UPSC IFS Mains Result 2020
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has declared the result of Indian Forest Service (Main) Exam 2020. According to the update released by the Commission on the official website, upsc.gov.in today, June 16, 2021, a total of 222 candidates under the UPSC IFS Mains Result 2021 have been declared successful for the next stage i.e. Personality Test under the prescribed selection process. Candidates who appeared in the UPSC Forest Service Main Examination can check their roll number in the list of successful declared candidates released on the commission’s portal. Let us inform that the IFS Main exam was conducted by UPSC from 28 February to 7 March 2021. At the same time, candidates are to be selected for a total of 90 vacancies of various posts through the Forest Service Examination of the year 2020.
UPSC IFS Mains Result 2021 -Click Here
As per UPSC IFS Mains Result 2021 notice issued by UPSC, the candidature of shortlisted candidates for interview is provisional. These candidates will be required to produce original certificates in support of their claims of age, educational qualifications, community, EWS, benchmark disability and other documents such as traveling allowance form etc., at the time of their Personality Test.