REET Answer Key 2021
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education (RBSE) has delivered the appropriate response key of Rajasthan Teacher Eligibility Test (REET) 2021. The connection of answer keys of both REET level-1 and REET level-2 papers has been enacted. Every one of the competitors who showed up in this test can check and download their answer key by visiting the authority site reetbser21.com.
Protests can be documented till 26 September
On the delivered temporary answer-key, in the event that the up-and-comer sees any uncertainty or misstep on any inquiry, he can present his protest till October 26, 2021. Reet 2021 test was led by Rajasthan Board on Sunday 26 September 2021 across the state. The documenting answer key will be given after the complaints got on the temporary answer key are settled. Applicants should pay an expense of Rs 300 for every inquiry to mention criticism. The applicants will likewise need to transfer the significant verification alongside the complaints, without which the protest has been proclaimed not to be considered by the board.
Here’s the means by which to check REEt 2021 Answer Key
- Above all else go to the authority site reetbser21.com.
- On its landing page, click on the connection of Answer Key Level-I or Answer Key Level-2.
- Presently the appropriate response key will be found before you.
- Can check and download the appropriate response key.
Test was held in 2 movements
Through the REET test, 31 thousand empty posts of educators will be filled in the state. REET 2021 test was led in two movements. In the principal shift, the qualification test for classes 6 to 8 was held from 10 am to 12.30 pm. In the subsequent shift, the instructor qualification test for classes 1 to 5 was held from 2.30 pm to 5 pm. Around 4000 focuses were set up in the state for this assessment.