NID MP Vacancy 2021
National Institute of Design (NID) Madhya Pradesh (MP) has welcomed applications for different Administrative Posts. Applications are welcomed from the qualified contender for the posts of Assistant Administrative Officer, Superintendent, Assistant (Accounts/Admin/Library) and different posts according to the as of late delivered enlistment warning (No.Admin/2021/01) by the Institute. . Intrigued applicants can apply through the internet based application structure made accessible on the authority site of NID, nidmp.ac.in. The application date is 30 September 2021. The application cycle began on first September.
Enrollment – Click to Connect
Apply online – Click to Connect
Applicants should take note of that under the internet based application measure, they will likewise need to pay the endorsed charge of Rs 500, which is recommended for the posts of Deputy Registrar, Administrative Officer and Senior Accounts Officer. Simultaneously, the application charge for the leftover different posts is Rs 200. Additionally, SC, ST, Divyang, Ex-Servicemen classification up-and-comers don’t need to store the application charge. The application charge can be paid through internet based mode at the hour of utilization.
Number of post opening
Delegate Registrar-01
Managerial Officer-01
Senior Accounts Officer-01
Significant Security Services-01
Senior Assistant Librarian-01
Senior Superintendent (Accounts)- 01
Aide Administrative Officer-02
Director 02
Senior Assistant (Admin/Studio)- 02
Aide (Accounts/Admin/Library)- 05
Woman Warden-01
Aide (Accounts/Admin/Library), Lady Warden, Assistant Administrative Officer Bachelor’s certification from a perceived University or other advanced education establishment and information on PC. Allude enrollment warning for instructive capability and different models needed for different posts.