SBI SCO Admit Card 2021
State Bank of India (SBI) has delivered the concede card for enlistment to the post of Specialist Cadre Officer. Every one of the applicants who applied for SBI SCO 2021 test can download their concede card by visiting the authority site of SBI at sbi.co.in.
SBI SCO Admit Card 2021:-
Applicants can download SBI SCO Admit Card from September 15 to September 25, 2021. Up-and-comers can download their by utilizing enrollment number/roll number, date of birth and different subtleties on the login page. The immediate connection to download the concede card is given beneath.
Assessment will be hung on 25 September:-
STATE BANK OF INDIA SCHEDULED THE EXAMINATION FOR 25 SEPTEMBER, 2021 IN ALL INDIA INCLUDING THE EXAMINATION CENTERS OF GUNTUR, KURNOOL, GUWAHATI, SILCHAR, MUZAFFARPUR, PATNA, CHANDIGARH/MOHALI, RAIPUR, VIJAYAWADA, VISHAKHAPATNAM, BILASPUR, DELHI/NEW DELHI, FARIDABAD, GHAZIABAD is of. Up-and-comers are encouraged to actually take a look at the test and timings on their concede card and show up for the test at the dispensed setting before 60 minutes.
How and Where to Download SBI SCO Admit Card 2021:-
- Above all else visit the authority site of SBI for example sbi.co.in.
- Then, at that point click on Current Opening.
- Connect to SBI SCO Admit Card 2021 download connect.
- Then, at that point another page will open in which enter your enrollment number/roll number, date of birth, manual human test code and Click on submit button.
- Presently download SBI SCO Admit Card 2021 and protect it for future reference.