RSMSSB VDO Recruitment
Commercial has been given by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB), Jaipur for enlistment to 3896 posts of Village Development Officer (VDO) in Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department. As indicated by the Village Development Officer Recruitment Advertisement delivered by the Board on Monday, sixth September 2021, out of the all out opening promoted, 3222 are intended for non-planned region, while staying 674 opportunities are reserved for booked region.
You can apply this way
Applicants willing to apply for Rajasthan RSMSSB VDO Recruitment 2021 will actually want to apply through the online application connect to be made accessible on the authority site of the board, rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in. The online application interaction will begin from tenth September and applicants will actually want to present their application online till ninth October 2021. Likewise, during the application, General and OBC (conveying smooth) applicants will likewise need to pay a charge of Rs 450, which is Rs 350 for OBC (non-velvety conveying) saved classifications of the state and Rs 350 for SC, ST and contrastingly abled up-and-comers. 250 for Rs.
View RSMSSB VDO Recruitment 2021 Notification – Connect
Application connect – Click Here
Know Eligibility Criteria
Town Development Officer Direct Recruitment 2021 will be coordinated by Rajasthan Staff Selection Board for the choice of contender for 3896 posts of VDO. Up-and-comers willing to apply for these posts ought to have finished graduation or comparable degree from a perceived college or some other advanced education organization and probably done confirmation or identical course in software engineering or applications. Likewise, competitors ought to have working information on Hindi written in Devanagari content and culture of Rajasthan.
Furthermore, the age of the competitor ought not be under 18 years and not over 40 years as on first January 2022. Nonetheless, 3 years unwinding in upper age limit has been given to every one of the up-and-comers because of non-conduction of VDO enlistment test from the year 2016. Additionally, unwinding has been given for the up-and-comers of the saved classifications of the state according to the principles of the public authority, see the enrollment warning for additional subtleties.