UPSC EPFO Admit Card 2021
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has delivered the concede card for the enrollment assessment to be held for 421 posts of EPFO Enforcement Officer/Account Officer. This enrollment test will be directed on fifth September 2021 in different urban areas of the country. A huge number of up-and-comers have applied online for these posts.
Applicants who have applied for these posts can download their concede card by visiting the authority site of UPSC. UPSC had finished the application interaction for these posts by taking out enlistment in January 2020. Because of the Corona pandemic, the assessment of this enlistment is being coordinated get-togethers long time.
Download concede card by these means
1. First and foremost the competitor needs to go to the authority site of UPSC https://upsc.gov.in.
2. Here on the landing page, you need to tap on the Admit Cards alternative. At the point when you click here, you should tap on E-Admit Cards before you.
3. Here you click on E-Admit Cards for different Examinations of UPSC.
4. In the wake of tapping on it, a connection to concede card of EPFO recruitment will show up before you, in which you click on download.
5. You can download the concede card by entering your application number/enlistment number and different subtleties. In the wake of downloading it, applicants should remove a print from it.
Peruse the guidelines given on the concede card
Subsequent to downloading the concede card, every one of the competitors should peruse the rules given on it altogether. In this, you will become acquainted with what are the fundamental archives that you need to convey to the assessment place. In the period of Corona, you go to the assessment place with a cover and stringently follow social separating there. Attempt to complete your immunization before the test.