GMC Recruitment 2021
Goa Medical College has delivered an enrollment warning for a sum of 571 posts of Multi Tasking Staff, Lower Division Clerk, Dialysis Technician, Laboratory Technician, Pharmacist and Others. Qualified and intrigued competitors can apply for the said posts in the endorsed design at the very latest 18 October 2021. Peruse the point by point warning for all the important qualification related data.
Significant Date:
Last date to apply: 18 October 2021
Opening Details:
Performing various tasks Staff – 94
Lower Division Clerk-31
Clinical Record Clerk-06
Junior Stenographer-01
Staff Nurse-378
Word related Therapist-04
Language teacher 02
Medico Social Worker-05
Senior Technician = 03
Muscular Assistant-02
Junior Technician-13
Radiographic Technician-04
Drug specialist 09
ECG Technician-03
Research facility Assistant-03
Research facility Technician-04
hairdresser 01
Dialysis Technician-04
Instructive Qualifications
The instructive capability is distinctive for every one of the posts. In this way, read the definite notice for all the vital qualification related data.
Instructions to apply:
Intrigued up-and-comers might apply for the above posts on a plain paper containing competitor’s name, address, date of birth, class, identity, portable number, one identification size photo joined with the application, instructive capability, substantial cast testament and Valid 15 Years Residence Certificate given by the Competent Authority alongside legitimate work enlistment subtleties. Candidates can send at the latest 18 October 2021 till 5.00 PM.