JEE Main 2021: held on July 17
There is good news for the students who are waiting for JEE Main 2021 exam due to Corona virus pandemic. The Joint Admission Board has declared the exam date on Wednesday. As per the recent updates, JEE Main exam will be held on 17th July and result will be declared by 14th August. The examinations which were to be held in April and early May were postponed due to the Corona pandemic.
92,695 students will appear in the exam at 174 centers
According to the JEE Board data, this time 92,695 students will take part in the JEE Main exam to be held at 174 centers across the country. As per the Joint Admission Board, the counseling of the candidates will be completed in three phases after the declaration of the result. The counseling process will be completed by 15th September.
Prepare a roadmap for conducting the exam
Because of this, the JEE Main exam was scheduled to be held in April, but due to another wave of corona and lockdown, it was decided to postpone the exam. Due to the threat of Corona, many entrance examinations and competitive examinations including JEE, NEET were postponed. The central government has taken this decision keeping in mind the safety of the students. Apart from this, the board had canceled the 10th and 12th board examinations of all centers and states due to Covid-19. The board has prepared a roadmap for the safe conduct of the Joint Entrance Examination.
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