RSMSSB Recruitment 2021
Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB), Jaipur has released the advertisement for the recruitment to the post of Computer in the Economic and Statistics Department of the State Government. As per the advertisement issued by the Board on 3rd September 2021, there are a total of 250 posts to be recruited, out of which 220 posts are for non-scheduled area while 30 posts are for scheduled posts. Interested candidates can apply from 8 September 2021 from the link given on the official website of the board, rsmssb.rajasthan.gov.in or the direct link given below. The last date for application is 7 October 2021. Also, candidates have to pay the examination fee by October 7 itself.
Ability :-
According to the computer recruitment notification issued by the Rajasthan Staff Selection Board, only those candidates are eligible to apply for these posts, who have completed a bachelor’s degree in any one of the subjects in Mathematics or Statistics or Economics from a recognized university and O level of DOEC or equivalent. Level computer course. Also, the age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years and not more than 40 years as on 1st January 2022. There is also a relaxation in the upper age limit for the candidates belonging to the reserved categories of the state.
Selection Process :-
As per Computer Recruitment Notification Direct Recruitment Examination is to be conducted for selection of candidates which may be in December 2021. The exam will be of 2 hours duration and in Part A, 30 questions of total 30 marks will be asked from General Knowledge and 70 questions of total 70 marks will be asked from Part B of Statistics, Economics and Mathematics. Thus, 1 mark is allotted for every correct answer, while 1/3 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer.