ONGC recruitment 2021
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) has issued a notification for the recruitment of Graduate Trainees. Under this, a total of 313 posts will be recruited. In such a situation, all the candidates who want to apply online for this post can read the notification check by visiting www.ongcindia.com.
Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the posts in Engineering and Geo-Science subjects through GATE 2020 score. The last date to fill the application form is October 12. Candidates should note that no request will be accepted after the last date of application.
According to the notification issued by ONGC, the maximum age limit should be 30 years for the unreserved and EWS category and 28 years for the post of AEE (Drilling and Cementing). Apart from this, the age limit should be 33 years for OBC and 31 years for the post of AEE (Drilling and Cementing). While for SC/ST candidates the age limit is 35 years and for AEE (Drilling and Cementing) the age limit is 33 years. .
This will be the fee
General / EWS / OBC category candidates have to pay 300 as application fee. SC/ ST/ PWBD category candidates are exempted from payment of application fee.
How to apply for Graduate Trainee
To apply for the posts of Graduate Trainee, candidates are required to visit the official website of ONGC at www.ongcindia.com. Then click on Career tab. Click on the link which reads ‘Recruitment of GTs in Engineering and Geology subjects through GATE 2020 scores’ Click on New Applicants. After that enter GATE 2020 registration number and mail id. Upload photograph and signature. Pay the application fee. Keep a hard copy of the same with you for future reference.