NCL Apprenticeship Recruitment 2021
Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) has invited applications for the Welder, Electrician, Fitter, Motor Mechanic, Dumper & Parter, and other posts. Candidates willing to get these posts can apply by visiting the official website of NCL. The online application process for recruitment to these posts will start from June 10 and applications can be submitted till July 9. As per the announced notification, ITI pass candidates from any institute of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh can apply for the vacancies. Applications will be taken online.
Important date
Online applications start – June 10, 2021
Last date to apply – July 9, 2021.
Vacancy Details:
Total Posts – 1500 (There are posts of Welder, Electrician, Fitter, Motor Mechanic, etc.)
Application Qualification:
Applicants should have completed Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Matriculate / SSC. / Should have passed High School or equivalent from a recognized Board of any State and must have a valid HMV License issued by RTAs / RTOs of Indian States. For other eligibility-related information click on the instruction details link given below.
How to Apply
Eligible candidates may apply through NCL’s official website http://nclcil.in on or before 9 July 2021.
Age Range-
Candidates in the age group of 16 to 24 years can apply for these posts. Age will be calculated as of 30 June 2021.
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