SBI CBO Result 2020 Circle Based Officer Released

    State Bank of India {SBI} has released the result of SBI Circle Based Officer Recruitment Examination. As per this result, the list of candidates who have been declared successful for the next round of interviews has been released in PDF format on the official website of SBI. The list has been prepared by State Bank of India along with the roll numbers of all the shortlisted candidates for the next round, based on the marks obtained by them in the online test. All the candidates who appeared in SBI Circle Based Officer Exam 2020 can check their result by visiting

    SBI Circle Based Officer Written Examination was held on 28 November 2020. The exam was a computer-based test in online diversion. In SBI CBO online exam 2020, pass candidates will be called for interview round whose schedule will be released soon.

    Direct link of SBI Circle Based Officer Written Exam 2020 Result PDF {SBI CBO Result 2020-21} is given below. Candidates can also check their result through this direct link.

    SBI CBO result download link

    SBI CBO Result 2020- Interview

    All candidates appearing for SBI CBO exam, whose roll number is available in SBI CBO result PDF, will have to enter the 100 marks interview round. Candidates who have obtained the minimum merit marks in the final merit list interview will be prepared based on the interview score.



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