SBI Clerk Admit Card 2021
State Bank of India on Tuesday released the admit card of SBI Junior Associate Clerk Exam 2021. Candidates who have applied for the exam can download their admit card by visiting the official website of SBI, sbi.co.in. Candidates should note that the admit card will be available for download on the website till July 13.
State Bank of India Clerk Prelims Exam will be conducted on 13th July. A total of 5000 posts will be recruited through this recruitment drive.
How to Download SBI Junior Associate Clerk Exam 2021 Admit Card
First of all go to the official website sbi.co.in.
Click on the ‘Careers’ tab on the top right corner.
After that click on the Clerk Recruitment Admit Card link.
On the login page, login by entering your username, date of birth or password, security code etc.
After that the admit card will appear on the screen
Download the admit card and keep a hard copy of it for future reference.
SBI Clerk Prelims Exam 2021 Exam Pattern
There will be 100 questions in the State Bank of India Clerk Prelims Exam, all of objective type. Each question will be of one mark. Students will be given one hour to solve the exam. Please note that the exam is of three sections. These include English, Numerical Ability and Reasoning Ability. There are 30, 35 and 35 questions in each.
Prelims appear in the mains exam
Those who qualify the prelims exam will be called for the interview round after the main exam. It is worth noting that the language test will be conducted only for those who will clear the main exam. Selected candidates will be offered a pay scale between Rs 17,900 to Rs 47,920, while the starting basic salary will be Rs 19,900.