WCL Recruitment 2021
Occupation news for competitors who are looking for government occupations in Western Coalfields Limited. Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), an auxiliary of Government of India’s Coal India Limited and a Miniratna Company, has delivered a commercial for enrollment to Group C posts and Group B posts in its mines situated in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra. As indicated by the enlistment ad delivered by Western Coalfields on Monday, 11 October 2021, a sum of 211 posts of Surveyor (Mining) in Group B and Mining in Group C are to be selected.
Apply this way
Qualified competitors might apply online through the internet-based application structure made accessible on the authority site of Western Coalfields Limited, westerncoal.in. The web-based application cycle will begin from 21 October 2021 and up-and-comers will actually want to present their application online till 20 November 2021. Up-and-comers ought to download and save the delicate duplicate of the web-based submitted application.
Qualification for Western Coalfields
As indicated by Western Coalfields Recruitment Notification 2021, up-and-comers ought to have a legitimate Mining Sirdar’s declaration or Diploma in Mining and Mine Surveying and related endorsement given by DGMS to apply for Mining Sarkar Posts. Essentially, for Surveyor (Mining) posts, up-and-comers ought to have Matriculation with a significant authentication given by DGMS or Diploma in Mining and Mine Surveying. Additionally, the age of the possibility for the two posts ought not to be under 18 years and not over 30 years as of 11 October 2021.