State Cooperative Bank Assistant Recruitment 2021
The online application process for recruitment to the posts of Assistant (Multipurpose) was started by Bihar State Co-operative Bank Limited on March 9. After this, the application window will be closed. In such a situation, the interested and eligible candidates who have not applied now, should apply soon by visiting bscb.co.in. A total of 200 vacancies of Assistant are to be filled under this recruitment. In which there are 19 posts for Bihar State Co-operative Bank and 181 posts for District Central Co-operative Bank.
Important dates
Date of Online Examination: 10 July 2021
Eligibility criteria
Those candidates are eligible to apply for these posts, who have obtained a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or institute. Also, Must have done Basic Diploma (DCA) in Computer Application. At the same time, the minimum age of the candidates has been fixed at 21 years and the maximum age is 33 years. Age will be calculated as on January 1, 2021. However, candidates belonging to reserved categories will be given relaxation in the upper age limit. For more details, you can check the detailed notification by visiting the official website.
Selection Process
Candidates will be selected on the basis of the Online Preliminary Examination and Online Main Examination. For complete details of the Preliminary Exam and Main Exam Pattern, you can check the detail notification.
Apply online
To apply online, candidates must visit the official website of BSCB, bscb.co.in. Next, enter the Recruitment section on the homepage. Here you can complete the application process by using the click here to apply online link of the respective recruitment.
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