्याख्या नहीं है। 


Q. 102. Match the following: 

निम्न को सुमेलित करें: 

Mining Area/ खदान क्षेत्र  Mineral / खनिज 
a. Khetri / खेतड़ी  1. Iron Ore / लौह अयस्क 
b. Bailadila / बैलाडीला  2. Bauxite / बॉक्साइट 
c. Balaghat / बालाघाट  3. Copper / तांबा 
d. Kalahandi/ कालाहांडी  4.Manganese / मैंगनीज 
* a b c d
(A) 3 1 4 2
(B) 4 1 2 3
(C) 1 4 2 3
(D) 3 2 1 4


Q. 103. Which of the following replaced the Planning Commission ? 

(A) Swachch Bharat Abhiyan 

(B) None of these 

(C) NITI Aayog 

(D) National Health Authority 

निम्न में से किसने योजना आयोग को प्रतिस्थापित किया ? 

(A) स्वच्छ भारत अभियान 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) नीति आयोग 

(D) राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य प्राधिकरण 


Q. 104. The total length of India’s coastline is 

(A) 5100.5 kms. 

(B) None of these

(C) 6500.3 kms. 

(D) 7516.6 kms. 

भारतीय समुद्रीय तट-रेखा की कुल लम्बाई है – 

(A) 5100.5 कि.मी. 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) 6500.3 कि.मी. 

(D) 7516.6 कि.मी. 


Q. 105. Which Indian State is known as ‘Land of Five Rivers’? 

(A) Punjab 

(B) Jammu & Kashmir 

(C) Haryana 

(D) U.P. 

किस भारतीय राज्य को ‘पाँच नदियों की भूमि’ के रूप में जाना जाता है ? 

(A) पंजाब 

(B) जम्मू एवं कश्मीर 

(C) हरियाणा 

(D) यू.पी. 


Q. 106. Pick out the wrong pair : 

गलत युग्म चुनें : 

(A) Kaziranga National Park/काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान  Assam / असम 
(B) Mudumalai Sanctuary/ मुदुमलाई अभयारण्य  A.P. /ए.पी. 
(C) Kanha National Park / कान्हा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान  M.P./ एम.पी. 
(D) Dachigam Sanctuary/ दाचीगम अभयारण्य  J&K / जे.एण्ड के. 

Q. 107. Which of the following rivers makes an estuary? 

(A) Mahanadi 

(B) Godavari 

(C) Narmada 

(D) Krishna 

निम्न में से कौन सी नदी मुहाना बनाती है ? 

(A) महानदी 

(B) गोदावरी 

(C) नर्मदा 

(D) कृष्णा 


Q. 108. The gradual and fairly predictable changes in the species composition of a given area is called 

(A) Ecological succession 

(B) None of these 

(C) Ecological biodiversity 

(D) Species richness 

एक दिए गए क्षेत्र के जातीय संघटन में क्रमिक और स्पष्टतया पूर्वानुमानित बदलाव कहलाते हैं – 

(A) पारिस्थितिकी अनुक्रम 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) पारिस्थितिकी जैवविविधता 

(D) जातीय प्रचुरता 


Q. 109. Tides occur in the oceans and seas due to which among the following ? 

1. Gravitational force of the Sun 

2. Gravitational force of the Moon 

3. Centrifugal force of the Earth 

Select the correct answer using the code given below. 

निम्न में से किनके कारण सागरों एवं महासागरों में ज्वार-भाटा आते हैं ? 

1. सूर्य के गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल 

2. चन्द्रमा के गुरुत्वाकर्षण बल 

3. पृथ्वी के अपकेंद्री बल 

नीचे दिए गए कूटों के आधार पर सही उत्तर चुनें : 

(A) 1 only/केवल 1 

(B) 1,3 

(C) 1,2,3 

(D) 2,3 


Q. 110. किस विकल्प में विलोम युग्म है ? 

(A) घटना – घटाना 

(B) पर्याप्त — पर्याय 

(C) निर्मल – निर्मूल 

(D) सापेक्ष – निरपेक्ष 


Q. 111. किस वाक्यांश के लिए प्रयुक्त शब्द सार्थक नहीं है ? 

(A) देश के प्रति भक्ति रखने वाला – देशभक्त 

(B) हिसाब-किताब लिखने वाला – लेखपाल 

(C) कड़वी बातें सुनने वाला- कटुभाषी 

(D) किसी वस्तु का चौथा हिस्सा – चतुर्थांश 


Q. 112. निम्न में से किस शब्द का संधि-विच्छेद सही नहीं है ? | 

(A) पित्राज्ञा = पितृ + आज्ञा 

(B) नरेन्द्र = नर + इन्द्र 

(C) परोपकार = पर + उपकार 

(D)- जगदीश = जगदी + श 


Q. 113. व्याकरण की दृष्टि से निम्न में से कौन सा शुद्ध वाक्य है ? 

(A) मैं केवल इतना चाहता हूँ। 

(B) हाथी चलती है। 

(C) मेरी घड़ी में चार बजा है । 

(D) मैं तेरे से बात नहीं करूँगा। 


Q. 114. किस विकल्प में सभी शब्द परस्पर पर्यायवाची नहीं हैं ? 

(A) काकपाली, कोयल, कोकिल 

(B) सुग्गा, पिक, मधुप 

(C) जगदीश, प्रभु, ईश 

(D) श्वान, श्वा, कुक्कुर 


Q. 115. ‘ईंट का जवाब पत्थर से देना’ मुहावरे का क्या अर्थ है ? 

(A) सर्वस्व नष्ट करना 

(B) क्रिया के जवाब में कड़ी प्रतिक्रिया देना 

(C) अच्छा काम बिगड़ जाना 

(D) बेईमानी करना 


Q. 116. ‘पाप-पुण्य’ शब्द किस समास का उदाहरण है ? 

(A) बहुव्रीहि समास 

(B) द्वन्द्व समास 

(C) कर्मधारय समास 

(D) तत्पुरुष समास 


Q. 117. किस विकल्प में अंग्रेजी पारिभाषिक शब्द का समकक्ष हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द सही है ? 

(A) Contravention – पालन 

(B) Authentication – स्पष्टीकरण 

(C) Custodian – अभिरक्षक 

(D) Promotion – पदावनति 


Q. 118. किस विकल्प में ‘Vocation’ शब्द का समकक्ष हिन्दी पारिभाषिक शब्द सही है ? 

(A) प्रत्ययानुदान 

(B) अतिक्रमण 

(C) रिक्ति 

(D) व्यवसाय 


Q. 119. निम्न में से किस विकल्प के सभी शब्दों में उपसर्ग तथा प्रत्यय (दोनों) का प्रयोग हुआ है ? 

(A) भरपूर, कुरूप 

(B) अनसुनी, पागलपन 

(C) चुगलखोर, पथरीला 

(D) दुस्साहसिक, अनुशासनिक 


Q. 120. किस विकल्प में शब्द-युग्म का अर्थ-भेद सही नहीं है ? 

शब्द-युग्म  अर्थ-भेद 
(A) पाणि-पानी  हाथ-जल 
(B) अस्त्र-अस्त  वस्त्र-निकलना 
(C) कड़ाई-कढ़ाई  कठोरता-कसीदाकारी 
(D) अरक-अर्क  रस-सूर्य 


Q. 121. निम्नलिखित शब्दों पर विचार कीजिए :

1. अम्लिकरण 

2. आर्शिवाद 

3. राजाधिष्ठान 

4. सदुपदेश 

किस विकल्प में सभी शब्द शुद्ध हैं ? 

(A) 1,2,4 

(B) 1,2,3

(C) 2,3,4

 (D) 3, 4 

Read the passage and answer the questions (122-126): 


The rivers of India play an important role in the lives of the Indians. They provide potable water, cheap transportation, electricity, and the livelihood for a large number of people all over the country. This easily explains why nearly all the major cities of India are located by the banks of rivers. The rivers also have an important role in Hindu Religion and are considered holy by all Hindus in the country. 

Seven major rivers along with their numerous tributaries make up the river system of India. The largest basin system of the rivers pours their waters into the Bay of Bengal; however, some of the rivers whose courses take them through the western part of the country and towards the east of the state of Himachal Pradesh empty into the Arabian Sea. Parts of Ladakh, northern parts of the Aravalli range and the arid parts of the Thar Desert have inland drainage. 

All major rivers of India originate from one of the following main watersheds : 

1. Aravalli range 

2. Himalaya and Karakoram ranges 

3. Sahyadri or Western Ghats in western India 

4. Vindhya and Satpura ranges 

Himalayan glaciers in the Indian subcontinent are broadly divided into the three river basins, namely the Indus, Ganga and Brahmaputra. The Indus basin has the largest number of glaciers (3500), whereas the Ganga and Brahmaputra basins contain about 1000 and 660 glaciers, respectively. Ganga is the largest river system in India. However these rivers are just three among many. Other examples are Narmada, Tapi, and Godavari. 

Q. 122. All the major Indian rivers originate from the following watersheds : 

(A) Himalaya, Karakoram, Aravalli, Nanga Parbat, Vindhya, Satpura, Western Ghats 

(B) Aravalli, Himalaya, Karakoram, Sahyadri, Vindhya, Satpura 

(C) Himalaya, Karakoram, Aravalli, Western Ghats, Sahyadri, Vindhya 

(D) Karakoram, Aravalli, Himalaya, Hindu Kush, Vindhya, Satpura, Sahyadri 


Q. 123. Which of the followings include all rivers are mentioned in the entire passage ? 

(A) Brahmaputra, Indus, Ganga, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari 

(B) Narmada, Tapi, Godavari 

(C) Ganga, Bay of Bengal, Indus, Narmada, Tapi, Godavari 

(D) Tapi, Ganga, Bay of Bengal, Indus, Arabian Sea, Godavari 


Q. 124. According to the passage, the major rivers in India 

(A) Pour either into Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea or have inland drainage 

(B) Pour either into Bay of Bengal or Arabian Sea 

(C) Pour only into Bay of Bengal 

(D) Pour only into Arabian Sea 


Q. 125. How many glaciers are there in each of the river basins in India ? 

(A) Ganga, Indus, Brahmaputra – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively 

(B) Ganga, Brahmaputra, Indus – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively 

(C) Brahmaputra, Ganga, Indus – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively 

(D) Indus, Brahmaputra, Ganga – 1000, 660, 3500 respectively 


Q. 126. According to the passage the rivers in India play a pivotal role because : 

(i) They provide potable water. 

(ii) They are important only to the Hindus. 

(iii) They provide cheap transportation & electricity. 

(iv) They are located near all major cities in India. 

They are means to earn livelihood for a large number of people. Choose the correct options: 

(A) (v), (iii), (i), (iv) 

(B) None of these 

(C) (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v) 

(D) (iii), (i), (v) 


Q. 127. Give antonym of Grumpy 

(A) ill-tempered 

(B) amiable 

(C) good natured 

(D) obstinate 


Q. 128. Give meaning of idiom At one’s wit’s end 

(A) Explain 

(B) Enlighten 

(C) Perplexed 

(D) Clear up 


Q. 129. Which part of the sentence has an error ? 

I live on a top floor of an old house. When the wind blows, all the windows rattle. 

(A) When the wind blows 

(B) all the windows rattle 

(C) I live on a top floor 

(D) of an old house. 


Q. 130. Which part of the sentence has an error ? 

With a total of 45 matches, the T20 World Cup will composition of two rounds. 

(A) will composition of two rounds. 

(B) No error 

(C) With a total of 45 matches, 

(D) the T20 World Cup 


Q. 131. Give synonym of EMBEZZLE 

(A) Balance 

(B) Misappropriate 

(C) Remunerate 

(D) Clear 


Q. 132. Once you load the suitable program and provide required data, computer does not need human intervention. This feature is known as 

(A) Versatility 

(B) Automatic 

(C) Accuracy 

(D) Reliability 

जब एक बार आप उपयुक्त प्रोग्राम और जरूरी डेटा उपलब्ध करा देते हैं, तो कंप्यूटर को इंसानी हस्तक्षेप की आवश्यकता नहीं होती । यह लक्षण कहलाता है 

(A) वसैलिटी 

(B) ऑटोमैटिक 

(C) एक्यूरेसी 

(D) रिलायबिलिटी 


Q. 133. Information stored in dynamic RAM need to be 

(A) refreshed periodically 

(B) None of these 

(C) checked 

(D) modified 

गतिक RAM में भंडारित सूचनाओं को __________ करना जरूरी है। 

(A) नियमित रिफ्रेश 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) जाँचना 

(D) आपरिवर्तन 


Q. 134. Which of the following is not a version of Windows Operating System ? 

(A) Windows 9 

(B) Windows 10 

(C) Windows XP 

(D) Windows Vista 

निम्न में से कौन सा एक विन्डोज प्रचालन तंत्र का वर्जन (रूपान्तर) नहीं है ? 

(A) विन्डोज 9 

(B) विन्डोज 10 

(C) fa-sis XP 

(D) विन्डोज विस्टा 


Q. 135. Windows 95. Windows 98 and Windows NT are known as what? 

(A) Processor 

(B) Operating systems 

(C) Domain names 

(D) Modems 

विन्डोज 95, विन्डोज 98 और विन्डोज NT को किस रूप में जाना जाता है ? 

(A) प्रोसेसर 

(B) ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम 

(C) डोमेन नेम 

(D) मॉडम 


Q. 136. Which one of the following input device is user-programmable ? 

(A) VDT 

(B) Intelligent terminal 

(C) Dumb terminal 

(D) Smart terminal 

निम्न में से कौन सा इनपुट डिवाइस यूजर प्रोग्रामेबल है ? 

(A) वी.डी.टी. 

(B) इंटेलिजेंट टर्मिनल 

(C) डम्ब टर्मिनल 

(D) स्मार्ट टर्मिनल 


Q. 137. A computer program that converts an entire program into machine language at one time is called a/an 

(A) Compiler 

(B) Commander 

(C) Interpreter 

(D) Simulator 

एक कंप्यूटर प्रोग्राम जो एक पूरे प्रोग्राम को एक बार में ही मशीनी भाषा में परिवर्तित कर देता है, कहलाता है एक 

(A) कम्पाइलर 

(B) कमांडर 

(C) इंटरप्रेटर 

(D) सिमुलेटर 


Q. 138. Plotter accuracy is measured in terms of repeatability and _______

(A) Vertical dimensions 

(B) Intelligence 

(C) Buffer size 

(D) Resolution 

प्लॉटर एक्यूरेसी को रिपीटिएबिलिटी और के पदों में मापा जाता है। 

(A) ऊर्ध्वाधर आयाम 

(B) इंटेलिजेंस 

(C) बफर साइज 

(D) रिजोल्यूशन 


Q. 139. Which one of the following would not be considered as a form of secondary storage ? 

(A) Floppy disk 

(B) Optical disk 

(C) Hard disk 

(D) RAM 

निम्न में से किसे सेकण्डरी स्टोरेज के एक स्वरूप के तौर पर नहीं माना जा सकता है ? 

(A) फ्लॉपी डिस्क 

(B) ऑप्टिकल डिस्क 

(C) हार्ड डिस्क 

(D) रैम 


Q. 140. Which among the following is the largest unit of storage ? 

(A) Megabyte 

(B) Terabyte 

(C) Kilobyte 

(D) Gigabyte 

निम्न में से कौन सी स्टोरेज की सबसे बड़ी इकाई है ? 

(A) मेगाबाइट 

(B) टेराबाइट 

(C) किलोबाइट 

(D) गीगाबाइट 


Q. 141. Which of the following is not essential component to perform a mail merge. operation? 

(A) Word fields 

(B) Main document 

(C) Data Source 

(D) Merge fields 

एक मेल मर्ज प्रचालन को निष्पादित करने के लिए निम्न में से कौन सा घटक आवश्यक नहीं है ? 

(A) वर्ड फील्ड्स 

(B) मुख्य डोक्यूमेंट 

(C) डेटा सोर्स 

(D) मर्ज फील्ड्स 


Q. 142. An Excel Workbook is a collection of 

(A) Charts and Worksheets 

(B) None of these 

(C) Charts 

(D) Worksheets 

एक एक्सेल वर्कबुक_________का एक संकलन है 

(A) चार्ट्स एवं वर्कशीट्स 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) चार्ट 

(D) वर्कशीट्स 


Q. 143. Which of the following shortcut-key is used to start a presentation from the beginning in Power Point ? 

पावर-प्वाइंट में निम्न में से कौन सी शार्टकट-की प्रेजेन्टेशन को प्रारंभ से शुरू करने के लिए उपयोग की जाती है ? 

(A) F5

(B) F3 

(C) F6 

(D) FI 


Q. 144. Word processing. spreadsheet and photo editing are examples of 

(A) System Software 

(B) None of these 

(C) Platform Software 

(D) Application Software 

वर्ड प्रोसेसिंग, स्प्रेडशीट और फोटो-एडिटिंग उदाहरण हैं – 

(A) सिस्टम सॉफ्टवेयर के 

(B) इनमें से कोई नहीं 

(C) प्लैटफॉर्म सॉफ्टवेयर के 

(D) एप्लीकेशन सॉफ्टवेयर के 


Q. 145. QWERTY is used with reference to 

(A) Keyboard 

(B) Printer 

(C) Monitor 

(D) Mouse 

QWERTY_______के संदर्भ में उपयोग किया जाता है। 

(A) कीबोर्ड 

(B) प्रिंटर 

(C) मॉनिटर 

(D) माउस 


Q. 146. A collection of programs that supports a computer’s basic functions such as scheduling tasks and controlling peripherals is called______. 

