LIC Recruitment 2021
Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) has delivered the concede card for its two enrollment tests. These LIC enlistments are being accomplished for the posts of LIC Assistant Engineer and Assistant Administrative Officer. Every one of the up-and-comers who have applied for this enrollment test can download their concede card by visiting the authority site.
Test will be hung on 31st October:-
According to the delivered warning, the test is being led for the enlistment of 50 Assistant Engineer and 168 Assistant Administrative Officer posts. Applicants have time till 31 October 2021 to download it. LIC AAO and AE Mains Exam is additionally booked on 31st October itself.
Instructions to download LIC AAO and AE Admit Card:-
- As a matter of first importance go to LIC site.
- Go to the LIC Career segment from the landing page.
- When the profession page opens, here you will see the connection of Assistant Engineer Recruitment and AAO (Specialist) Recruitment 2020.
- Presently another page will open. Snap on the Call Letter Download interface here.
- After this, sign in here by entering your enlistment number, date of birth and security code showed on the screen.
- After login, you will see the concede card.
- Download it and take a print and protect it.
Starter assessment has effectively been finished:-
The starter test for this enrollment of LIC has as of now been taken. LIC AE and AAO Prelims Exam was hung on 28th August 2021. Albeit prior this test was to be hung on 04 April 2020. In any case, it got delayed due to Coronavirus. The aftereffects of both the enlistments have likewise been delivered in September 2021. Presently there will be primary assessment for which concede cards have been given.