Rajasthan Home Guard Admit Card 2021
Rajasthan government will select 2500 empty posts of Home Guard. For this, a warning has been given by the Directorate of Home Security, Rajasthan Police that the concede cards for the actual assessment of this enlistment have been given. Every one of the up-and-comers who have applied for these posts can download their concede card by visiting the authority site etrpindia.com. To download the concede card, keep the application number with you.
Instructions to Download Admit Card
- To download your concede card, as a matter of first importance visit the given authority site etrpindia.com/rajhgadmitcards/searchApplication. At the point when the page opens, enter your application number and date of birth.
- After that fill the manual human test given underneath and click on submit.
- Your concede card will open, you can download it.
Allow us to let you know that 3.5 lakh applications have been gotten for 2500 posts of Home Guard gave by the Rajasthan Government. DG Home Guard has given notice for the enlistment of 2392 posts of Home Guard Urban-Rural and 116 posts of Border Home Guard.