(A) Operating System 

(B) Network 

(C) Compiler 

(D) Interpreter 

प्रोग्रामों का एक संकलन जो एक कंप्यूटर के मूल प्रकार्य जैसे कि टास्क शेड्यूलिंग और पेरिफेरल्स के नियंत्रण में सहायता करता है / कहलाता है 

(A) ऑपरेटिंग सिस्टम 

(B) नेटवर्क 

(C) कम्पाइलर 

(D) इंटरप्रेटर 


Q. 147. Which letter will be 15th to the left of 5th letter from the right end in English alphabetical series? 

अंग्रेजी वर्णमाला शृंखला में दायें छोर से 5वें अक्षर के बायीं ओर का 15वाँ अक्षर कौन सा होगा? 

(A) F 

(B) J 

(C) L 

(D) G 


Q. 148. In the following letter series, some of the letters are missing which are given in that order as one of the alternatives below it. Choose the correct alternative. 

निम्नलिखित अक्षर श्रेणी में कुछ अक्षर लुप्त हैं, इन्हें उसके नीचे दिए गये विकल्पों में से किसी एक में उसी क्रम में दिया गया है । सही विकल्प का चयन कीजिए। 


(A) bacb 

(B) baba 

(C) abca 

(D). aaba 


Q. 149. From the pairs of words, you have to select the pair which is related in the same way as the words of the first pair. 

Hammer : Nail :: ___________:_________

(A) Pencil : Pen 

(B) Saw : Wood 

(C) Carpenter : Building

(D) Scooter : Bike 

दिये गये शब्दों के युग्मों में से आपको उस युग्म का चयन करना है जो प्रथम युग्म के शब्दों की तरह ही समान रूप से संबंधित हैं। 

हथौड़ा : कील : :_______:___________

(A) पेन्सिल : पेन 

(B) आरी : लकड़ी 

(C) बढ़ई : भवन 

(D) स्कूटर : बाइक


Q. 150. Choose the group of letters which is different from others. 

अक्षरों के उस समूह का चयन करें जो अन्य से भिन्न हैं। 

(A) FGI 

(B) EFH 

(C) NOQ 

(D) TVW 

Latest Current Affairs 20 January 2022


India U19 Captain Yash Dhull, deputy captain SK Rasheed test COVID-19 positive

India U19 captain Yash Dhull and deputy SK Rasheed tested positive for COVID-19 on January 19, 2022. They have both been placed in isolation. They are among the six players who tested positive for COVID-19. Nishant Sidhu will lead the India U19 team in their next Group B match against Ireland.

Sania Mirza to retire after 2022 season

Indian tennis star Sania Mirza has announced that she retire from the sport after the 2022 season. The 35-year-old is India’s most successful tennis player. She shared her retirement plans after the former world no.1 along with her doubles partner Nadiia Kichenok suffered an early exit from the Australian Open 2022. She has won a total of six Grand Slam titles in her tennis career. 

SEC recommends upgrade of Covishield, Covaxin’s status

The Subject Expert Committee of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organisation has recommended an upgrade of Covishield and Covaxin’s status. The committee has recommended an upgrade of the status of the vaccines from restricted use in emergency situations to grant of new drug permission with conditions in adult population. The DGCI will evaluate the same and make its recommendations. 

Lata Mangeshkar to remain in ICU for few more days

Lata Mangeshkar is still in the Intensive Care Unit of Mumbai’s Breach Candy Hospital. Her doctor, Dr Pratit Samdhani informed that she needs care and which is why she will remain under doctors’ supervision in the ICU for a few more days. Samdani stated that her condition is the same as before and no one is allowed to meet her yet, adding that they are trying their best to ensure she recovers soon. 

PM Modi, Mauritius PM to jointly inaugurate India-assisted projects in Mauritius on January 20th

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Mauritius Prime Minister Pravind Kumar Jugnauth will jointly inaugurate India-assisted Social Housing Units in Mauritius virtually on January 20, 2022. They will also launch a Civil Service College and 8MW Solar PV Farm projects that are being undertaken in Mauritius with development support from India. 

Tennis player Sania Mirza announces retirement plans

India’s first women’s tennis superstar Sania Mirza announced her retirement plans and confirmed that the 2022 season will be her last. The star tennis player who won six Grand Slams and reached the summit of the WTA doubles ranking is also the first Indian to break into the top 30 in the WTA singles ranking.

Check ICC ODI Team of the year 2021

The ICC Men’s ODI Team of the year 2021 has been revealed and the Captain of the Pakistan Cricket Team Babar Azam has been named as the captain of the team. The ICC Team of the Year recognizes 11 outstanding cricketers all over the world for their outstanding performance with either bat or ball or their all-rounder capabilities in the previous calendar year. 


Indonesia to build new Capital

The Parliament of Indonesia approved a bill to relocate the country’s capital from Jakarta to Nusantara. The new capital city of Nusantara will be built on Borneo Island, in the forested province of East Kalimantan. The latest decision has been taken amid growing concerns over the long-term sustainability of Jakarta amid climate change.

Kamala Harris will be my running mate in 2024: Biden

US President Joe Biden said while commemorating his first year in office on January 19, 2022 that Vice President Kamala Harris will be his running mate in 2024 as well. Kamala Harris is the first woman, first Indian-American, the first person of colour to be elected as the Vice President of the United States. 

Russia to be held accountable if it invades Ukraine: US President 

US President Joe Biden said during a media briefing on January 19, 2022 that Russia will be held accountable if it invades Ukraine. Biden stated that it will be a disaster for Russia if it invades Ukraine, adding that the cost of going into Ukraine in terms of physical loss of life for Russians is going to be heavy. Biden further informed that the US has already shipped over USD 600 million worth of sophisticated defence equipment to the Ukrainians and promised that Russian President Vladimir Putin has never seen sanctions like the ones that will be imposed if Russia advances into Ukraine. 

GATE 2021 Agricultural Engineering Previous Year Paper

GATE 2021 Agricultural Engineering Previous Year Paper

General Aptitude (GA)

Q.1 – Q.5 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry ONE mark each (for each wrong answer: – 1/3).

Q.1 The people were at the demonstration were from all sections of society.

(A) whose

(B) which

(C) who

(D) Whom


A transparent square sheet shown above is folded along the dotted line. The folded sheet will look like

Q.3 For a regular polygon having 10 sides, the interior angle between the sides of the polygon, in degrees, is:
(A) 396
(B) 324
(C) 216
(D) 144
Q.4 Which one of the following numbers is exactly divisible by  (1113 +1)?
(A) 1126 +1
(B) 1133 +1
(C) 1139 -1
(D) 1152 -1
Q.5 Oasis is to sand as island is to_______________   Which one of the following options maintains a similar logical relation in the above sentence?
(A) Stone
(B) Land
(C) Water
(D) Mountain

Q. 6 – Q. 10 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry TWO marks each (for each wrong answer: – 2/3).

Q.6 The importance of sleep is often overlooked by students when they are preparing for exams. Research has consistently shown that sleep deprivation greatly reduces the ability to recall the material learnt. Hence, cutting down on sleep to study longer hours can be counterproductive.Which one of the following statements is the CORRECT inference from the above passage?
(A) Sleeping well alone is enough to prepare for an exam. Studying has lesser benefit.
(B) Students are efficient and are not wrong in thinking that sleep is a waste of time.
(C) If a student is extremely well prepared for an exam, he needs little or no sleep.
(D) To do well in an exam, adequate sleep must be part of the preparation.

In the figure shown above, each inside square is formed by joining the midpoints of the sides of the next larger square. The area of the smallest square (shaded) as shown, in cm2 is:

(A) 12.50
(B) 6.25
(C) 3.125
(D) 1.5625
Q.8 Let X be a continuous random variable denoting the temperature measured. The range of temperature is [0, 100] degree Celsius and let the probability density function of X be f(x) = 0.01  for 0 ≤ X ≤ 100.The mean of X is__________________       
(A) 2.5
(B) 5.0
(C) 25.0
(D) 50.0

The number of students passing or failing in an exam for a particular subject are presented in the bar chart above. Students who pass the exam cannot appear for the exam again. Students who fail the exam in the first attempt must appear for the exam in the following year. Students always pass the exam in their second attempt.The number of students who took the exam for the first time in the year 2 and the year 3 respectively, are________________.

A) 65 and 53
(B) 60 and 50
(C) 55 and 53
(D) 55 and 48
Q.10 Seven cars P, Q, R, S, T, U and V are parked in a row not necessarily in that order. The cars T and U should be parked next to each other. The cars S and V also should be parked next to each other, whereas P and Q cannot be parked next to each other. Q and S must be parked next to each other. R is parked to the immediate right of V.  T is parked to the left of U.Based on the above statements, the only INCORRECT option given below is:
(A) There are two cars parked in between Q and V.
(B) Q and R are not parked together.
(C) V is the only car parked in between S and R.
(D) Car P is parked at the extreme end.

Agricultural Engineering 

Q.1 – Q.10 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry ONE marks each (for each wrong answer: – 1/3).

Q.1 Let the vector be a differentiable vector function of Cartesian coordinates x, y and z. The curl of the vector is given by curl

Q.2 If x is an integer with x>1, the solution of lim x→∞ (1/x2 + 2/x2 +3/x2 +…….+ (x-1)/x2 +1/x) is

(A) Zero

(B)  0.5

(C) 1.0

(D) ∞

Q.3 In a tyre axis system as defined by Society of Automotive Engineers, the moment acting about z-axis is called
(A) aligning torque
(B) over turning torque
(C) rolling resistance moment
(D) lateral moment
Q.4 Pitting is a process of
(A) mixing of pulses with red earth
(B) mixing of pulses with edible oil
(C) scratching of pulses by emery roller during its milling
(D) beating of oil seeds for oil extraction
Q.5 During ploughing with a tractor mounted mould board plough, the mast of three point hitch system would be
(A) inclined 5 to 20⁰ with horizontal
(B) nearly vertical
(C) parallel to the direction of travel of the tractor
(D) parallel to the rear axle of the tractor
Q.6 The hydrologic reservoir routing methods use
(A) Bernoulli’s equation only
(B) hydrologic continuity equation only
(C) Muskingum equation only
(D) both the hydraulic momentum and hydrologic continuity equations
Q.7 While assessing the intensity of agricultural drought, a negative value of aridity index indicates that the area is classified as
(A) severely arid
(B) moderately arid
(C) mildly arid
(D) non-arid
Q.8 The approximate relationship between Sediment Delivery Ratio (SDR) and drainage area (A) shows that SDR varies
(A) directly with A0.2
(B) inversely with A0.2
(C) directly with A
(D) inversely with A
Q.9 One-dimensional generalized heat conduction equation representing temperature distribution in a sphere, based on thermal conductivity k, specific heat capacity Cp, density ρ, and energy generation E, can be written , where the value of n is 
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Q.10 In butter, the fishy flavor defect is due to the decomposition of
(A) α-lactalbumin
(B) β-lactoglobulin
(C) casein
(D) lecithin

Q.11 – Q.25 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), carry ONE mark each (no negative marks).

Q.11 In a field test of drip irrigation system having an application efficiency of 90%, the minimum, maximum and average flow rates are found to be 45 L×h-1, 65 L×h-1 and 50 L×h-1, respectively. The manufacturer’s coefficient of variation of the emitter is 0.07. If there is one emitter per plant, the drip irrigation efficiency in percent is______________. [round off to 2 decimal places]

Trace of the matrix is ________. [in integer]

Q.13 The probabilities of A and B are given by P(A) = 0.35 and P(B) = 0.25, respectively. If A and B are mutually exclusive so that P(A B) = P(A) + P(B), then the value of P(A/AB) is__________. [round off to 3 decimal places]
Q.14 Stoichiometric air-fuel ratio of an SI engine is 14.7:1. If equivalence ratio (λ) is 0.92, the actual air-fuel ratio maintained during the engine operation is____________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.15 While harvesting paddy with a self-propelled vertical conveyor reaper with a cutter bar of width 60 cm, the power required for cutting and propelling are measured to be 300 W and 350 W, respectively. If the power required for conveying the cut crop is 50% of the power required for cutting, the power required by the header unit of the vertical conveyor reaper in W will be             __________. [answer in integer]
Q.16 A gear pump has a displacement of 120 cm3 rev-1 and it runs at 1500 rpm against a system pressure of 18 MPa. If the torque efficiency of the pump is 90%, actual torque required to run the pump in N×m is__________. [round off to 2 decimal places](Take π = 3.14)
Q.17 Useful soil reaction forces acting on a tractor drawn mould board plough during operation are 2.0 kN, 0.9 kN and 0.6 kN along longitudinal, transverse and vertical directions, respectively. The soil-metal friction angle is 25°. Neglecting the effects of weight of the implement and the vertical soil reaction, the estimated draft in N is_____________. [round off to one decimal place]
Q.18 Cohesionless soil is naturally deposited and makes a slope of infinite extent having slope angle of 25°. If the effective angle of internal friction of this soil is 30°, the factor of safety of slope is________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.19 A pump, discharging water at a rate of 80 L×s-1, is used to irrigate 2 ha of land in 10 h. On irrigation, moisture content of the soil (on weight basis) in the root zone depth of 50 cm is increased from 18% to 30%. If the bulk density of the soil is 1500 kg×m-3, water application efficiency in percent is________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.20 Pumping test is carried out at a constant discharge of 5400 L×min-1 for 24 h in a main well of 30 cm diameter penetrated 25 m below the static water table. The water level in observation wells located at 30 m and 90 m away from the main well are lowered by 1.11 m and 0.53 m, respectively. Considering steady state flow condition, drawdown estimated in the main well in m is_______.[round off to 2 decimal places]  (Take π = 3.14)
Q.21 The observed concentrations of magnesium (Mg2+), sodium (Na+), and bicarbonate (𝐇𝐂𝐎𝟑) in saturated extract of a soil sample taken from the root zone are 5.68 meq×L-1, 9.90 meq×L-1, and 11.20 meq×L-1, respectively. If the concentration ratio of 𝐇𝐂𝐎𝟑⁄𝐂𝐚𝟐+ is 2.8, the sodium adsorption ratio is_________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.22 Fresh potatoes of mass 1000 kg are dried from 14% to 93% total solids. If 7% of original potatoes is lost in peeling, the product yield from fresh potatoes in percent is ________. [answer in integer]
Q.23 In an ordinary chimney, the drought is 12 mm of water column. Assuming density of water to be 1000 kg×m-3, the pressure difference between the outside air and gas at the base of the chimney in Pa is__________. [round off to one decimal place]
Q.24 A ball mill of 200 cm diameter grinds solid materials while operating with 10 cm size balls. If the same ball mill is used for wet grinding, charged with 20 cm diameter balls, the change in the operating speed in rpm is_______. [round off to 2 decimal places] (Take π = 3.14 and g = 9.81 m×s-2)
Q.25 Rushton turbine having an impeller diameter of 20 cm and operating at a stirrer speed of 200 rpm is used in a mixing tank. If the tank receives air at a volumetric flow rate of 0.2 m3×min-1, the non-dimensional Froude Number, NFr is___________. [round off to 2 decimal places]

Q.26 – Q.38 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry TWO marks each (for each wrong answer: – 2/3)

Q.26 Solution of the differential equation 𝒚′′ + 𝒚 + 𝟎. 𝟐𝟓𝒚 = 𝟎 with the initial values 𝒚(𝟎) = 𝟑. 𝟎 and 𝒚(𝟎) = −𝟑. 𝟓 is
(A) 𝑦 = (3 − 2𝑥) 𝑒0.5𝑥
(B) 𝑦 = (3 − 2𝑥) 𝑒−0.25𝑥
(C) 𝑦 = (3 − 2𝑥) 𝑒−0.5𝑥
(D) 𝑦 = (2 − 3𝑥) 𝑒−0.5𝑥
Q.27 A shear annulus with inner and outer diameters of 240 mm and 300 mm, respectively is used to measure shear strength of soil in the field. When it is inserted into the soil and rotated, the torque measured at the soil failure is 50 N×m. Shear strength of the soil in kPa is(Take π = 3.14)
(A) 14.49
(B) 18.94
(C) 21.54
(D) 28.98
Q.28 A bushy crop with stem cross-sectional diameter 6 mm is to be cut by impact force at a height of 50 mm above the soil surface. Based on the entire stem cross-section, the modulus of elasticity is 1500 N×mm-2 and ultimate tensile strength is 35 N×mm-2. The force in N that would cause failure of the stem due to bending is(Take π = 3.14)
(A) 14.84
(B) 23.52
(C) 29.69
(D) 44.53
Q.29 A solar panel has length of 1.3 m and width of 0.65 m. The solar cells cover 90% of the panel area and its conversion efficiency is 13.7%. For a total solar radiation of 750 W×m-2, the panel output voltage is 18 V at its maximum power output. If two such panels are connected in series to supply power to run a thresher, the current in A that can be supplied by the two panels at the maximum power output is
(A) 2.17
(B) 3.01
(C) 4.34
(D) 8.68
Q.30 A fertilizer drill with a row to row spacing of 40 cm, discharges 38 g of fertilizer per row per revolution of the metering wheel. The metering wheel is driven through a chain transmission system by a ground wheel having 60 cm diameter. Neglecting skid of the ground wheel, for an application rate of 200 kg×ha-1, the speed ratio of ground wheel to metering wheel will be(Take π = 3.14)
(A) 1.40 : 1
(B) 2.52 : 1
(C) 3.64 : 1
(D) 4.76 : 1
Q.31 A sample of wet sandy-clay loam soil of mass 135 kg is collected for laboratory tests. The wet density, water content (weight basis) and specific gravity of solids of this soil sample are 1.8 g×cm-3, 18%, and 2.7, respectively. The dry density (in g×cm-3) and porosity (in percent) of the soil sample, respectively, are
(A) 1.53 and 43.50
(B) 1.53 and 77.00
(C) 1.65 and 43.50
(D) 1.65 and 77.00
Q.32 It is proposed to develop bench terraces in an area having land slope of 10%. If the vertical interval between the bench terraces is 2.5 m and the batter slope is 100%, working width (in m) and the area lost for cultivation (in per cent), respectively will be
(A) 22.50 and 0.05
(B) 25.00 and 0.50
(C) 22.50 and 10.45
(D) 25.00 and 10.45

