UP Police Recruitment 2021
Actually Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board is going to start recruitment on 2937 vacant posts soon. These posts include a total of 2244 posts of Police Radio Branch and 693 posts of Computer Operator. The apply online application process for these vacancies is going to start soon.
Tenders have also been issued on Thursday to start the recruitment process for the posts of Radio Branch in UP Police. Once the agency is selected, the online application process will be started.
Website – uppolice.gov.in
Police Radio Branch posts are of technical category
At the same time, DG of Police Recruitment Board . According to Vishwakarma, the place in the radio branch belongs to the technical class. Out of the total 2244 posts of this branch, there are posts of Principal Operator, Head Operator Digital, Assistant Rater Operator and Workshop Staff. Along with this, the tender process is going on for the recruitment examination on the posts of Computer Operator.
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