UPSC CISF Interview Schedule 2020
UPSC CISF Interview Schedule has been delivered. The meeting will be hung on October 25, 26, 27 and 28, 2021. Association Public Service Commission has delivered the Interview Schedule for Central Industrial Security Force AC (XE) LDC Examination, 2020 (Central Industrial Security Force, CISF AC Exe LDC Examination, 2020) at upsc.gov.in Is. In such a circumstance, every one of the competitors who will show up in this assessment, they can check the notice identified with the plan by visiting the authority gateway.
As indicated by the notice gave by UPSC, this meeting to be held from October 25 to 28 will be directed in two movements. As indicated by this, the principal shift will begin from 9 am and the subsequent shift will begin from 1 pm consistently. Competitors need to arrive at Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur House, Shahjahan Road, New Delhi 110069 on the date of meeting. According to the authority notice, the e-call letters for talk with/character test for restoratively fit applicants in PET/PST and MST just as therapeutically fit competitors out of RME will be made accessible soon. Up-and-comers will actually want to download them from the site of the Download Commission.
Competitors are encouraged to download their e-Summon letter alongside the entirety of their walled in areas and take a printout of the equivalent. Additionally adhere to the directions given in the e-call letter to show up in the meeting. Simultaneously, for more data identified with this test, competitors can visit the authority site of UPSC. Aside from this, UPSC has likewise delivered the concede cards for the Civil Services Preliminary Examination. The commission has likewise given this concede card on the authority site. The competitors who have applied for the Prelims Exam Form can visit the site and download. Allow us to disclose to you that this test will be directed on October 10, 2021.