While carrying out a traverse survey ABCDA′ using a theodolite with the originating station A, the departures and latitudes of the lines, as obtained, are shown in the following figure (not drawn to scale). It is seen that, due to the observational errors, the originating station A and its computed station A′ are not the same. For this survey, the closing error’ in m is

(A) 6.33
(B) 7.62
(C) 33.73
(D) 35.21
Q.34 The shape of the Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (IUH) of a catchment is an isosceles triangle with a peak of 60 m3×s-1 and time to peak of 3 h. If the constant baseflow is 7.5 m3×s-1, the peak of the 3 h Unit Hydrograph (UH) in m3×s-1 is
(A) 43.33
(B) 50.83
(C) 52.50
(D) 60.00
Q.35 Match the following hulling mechanism in column 1 with the corresponding machine in column 2.Column 1Column 2PShear and compression1Blade type emery scourerQFriction and abrasion2Horizontal Gota machineRShear, compression and friction3Rubber roll dehuskerSImpact, abrasion and friction4Under runner disc sheller
(A) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
(B) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4
(C) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
(D) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2
Q.36 Match the correct items in column 1 with column 2.Column 1Column 2PPipe-in-pipe heat exchanger1Cooling of airQShell and tube heat exchanger2Simultaneous co-current and counter current heat exchangeR1-2 shell and tube heat exchanger3Large flow rateSCross flow heat exchanger4Small heat exchange area
(A) P-1, Q-2, R-4, S-3
(B) P-2, Q-3, R-4, S-1
(C) P-3, Q-4, R-2, S-1
(D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1
Q.37 A 30 μm thick membrane having 3 m2 surface area is used to separate NaCl from a solution at steady state condition. The mass transfer coefficient of NaCl at the solution side is 1×10-6 m×s-1 and that at the other side of the membrane is 3×10-7 m×s-1. Concentration of NaCl in the solution is0.03 g×(100 mL)-1 and that on the other side of the membrane is assumed to be zero. Permeability of the membrane is 9×10-6 m×s-1. The rate of removal of the NaCl by the membrane in g×h-1 is
(A) 0.73
(B) 0.81
(C) 0.86
(D) 0.93
Q.38 In a size reduction operation, the power required to crush 2 ton of feed material per hour is 7.2 kW. Eighty percent of the feed and product material pass through 4.75 mm and 0.5 mm sieve openings, respectively. The work index of the material is
(A) 6.5
(B) 7.4
(C) 11.9
(D) 14.8

Q.39 – Q.55 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), carry TWO mark each (no negative marks).

Q.39 A nine-member committee of an Agricultural University consists of 4 B. Tech., 3 M. Tech., and 2 Ph. D. students. It is decided to remove three students from the committee at random. The probability of removing 2 students from the same category and the third one from any other category is                .[round off to 3 decimal places]
Q.40 Summation of eigenvalues of a matrix 3461is. ________.[round off to the nearest integer]
Q.41 During operation of a two-wheel drive tractor with a total weight of 20 kN in pure sandy soil (angle of internal friction is 26.5°), the weight distribution at the front and rear axles are found to be 35% and 65%, respectively. If extra weight of 2.5 kN is added to each of the rear wheels, the change in maximum thrust developed by the tractor in per cent will be_________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.42 A tractor PTO driven rotavator with a rotor radius 30 cm has 20 L-shaped blades each of width 12 cm. These blades are fixed at a radial distance of 7 cm from the center of the rotor shaft to the brackets attached to the rotor shaft. When this rotavator is operated at a forward speed of 4.5 km×h-1 and at a depth of 12 cm, the resultant soil force of 150 N tangential to the rotor circumference acts at the middle of the blade width. The torsional moment acting on the blade in N×m is____________. [round off to one decimal place]
Q.43 Fixed cost per year and variable cost per hour of a tractor were estimated based on its annual usage of 800 h. The total cost of operation was found to be Rs. 540 per hour. It was later re-estimated and found that total cost of operation would be Rs. 510 per hour, if the annual hours of use were increased to 1000 h. Considering all the components of annual usage cost to be the same, the variable cost  in Rs. per hour would be___________. [answer in integer]
Q.44 Two meshed involute gears transmit 1.0 kW power. The pressure angle is 20⁰ and the pitch circle diameter of the large gear rotating at a speed of 600 rpm is 20 cm. If only a pair of teeth meshes at a time, the normal force acting between the meshed teeth in N will be__________. [round off to one decimal place](Take π = 3.14)
Q.45 A horizontal axis lift type wind rotor of diameter 4 m is used to run a pump at a wind velocity of 15 km×h-1 at standard atmospheric pressure and temperature (density of air is 1.23 kg×m-3). If velocity of wind leaving the rotor blade is reduced to one-third of the approaching wind velocity, the thrust acting on the blade of the wind rotor in N is__________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.46 A small watershed receives rainfall of 90 mm in a day. For this watershed, irrespective of the land use, the amount of initial abstraction can be considered as 25% of the potential maximum retention (S) of soil. Initially, the entire watershed was under forest with S = 136 mm, which was converted into cultivated land with S = 64 mm. The change in the daily runoff volume due to this land use alteration for this specific rainfall event in percent is__________.[round off to one decimal place]
Q.47 The most economical trapezoidal channel section with 1:1 (horizontal:vertical) side slope is designed to carry a maximum of 40 cm depth of water at its full capacity. If the bed slope of the channel is 1:2500 and the Manning’s roughness coefficient of channel section is 0.01, the estimated discharge capacity of the channel in m3×s-1 is__________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.48 A windbreak, 15 m in height and 200 m in length, is established to protect the land from wind erosion in an arid area. The minimum wind velocity at the height of 15 m above the ground required to move the most erodible soil fraction is 9.6 m×s-1. If 5-year return period wind velocity at 15 m height is 16 m×s-1 and the wind direction deviates 20° from the line perpendicular to the windbreak, the area protected by the windbreak in ha is__________.[round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.49 Water is discharged from a tank through a rectangular orifice of width 1.5 m and height 1.2 m. The water level in the tank is 3.5 m above the top edge of the orifice. If the coefficient of discharge of this orifice is 0.62, the discharge through the orifice in m3×s-1 is__________. [round off to 2 decimal places](Take acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m×s-2)
Q.50 Two fully penetrating wells are dug 1.4 km apart in a homogenous confined aquifer. The difference in their piezometric levels is 4.0 m. The groundwater flow is steady and unidirectional. If the aquifer has a hydraulic conductivity of 3.5 m×day-1 and effective porosity of 40%, the time taken for water to move from one well to the other in days is__________. [in integer]
Q.51 Food cans are sterilized in a retort to inactivate Clostridium botulinum. Process time (Fo) of this food material is 150 s and the z value is 10 °C. Temperatures at the slowest heating region of the food can are measured and the average temperature during time periods 0 to 20 min, 20 to 40 min and 40 to 70 min are 71.1 °C, 98.9 °C and 110 °C, respectively. The actual process time in minutes that is required for equivalent sterilization at 121.1 °C is__________.[round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.52 Molecular masses of water and air are 18.02 and 28.97 kg×(kg mol)-1, respectively. Air in a room is at 40 °C under a total pressure of 101.3 kPa absolute and contains water vapour at a partial pressure of 4.0 kPa. If saturated vapour pressure of water at 40 °C is 7.37 kPa, the relative humidity of this air in per cent is__________. [round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.53 A cylindrical storage bin with an internal diameter of 4 m and a height of 16 m is completely filled with paddy having bulk density of 640 kg×m-3. The angle of internal friction between grain and bin wall is 30° and the ratio of horizontal to vertical pressures is 0.4. When the grain filling rises from 4 m to 16 m in height, the lateral pressure increases by a multiple of__________.[round off to 2 decimal places]
Q.54 An air screen grain cleaner unit of capacity one ton×h-1 with two screens was evaluated with a feed containing 8.5% impurities. During the operation, the clean grain at blower outlet, overflow of 1st screen and underflow of second screen were found to be 0.3%, 1.2% and 0.8%, respectively. If the clean grain contains 0.6% of impurities, the cleaning efficiency of the cleaner unit in per cent would be__________. [round off to one decimal place]
Q.55 One side of a solid food block of 10 cm thickness is subjected to a heating medium having a film heat transfer coefficient of 70 W×(m2×°C)-1. The other side of the food block is being cooled by a medium having a film heat transfer coefficient of 100 W×(m2×°C)-1. The food block is having a thermal conductivity of 0.2 W×(m×°C)-1 and the contact area of the block available for heat transfer is 1 m2. Heat transfer rate in the block at steady state is 100 J×s-1. The temperature difference between the two sides of the block in °C is__________.             .[round off to 2 decimal places]

Answer Key 

Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans Q.No. Ans
1 1 11 73.70 To 73.85  21 4.50 to 4.50  31 41 38.20 to 38.60  51 56000 to 56000 
2 2 12 18 to 18  22 14.0 to 14.0  32 42 8.90 to 9.10  52 2.01 to 3.01 
3 3 13 0.583 to 0.584  23 117.1 to 118.1  33 43 385.0 to 395.0  53 52.00 to 54.50 
4 4 14

13.47 to 13.57  OR

15.93 to  16.03

24 3.60 to 4.20  34 44




54 1.60 to 1.70 
5 5 15 450 to 450  25 0.21 to 0.31  35 45




55 93.0 to 94.0 
6 6 16 380.00 to 383.00  26 36 46








7 7 17 2400.0 to 2440.0  27 37 47 0.18 to 0.22     
8 8 18 1.22 to 1.25  28 38 48 2.70 to 3.00     
9 9 19 62.25 to 62.75  29 39 0.654 to 0.656  49 9.90 to 10.10     
10 10 20 4.00 to 4.25  30 40 10 to 10  50 56000 to 56000     

GATE 2021 Aerospace Engineering Previous Year Paper

GATE 2021 Aerospace Engineering Previous Year Paper

General Aptitude (GA) 

Q.1 – Q.5 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry ONE mark each (for each wrong  answer: – 1/3).


(i) Arun and Aparna are here. 

(ii) Arun and Aparna is here. 

(iii) Arun’s families is here.  

(iv) Arun’s family is here.  

Which of the above sentences are grammatically CORRECT?

(A)  (i) and (ii)
(B)  (i) and (iv)
(C)  (ii) and (iv)
(D)  (iii) and (iv)

The mirror image of the above text about the x-axis is

Q.3 Two identical cube shaped dice each with faces numbered 1 to 6 are rolled  simultaneously. The probability that an even number is rolled out on each  dice is:
(A)  136
(B)  112
(C)  18
(D)  14

and are two operators on numbers p and q such that 

p ⊙ q = p − q, and p⊕ q=p × q

Then, (9⊙ (6 ⊕ 7)) ⊙ (7 ⊕ (6 ⊙ 5))=

(A)  40
(B)  -26
(C)  -33
(D)  -40
Q.5  Four persons P, Q, R and S are to be seated in a row. R should not be seated  at the second position from the left end of the row. The number of distinct  seating arrangements possible is:
(A)  6
(B)  9
(C)  18
(D)  24

Q. 6 – Q. 10 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry TWO marks each 

(for each wrong  answer: – 2/3).

Q.6  On a planar field, you travelled 3 units East from a point O. Next you  travelled 4 units South to arrive at point P. Then you travelled from P in the  North-East direction such that you arrive at a point that is 6 units East of  point O. Next, you travelled in the North-West direction, so that you arrive  at point Q that is 8 units North of point P.  The distance of point Q to point O, in the same units, should be _____
(A)  3
(B)  4
(C)  5
(D)  6
Q.7  The author said, “Musicians rehearse before their concerts. Actors rehearse  their roles before the opening of a new play. On the other hand, I find it  strange that many public speakers think they can just walk on to the stage  and start speaking. In my opinion, it is no less important for public speakers  to rehearse their talks.” Based on the above passage, which one of the following is TRUE?
(A)  The author is of the opinion that rehearsing is important for musicians, actors  and public speakers.
(B)  The author is of the opinion that rehearsing is less important for public speakers  than for musicians and actors.
(C)  The author is of the opinion that rehearsing is more important only for  musicians than public speakers.
(D)  The author is of the opinion that rehearsal is more important for actors than  musicians.

1. Some football players play cricket.   

2. All cricket players play hockey. 

Among the options given below, the statement that logically follows from  the two statements 1 and 2 above, is: 

(A)  No football player plays hockey.
(B)  Some football players play hockey.
(C)  All football players play hockey.
(D)  All hockey players play football.


In the figure shown above, PQRS is a square. The shaded portion is formed  by the intersection of sectors of circles with radius equal to the side of the  square and centers at S and Q.  The probability that any point picked randomly within the square falls in the  shaded area is ______ 

Q.10  In an equilateral triangle PQR, side PQ is divided into four equal parts, side  QR is divided into six equal parts and side PR is divided into eight equal parts.  The length of each subdivided part in cm is an integer.  The minimum area of the triangle PQR possible, in cm2, is
(A)  18
(B)  24
(C)  48√3
(D)  144√3

Aerospace Engineering (AE) 

Q. 1 – Q. 13 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry ONE marks each  (for each wrong  answer: – 1/3).

Q.1 Consider the differential equationand the boundary Conditions y(0)=1and The solution to this equation is:
(A) y=(1+ 2x )e−4x 
(B) y =(1− 4x)e−4x
(C) y =(1+8x )e−4x
(D) y =  (1 +4x )e−4x
Q.2 u  (x,y)is governed by the following equation The nature of this equation is:
(A)  linear
(B)  elliptic
(C)  hyperbolic
(D)  parabolic
Q.3  Consider the velocity field V=(2x+ 3y)i+(3x +2 y)j. The field V is 
(A)  divergence-free and curl-free
(B)  curl-free but not divergence-free 
(C)  divergence-free but not curl-free
(D)  neither divergence-free nor curl-free

The figure shows schematics of wave patterns at the exit of nozzles A and B  operating at different

pressure ratios.


  Nozzles A and B, respectively, are said to be operating in:

(A)  over-expanded mode and under-expanded mode
(B)  under-expanded mode and perfectly expanded mode
(C)  perfectly expanded mode and under-expanded mode
(D)  under-expanded mode and over-expanded mode
Q.5  The combustion process in a turbo-shaft engine during ideal operation is: 
(A)  isentropic
(B)  isobaric
(C)  isochoric
(D)  isothermal
Q.6  How does the specific thrust of a turbojet engine change for a given flight  speed with increase in flight altitude?
(A)  Increases monotonically 
(B)  Decreases monotonically 
(C)  Remains constant
(D)  First increases and then decreases
Q.7  How does the propulsion efficiency of a turbofan engine, operating at a  given Mach number and a given altitude, change with increase in  compressor pressure ratio?
(A)  Remains constant 
(B)  Increases monotonically 
(C)  Decreases monotonically 
(D)  First decreases and then increases 
Q.8  A solid propellant rocket producing 25 MN thrust is fired for 150 seconds.The specific impulse of the rocket is 2980 Ns/kg. How much propellant is  burned during the rocket operation? 
(A)  8390 kg
(B)  82300 kg
(C)  1.26 x 106kg
(D)  11.2 x 106 kg
Q.9  The shape of a supersonic diffuser that slows down a supersonic flow to  subsonic flow is 
(A)  converging
(B)  diverging
(C)  diverging–converging
(D)  converging–diverging

Uniaxial tension test (see the figure) is conducted on two different samples  prepared with homogeneous, isotropic materials. One of the materials is  brittle, whereas the other is ductile.   

Assuming that there is no stress concentration at loading points, the failure  would initiate: 

(A)  along x-x in both materials
(B)  along x-x in brittle material and along y-y in ductile material
(C)  along y-y in brittle material and along x-x in ductile material
(D)  along y-y in both materials

For the state of stress as shown in the figure, what is the orientation of the  plane with maximum shear stress with respect to the x-axis?


(A)  45o
(B)  -45o
(C)  22.5o
(D)  -22.5o
Q.12  Let VTAS be the true airspeed of an aircraft flying at acertain altitude  where the density of air is ρ, and VEAS be the equivalent airspeed. If ρ0 is  the density of air at sea-level, what is the ratio VTAS/VEAS equal to? 
(A) ρ/ρ0 
(B) ρ0

Cm − α variation for a certain aircraft is shown in the figure. Which one of  the following statements is true for this aircraft?

(A)  The aircraft can trim at a positive α and it is stable.
(B)  The aircraft can trim at a positive α, but it is unstable.
(C)  The aircraft can trim at a negative α and it is stable.
(D)  The aircraft can trim at a negative α, but it is unstable.

Q.14 – Q.16 Multiple Select Question (MSQ), carry ONE mark each (no negative  marks).


