NHPC Recrutmient 2022
Youth can apply for the enrollment being finished by NHPC Limited. NHPC Limited has welcomed applications from contender to apply for Trainee Engineer and Trainee Officer posts. Qualified up-and-comers can apply online through the authority webpage of NHPC nhpcindia.com. The last date to apply for these posts is till January 17, 2022. 67 posts will be filled through this enrollment drive. The competitors will be set in Projects/Power Stations/Offices including Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries of NHPC situated in various pieces of the nation or abroad.
Vacancy Details:-
Learner Engineer (Civil): 29 posts.
Student Engineer (Mechanical): 20 Posts.
Student Engineer (Electrical): 4 Posts.
Learner Officer (Finance): 12 Posts.
Learner Officer (Company Secretary): 2 Posts.
Selection Process :-
Applicants will be chosen based on GATE – 2021 score, CA/CMA score and CS score for Trainee Engineer (Civil/Mechanical/Electrical), Trainee Officer (Finance) and Trainee Officer (Company Secretary) individually. Shortlisted competitors will be called to Corporate Office, Faridabad for check of their records/endorsements for which voyaging stipend will be paid according to the surviving principles of the Corporation.
Application Fees :-
Applicants having a place with General, EWS and OBC (NCL) class are needed to pay a non-refundable expense of Rs 295 (counting GST @ 18%) through web-based mode. SC/ST/PWBD/Ex-Servicemen class applicants are not needed to pay the enlistment expense. For additional subtleties applicants can take help of the authority site.