Police constable, SI and ASI recruitment
West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WPRB) has invited applications for recruitment to the total of 139 posts of Constable (Crew), Assistant Sub-Inspector (Crew Engine Driver) and Sub-Inspector (Crew Computing Master). The selected candidates for these posts are to be appointed in the coastal police stations. Interested candidates can apply through the online application form provided on the official website of West Bengal Police Recruitment Board, wbprb.applythrunet.co.in. For application, candidates can also go to the application page from the direct link given below. Candidates should note that the application process has started from September 19 and the last date of application has been set as October 18, 2020.
Check West Bengal Police Recruitment Notification here
Candidates will be selected for the posts of Constable (Crew), Assistant Sub-Inspector (Crew Engine Driver) and Sub-Inspector (Crew Computing Master), advertised on the basis of written examination and interview through West Bengal Police Recruitment Notification. The written examination will be objective type and its duration will be of one hour in which questions will be asked according to the syllabus according to the post. 0.25 negative marking has also been kept in the written examination. Candidates declared successful in the written examination will be invited to interview the next stage of the selection process. Candidates declared successful in both the stages will be called for document verification on merit basis.
How to apply
For the application, after visiting the official website of the Recruitment Board, wbprb.applythrunet.co.in, the candidate has to click on the link of the relevant post in the ongoing recruitment section on the home page. After this, after reading the details given on the new page, click on the link to apply online. After this, click on the sign-up link on the new page, after which the candidates will be able to register by filling in the details asked for the new post. After this, with the help of the user name and password issued, the candidates will be able to submit their application by login.