Indian Navy Admit Card 2021
Indian Navy has recruited for the posts of AA (Artificial Apprentice) and SSR (Senior Secondary Recruitment) for which the candidates were long awaited for written test and PET exam admit card, Indian Navy announced on its official website today www.joinindiannavy.gov.in. Admit cards have been issued. Candidates can directly download Indian Navy Sailor Admit Card through this link.
The PFT (Physical Test) of all the candidates who appeared in the written test will also be taken on the same day.
AA/SSR Exam Pattern
Indian Navy Pre Online Exam will consist of 100 questions with 100 objectives carrying 100 marks. Questions will be asked from General Intelligence & Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude, General English & Comprehension and General Awareness. The paper will carry 100 marks in total, and 25 marks for each subject.
How to Download Indian Navy Admit Card 2021?
- In order to download the admit card, candidates first visit the website of the Indian Navy – joinindiannavy.gov.in.
- Click on the ‘Login in’ tab
- Enter registration number and date of birth.
- Admit card will open on the screen. Download it and take a print out and keep it with you.
A total of 2500 vacancies were filled by the Indian Navy in the August 2021 batch, out of which 2000 are for SSR and 500 for AA. Applications for Sailor Admission Online Application – AA-150 & SSR-02/2021 Batch were invited from 26 April 2021 to 05 May 2021.
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