Which of the following statement(s) is/are true across an obliqueshock (in  adiabatic conditions) over a wedge shown below? 


(A)  Total pressure decreases
(B)  Mach number based on velocity tangential to the shock decreases
(C)  Total temperature remains constant
(D)  Mach number based on velocity tangential to the shock remains the same and  that based on velocity normal to the shock decreases
Q.15  Which of the following statement(s) is/are true with regards to Kutta condition for flow past airfoils? 
(A)  It is utilized to determine the circulation on an airfoil.
(B)  It is applicable only to airfoils with sharp trailing edge.
(C)  The trailing edge of an airfoil is a stagnation point.
(D)  The flow leaves the trailing edge smoothly.
Q.16  According to the thin airfoil theory, which of the following statement(s)  is/are true for a cambered airfoil?
(A)  The lift coefficient for an airfoil is directly proportional to the absolute angle of  attack.
(B)  The aerodynamic center lies at quarter chord point.
(C)  The center of pressure lies at quarter chord point.
(D)  Drag coefficient is proportional to the square of lift coefficient.

Q.17 – Q.25 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), carry ONE mark each (no negative  marks).

Q.17 ___________ (round off to nearest integer). 
Q.18  Given that ςis the unit circle in the counter-clockwise direction with its  center at origin, the integral Gz3/4z-i= _______ (round off to three decimal  place). 
Q.19  A single degree of freedom spring-mass-damper system is designed to  ensure that the system returns to its original undisturbed position in  minimum possible time without overshooting. If the mass of the system is  10 kg, spring stiffness is 17400 N/m and the natural frequency is 13.2  rad/s, the coefficient of damping of the system in Ns/m is _________ (round  off to nearest integer). 
Q.20  Two cantilever beams (Beam 1 and Beam 2) are made of same  homogenous material and have identical cross sections. Beam 1 has length  land Beam 2 has length 2.lRatio of the first natural frequency of Beam 1  to that of Beam 2 is ______ (round off to nearest integer). 
Q.21  A free vortex filament (oriented along Z-axis) of strength K = 5 m2/s is placed at the origin as shown in the figure. The circulation around the  closed loop ABCDEFA for this flow is ________ .
Q.22  A thin-walled cylindrical tank with closed ends, made of homogeneous and  isotropic material, is pressurized internally. If the hoop (circumferential)  strain developed in the material is thrice the value of the axial strain then  the Poisson’s ratio of the material is __________ (correct up to one decimal  place). 
Q.23  A jet aircraft has the following specifications: wing loading = 1800 N/m2,  wing area = 30 m2, drag polar CD= 0. 02+ 0.04CL2, and CLmax= 1.6.  Take density of air at sea level as 1.225 kg/m3The speed at which the aircraft achieves maximum endurance in a steady  and level flight at sea level is _______ m/s (round off to two decimal places). 
Q.24  An aircraft with twin jet engines has the following specifications: Thrust produced (per engine) = 8000 N Spanwise distance between the two engines = 10 m Wing area = 50 m2, Wing span = 10 m Rudder effectiveness, Cngr = −0.002 /deg Density of air at sea level = 1.225 kg/m3 The rudder deflection, in degrees, required to maintain zero sideslip at 100  m/s in steady and level flight at sea level with a non-functional right engine  is ________ (round off to two decimal places). 
Q.25  The velocity required to launch a space shuttle from the surface of the  earth to achieve a circular orbit of 250 km altitude is _______ (round off to  two decimal places).  For earth, Gme = 398,600.4km3/s2 and surface radius Ro= 6378.14 km.

Q.26 – Q.30 Multiple Choice Question (MCQ), carry TWO marks each (for each wrong  answer: – 2/3).


A rigid massless rod pinned at one end has a mass mattached to its other  end.The rod is supported by a linear spring of stiffness k as shown in the  figure.The natural frequency of this system is: 

Q.27  The figure shows three glasses P, Q and R with water and floating ice cube.  Glass P has a solid ice cube, glass Q has an ice cube with a small solid steel  ball embedded in it and glass R has an ice cube with an air bubble. After  the ice cube melts, the level of water in glasses P, Q and R, respectively: 
(A)  remains same, increases, and decreases
(B)  increases, decreases, and increases
(C)  remains same, decreases, and decreases
(D)  remains same, decreases, and increases
Q.28  To estimate aerodynamic loads on an aircraft flying at 100 km/h at  standard sea-level conditions, a one-fifth scale model is tested in a variable density wind tunnel ensuring similarity of inertial and viscous forces. The  pressure used in the wind tunnel is 10 times the atmospheric pressure.  Assuming ideal gas law to hold and the same temperature conditions in  model and prototype, the velocity needed in the wind tunnel test-section is  ______________. 
(A)  25 km/h
(B)  50 km/h
(C)  100 km/h
(D)  20 km/h
Q.29  The figure shows schematic of a set-up for visualization of non-uniform  density field in the test section of a supersonic wind tunnel. This technique  of visualization of high speed flows is known as:
(A)  schlieren 
(B)  interferometry
(C)  shadowgraph 
(D)  holography
Q.30  For a conventional fixed-wing aircraft in a 360° inverted vertical loop  maneuver, what is the load factor (n) at the topmost point of the loop?  Assume the flight to be steady at the topmost point.
(A) n =1
(B) n <1
(C) n =−1
(D) n >−1

Q.31 – Q.36 Multiple Select Question (MSQ), carry TWO mark each (no negative  marks).

Q.31  Which of the following statement(s) is/are true about the function defined  asf (x)=e x | cos | x for x > 0?
(A) Differentiable at x= π/2 
(B)  Differentiable at x = π
(C) Differentiable at x= 3π/2 
(D)  Continuous at x = 2π
Q.32  A two degree of freedom spring-mass system undergoing free vibration with generalized coordinates x1and x 2 has natural frequencies ω1=233.9 rad/s and ω2=324.5 rad/s, respectively. The corresponding mode shapes  are . If the system is disturbed with certain deflections and zero initial velocities, then which of the following  statement(s) is/are true? 
(A)  An initial deflection of x1(0) 6.32 =cm and x2  (0) 3.16 = −cm would make the  system oscillate with only the second natural frequency.
(B)  An initial deflection of x1 (0) 2 =cm and x 2(0) 6.32 = −cmwould make the  system oscillate with only the first natural frequency.
(C)  An initial deflection of x1(0) 2 =cm and x2 (0) 2 = −cm would make the system oscillate with a linear combination of first and second natural frequencies.
(D)  An initial deflection of x1 (0) 1 =cm an x2 (0) 6.32 = −cm would make the system oscillate with only the first natural frequency.
Q.33  A shock moving into a stationary gas can be transformed to a stationary  shock by a change in reference frame, as shown in the figure. Which of the  following is/are true relating the flow properties in the two reference  frames?  
Q.34  For a conventional fixed-wing aircraft, which of the following statements  are true?
(A)  Making Cma more negative leads to an increase in the frequency of its short period mode.
(B)  Making Cmq more negative leads to a decreased damping of the short-period  mode.
(C)  The primary contribution towards Cipis from the aircraft wing.
(D)  Increasing the size of the vertical fin leads to a higher yaw damping.
Q.35  Which of the following statement(s) is/are true?
(A)  Service ceiling is higher than absolute ceiling for a piston-propeller aircraft.
(B)  For a given aircraft, the stall speed increases with increase in altitude.
(C)  Everything else remaining the same, a tailwind increases the range of an  aircraft.
(D)  For a jet aircraft constrained to fly at constant altitude, there exists an altitude  where its range is maximum.
Q.36  A conventional fixed-wing aircraft, with a horizontal tail and vertical fin,  in steady and level flight is subjected to small perturbations. Which of the  following statement(s) is/are true?
(A)  Vertical fin has a stabilizing effect on the lateral stability of the aircraft.
(B)  Vertical fin has a destabilizing effect on the directional stability of the aircraft.
(C)  Presence of wing anhedral increases the lateral stability of the aircraft.
(D)  Horizontal tail has a stabilizing effect on the longitudinal static stability of the  aircraft.

Q.37 – Q.55 Numerical Answer Type (NAT), carry TWO mark each (no negative  marks).

Q.37  The ratio of the product of eigenvalues to the sum of the eigenvalues of the  given matrix   is ______ (round off to nearest integer).
Q.38 The definite integral is evaluated using four equal intervals by two  methods – first by the trapezoidal rule and then by the Simpson’s one third rule. The absolute value of the difference between the two  calculations is _______ (round off to two decimal places).
Q.39  The deflection y of a certain beam of length land uniform weight per unit length w, is given as where x is the distance from the point of support and EI is a constant. The non-dimensional  location x/l, where the deflection of the beam is maximum, is _____ (round  off to two decimal places).
Q.40  A large water tank is fixed on a cart with wheels and a vane (see figure).  The wheels of the cart provide negligible resistance for rolling on the fixed  support. The cart is tied to the fixed support with a thin horizontal rope.  There is a hole of diameter 5 cm on the side of the tank through which a  jet of constant velocity of 10 m/s emerges. The jet of water is deflected by  the attached vane by 60o(see figure). Assume that the jet velocity remains  constant at 10 m/s after emerging from the vane. Take density of water to  be 1000 kg/m3. The tension in the connecting rope is _____ N (round off to  one decimal place).            
Q.41  A finite wing of elliptic planform with aspect ratio 10, whose section is a  symmetric airfoil, is placed in a uniform flow at 5 degrees angle of attack.  The induced drag coefficient for the wing is ______ (round off to three  decimal places). 
Q.42  Consider a model of a boundary layer with the following velocity profile: The shape factor, defined as the ratio of the displacement thickness to  momentum thickness, for this profile is _____ (round off to 2 decimal  places).
Q.43  An aircraft with a turbojet engine is flying at 270 m/s. The enthalpy of the  incoming air at the intake is 260 kJ/kg and the enthalpy of the exhaust  gases at the nozzle exit is 912 kJ/kg. The ratio of mass flow rates of fuel  and air is equal to 0.019. The chemical energy (heating value) of fuel is  44.5 MJ/kg and the combustion process is ideal. The total loss of heat from  the engine to the ambient is 25 kJ per kg of air. The velocity of the exhaust  jet is __________m/s (round off to two decimal places). 
Q.44  Hot gases are generated at a temperature of 2100 K and a pressure of 14  MPa in a rocket chamber. The hot gases are expanded ideally to the  ambient pressure of 0.1 MPa in a convergent-divergent nozzle having a  throat area of 0.1 m2. The molecular mass of the gas is 22 kg/kmol. The  ratio of specific heats (γ) of the gas is 1.32. The value of the universal gas  constant (R0) is 8314 J/kmol-K. The acceleration due to gravity, g, is 9.8  m/s2. The specific impulse of the rocket is _______ seconds (round off to  two decimal places). 
Q.45  A twin-spool turbofan engine is operated at sea level (Pa = 1 bar, Ta = 288  K). The engine has separate cold and hot nozzles. During static thrust test  at sea level, the overall mass flow rate of air through the engine and the  cold exhaust temperature are measured to be 100 kg/s and 288 K,  respectively. The parameters for the engine are: Fan pressure ratio = 1.6 Overall pressure ratio = 20 Bypass ratio = 3.0 Turbine entry temperature = 1800 K. The specific heat at constant pressure (Cp) is 1.005 kJ/kg-K and the ratio of  specific heats (γ ) is 1.4 for air.  Assuming ideal fan and ideal expansion in the nozzle, the sea-level static  thrust from the cold nozzle is _____________ kN (round off to two decimal  places). 

At the design conditions, the velocity triangle at the mean radius of a single  stage axial compressor is such that the blade angle at the rotor exit is equal  to 30°. The absolute velocities at the rotor inlet and exit are equal to 140  m/s and 240 m/s, respectively. The flow velocities relative to the rotor at inlet and exit of the rotor are equal to 240 m/s and 140 m/s, respectively. 

The blade speed (U) at the mean radius of the rotor is __________ m/s  (round off to two decimal places). 

Q.47  A single stage axial turbine has a mean blade speed of 340 m/s at design  condition with blade angles at inlet and exit of the rotor being 21° and 55°,  respectively. The degree of reaction at the mean radius of the rotor is  equal to 0.4. The annulus area at the rotor inlet is 0.08 m2 and the density  of gas at the rotor inlet is 0.9 kg/m3. The flow rate through the turbine at  these conditions is __________ kg/s (round off to two decimal places). 
Q.48  The air flow rate through the gas generator of a turboprop engine is 100  kg/s. The stagnation temperatures at inlet and exit of the combustor are  600 K and 1200 K, respectively. The burner efficiency is 90% and the  heating value of the fuel is 40 MJ/kg. The specific heats at constant  pressure (Cp) for air and burned gases are 1000 J/kg-K and 1200 J/kg-K,  respectively. The flow rate of the fuel being used is _____________ kg/s  (round off to two decimal places). (Note: Do not neglect the fuel flow rate with respect to the air flow rate) 
Q.49  A rigid horizontal bar ABC, with roller support at A, is pinned to the  columns BD and CE at points B and C, respectively as shown in figure.  The other end of the column BD is fixed at D, whereas the column CE is  pinned at E. A vertical load P is applied on the bar at a distance ‘a’ from  point B.  The two columns are made of steel with elastic modulus 200 GPa and have a cross section of 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm. The value of ‘a’ for which both columns  buckle simultaneously, is ____________ cm (round off to one decimal  place).  

A two-cell wing box is shown in the figure. The cell walls are 1.5 mm thick  and the shear modulus G = 27 GPa. If the structure is subjected to a  torque of 12 kNm, then the wall AD will experience a shear stress of magnitude _________ MPa (round off to one decimal place).



Two cantilever beams AB and DC are in contact with each other at their  free ends through a roller as shown in the figure. Both beams have a  square cross section of 50 mm x 50 mm, and the elastic modulus E = 70  GPa. If beam AB is subjected to a uniformly distributed load of 20 kN/m,  then the compressive force experienced by the roller is ___________ kN  (round off to one decimal place).       

Q.52  A 3 m x 1 m signboard is supported by a vertical hollow pole that is fixed  to the ground. The pole has a square cross section with outer dimension  250 mm. The yield strength of the pole material is 240 MPa. To sustain a  wind pressure of 7.5 kPa, the dimension d of the pole is _________ mm  (round off to nearest integer).  (Neglect the effect of transverse shear and load due to wind pressure  acting on the pole)
Q.53  An airplane weighing 5500 kg is in a steady level flight with a speed of 225  m/s. The pilot initiates a steady pull-up maneuver with a radius of  curvature of 775 m. The location of center of gravity (CG), center of  pressure on wing (CP) and point of action (T) of tail force are marked in  the figure. Use g = 9.81 m/s2. Neglect drag on the tail and assume that tail  force is vertical. Assuming the engine thrust and drag to be equal, opposite  and collinear, the tail force is_____________ kN (round off to one decimal  place). 
Q.54  A jet aircraft weighing 10,000 kg has an elliptic wing with a span of 10 m  and area 30 m2. The CDofor the aircraft is 0.025. The maximum speed of  the aircraft in steady and level flight at sea level is 100 m/s. The density of  air at sea level is 1.225 kg/m3, and take g = 10 m/s2. The maximum thrust  developed by the engine at sea level is ______ N (round off to two decimal  places). 

Answer Key 

Q. No. Ans Q. No. Ans Q. No. Ans Q. No. Ans Q. No. Ans Q. No. Ans Q. No. Ans
1 1 11 21 0 to 0  31 B; D  41 0.005 to 0.009  51 2.2 to 2.6 
2 2 12 22 0.2 to 0.2  32 B; C  42 4.8 to 5.2  52 232 to 238 
3 3 13 23 64.30 to 64.60  33 43 605 to 607  53 14.8 to 15.2 
4 4 14 A; B; C  24 6.50 to 6.60  34 A; C; D  44 216 to 220  54 9735 to 9797 
5 5 15 A; B; D  25 7.75 to 7.77 OR  7750.00 to  7770.00 35 B; C; D  45 20 to 22  55 -0.025 to -0.023 
6 6 16 A; B  26 36 A; D  46 274 to 282     
7 7 17 0 to 0  27 37 8 to 8  47 18.0 to 19.5     
8 8 18 0.02 to 0.03  28 38 0.66 to 0.68  48 2.35 to 2.50     
9 9 19 264 to 264 OR  833 to 835  29 39 0.41 to 0.43  49 14.0 to 16.0     
10 10 20 4 to 4  30 40 98.0 to 98.5  50 2.1 to 2.5     

GATE 2020 Mechanical Engineering Previous Year Paper

GATE 2020 Mechanical Engineering Previous Year Paper

General Aptitude 

Q1 – Q5 carry one mark each. 

Q. 1 He is known for his unscrupulous ways. He always sheds fox’s crocodile’s crocodile fox ___________ tears to deceive people

(A) fox’s

(B) crocodile’s

(C) crocodile

(D) fox


Q. 2 Jofra Archer, the England fast bowler, is______ than accurate. 

(A) more fast 

(B) faster 

(C) less fast 

(D) more faster 


Q. 3 Select the word that fits the analogy: 

Build : Building :: Grow : 

(A) Grown 

(B) Grew 

(C) Growth 

(D) Growed 


Q. 4 I do not think you know the case well enough to have opinions. Having said that, I agree with your other point. What does the phrase “having said that” mean in the given text? 

