SSC JE Paper-1 Answer Key 2021
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) had released the result of Paper 1 exam for the posts of Junior Engineer (JE) on 30th June itself and now SSC has also released the final answer key of this exam. The candidates appearing in this exam have a chance to check their answer key and know what mistakes they have made in the exam. Candidates can check this answer key from 7th July to 6th August 2021 on the official website of SSC.
How to check the final answer key:
To check the final answer key, candidates have to visit the official website of SSC. After that click on the answer key link for the respective exam in the latest news section available on the homepage. Now a new page will open where link for Final Answer Key of Junior Engineer Paper 1 Exam will be available. After clicking on this link a new tab will open and candidates can login here by entering their roll number and password. After this, candidates can check their answer key and download their question paper and answer key and also take a print out.
5711 candidates have been successful
5711 candidates have been successful in the paper 1 exam conducted by SSC for the posts of JE. It is noteworthy that the paper 1 exam for these posts was conducted from 22 March to 24 March 2021 and the final results of this paper were declared on 30 June. The candidates who have cleared this exam will now have to appear in the descriptive paper in the second stage.