Notification for recruitment TGT teachers
The Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has issued a notification for the recruitment of various categories of vacancies in the departments of the Government of Delhi. A total of 5,807 posts will be appointed through this recruitment. As per the notification issued by the interested and eligible candidates, the application process for 3 posts (DSSSB TGT Application) will be started from June 4, 2021, and the last date to apply has been set till July 3, 2021. However, the examination dates have not been announced by the board. In such a situation, any candidate who wants to apply for these posts can check the notification by going to the official website dsssb.delhi.gov.in.
For Official Notification – Click Here
Vacancy detail
As per the notification issued, a total of 5807 posts of Delhi TGT teachers are to be recruited. Recruitment will be done for one post for TGT Bengali, 1029 posts for male and 961 posts for female for TGT English. For the same TGT Urdu 346 posts in male category and 571 posts in female category, 866 posts in male and 1156 posts in TGT Sanskrit in addition to this, 492 posts for women and 382 posts for men have been fixed in TGT Punjabi. Candidates who are willing to get these posts can get complete information by visiting the website.
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