MPPSC Recruitment 2022
Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) has given a enlistment of Scientific Officer posts. All intrigued and qualified competitors can apply online for MPPSC Scientific Officer Recruitment 2022 through Authority site mppsc.nic.in by 24 February 2022.Competitors will be chosen for these posts based on written test and interview.
Post Details :-
As indicated by the authority a sum of 44 opening of Scientific Officer will be enrolled through this cycle. In which, 15 posts are incorporated for Physics discipline, 16 posts for Chemistry discipline and 13 posts for Biology discipline.
Qualification :-
For enlistment to these posts of Scientific Officer, the competitor should have M.Sc in the applicable subject from a perceived college or foundation. Should have degree. Alongside this, it is obligatory for the contender to have a live enlistment with the business office of the province of Madhya Pradesh.
Age :-
the base age of the contender for enrollment to these posts has been fixed at 21 years and most extreme age is 40 years. In any case, unwinding in upper age breaking point will be given to saved class competitors according to government rules.
Salary :-
Chosen contender for Scientific Officer posts will be given compensation going from Rs 56100 to Rs 177500 every month come up short on Matrix Level 12.
Form Fees :-
Competitors having a place with SC ST OBC and PWD classes should pay an application charge of Rs 250. While, other class applicants should pay an application charge of Rs 500. For additional subtleties competitors can actually look at the authority site.