Income Tax Department Recruitment 2021
In the Income Tax Department, a notice has been given for the enlistment of 28 posts of Principal Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Income Tax Inspector, Tax Assistant and Multi Tasking Staff. Intrigued and qualified competitors can apply online by visiting the authority site incometaxindia.gov.in. This enrollment is done under sports standard. The last date of use for the above posts is 30 September 2021.
Instructive Qualifications
For the post of Income Tax Inspector and Tax Assistant, the candidate should be an alumni. The speed of information section for the post of Tax Assistant ought to be 8000 key miseries each hour. For the posts of Multi Tasking Staff, the candidate probably passed tenth norm.
Age Range
The age of the possibility for MTS present is 18 on 27 years. The greatest age for different posts has been fixed at 30 years.
Opportunity Details
Annual Tax Inspector-03 Posts
Assessment Assistant – 13 Posts
Performing multiple tasks Staff – 12 Posts
Apply this way
To apply the competitor needs to visit the authority site. From here you need to tap on the enlistment related connection given in the profession segment. In the following tab, click on the connection to apply and finish the application interaction. Peruse the itemized notice for all the important qualification related data.
Direct Link: https://incometaxindia.gov.in/news/scan-10-aug-2021.pdf