NATA test schedule released
The Council of Architecture has announced to hold the second examination of the National Aptitude Test in Architecture 2021 (NATA 2021) on 11 July. COA For this the COA has also uploaded an update brochure for the second test on its official website nata.in. Interested candidates can apply by visiting the official website of NATA, nata.in. Keep in mind that the last date of application is 30 June 2021.
Admit card issue date 7 July
Admit Cards National Aptitude Test in Architecture The second test admit card of NATA 2021 will be released on 7 July. The examination for this is to be held on 11 July. NATA has also issued a revised brochure for the second test. According to the revised brochure, the number of candidates appearing in a session can be considered in the event of social distancing due to the Covid-19 epidemic.
The second examination of NATA 2021 will be held on July 11 from 2.30 pm to 5.30 pm. Candidates appearing in the first examination of NATA 2021 will also be considered eligible to reappear for the examination. The council had also revised the eligibility criteria for the plan to apply for NATA 2021. Earlier, students had to score at least 50 percent marks in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.
How to apply for the second test
Interested candidates first go to the official website of Council of architecture nata.in. Click on the requisite link online application NATA-2021. Fill in the required credentials. Upload your photo and pay the fee for the exam. After this, download the application form and keep a print copy of it with you.
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