Specialist Officer in Bank of Maharashtra
Occupation news for the applicants who are hanging tight for the open positions of Specialist Officer in Banks. Bank of Maharashtra has delivered the warning for enrollment to the post of Specialist Officer Scale 1 and 2 in different Branches spread the nation over with its Headquarter at Pune. As indicated by the enrollment notice gave by the bank on August 30, 2021, an aggregate of 190 posts of Specialized Officers are to be enlisted in Scale 1 and 2 in Agriculture, Security, Law, HR/Personnel and IT divisions. Bank is to enlist for these posts for Agriculture, Cyber Security, Legal Services and Technical Sectors.
Where and how to apply?
Up-and-comers willing to apply for the Specialist Officer Posts in Bank of Maharashtra can apply through the online application structure gave on the authority site of the Bank, bankofmaharashtra.in. To apply, up-and-comers need to go to the profession part of the site, where connects to download enrollment notice and apply online are given. The application interaction has begun from tomorrow, first September 2021 and applicants will actually want to present their application till nineteenth September 2021. Competitors should take note of that they will likewise need to pay the assessment charge by this date and will actually want to make any revisions or adjustments in the application just till September 19. Notwithstanding, applicants will actually want to print their online submitted application till 4 October 2021.
Bank of Maharashtra Specialist Officer Recruitment Notification – Click to Connect
Apply through this connection – Click to Apply
Who can apply?
The endorsed capability of Specialist Officer Recruitment in Bank of Maharashtra are diverse as indicated by the posts. For enrollment in Agriculture Sector, competitors ought to have 4 years degree (Graduation) in Agriculture/Horticulture/Animal Husbandry/Animal Husbandry/Animal Science/Dairy Science/Fisheries/Fisheries/Agriculture. Allude enlistment notice for different posts.