(A) as opposed to what I have said 

(B) despite what I have said 

(C) in addition to what I have said 

(D) contrary to what I have said 


Q. 5 Define [x] as the greatest integer less than or equal to x, for each x ∈ (-∞, ∞). If y = [x], then area under y for x ∈ [1,4] is_________ 

(A) 1 

(B) 3 

(C) 4 

(D) 6 

Q6 – Q10 carry two marks each. 

Q. 6 Crowd funding deals with mobilization of funds for a project from a large number of people, who would be willing to invest smaller amounts through web-based platforms in the project. 

Based on the above paragraph, which of the following is correct about crowd funding? 

(A) Funds raised through unwilling contributions on web-based platforms. 

(B) Funds raised through large contributions on web-based platforms.

(C) Funds raised through coerced contributions on web-based platforms. 

(D) Funds raised through voluntary contributions on web-based platforms.


Q. 7 P, Q, R and S are to be uniquely coded using α and β. If P is coded as αα and Q as αβ, then R and S, respectively, can be coded as __________.

(A) βα and αβ 

(B) ββ and αα 

(C) αβ and ββ 

(D) βα and ββ 


Q. 8 The sum of the first n terms in the sequence 8, 88, 888, 8888, … is ___________


Q. 9 Select the graph that schematically represents BOTH y = xm and y = x1/m properly in the interval 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, for integer values of m, where m > 1. 


Q. 10 The bar graph shows the data of the students who appeared and passed in an examination for four schools P, Q, R and S. The average of success rates (in percentage) of these four schools is ____________

(A) 58.5 % 

(B) 58.8 % 

(C) 59.0 % 

(D) 59.3 % 

Mechanical Engineering

Q1 – Q25 carry one mark each. 

Q. 1 Multiplication of real valued square matrices of same dimension is 

(A) associative 

(B) commutative 

(C) always positive definite 

(D) not always possible to compute 


Q. 2 The value of 


Q. 3 The Laplace transform of a function f(t) is . Then, f(t) is 


Q. 4 Which of the following function f(z), of the complex variable z, is NOT analytic at all the points of the complex plane? 

(A) f(z) = z2 

(B) f(3) = ez 

(C) f(3) = sinz 

(D) f(z) = log z 


Q. 5 The members carrying zero force (i.e. zero-force members) in the truss shown in the figure, for any load P >0 with no appreciable deformation of the truss (i.e. with no appreciable change in angles between the members), are 

(A) BF and DH only 

(B) BF, DH and GC only 

(C) BF, DH, GC, CD and DE only 

(D) BF, DH, GC, FG and GH only 


Q. 6 A single-degree-of-freedom oscillator is subjected to harmonic excitation F(t) = F0 cos(wt) as shown in the figure. 

The non-zero value of w, for which the amplitude of the force transmitted to the ground will be F0 is 


Q. 7 The stress state at a point in a material under plane stress condition is equi-biaxial tension with a magnitude of 10 MPa. If one unit on the σ-τ plane is 1 MPa, the Mohr’s circle representation of the state-of-stress is given by 

(A) a circle with a radius equal to principal stress and its center at the origin of the σ-τ plane 

(B) a point on the σ axis at a distance of 10 units from the origin 

(C) a circle with a radius of 10 units on the σ-τ plane 

(D) a point on the t axis at a distance of 10 units from the origin 


Q. 8 A four bar mechanism is shown below. 

For the mechanism to be a crank-rocker mechanism, the length of the link PQ can be 

(A) 80 mm 

(B) 200 mm 

(C) 300 mm 

(D) 350 mm 


Q. 9 A helical gear with 20° pressure angle and 30° helix angle mounted at the mid span of a shaft that is supported between two bearings at the ends. The nature of the stresses induced in the shaft is 

(A) normal stress due to bending only 

(B) normal stress due to bending in one plane and axial loading; shear stress due to torsion 

(C) normal stress due to bending in two planes and axial loading; shear stress due to torsion 

(D) normal stress due to bending in two planes; shear stress due to torsion 


Q. 10 The crystal structure of y iron (austenite phase) is 

(A) BCC 

(B) FCC 

(C) HCP 

(D) BCT 


Q. 11 Match the following. 

(A) P-2,0-3, R-4, S-1 

(B) P-1, Q-1, R-3, S-2 

(C) P-3, Q-3, R-1, S-3 

(D) P-4, Q-3, R-2, S-1 


Q. 12 The base of a brass bracket needs rough grinding. For this purpose, the most suitable grinding wheel grade specification is 

(A) C30Q12V 

(B) A50G8V 

(C) C90J4B 

(D) A30D12V 


Q. 13 In the Critical Path Method (CPM), the cost-time slope of an activity is given by 


Q. 14 Froude number is the ratio of 

(A) buoyancy forces to viscous forces 

(B) inertia forces to viscous forces 

(C) buoyancy forces to inertia forces 

(D) inertia forces to gravity forces 


Q. 15 Match the following non-dimensional numbers with the corresponding definitions: 

(A) P-1, Q-3, R-2, S-4 

(B) P-3, Q-1, R-2, S-4 

(C) P-4, Q-3, R-1, S-2 

(D) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2 


Q. 16 The velocity field of an incompressible flow in a Cartesian system is represented by 

Which one of the following expressions for v is valid? 

(A) – 4xz + 6xy 

(B) – 4xy – 4xz 

(C) 4x2 – 6xy 

(D) 4xy + 4xz 


Q. 17 For an ideal gas, the value of the Joule-Thomson coefficient is 

(A) positive 

(B) negative 

(C) zero 

(D) indeterminate 


Q. 18 For an ideal gas, a constant pressure line and a constant volume line intersect at a point, in the Temperature (1) versus specific entropy (s) diagram. Cp is the specific heat at constant pressure and CV is the specific heat at constant volume. The ratio of the slopes of the constant pressure and constant volume lines at the point of intersection is 


Q. 19 For three vectors are unit vectors along the axes of a right-handed rectangular/Cartesian coordinate system, the value of is _____________.


Q. 20 A flywheel is attached to an engine to keep its rotational speed between 100 rad/s and 110 rad/s. If the energy fluctuation in the flywheel between these two speeds is 1.05 kJ then the moment of inertia of the flywheel is _____________ (round off to 2 decimal places). kg.m2 


Q. 21 A balanced rigid disc mounted on a rigid rotor has four identical point masses, each of 10 grams, attached to four points on the 100 mm radius circle shown in the figure. 

The rotor is driven by a motor at uniform angular speed of 10 rad/s. If one of the masses gets detached then the magnitude of the resultant unbalance force on the rotor is _____________ N (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 22 A sheet metal with a stock hardness of 250 HRC has to be sheared using a punch and a die having a clearance of 1 mm between them. If the stock hardness of the sheet metal increases to 400 HRC, the clearance between the punch and the die should be _________ mm. 


Q. 23 A company is hiring to fill four managerial vacancies. The candidates are five men and three women. If every candidate is equally likely to be chosen then the probability that at least one woman will be selected is___________(round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 24 The compressor of a gas turbine plant, operating on an ideal intercooled Brayton cycle, accomplishes an overall compression ratio of 6 in a two-stage compression process. Intercooling is used to cool the air coming out from the first stage to the inlet temperature of the first stage, before its entry to the second stage. Air enters the compressor at 300 K and 100 kPa. If the properties of gas are constant, the intercooling pressure for minimum compressor work is _________ kPa (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 25 In a concentric tube counter-flow heat exchanger, hot oil enters at 102°C and leaves at 65°C. Cold water enters at 25°C and leaves at 42°C. The log mean temperature difference (LMTD) is ___________ °C (round off to one decimal place). 

Q26 – Q55 carry two marks each. 

Q. 26 The evaluation of the definite integral -11.4x|x|dx by using Simpson’s 1/3rd (one third) rule with step size h = 0.6 yields 

(A) 0.914 

(B) 1.248 

(C) 0.581 

(D) 0.592 


Q. 27 A vector field is defined as 

where, are unit vectors along the axes of a right-handed rectangular /Cartesian coordinate system. The surface integral (where is an elemental surface area vector) evaluated over the inner and outer surfaces of a spherical shell formed by two concentric spheres with origin as the center, and internal and external radii of 1 and 2, respectively, is 

(A) 0 

(B) 2π 

(C) 4π

(D) 8π


Q. 28 Bars of square and circular cross-section with 0.5 m length are made of a material with shear strength of 20 MPa. The square bar cross-section dimension is 4 cm × 4 cm and the cylindrical bar cross-section diameter is 4 cm. The specimens are loaded as shown in the figure. 

Which specimen(s) will fail due to the applied load as per maximum shear stress theory? 

(A) Tensile and compressive load specimens 

(B) Torsional load specimen 

(C) Bending load specimen 

(D) None of the specimens 


Q. 29 The 2 kg block shown in figure (top view) rests on a smooth horizontal surface and is attached to a massless elastic cord that has a stiffness 5 N/m. 

The cord hinged at O is initially unstretched and always remains elastic. The block is given a velocity ν of 1.5 m/s perpendicular to the cord. The magnitude of velocity in m/s of the block at the instant the cord is stretched by 0.4 m is 

(A) 0.83 

(B) 1.07 

(C) 1.36 

(D) 1.50 


Q. 30 The truss shown in the figure has four members of length 1 and flexural rigidity EI, and one member of length 1/2 and flexural rigidity 4E1. The truss is loaded by a pair of forces of magnitude P, as shown in the figure. 

The smallest value of P, at which any of the truss members will buckle is 


Q. 31 A rigid massless rod of length L is connected to a disc (pulley) of mass m and radius r = L/4 through a friction-less revolute joint. The other end of that rod is attached to a wall through a frictionless hinge. A spring of stiffness 2k is attached to the rod at its mid-span. An inextensible rope passes over half the disc periphery and is securely tied to a spring of stiffness k at point C as shown in the figure. There is no slip between the rope and the pulley. The system is in static equilibrium in the configuration shown in the figure and the rope is always taut. 

Neglecting the influence of gravity, the natural frequency of the system for small amplitude vibration is 


Q. 32 A strip of thickness 40 mm is to be rolled to a thickness of 20 mm using a two-high mill having rolls of diameter 200 mm. Coefficient of friction and arc length in mm, respectively are 

(A) 0.45 and 38.84 

(B) 0.39 and 38.84 

(C) 0.39 and 44.72 

(D) 0.45 and 44.72 


Q. 33 For an assembly line, the production rate was 4 pieces per hour and the average processing time was 60 minutes. The WIP inventory was calculated. Now, the production rate is kept the same, and the average processing time is brought down by 30 percent. As a result of this change in the processing time, the WIP inventory 

(A) decreases by 25% 

(B) increases by 25% 

(C) decreases by 30% 

(D) increases by 30% 


Q. 34 A small metal bead (radius 0.5 mm), initially at 100°C, when placed in a stream of fluid at 20°C, attains a temperature of 28°C in 4.35 seconds. The density and specific heat of the metal are 8500 kg/m3 and 400 J/kg.K, respectively. If the bead is considered as lumped system, the convective heat transfer coefficient (in W/m2.K) between the metal bead and the fluid stream is 

(A) 283.3 

(B) 299.8 

(C) 149.9 

(D) 449.7 


Q. 35 Consider two exponentially distributed random variables X and Y, both having a mean of 0.50. Let Z = X + Y and r be the correlation coefficient between X and Y. If the variance of Z equals 0, then the value of r is _________ (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. No. 36 An analytic function of a complex variable z = x + iy (i = √-1) is defined as 

f(z) = x2 – y2 + i ψ (x, y), 

where ψ(x,y) is a real function. The value of the imaginary part of f(z) at z = (1 + i) is ____________ (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 37 In a disc-type axial clutch, the frictional contact takes place within an annular region with outer and inner diameters 250 mm and 50 mm, respectively. An axial force F1 is needed to transmit a torque by a new clutch. However, to transmit the same torque, one needs an axial force F2 when the clutch wears out. If contact pressure remains uniform during operation of a new clutch while the wear is assumed to be uniform for an old clutch, and the coefficient of friction does not change, then the ratio F1/F2 is __________ (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 38 A cam with a translating flat-face follower is desired to have the follower motion 

Contact stress considerations dictate that the radius of curvature of the cam profile should not be less than 40 mm anywhere. The minimum permissible base circle radius is ___________ mm (round off to one decimal place). 


Q. 39 A rectangular steel bar of length 500 mm, width 100 mm, and thickness 15 mm is cantilevered to a 200 mm steel channel using 4 bolts, as shown. 

For an external load of 10 kN applied at the tip of the steel bar, the resultant shear load on the bolt at B, is __________ kN (round off to one decimal place). 


Q. 40 The barrier shown between two water tanks of unit width (1 m) into the plane of the screen is modeled as a cantilever. 

Taking the density of water as 1000 kg/m3, and the acceleration due to gravity as 10 m/s2, the maximum absolute bending moment developed in the cantilever is _________ kN·m (round off to the nearest integer). 


Q. 41 The magnitude of reaction force at joint C of the hinge-beam shown in the figure is ________ KN (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 42 A slot of 25 mm × 25 mm is to be milled in a workpiece of 300 mm length using a side and face milling cutter of diameter 100 mm, width 25 mm and having 20 teeth. For a depth of cut 5 mm, feed per tooth 0.1 mm, cutting speed 35 m/min and approach and over travel distance of 5 mm each, the time required for milling the slot is __________ minutes (round off to one decimal place). 


Q. 43 The following data applies to basic shaft system: 

tolerance for hole = 0.002 mm, 

tolerance for shaft = 0.001 mm, 

allowance = 0.003 mm, 

basic size = 50 mm. 

The maximum hole size is ________ mm (round off to 3 decimal places). 


Q. 44 A steel part with surface area of 125 cm2 is to be chrome coated through an electroplating process using chromium acid sulphate as an electrolyte. An increasing current is applied to the part according to the following current time relation: 

1 = 12 + 0.2t 

where, I = current (A) and t = time (minutes). The part is submerged in the plating solution for a duration of 20 minutes for plating purpose. Assuming the cathode efficiency of chromium to be 15% and the plating constant of chromium acid sulphate to be 2.50 × 10-2 mm/A’s, the resulting coating thickness on the part surface is _________ μm (round off to one decimal place). 


Q. 45 In a turning process using orthogonal tool geometry, a chip length of 100 mm is obtained for an uncut chip length of 250 mm. 

The cutting conditions are: cutting speed = 30 m/min, rake angle = 20°. 

The shear plane angle is _________ degrees (round off to one decimal place). 


Q. 46 The thickness of a steel plate with material strength coefficient of 210 MPa, has to be reduced from 20 mm to 15 mm in a single pass in a two-high rolling mill with a roll radius of 450 mm and rolling velocity of 28 m/min. If the plate has a width of 200 mm and its strain hardening exponent, n is 0.25, the rolling force required for the operation is _________ kN (round off to 2 decimal places). 

Note: Average Flow Stress = Material Strength Coefficient True Strainn1 + n


Q. 47 Two business owners Shveta and Ashok run their businesses in two different states. Each of them, independent of the other, produces two products A and B, sells them at Rs. 2,000 per kg and Rs. 3,000 per kg, respectively, and uses Linear Programming to determine the optimal quantity of A and B to maximize their respective daily revenue. Their constraints are as follows: i) for each business owner, the production process is such that the daily production of A has to be at least as much as B, and the upper limit for production of B is 10 kg per day, and ii) the respective state regulations restrict Shveta’s production of A to less than 20 kg per day, and Ashok’s production of A to less than 15 kg per day. The demand of both A and B in both the states is very high and everything produced is sold. 

The absolute value of the difference in daily (optimal) revenue of Shveta and Ashok is ____________ thousand Rupees (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 48 Consider two cases as below. 

Case 1: A company buys 1000 pieces per year of a certain part from vendor ‘X’. The changeover time is 2 hours and the price is Rs. 10 per piece. The holding cost rate per part is 10% per year. 

Case 2: For the same part, another vendor ‘Y’ offers a design where the changeover time is 6 minutes, with a price of Rs. 5 per piece, and a holding cost rate per part of 100% per year. The order size is 800 pieces per year from ‘X’ and 200 pieces per year from ‘Y’. 

Assume the cost of downtime as Rs. 200 per hour. The percentage reduction in the annual cost for Case 2, as compared to Case 1 is ________ (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 49 Consider steady, viscous, fully developed flow of a fluid through a circular pipe of internal diameter D. We know that the velocity profile forms a paraboloid about the pipe centre line, given by: m/s, where C is a constant. The rate of kinetic energy in J/s) at the control surface A-B, as shown in the figure, is proportional to Dn. The value of n is __________


Q. 50 Air discharges steadily through a horizontal nozzle and impinges on a stationary vertical plate as shown in figure. 

The inlet and outlet areas of the nozzle are 0.1 m2 and 0.02 m2, respectively. Take air density as constant and equal to 1.2 kg/m3. If the inlet gauge pressure of air is 0.36 kPa, the gauge pressure at point 0 on the plate is _______ kPa (round off to two decimal places). 


Q. 51 Air (ideal gas) enters a perfectly insulated compressor at a temperature of 310 K. The pressure ratio of the compressor is 6. Specific heat at constant pressure for air is 1005 J/kg.K and ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume is 1.4. Assume that specific heats of air are constant. If the isentropic efficiency of the compressor is 85 percent, the difference in enthalpies of air between the exit and the inlet of the compressor is ________ kJ/kg (round off to nearest integer). 


Q. 52 One kg of air, initially at a temperature of 127°C, expands reversibly at a constant pressure until the volume is doubled. If the gas constant of air is 287 J/kg.K, the magnitude of work transfer is ___________ kJ (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 53 For an ideal Rankine cycle operating between pressures of 30 bar and 0.04 bar, the work output from the turbine is 903 kJ/kg and the work input to the feed pump is 3 kJ/kg. The specific steam consumption is _________ kg/kW.h (round off to 2 decimal places). 


