ONGC Recruitment 2021
The last date to apply for 313 posts of Graduate Trainee in Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is 12 October 2021 for example today. Intrigued applicants who have not yet applied for these posts can apply online by visiting the authority site of ONGC at www.ongcindia.com.
Vacancy Details
This enlistment drive is being led to fill 313 opening of Graduate Trainee in Engineering and Geo-Science Disciplines through GATE-2020 score.
Application Fee
The application expense for ONGC Recruitment 2021 is Rs.300 for General/EWS/OBC class up-and-comers. The application expense is absolved for the up-and-comers falling under SC/ST/PWBD classifications.
Instructions to apply for ONGC Recruitment 2021
- Visit the authority site of ONGC www.ongcindia.com.
- Snap on vocation tab
- Snap on the connection which peruses ‘Enrollment of GTs in Engineering and Geosciences subjects through GATE 2020 score’
- Snap on New Applicant
- Enter GATE 2020 enrollment number and mail id
- Transfer photo and mark
- Pay the Application Fee
- Take a printed version of the equivalent for future reference.