SSC CHSL Skill Test 2018 Result Declared
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the result for Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination (CHSL) 2018 Skill Test. SSC has informed about the declaration of result through notification. Candidates who had appeared for the Typing Test or DST can check the result online at the official website, ssc.nic.in. Please note that only the list of selected candidates for the next stage of document verification has been released.
18875 candidates succeeded
The result of Skill Test for SSC CHSL 2018 Recruitment was long awaited. The CHSL Typing and Data Entry Speed Test was conducted in December. In this, a total of 18875 candidates have been declared successful. Let us tell you that in the result released by the commission, 12 candidates have been selected through data entry speed test for jobs in other departments other than Controller and Auditor General Office. For Controller and Auditor General, 1145 candidates have been selected through DEST while 17718 candidates have been selected for Typing Test.
SSC CHSL Tier II Result was released on 25 February 2020 and after that, an additional result was also declared on 27 August 2020 in which candidates were shortlisted for Typing Test/ Data Entry Speed Test (DEST). The cut off percentage for various exams has also been released.
Successful candidates will be called for document verification
Candidates who qualify in the Typing Test / DEST will have to appear for Documents Verification. The schedule for conducting the document verification will be released soon on the respective websites of the Regional Offices of the Commission. Shortlisted candidates may visit the website of respective Regional Offices of the Commission on regular basis for further updates.