Q. 54 For a Kaplan (axial flow) turbine, the outlet blade velocity diagram at a section is shown in figure. 

The diameter at this section is 3 m. The hub and tip diameters of the blade are 2 m and 4 m, respectively. The water volume flow rate is 100 m3s. The rotational speed of the turbine is 300 rpm. The blade outlet angle β is ________ degrees (round off to one decimal place)


Q. No. 55 The indicated power developed by an engine with compression ratio of 8, is calculated using an air-standard Otto cycle (constant properties). The rate of heat addition is 10 kW. The ratio of specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume is 1.4. The mechanical efficiency of the engine is 80 percent. 

The brake power output of the engine is ________ kW (round off to one decimal place). 

Answer Key

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. C A C B D D D D A C
Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. A C C D C C B A A OR C B
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. A A D D D B C D 6 TO 6 0.98 TO 1.02
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. 1.0 TO 0.11 1.0 TO 1.3 0.90 TO 0.95 MTA 48.8 TO 49.8 D A A C C
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Ans. C D C B -1.00 TO 0.98 1.99 TO 2.01 0.85 TO 0.89 47.9 to 48.1 15.9 to 16.1 104 to 106 
Que. 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Ans. 19.95 to 20.05  7 to 9  50.005 to 50.005  0 to 0  22 to 25  1164 to 1168  9.90 to 10.10  8.19 to 8.23  8 to 8 0.37 to 0.45
Que. 51 52 53 54 55          
Ans. 244 to 246 114.6 to 115.0 3.98 to 4.02 11.0 to 14.0  4.4 to 4.6          

VDO Pre Exam 28 December 2021 Shift -II Previous Year Paper

VDO Pre Exam 28 December 2021 Shift -II Previous Year Paper

Q. 1. Which Indian-American woman astronaut travelled into space in July, 2021?

(A) Sirisha Bandla

(B) Mamta Tripath

(C) Suman Dholkiya

(D) Sunita Williams

किस भारतीय मूल की अमरीकी महिला अंतरिक्ष यात्री ने जुलाई, 2021 में अंतरिक्ष की यात्रा की?

(A) शिरिषा बांदला

(B) ममता त्रिपाठी

(C) सुमन ढोलकिया

(D) सुनीता विलियम्स

Answer – A


Q. 2. Which one of the following is not correctly matched?

(A) Arjun Lal Jat – Rowing

(B) Devendra Jhajharia – Javelin throw

(C) Avani Lekhara – Weightlifting

(D) Apurvi Chandela – Shooting

निम्न में से कौन सही सुमेलित नहीं है?

(A) अर्जुन लाल जाट – नौकायन

(B) देवेन्द्र झाझरिया – भाला फेंक

(C) अवनि लेखरा – भारोत्तोलन

(D) अपूर्वी चंदेला – निशानेबाजी

Answer – C


Q. 3. Who wrote the booklet ‘Popa Bai ki Pol’?

(A) Mathuradas Mathur

(B) Aanandraj Surana

(C) Bhanwarlal Saraf

(D) Jaynarayan Vyas

‘पोपाबाई की पोल’ नामक पुस्तिका किसने लिखी?

(A) मथुरादास माथुर

(B) आनन्दराज सुराणा

(C) भंवरलाल सराफ

(D) जयनारायण व्यास

Answer – D


Q. 4. Which Rammat artist presented the book ‘Swatantra Bawani’ to Mahatma Gandhi?

(A) Tulsiram

(B) Sua Maharaj

(C) Phagu Maharaj

(D) Tej Kavi Jaisalmeri

किस रम्मत कलाकार ने महात्मा गांधी को ‘स्वतंत्र बावनी’ पुस्तक भेंट की थी?

(A) तुलसीराम

(B) सुआ महाराज

(C) फागू महाराज

(D) तेज कवि जैसलमेरी

Answer – D


Q. 5. In which folk dance the musical instruments Dafli, Ghuraliyo, Khanjari and Pungi are used?

(A) Gair

(B) Kalbeliya

(C) Kachhi Ghodi

(D) A fire dance

किस लोक नृत्य में डफली, घुरालियो, खंजरी और मी वाद्ययंत्रों का प्रयोग किया जाता है?

(A) गैर

(B) कालबेलिया

(C) कच्छी घोड़ी

(D) अग्नि नृत्य

Answer – B


Q. 6. Which of the following statements are correct about East Rajasthan Canal Project (ERCP)?

(i) This project has been made for permanent solution to drinking water problem of 13 districts of Eastern Rajasthan.

(ii) It proposes to provide irrigation water for 2.8 lakh hectares of land through 26 different large and medium projects.

(iii) Navnera Barrage is an integral part of this project.

(iv) Prime Minister Narendra Modi has declared this project as a national project recently.

Code –

(A) (ii) and (iii)

(B) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)

(C) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(D) (i) and (iii)

पूर्वी राजस्थान नहर परियोजना (ERCP) के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौन से कथन सही हैं?

(i) यह परियोजना पूर्वी राजस्थान के 13 जिलों के पेयजल समस्या के स्थायी समाधान के लिए बनायी गयी है।

(ii) इसमें 26 विभिन्न बड़ी एवं मध्यम परियोजनाओं के माध्यम से 2.8 लाख हेक्टेयर भूमि की सिंचाई हेतु जल उपलब्ध कराने का प्रस्ताव है।

(iii) नवनेरा बैराज इस परियोजना का अभिन्न हिस्सा

(iv) प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी ने हाल ही में इस परियोजना को राष्ट्रीय परियोजना घोषित किया


(A) (ii) एवं (iii)

(B) (i), (ii), (iii) एवं (iv)

(C) (i), (ii) एवं (iii)

(D) (i) एवं (iii)

Answer – C


Q. 7. Which volcanic region is known as the valley of Ten Thousand Smokes?

(A) Cotopaxi

(B) Chimborazo

(C) Katmai

(D) Etna

कौनसा ज्वालामुखी क्षेत्र दस हजार धुआरों की घाटी के नाम से जाना जाता है?

(A) कोटोपैक्सी

(B) चिम्बोराज़ो

(C) कटमई

(D) एटना

Answer – C


Q. 8. Which one of the following (Temple- Place) is not matched correctly?

(A) Vibhishan Mandir – Kaithoon (Kota)

(B) Sundha Mata Mandir – Bhinmal (Jalore)

(C) Sirre Mandir – Jalore

(D) Tripura Sundari Mata Mandir – Tilwara (Barmer)

निम्नलिखित में से सुमेलित (मन्दिर – स्थान) नहीं

(A) विभीषण का मंदिर – कैथून (कोटा)

(B) सुंधा माता मंदिर – भीनमाल (जालौर)

(C) सिरे मंदिर – जालौर

(D) त्रिपुरा सुन्दरी माता मंदिर – तिलवाड़ा (बाड़मेर)

Answer – D


Q. 9. Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Churu are included in which Agro-climatic Zone of Rajasthan?

(A) Internal Drainage Dry Zone

(B) Arid Western Plain

(C) Hyper Arid Partial Irrigated

(D) Irrigated North-Western Plain

बीकानेर, जैसलमेर और चुरू राजस्थान के किस कृषि-जलवायु प्रदेश/खण्ड में सम्मिलित हैं?

(A) अन्तः प्रवाह शुष्क खण्ड

(B) पश्चिमी शुष्क मैदान

(C) अति शुष्क आंशिक सिंचित

(D) उत्तरी – पश्चिमी सिंचित मैदान

Answer – C


Q. 10. Sial, Sima and Nife are –

(A) Volcanic topographies

(B) Layers of the Earth

(C) Types of mountains

(D) Earthquake waves

सियाल, सीमा और नीफे हैं –

(A) ज्वालामुखी स्थलाकृतियाँ

(B) पृथ्वी की परतें

(C) पर्वतों के प्रकार

(D) भूकंप तरंगें

Answer – B


Q. 11. Among the following which of the ornament is not worn by women?

(A) Memand

(B) Morkha

(C) Rakhdi

(D) Kandora

निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा आभूषण महिलाओं द्वारा नहीं पहना जाता है?

(B) मोरखा

(D) कंडोरा

(A) मेमंद

(C) रखड़ी

Answer – B


Q. 12. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer with the help of code given below –

List-I (National Park)

(i) Manas National Park

(ii) Nagarhole National Park

(iii) Silent Valley National Park

(iv) Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary

List-II (Location)

(A) Karnataka

(B) Kerala

(C) Assam

(D) Tamil Nadu


(A) (i)-(A), (ii)-(B), (iii)-(C), (iv)-(D)

(B) (i)-(B), (ii)-(D), (iii)-(A), (iv)-(C)

(C) (i)-(D), (ii)-(A), (iii)-(C), (iv)-(B)

(D) (i)-(C), (ii)-(A), (iii)-(D), (iv)-(B)

सूची-I को सूची-II से सुमेलित कीजिए तथा नीचे दिए गए कूट में से सही उत्तर चुनिए –

सूची-I (राष्ट्रीय पाकी)

(i) मानस राष्ट्रीय उद्यान

(ii) नागरहोल राष्ट्रीय उद्यान

(iii) साइलेंट वैली राष्ट्रीय उद्यान

(iv) वायनाड वन्यजीव अभ्यारण्य

सूची-II (स्थान)

(A) कर्नाटक

(B) केरल

(C) असम

(D) तमिलनाडु

कूट –

(A) (i)-(A), (ii)-(B), (iii)-(C), (iv)-(D)

(B) (i)-(B), (ii)-(D), (iii)-(A), (iv)-(C)

(C) (i)-(D), (ii)-(A), (iii)-(C), (iv)-(B)

(D) (i)-(C), (ii)-(A), (iii)-(D), (iv)-(B)

Answer – D


Q. 13. What is head of the village called in the Garasia Tribe?

(A) Ladvi

(B) Kotwal

(C) Mukhi

(D) Patel

गरासिया जनजाति में गाँव के मुखिया को क्या कहा जाता है?

(A) लदवी

(B) कोतवाल

(C) मुखी

(D) पटेल

Answer – D


Q. 14. Which one among the following is not correctly matched in reference to land utilisation (2018-19)?

(A) Current fallow land – 5.22%

(B) Forest – 8.05%

(C) Non Agriculture Area – 8.10%

(D) Net Area Sown – 51.85%

राजस्थान में भूमि उपयोग (2018-19) के संदर्भ में कौनसा सुमेलित नहीं है?

(A) चालू पड़त भूमि क्षेत्र – 5.22%

(B) वन क्षेत्र – 8.05%

(C) अकृषि क्षेत्र – 8.10%

(D) शुद्ध बोया गया क्षेत्र – 51.85%

Answer – C


Q. 15. Which of the following statements are correct?

(i) Potwar Plateau is located in Pakistan.

(ii) Patagonian Plateau is situated at the foothills of Andes Mountain.

(iii) Tibet Plateau is located between Himalaya and Kunlun Mountain.

Code –

(A) (i), (ii) and (iii)

(B) (i) and (ii)

(C) (i) and (iii)

(D) only (iii)

निम्नलिखित में से कौन से कथन सही हैं?

(i) पोटवार पठार पाकिस्तान में स्थित है।

(ii) पेटागोनिया का पठार एंडीज़ पर्वत की तलहटी में स्थित है।

(iii) तिब्बत का पठार हिमालय तथा कुनलुन पर्वत श्रेणी के मध्य स्थित है।

कूट –

(A) (i), (ii) एवं (iii)

(B) (i) एवं (ii)

(C) (i) एवं (iii)

(D) केवल (iii)

Answer – A


Q. 16. Which among the following (Desert – Country) is correctly matched?

(A) Nubian-Mexico

(B) Sonoran-Australia

(C) Chihuahuan-China

(D) Atacama-Chile

निम्न में से कौनसा (मरुस्थल – देश) सही सुमेलित है ?

(A) नूबियन – मैक्सिको

(B) सोनोरन – ऑस्ट्रेलिया

(C) चिहुआहुआन – चीन

(D) अटाकामा – चिली

Answer – D


Q. 17. Who called the Britishers ‘Mulk Ra Metna thug’?

(A) Nathusingh Mahiyariya

(B) Shankardan Samore

(C) Kesari Singh Barhath

(D) Bankidas

अंग्रेज़ों को ‘मुल्क रा मीठा ठग’ किसने कहा?

(A) नाथूसिंह महियारिया ने

(B) शंकरदान सामौर ने

(C) केसरी सिंह बारहट ने

(D) बांकीदास ने

Answer – B


Q. 18. ‘Nimadi and Ragadi’ are sub-dilects of which dilect?

(A) Mewati

(B) Hadoti

(C) Marwari

(D) Malvi

‘निमाड़ी एवं रागड़ी’ किस बोली की उप-बोलियाँ हैं?

(A) मेवाती

(B) हाड़ौती

(C) मारवाड़ी

(D) मालवी

Answer – D


Q. 19. Where does Kesariyaji fair take place?

(A) Parbatsar

(B) Kiradu

(C) Jhalarapatan

(D) Dhulev

केसरियाजी का मेला कहाँ भरता है?

(A) परबतसर में

(B) किराडू में

(C) झालरापाटन में

(D) धुलेव में

Answer – D


Q. 20. Which one of the following (National Geological monument – Site) is correctly matched?

(A) Great Boundary Fault – Satur (Bundi)

(B) Sendra Granite – Pokaran (Jaisalmer)

(C) Akal Wood Fossil Park – Mandore (Jodhpur)

(D) Stromatolite Fossil Park – Talwara (Banswara)

निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा (राष्ट्रीय भूवैज्ञानिक स्मारक – स्थल) सही सुमेलित है?

(A) महान सीमा भ्रंश – सतूर (बूंदी)

(B) सेन्द्रा ग्रेनाईट – पोकरण (जैसलमेर)

(C) अकाल वुड फॉसिल पार्क – मंडौर (जोधपुर)

(D) स्ट्रोमेटोलाइट फॉसिल पार्क – तलवाडा (बांसवाड़ा)

Answer – A


Q. 21. ‘Spring Tide’ occurs on –

(A) Only Full Moon

(B) Only New Moon

(C) Both Full Moon and New Moon

(D) Neither Full Moon nor New Moon

‘दीर्घ ज्वार’ आते हैं –

(A) केवल पूर्णिमा को

(B) केवल अमावस्या को

(C) पूर्णिमा और अमावस्या दोनों को

(D) न तो पूर्णिमा को ना ही अमावस्या को

Answer – C


Q. 22. The writer of the book “Stargazing : The Players in My Life” is –

(A) Sunil Gavaskar

(B) Virat Kohli

(C) Sachin Tendulkar

(D) Ravi Shastri

“स्टारगेजिंग : द प्लेयर्स इन माई लाइफ” पुस्तक को लेखक हैं –

(A) सुनील गावस्कर

(B) विराट कोहली

(C) सचिन तेंदुलकर

(D) रवि शास्त्री

Answer – D


Q. 23. Which folk deity is celebrated in Terahtali dance?

(A) Ramdevji

(B) Tejaji

(C) Pabuji

(D) Devnarayanji

तेरहताली नृत्य में किस लोकदेवता का यशोगान किया जाता है?

(A) रामदेवजी

(B) तेजाजी

(C) पाबूजी

(D) देवनारायणजी

Answer – A


Q. 24. Which one (ornament – body part) is not matched correctly?

(A) Mundari – Finger

(B) Tadda – Arm

(C) Ramjhol – Waist

(D) Nevri – Feet

कौनसा (आभूषण – अंग) सुमेलित नहीं है?

(A) मूंदरी – अंगुली

(B) टड्डा – बाजू

(C) रमझोल – कमर

(D) नेवरी – पैर

Answer – C


Q. 25. Where is the ‘Moosi Rani ki Chhatri’ located?

(A) Jaisalmer

(B) Alwar

(C) Udaipur

(D) Jodhpur

‘मूसी रानी की छतरी’ कहां स्थित है?

(A) जैसलमेर

(B) अलवर

(C) उदयपुर

(D) जोधपुर

Answer – B


Q. 26. The petroleum producing area in the Rajasthan is spread over how many districts?

(A) 14

(B) 16

(C) 9

(D) 12

राजस्थान में पेट्रोलियम उत्पादन क्षेत्र कितने जिलों में फैला हुआ है?

(A) 14

(B) 16

(C) 9

(D) 12

Answer – A


Q. 27. Which among the following is correctly matched?

(i) Khejarli Movement – Amrita Devi

(ii) Chipko Movement – Gaura Devi

(iii) Appiko Movement – Karnataka


(A) (i) and (ii)

(B) only (i)

(C) (i) and (iii)

(D) (i), (ii) and (iii)

निम्न में से कौनसा सही सुमेलित है?

(i) खेजड़ली आंदोलन – अमृता देवी

(ii) चिपको आंदोलन – गौरा देवी

(iii) अप्पिको आंदोलन – कर्नाटक

कूट –

(A) (i) तथा (ii)

(B) केवल (i)

(C) (i) तथा (iii)

(D) (i), (ii) तथा (iii)

Answer – D


Q. 28. National Education Policy 2020 aims to achieve 100% Gross Enrolment Ratio in school education by –

(A) 2035

(B) 2025

(C) 2040

(D) 2030

राष्ट्रीय शिक्षा नीति 2020 में विद्यालय शिक्षा में 100% सकल नामांकन अनुपात प्राप्त करने का लक्ष्य है –

(A) 2035 तक

(B) 2025 तक

(C) 2040 तक

(D) 2030 तक

Answer – D


Q. 29. What is the rank of India in Tokyo Olympics, 2021?

(A) 48th

(B) 25th

(C) 10th

(D) 40th

टोक्यो ओलंपिक, 2021 की पदक तालिका में भारत का कौनसा स्थान है?

