Uttar Pradesh CHO Recruitment 2022
The State Program Management Unit of Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission has given a notice for the enlistment of around 4000 Community Health Officers (CHO). As indicated by the CHO Recruitment Advertisement (No. 589/SPMU/NHM/2021-22/6408) gave by the Unit Department on 7 January 2022, applications are welcomed from qualified possibility for enlistment on legally binding premise as CHO.
Eligibility Criteria :-
According to CHO Recruitment Advertisement gave by PMU, UP NHM simply those applicants are qualified to apply who have done B.Sc (Nursing) with CHO authentication or Post Basic B.Sc. (Nursing) testament of CHO from a perceived organization. Alongside this, competitors should be enrolled with Indian Nursing Council or State Nursing Council. Moreover, the age of the competitors ought not be over 35 years. Notwithstanding, there is an arrangement for unwinding in the upper age limit for the competitors having a place with the saved classes of the state according to the guidelines of the UP government.
Application Process :-
Applicants ready to apply for Community Health Officer posts in Uttar Pradesh National Health Mission will actually want to apply through internet based application structure to be made accessible on the authority site, upnrhm.gov.in. The date of beginning the application cycle has not been reported by the UP NHM, so the applicants should continue to visit the site now and again to apply.