BEL Recruitment Notification 2021
Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has delivered the notice for enlistment to the post of Trainee Engineer and Project Engineer. BEL has taken out this arrangement for its Panchkula unit. These opportunities will be on impermanent premise. Intrigued and qualified applicants can apply online through BEL official site www.bel-india.in for these posts. The last date to apply for these posts is 27 October.
As per the warning gave by BEL, a sum of 55 posts will be selected. In these, an aggregate of 33 posts of Trainee Engineer-I will be enlisted. Simultaneously, enrollment will be done on 22 posts of Project Engineer-I. Aside from this, competitors should take note of that the application charge will be Rs 500 for Project Engineer and Rs 200 for Trainee Engineer. Though competitors having a place with PWD, SC and ST classes are absolved from installment of use charge.
Apply for the posts of Trainee Engineer and Project Engineer
To apply, applicants need to initially visit the authority site of BEL www.be-lindia.in. After that snap on the Careers tab on the landing page. Presently click on apply connect for warning. After that register yourself. Presently fill the application structure. After that pay the application charge. Alongside this, keep the printed copy of something similar with you for future reference.
The age of the applicants applying for the posts of Trainee Engineer ought to be 25 years. Simultaneously, the age of the applicants applying for the posts of Project Engineer ought to be 28 years. Unwinding will be given to the saved classification applicants according to the principles of the public authority. Simultaneously, candidates can visit the authority site for more data identified with this enrollment.