LIC Recruitment 2021
Notification has been given for Insurance Consultant Recruitment 2021. Intrigued and qualified applicants can apply for this. Up-and-comer probably passed graduation from a perceived college in India.
General Information
Position: 100
Last Date of Application: Not Mentioned.
Occupation Title: Insurance Advisor
Association: Central Government
Area: Public Administration and Defense
Utilitarian Role: Marketing Executive
Occupation Location: New Delhi
Occupation Nature: Part Time
Compensation 7000-25000
Intrigued people can apply by tapping on this connection.
Apply this way
- Snap on the notice connect given above and read the notice
- Work out your qualification
- Snap on Apply Online
- submit Form
- Take a print out for future reference
The Life Insurance Corporation of India (abridged as LIC) is a legal protection and speculation organization of India. It is under the responsibility for Ministry of Finance, Government of India. The Life Insurance Corporation of India was set up on 1 September 1956, when the Parliament of India passed the Life Insurance Act of India which nationalized the protection business in India. More than 245 insurance agencies and opportune social orders were converged to frame the state-possessed Life Insurance Corporation of India.