FSSAI Recruitment 2021
Food handling and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has delivered work warnings for different posts. Food Analyst, Technical Officer, Central Food Safety Officer, Assistant Manager, Assistant Manager, IT Assistant, Personal Assistant, and Other Posts But Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has welcomed applications for 233 openings. The application structure is accessible on the authority site of FSSAI. The last date for accommodation of utilization structure has been fixed as 12 November 2021.
Aside from the post of Food Analyst, FSSAI will direct Computer Based Examination for different posts. There will be two PC-based tests for the posts like Technical Officer, Central Food Safety Officer, and Assistant Manager. For different posts, a solitary PC-based test will be conducted.1:5 Candidates will be called for waitlist/meet for the post in the proportion of . For additional subtleties see work warning.
Can apply this way
Intrigued applicants initially need to visit the authority site of the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) https://fssai.gov.in. At the point when you go to the enlistment part of the site, you will get the notice of this enrollment. In this, you will get nitty-gritty data identified with the application interaction and the connection to the application. You can fill the application structure by keeping the rules given in the warning.
Instructive Qualification and Age Limit
As indicated by the warning, various posts ought to have a degree or certificate in the applicable field. As far as possible is likewise given independently. For more data about this, you can download and see the warning of this enlistment.
Application expense
The application expense for General, OBC, and EWS classification is Rs 1500. The application expense for SC, ST, Divyang, and ladies is Rs 500. Application expenses can be saved through Debit Card, Credit Card and Net Banking.