Central University of Rajasthan Recruitment 2021
Rajasthan Central University has delivered the warning for the enlistment of Professor posts. Enrollment will be done on the posts of Professor and Associate Professor in Hindi, Education, Computer Science, Environmental Science, Education Department in the college. In such a circumstance, any applicant who needs to apply online for this post can apply online by visiting the authority site curaj.ac.in.
Remember these dates
Beginning date of online application – October 16, 2021
Online application accommodation date – October 16, 2021
Opening Details
Educator 01, Professor Education-01, Associate Professor Atmospheric Science-01, Assistant Professor Computer Science-01, Associate Professor Environmental Science-01, Associate Professor Education
As indicated by the warning gave by the Rajasthan Central University, the business notice number CURAJ/R/F. 130/2021/1196 Education Qualification and age limit are diverse for different posts enlistment. Hence, up-and-comers are encouraged to peruse the authority warning cautiously, since, supposing that any error is recognized in the structure then the application structure will be dismissed. Simultaneously, for more data identified with this enrollment, competitors can visit the authority site.