Railway Group C Recruitment 2021
An extraordinary chance has come for the adolescent getting ready for the occupation in Indian Railways. Eastern Railway has delivered the opening for Group C (Railway Recruitment 2021). Railroad has looked for applications from possibility for these posts on its authority site. Intrigued and qualified competitors can apply to these posts. The application cycle for this enlistment under the Sports Quota has begun. The last date to apply for these posts has been fixed as December 11, 2021. After that the applications won’t be acknowledged.
There will be enlistment on 21 posts:-
As indicated by the notice gave by the Railways, a sum of 21 posts will be selected. Applications are welcomed from the contender for this enlistment in internet based mode. The applicants who need to apply for this can apply on the authority site prior to the due date.
Significant Dates:-
Beginning date of online application: 12th November, 2021
Last date to apply on the web: December 11, 2021
For Category-1 Group C, Graduation in any discipline or its identical assessment ought to be passed. Simultaneously, for Category-2 Group C, twelfth (+2 phase) or its comparable assessment ought to be passed from a perceived board.
Age Limit :-
Candidates ought to be least 18 years and greatest 25 years for this enrollment. Applicants going under the domain of reservation will be given unwinding in the upper age limit.
Pay scale:-
For Category-1 Group C Rs.5200-20200 with GP Rs. 2400 or 2800 (Pay Matrix according to seventh CPC) though, for Category-2 Group C with 5200-20200 GP Rs. 1900 or 2000 (Pay Matrix according to seventh CPC)
The most effective method to apply for Eastern Railway Recruitment 2021:-
Intrigued and qualified applicants can apply to these posts at the latest December 11, 2021. After accommodation of online application, competitors can take printout of utilization for future reference.