Prasar Bharati Recruitment 2021
Prasar Bharati has delivered a notice for the enlistment of Cost Trainee posts for conferring viable preparing to the understudies of ICAI (Coast). Intrigued up-and-comers might apply through web-based mode at https://applications.prasarbharati.org inside 30 days (2 November 2021) from the date of distribution on Prasar Bharati site.
Significant Dates:
Last date to apply on the web: 30 days (2 November 2021) from the date of distribution of ad
Opportunity Details
Cost Trainee – 16 Posts
Instructive Qualifications:
Probably finished CMA Intermediate test directed by ICAI with basically 60% imprints.
Pay scale
first year preparing – Rs 10000
second year of preparing – Rs 12500
third year of preparing – Rs 15000
Age Range:
The age of the applicants ought to be according to the standards of the board. The nitty gritty notice is accessible on the authority site.
Choice Process
Applicants will be chosen based on test/meet. No TA/DA and so on will be paid for going to the test/meet.
the most effective method to apply
Intrigued applicants might apply online inside 30 days (2 November 2021) from the date of distribution on Prasar Bharati site.