JSLPS Recruitment 2021
Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Committee (JSLPS) has given a notice for the enlistment of different posts including Operating Officer and Program Manager at offical website jslps.in. The last date to apply has been fixed on 24 October, as indicated by the notice gave, there will be enlistment on an aggregate of 1900 empty posts.
There will be enrollment on these posts
In light of the warning gave by JSLPS, 155 posts will be made on agreement premise at state level. Which has 114 working power. Against 421 endorsed posts, 269 officials are working at the locale level. Then again there are 3985 authorized posts at the square level and the functioning power is 2260. In this manner a sum of 4561 posts are authorized and the quantity of empty posts in 1918 is around 42%. Snap here to see official notice.
Instructive capability
As per the warning gave, distinctive instructive capabilities have been recommended for various posts. Applicants applying for these posts should have PG degree, or PG degree in pertinent subject. Aside from this, point by point data identified with opening subtleties, qualification models, determination interaction and application has been given in the authority notice.