(A) 48वाँ

(B) 25वाँ

(C) 10वाँ

(D) 40वाँ

Answer – A


Q. 30. Which of the following is the first desert park in Jaipur?

(A) Kishan Bagh

(B) Hari Bagh

(C) Ram Bagh

(D) Laxman Bagh

निम्न में से कौनसा जयपुर का प्रथम डेजर्ट पार्क है?

(A) किशन बाग

(B) हरि बाग

(C) राम बाग

(D) लक्ष्मण बाग

Answer – A


Q. 31. Recently Recently the large deposits of uranium have found in Rajasthan at –

(A) Anandpur Bhukia

(B) Saladipur (Sikar) (Banswara)

(C) Amet (Udaipur)

(D) Rohil (Sikar)

हाल ही में राजस्थान में यूरेनियम के बड़े भण्डार पाये गये हैं –

(A) आनन्दपुर भुकिया

(B) सलादीपुर (सीकर) (बांसवाड़ा)

(C) आमेट (उदयपुर)

(D) रोहिल (सीकर)

Answer – D


Q. 32. Pushkar lake is surrounded by how many Ghats?

(A) 42

(B) 46

(C) 58

(D) 52

पुष्कर झील कितने घाटों से घिरी है?

(A) 42

(B) 46

(C) 58

(D) 52

Answer – D


Q. 33. KAZIND-21 is a joint training exercise between which countries?

(A) India-USA

(B) India-Maldives

(C) India-Russia

(D) India-Kazakhstan

काजिंद-21 नामक संयुक्त प्रशिक्षण अभ्यास किन देशों के द्वारा किया गया?

(A) भारत-अमेरिका

(B) भारत-मालदीव

(C) भारत-रूस

(D) भारत-कज़ाकिस्तान

Answer – D


Q. 34. When did the Mangarh Massacre happen?

(A) 17th November, 1913

(B) 13th October, 1913

(C) 21st January, 1914

(D) 23rd March, 1914

मानगढ़ नरसंहार कब हुआ था?

(A) 17 नवंबर, 1913

(B) 13 अक्टूबर, 1913

(C) 21 जनवरी, 1914

(D) 23 मार्च, 1914

Answer – A


Q. 35. Who were the leader of the Rebellion of 1857 in Kota?

(A) Shravan Singh and Jaiveer

(B) Maqbool Khan and Bakhta Singh

(C) Ram Singh and Takhta Singh

(D) Jai Dayal and Mehrab Khan

1857 के विद्रोह का कोटा में नेतृत्व किसने किया था?

(A) श्रवण सिंह और जयवीर

(B) मकबूल खां और बख्त सिंह

(C) राम सिंह और तख्त सिंह

(D) जयदयाल और मेहराब खां

Answer – D


Q. 36. Where is the Institute of Tropical Medicine and Virology being set up?

(A) Udaipur

(B) Alwar

(C) Jodhpur

(D) Jaipur

इन्स्टिट्यूट ऑफ ट्रॉपिकल मेडिसिन एवं वायरोलॉजी कहाँ स्थापित किया जा रहा है?

(A) उदयपुर

(B) अलवर

(C) जोधपुर

(D) जयपुर

Answer – D


Q. 37. Match the following –

List – I (Branch of Ramsnehi sect)

(1) Shahpura

(2) Sinhthal

(3) Khedapa

(4) Ren

List – II (Establisher)

(i) Saint Hariram Dasji

(ii) Saint Ramdas ji

(iii) Saint Dariyav ji

(iv) Saint Ram Charan ji

Code –

(A) (1)-(ii), (2)-(iii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(i)

(B) (1)-(iv),(2)-(i), (3)-(iii), (4)-(ii)

(C) (1)-(iv), (2)-(i), (3)-(ii),(4)-(iii)

(D) (1)-(i), (2)-(ii), (3)-(iii), (4)-(iv)

निम्न को सुमेलित कीजिए –

सूची – I (रामस्नेही सम्प्रदाय की शाखा)

(1) शाहपुरा

(2) सिंहथल

(3) खेड़ापा

(4) रेण

सूची – II (स्थापनाकर्ता)

(i) संत हरिराम दास जी

(ii) संत रामदास जी

(iii) संत दरियाव जी

(iv) संत रामचरण जी

कूट –

(A) (1)-(ii), (2)-(iii), (3)-(iv), (4)-(i)

(B) (1)-(iv), (2)-(i), (3)-(iii), (4)-(ii)

(C) (1)-(iv), (2)-(i), (3)-(ii), (4)-(iii)

(D) (1)-(i), (2)-(ii), (3)-(iii), (4)-(iv)

Answer – B


Q. 38. What is ‘Palan’?

(A) A folk musical instrument

(B) The seat to be placed on the horse

(C) The seat to be placed on the camel

(D) Synonym of Gorband

‘पलाण’ क्या है?

(A) एक लोक वाद्य यंत्र

(B) घोड़े पर रखी जाने वाली काठी

(C) ऊँट पर रखी जाने वाली काठी

(D) गोरबन्द का समानार्थी शब्द

Answer – D


Q. 39. For which fort Col. James Tod said, “If he is offered a Jagir in Rajasthan, he will choose this fort”?

(A) Chittorgarh

(B) Bhainsrorgarh

(C) Nahargarh

(D) Ranthambhor

किस गढ़ के लिए कर्नल जेम्स टॉड ने कहा था,”यदि उन्हें राजस्थान में एक जागीर की पेशकश की जाए, तो वह इस गढ़ को चुनेंगे?”

(A) चित्तौड़गढ़

(B) भैंसरोड़गढ़

(C) नाहरगढ़

(D) रणथम्भौर

Answer – B


Q. 40. ‘Elder line’, the first Pan-India toll-free helpline number for senior citizen is –

(A) 12468

(B) 12345

(C) 10987

(D) 14567

पहली अखिल भारतीय टोल-फ्री वरिष्ठ नागरिक हेल्पलाइन में “एल्डरलाइन’ का नंबर है –

(A) 12468

(B) 12345

(C) 10987

(D) 14567

Answer – D


Q. 41. Find the missing number –

question number 41

(A) 81

(B) 54

(C) 145

(D) 135

लुप्त संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए –

question number 41

(A) 81

(B) 54

(C) 145

(D) 135

Answer – D


Q. 42. From the original position given in below From the original position given figure, points A and B move one arm length clockwise and then cross over to the corner diagonally opposite, C and D move one arm length anti-clockwise and cross over the corner diagonally opposite. The original setting ADBC has now changed to –

question number 42





नीचे दिए गए चित्र में प्रारंभिक स्थिति से, A और B एक भुजा की दूरी दक्षिणावर्त चलते हैं और तब विपरीत विकर्णतः (तिरछे) कोने की ओर जाते हैं, C और D एक भुजा वामावते चलते हैं और तब विपरीत विकर्णतः (तिरछे) कोने की ओर पहुँचते हैं। ADBC की प्रारंभिक स्थिति अब परिवर्तित हुई है –

question number 42





Answer – C


Q. 43. In a survey of 25 students, it was found that 15 had taken Mathematics, 12 had taken Physics and 11 had taken Chemistry, 5 had taken Mathematics and Chemistry, 9 had taken Mathematics and Physics, 4 had taken Physics and Chemistry and 3 had taken all the three subjects. Find the number of students who had taken both Physics and Chemistry but not Mathematics.

(A) 5

(B) 1

(C) 4

(D) 2

25 छात्रों के एक सर्वेक्षण में, यह पाया गया कि 15 ने गणित लिया था, 12 ने भौतिकी और 11 ने रसायन विज्ञान लिया था, 5 ने गणित और रसायन विज्ञान लिया था, 9.ने गणित और भौतिकी लिया था, 4 ने भौतिकी और रसायन विज्ञान लिया था और 3 ने सभी तीन विषय लिये थे। उन छात्रों की संख्या ज्ञात कीजिए जिन्होंने भौतिकी और रसायन विज्ञान दोनों लिया था लेकिन गणित नहीं लिया था।

(A) 5

(B) 1

(C) 4

(D) 2

Answer – B


Q. 44. If 20-10 means 200, 8÷4 means 12,6×2 means 4 and 20+5 means 4, then

100 – 10 × 1000 ÷ 1000 + 100 × 10 = ?

(A) 1910

(B) 0

(C) 10

(D) 1090

यदि 20-10 का अभिप्राय 200, 8÷4 का अभिप्राय 12, 6×2 का अभिप्राय 4 है और 20+5 का अभिप्राय 4 हैं, तो

100 – 10 × 1000 ÷ 1000 + 100 × 10 = ?

(A) 1910

(B) 0

(C) 10

(D) 1090

Answer – B


Q. 45. Here, a statement is followed by three assumptions numbered I, II and III. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions.. decide which of the assumption/assumptions is/are implicit in the statement and choose your answer accordingly.

Statement : “Do not lean out of the moving train.” – A warning in the railway compartment.

Assumptions: I. Leaning out of a moving train is dangerous.

II. Such warning will have + some effect.

III. It is the duty of railway 5 authorities to take care of passengers’ safety.

(A) Only assumptions I and II are implicit.

(B) Only assumptions I and III are implicit.

(C) Assumptions I, II and III all are implicit.

(D) Only assumptions II and III are implicit.

यहाँ, एक कथन के पश्चात् तीन पूर्वधारणाएं I, II तथा III दी गई हैं। आपको कथन तथा पश्चावर्ती पूर्वधारणाओं को ध्यान में रखते हुए निर्णय करना है कि कौनसी पूर्वधारणा/पूर्वधारणाएं कथन में समाहित है/हैं तथा उसी के अनुरूप अपना उत्तर चुनिए।

कथन : “चलती हुई रेलगाड़ी में बाहर की ओर न झुकें रेलवे के डिब्बे में एक चेतावनी।

पूर्वानुमान : I. चलती रेलगाड़ी से बाहर की ओर झुकना खतरनाक है।

II. इस तरह की चेतावनी का प्रभाव होता

III. रेलवे के अधिकारियों का यह दायित्व है कि यात्रियों की सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखा जाए।

(A) केवल पूर्वानुमान I और II अन्तर्निहित है।

(B) केवल पूर्वानुमान I और III अन्तर्निहिती

(C) I, II और II सभी पूर्वानुमान अन्तर्निहित है।

(D) केवल पूर्वानुमान II और III अन्तर्निहित है।

Answer – A


Q. 46. In the following question, there are four choices of words with their letters jumbled up. Three of them are alike and one is different. Find the odd one out –

(A) R P O U E E

(B) C A R F A I

(C) A A I S

(D) I I A D N

निम्नलिखित प्रश्न में, शब्दों के चार चुनाव उनके अक्षरों को उलट-पलट करके दिए गए हैं। इनमें से तीन एक प्रकार से समान हैं और एक अलग बेमेल है। बेमेल को छांटिए –

(A) R P O U E E

(B) C A R F A I

(C) A A I S

(D) I I A D N

Answer – D


Q. 47. In a certain code, ‘DELHI’ is written as ‘CDKGH’ and ‘MADRAS’ as ‘LZCOZR’, then how will ‘PATNA’ be coded?





एक कूट भाषा में, ‘DELHI’ को ‘CDKGH’ लिखा जाता है और ‘MADRAS’ को ‘LZCQZR’ लिखा जाता है, तो ‘PATNA’ की संकेत भाषा क्या होगी?





Answer – D


Q. 48. Here, three different views of a cube are given. Based on these diagrams answer the question given below:

question number 48

Which of the following indicates the correct pair of opposite faces?

(A) a – d

(B) d – f

(C) f – e

(D) b – d

यहाँ, एक घन के तीन अलग-अलग दृश्य दिए हैं। इन चित्रों पर आधारित निम्न प्रश्न का उत्तर दीजिए:

question number 48

निम्न में से कौनसा विपरीत फलकों को इंगित कर वाला सही युग्म है?

(A) a – d

(B) d – f

(C) f – e

(D) b – d

Answer – D


Q. 49. In a family of six members P, Q, R, S, X and Y. Ris sister of Y. Q is brother of X’s husband. S is the father of P and grandfather of Y. There are two fathers, three brothers and a mother in this family. How many male members in the family?

(A) 4

(B) Can’t predict

(C) 5

(D) 3

छ: सदस्यों वाले एक परिवार में P, Q, R, S, X तथा Y| R, Y की बहन है। Q. X के पति का भाई है। S,P का पिता एवं Y का दादा है। इस परिवार में दो पिता, तीन भाई तथा एक माँ है। परिवार में कितने पुरुष सदस्य हैं?

(A) 4

(B) ज्ञात नहीं कर सकते

(C) 5

(D) 3

Answer – A


Q. 50. In the given figure, number of triangles is equal to –

question number 50

(A) 24

(B) 28

(C) 22

(D) 26

दिए गए चित्र में, त्रिभुजों की संख्या बराबर है –

question number 50

(A) 24

(B) 28

(C) 22

(D) 26

Answer – B


Q. 51.

question number 51

Answer – A


Q. 52. The total number of eight digit numbers, in which have all digits are different, is –

question number 52

आठ अंकों वाली संख्याएं, जिसमें सभी अंक भिन्न हो, की कुल संख्या है –

question number 52

Answer – B


Q. 53. A man is known to speak truth 3 out of 4 times. He throws a die and reports that it is a six. The probability that it is actually a six is

(A) 1/8

(B) 5/8

(C) 1/3

(D) 3/8

एक व्यक्ति के बारे में ज्ञात है कि वह 4 में से 3 बार सत्य बोलता है। वह एक पासे को उछालता है और बतलाता है कि उस पर आने वाली संख्या 6 है। इसकी प्रायिकता ज्ञात कीजिए कि पासे पर आने वाली संख्या वास्तव में 6 है –

(A) 1/8

(B) 5/8

(C) 1/3

(D) 3/8

Answer – A


Q. 54. Average of 11 results is 55, if the average of first six results is 52 and the average of last six results is 57, then the sixth result is –

(A) 48

(B) 42

(D) 49

(C) 50

11 परिणामों का औसत 55 है, यदि प्रथम छ: परिणामों का औसत 52 और अन्तिम छ: परिणामों का औसत 57 हों, तो छठा परिणाम होगा –

(A) 48

(B) 42

(C) 50

(D) 49

Answer – D


Q. 55. A bag contains coins of Rs. 2, Rs. 1 and 50 paisa in the ratio 6:7:15 respectively. If the total amount in the bag is Rs. 1590, then the number of 50 paisa coins in the bag is –


(B) 800

(C) 600

(D) 900

एक थैली 2 रुपये, 1 रुपये और 50 पैसे के सिक्के क्रमशः 6:7:15 के अनुपात में हैं। यदि थैली में कुल धन 1590 रुपये है, तो थैली में 50 पैसे के सिक्कों की संख्या है –

(A) 700

(B) 800

(C) 600

(D) 900

Answer – D


Q. 56. The equation of the curve passing through (1,0) and satisfying the differential equation (1 + y2) dx – xydy = 0 is –

(A) x2 + y2 = 1

(B) x2 – y2 = 1

(C) y2 = 4x

(D) 2×2 + y2 = 2

उस वक्र का समीकरण जो बिन्दु (1,0) से गुजरता है तथा अवकल समीकरण (1 + y2) dx – xydy = 0 को संतुष्ट करता है, होगा –

(A) x2 + y2 = 1

(B) x2 – y2 = 1

(C) y2 = 4x

(D) 2×2 + y2 = 2

Answer – B


Q. 57. The maximum value of

question number 57

(A) 15

(B) 11

(C) 8

(D) 10

question number 57

का महत्तम मान है –

(A) 15

(B) 11

(C) 8

(D) 10

Answer – D


Q. 58. If question number 58, then value of x is –

(A) 0

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 1

यदि question number 58तो x का मान है –

(A) 0

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 1

Answer – C

Q. 59. Let f : R → R such that f (1) = 3 and f’ (1) = 6. Then, question number 59

(A) e1/2

(B) e3

(C) e2

(D) 1

माना f : R → R इस प्रकार है कि f (1) = 3 और f’ (1) = 6, तो question number 59

(A) e1/2

(B) e3

(C) e2

(D) 1

Answer – C


Q. 60. If in a triangle ABC, AD is bisector of angle A, AB = 8 cm, AC = 10 cm and BC = 13.5 cm, then the value of BD is –

(A) 5cm

(B) 6cm

(C) 9 cm

(D) 4 cm

यदि किसी त्रिभुज ABC में, कोण A का समद्विभाजक AD है, AB = 8 से.मी., AC = 10 से.मी. एवं BC = 13.5 से.मी. है, तो BD का मान है –

(A) 5 से.मी.

(B) 6 से.मी.

(C) 9 से.मी.

(D) 4 से.मी.

Answer – B


Q. 61. In which of the following Legislative Assembly-election, the number of members of the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly was increased from 184 to 200?

(A) Second Assembly Election

(B) Fourth Assembly Election

(C) Sixth Assembly Election

(D) None of the above

निम्न में से कौनसे विधानसभा चुनाव में, राजस्थान विधानसभा के सदस्यों की संख्या 184 से बढाकर 200 कर दी गई थी?

(A) दूसरे विधानसभा चुनाव में

(B) चौथे विधानसभा चुनाव में

(C) छठे विधानसभा चुनाव में

(D) उपरोक्त में से कोई नहीं

Answer – C


Q. 62. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee is related to –

(A) State Administration

(B) Revenue Reform

(C) Centre State Relations

(D) Local Self Governance

बलवंत राय मेहता समिति का संबंध है –

(A) राज्य प्रशासन

(B) राजस्व सुधार

(C) केन्द्र राज्य संबंध

(D) स्थानीय स्वशासन

Answer – D


Q. 63. In which part of Indian Constitution the union and the states administrative relations are mentioned?

(A) Part-XI, Chapter-II

(B) Part-XIX, Chapter-II

(C) Part-XI, Chapter-III

(D) Part-XI, Chapter-I

भारतीय संविधान के कौनसे भाग में संघ एवं राज्य के प्रशासनिक संबंध वर्णित हैं?

(A) भाग-11, अध्याय-2

(B) भाग-19, अध्याय-2

(C) भाग-11, अध्याय-3

(D) भाग-11, अध्याय-1

Answer – A


Q. 64. Which of the following (Articles – Provisions) pair is incorrect?

(A) Article 161 – Power of Governor to grant pardon

(B) Article 167 – Duties of Chief Minister

(C) Article 213 – Power of Governor to promulgate ordinances

(D) Article 165 – Special address by the governor

निम्न में से कौनसा (अनुच्छेद – प्रावधान) युग्म गलत

(A) अनुच्छेद 161 – राज्यपाल की क्षमादान की शक्ति

(B) अनुच्छेद 167 – मुख्यमंत्री के कर्त्तव्य

(C) अनुच्छेद 213 – अध्यादेश प्रख्यापित करने की राज्यपाल की शक्ति

(D) अनुच्छेद 165 – राज्यपाल का विशेष अभिभाषण

Answer – D


Q. 65. Which is incorrect statement in the following?

(A) Chief Minister appoints Parliamentary Secretary and administer oath of office.

(B) Parliamentary Secretaries are appointed to assist Ministers.

(C) State governments have been appointing Parliamentary Secretaries from among MLAs.

(D) The Third Schedule contains the form of oath or affirmation for Parliamentary Secretaries.

निम्न में से कौनसा कथन गलत है?

(A) मुख्यमंत्री संसदीय सचिव की नियुक्ति करते हैं और पद की शपथ दिलाते हैं।

(B) मंत्रियों की सहायता के लिए संसदीय सचिवों की नियुक्ति की जाती है।

(C) राज्य सरकारें विधायकों में से संसदीय सचिवों की नियुक्ति करती रही हैं।

(D) तीसरी अनुसूची में संसदीय सचिवों के लिए शपथ या प्रतिज्ञान का प्रारूप शामिल है।

Answer – D


Q. 66. Which of the following statement is incorrect about Lokayukta in Rajasthan?

(A) He considers the cases of corruption and mal-administration.

(B) His job is to investigate grievances.

(C) He is appointed by chief justice.

(D) First lokayukta was appointed in 1973.

राजस्थान में लोकायुक्त के संबंध में निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा कथन गलत है?

(A) वह भ्रष्टाचार एवं कुप्रशासन के मामलों पर विचार करता है।

(B) उसका कार्य शिकायतों की जाँच करना है।

(C) वह मुख्य न्यायाधीश द्वारा नियुक्त होता है।

(D) प्रथम लोकायुक्त 1973 में नियुक्त किया गया।

Answer – C


Q. 67. Where is the Cantonment Board established in Rajasthan?

(A) Chittorgarh

(B) Beawar

(C) Nasirabad

(D) Bhiwadi

राजस्थान में छावनी मण्डल की स्थापना कहाँ की गई है?

(A) चित्तौड़गढ़

(B) ब्यावर

(C) नसीराबाद

(D) भिवाड़ी

Answer – C


Q. 68. Whose responsibility is to get the survey of those living below the poverty line?

(A) District Supply Officer (DSO)

(B) Statistics Officer

(C) Sub Divisional Officer (SDO)

(D) Block Development Officer (BDO)

गरीबी रेखा से नीचे जीवन यापन करने वालों का सर्वेक्षण करवाना किसका दायित्व है?

(A) जिला रसद अधिकारी (डी.एस.ओ.)

(B) सांख्यिकी अधिकारी

(C) उपखण्ड अधिकारी (एस.डी.ओ.)

(D) खण्ड विकास अधिकारी (बी.डी.ओ.)

Answer – B


Q. 69. Which of the following subject is not listed in the 11th schedule of Indian Constitution?

(A) Kanji House

(B) Animal Husbandry

(C) Poverty Eradication Programme

(D) Minor Forest Product

निम्नलिखित में से कौनसा विषय भारत के संविधान की 11वीं अनुसूची में सूचीबद्ध नहीं है?

(A) काँजी हाउस

(B) पशुपालन

(C) गरीबी उन्मूलन कार्यक्रम

(D) लघु वन उपज

Answer – A


Q. 70. When did Rajasthan Lokayukta and Up-Lokayukta Act receive the assent of the President?

(A) 1983

(B) 1977

(C) 1973

(D) 1985

राजस्थान लोकायुक्त और उपलोकायुक्त अधिनियम को राष्ट्रपति की स्वीकृति कब प्राप्त हुई?

(A) 1983

(B) 1977

(C) 1973

(D) 1985

Answer – C


Q. 71. Which of the following is a valid set of High Level Languages?

(A) {Java, Anaconda, Snowflake}


(C) {C#, LPG, Python}


निम्न में से कौनसा हाई-लेवल-लैंग्वेज का एक उचित समूह है?

(A) {Java, Anaconda, Snowflake}


(C) {C#, LPG, Python}


Answer – D


Q. 72. In context of MS PowerPoint Presentation, the valid ordered pair to fill in the blanks is Aprintout of……….. is strictly for the ………….

(A) notes, audience

(B) hand-outs, speaker

(C) notes, speaker

(D) outlines, audience

एम.एस. पॉवर पॉइन्ट प्रजेन्टेशन के संदर्भ में, रिक्त स्थानों को भरने के लिए उचित क्रमित युग्म है –

… का एक प्रिन्टआउट निश्चित रूप से …… के लिए होता है।

(A) नोट्स, श्रोतागण

(B) हैंड-आउट्स, वक्ता

(C) नोट्स, वक्ता

(D) आउटलाइन्स, श्रोतागण

Answer – C


Q. 73. Compact Disk-Recordable (CD-R) is

(A) Write, erase, re-write disk

(B) Semi-conductor disk

(C) Read only disk

(D) Write Once Read Many (WORM) disk

कॉम्पैक्ट डिस्क-रिकॉर्डेबल (CD-R)………… है।

(A) राइट, इरेज़, री-राइट डिस्क

(B) सेमी-कंडक्टर डिस्क

(C) रीड ओनली डिस्क

(D) राइट वन्स रीड मैनी (WORM) डिस्क

Answer – D


Q. 74. If you want to enter current date in an MS Excel cell, then you can use –

(A) Shift + , (Comma)

(B) Shift + Alt + D

(C) Alt + . (Dot)

(D) Ctrl + ; (Semicolon)

यदि आप एम.एस. एक्सेल सेल में आज की दिनांक प्रविष्ठ करना चाहते हैं, तो आप उपयोग में लेंगे –

(A) Shift + , (कोमा)

(B) Shift + Alt + D

(C) Alt + . (डॉट)

(D) Ctrl + ; (सेमीकॉलन)

Answer – D


Q. 75. The communication order of I/O system is –

(A) Device Controllers ↔ Device Drivers ↔ I/O Devices ↔ OS

(B) I/O Devices ↔ OS ↔ Device Driverse ↔ Device Controllers

(C) OS ↔ Device Controllers ↔ Device Drivers ↔ I/O Devices

(D) OS ↔ Device Drivers ↔ Device Controllers ↔ I/O Devices

I/O सिस्टम का संचार अनुक्रम है –

(A) डिवाइस कंट्रोलर ↔ डिवाइस ड्राइवर ↔ I/O डिवाइसेज़ ↔ OS

(B) I/0 डिवाइसेज़ ↔ OS ↔ डिवाइस ड्राइवर ↔ डिवाइस कंट्रोलर

(C) OS ↔ डिवाइस कंट्रोलर ↔ डिवाइस ड्राइवर ↔ I/O डिवाइसेज़

(D) OS ↔ डिवाइस ड्राइवर ↔ डिवाइस कंट्रोलर ↔ I/O डिवाइसेज़

Answer – D


Q. 76. Which file is responsible to start MS Word?

(A) windword.exe

(B) wordwin.exe

(C) word.exe

(D) win.exe

एम.एस. वर्ड को शुरू करने के लिए कौनसी फाइल उत्तरदायी है?

(A) windword.exe

(B) wordwin.exe

(C) word.exe

(D) win.exe

Answer – A


Q. 77. IBM 1401 is

(A) Fourth Generation Computer

(B) Third Generation Computer

(C) First Generation Computer

(D) Second Generation Computer

IBM 1401 है –

(A) चतुर्थ पीढ़ी कम्प्यूटर

(B) तृतीय पीढ़ी कम्प्यूटर

(C) प्रथम पीढ़ी कम्प्यूटर

(D) द्वितीय पीढ़ी कम्प्यूटर

Answer – D


Q. 78. Which of the following is false?

(A) In TCP/IP model, internet layer is closest to the user.

(B) TCP avoids network saturation.

(C) TCP enable dataflow for monitoring.

(D) TCP makes communication between server and client.

निम्न में से कौनसा असत्य है?

(A) TCP/IP मॉडल में, इंटरनेट लेयर उपयोगकर्ता के निकटस्थ है।

(B) TCP नेटवर्क संतृप्तीकरण को टालता है।

(C) मॉनीटरिंग के लिए TCP डाटा प्रवाह सक्षम बनाता है।

(D) TCP सर्वर और क्लाइन्ट के मध्य संचार बनाता है।

Answer – A


Q. 79. Consider following statements :

I: A proxy firewall filters at the application layer.

II: A packet-filter firewall filters at the network or transport layer.

Which of the above statements is/are true?

(A) OnlyI

(B) Only II

(C) Both I and II

(D) Neither I nor II

निम्न कथनों पर विचार करें –

I: एक प्रॉक्सी फायरवॉल एप्लीकेशन लेयर पर फिल्टर करती है।

II : एक पैकेट-फिल्टर फायरवॉल नेटवर्क और ट्रांसपोर्ट लेयर पर फिल्टर करती है।

उपरोक्त कथनों में से कौनसे कथन सही है/हैं?

(A) केवल I

(B) केवल II

(C) I तथा II दोनों

(D) न तो I ना ही II

Answer – C


Q. 80. When was the world’s first Laptop computer introduced in the market and by whom?

(A) Tandy Model-200, 1985

(B) Epson, 1981

(C) Laplink Traveling Software Inc, 1982

(D) Hewlett-Packard, 1980

विश्व का प्रथम लैपटॉप कम्प्यूटर कब और किसके द्वारा मार्केट में प्रस्तुत किया गया था?

(A) Tandy Model-200, 1985

(B) Epson, 1981

(C) Laplink Traveling Software Inc, 1982

(D) Hewlett-Packard, 1980

Answer – B


Q. 81. Fill in the blank with the correct option: A speech given without preparation is called….

(A) Extempore

(B) Exhortation

(C) Rhetorical

(D) Urge

Answer – A


Q. 82. Choose the correct option that expresses the meaning of the underlined idiom :

Smugglers tried to fish in the troubled waters during World War II.

(A) to take double benefit

(B) to work hard to survive

(C) try to destroy the enemy

(D) to take advantage from a chaotic situation

Answer – D


Q. 83. Match the words given in column (A) with their antonyms listed in column (B) –

(A) Words

(A) Approximately

(B) Precisely

(C) Accurately

(D) Conspicuously

(B) Antonyms

(i) Questionably

(ii) Invisibly

(iii) Exactly

(iv) Roughly

(A) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(i)

(B) a-(iv), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(ii)

(C) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(ii)

(D) a-(ii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(iii)

Answer – C


Q. 84. Out of the following proverbs, which one is correctly framed or does not have any error in its form?

(A) Don’t judge a book by their cover

(B) Cleanliness is next to Godliness

(C) A apple a day keeps the doctor away

(D) Where their’s a will, their’s a way

Answer – B


Q. 85. Match the parts of sentences listed in Column (A) with those of the ones given in Column (B) so as to frame appropriately meaningful sentences –

Column (A)

(A) Unless you work hard……

(B) If you were rich ……..

(C) The boy who stood first…….

(D) We reached the station………

Column (B)

(i) ……you would probably spend much.

(ii) …… the prize.

(iii) ……..before the train arrived.

(iv) ……….you will fail.

(A) a-(ii), b-(i), c-(iv), d-(iii)

(B) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii)

(C) a-(iii), b-(ii), c-(iv), d-(i)

(D) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(iv), d-(i)

Answer – B


Q. 86. Select the appropriate phrasal verb from the given options to fill the blank space and complete the sentence –

“Ten candidates ………. … for the interview.”

(A) turned up

(B) turned down

(C) turned over

(D) turned out

Answer – A


Q. 87. The sentence: “Where did you buy this pen from?” (will be read in passive voice as) –

(A) From where was this pen bought by you?

(B) From where is the pen bought by you?

(C) From where has the pen been bought by you?

(D) From where had the pen been bought by you?

Answer – A


Q. 88. Choose the correct option –

He said, “Give me some food, please.”

(Change into Indirect Speech)

(A) He requested me to give him some food.

(B) He told me to give him food, please.

(C) He said to me that give him food, please.

(D) He requested me that give me some food.

Answer – D


Q. 89. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition –

Mr. Mohan divided his property …………..his four sons equally.

(A) for

(B) in

(C) between

(D) among

Answer – D


Q. 90. Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction:

He commands me …………… he were my boss.

(A) however

(B) as if

(C) but

(D) as

Answer – B


Q. 91. निम्न में से किस विकल्प के सभी शब्द अशुद्ध हैं?

(A) लब्ध-प्रतिष्ठ, अहर्निश, निष्प्रभा

(B) अनुगृहीत, अतिथि, श्रृंगार

(C) दृष्ट्व्य, दम्पति, पृथकीकरण

(D) पड़ोसी, द्वारका, दुरवस्था

Answer – C


Q. 92. कौनसा विकल्प द्वन्द्व समास का उदारहण नहीं है?

(A) कृष्णार्जुन, कंकर-पत्थर

(B) भक्ष्याभक्ष्य, पच्चीस

(C) मकरध्वज, अंशुमाली

(D) थोड़ा-बहुत, उचितानुचित

Answer – C


Q. 93. पर्यायवाची शब्दों के संबंध में असंगत युग्म चुनिए –

(A) तरणी, द्रोणी, उडुप – नाव

(B) पाशहस्त, सावित्रेय, कृतांत – बलराम

(C) अंभसार, इंदुमणि, प्रवाल – मोती

(D) सलिलेश, क्षीरधि, अर्णव – समुद्र

Answer – B


Q. 94. कौनसा शब्द युग्म अर्थ की दृष्टि से संगत नहीं है?

(A) मंजरी – मंजीर = कोंपल, नूपुर

(B) चरित्र – चरित्रा = आचरण, इमली का पेड़

(C) यष्टि – याष्ठि = लाठी, मोती माला

(D) निशामुख – निशामृग = नाखून, घोंसला

Answer – D


Q. 95. ‘इक नागिन अरू पंख लगायी’ उक्त लोकोक्ति का उचित भावार्थ है

(A) अत्यधिक ज़हर चढ़ना

(B) नागिन के पंख लग जाना

(C) एक दोष के साथ दूसरे का जुड़ जाना

(D) सोच-समझकर कार्य करना

Answer – C


Q. 96. अर्थ की दृष्टि से असंगत मुहावरे का चयन कीजिए

(A) कंधे से कंधा छिलना – अत्यधिक भीड़ होना।

(B) ऊँचे-नीचे पैर पड़ना – आँगन का समतल न होना।

(C) एक घाट का पानी पीना – एकता और सहिष्णुता होना।

(D) कमान से तीर निकल जाना – अवसर चूक जाना।

Answer – B


Q. 97. कौनसा वाक्यांश युग्म संगत नहीं है?

(A) कोई काम करने की इच्छा – चरिष्णु

(B) आकाश में असंख्य तारों का प्रकाश पुंज – नीहारिका

(C) जो पहले कभी न हुआ हो – अभूतपूर्व

(D) जो हृदय को पिघला दे – हृदयद्रावक

Answer – A


Q. 98. किस विकल्प में सभी शब्द तत्सम हैं –

(A) पीत, पूर्ण, पाश, पुण्य

(B) अर्ध, आज, पनहा, पाद

(C) अवसर, आलस, ईख, ईंट

(D) जृम्भिका, तेवर, दस, दाम

Answer – A


Q. 99. किस विकल्प में विलोम-युग्म अनुचित है?

(A) व्यक्त – गृहीत

(B) यौवन – वार्धक्य

(C) तामसिक – सात्विक

(D) यथार्थ – परार्थ

Answer –


Q. 100. निम्न में से किस शब्द का संधि-विच्छेद सही नहीं है?

(A) पित्रादि = पितृ + अदि

(B) गुर्वृण = गुरु + ऋण

(C) अन्वेषण = अनु + एषण

(D) आविष्कृत = आविः + कृत

Answer – A 



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