ICSI CSEET July Admit Card 2021
Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) has released the admit card for Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test (CSEET 2021) for July session. Admit cards are available on the official website. Candidates who have registered for this exam can download their admit card by visiting icsi.edu. For this candidates have to use their registration number and date of birth.
Download admit card by these steps
To download the admit card, candidates need to first visit the official website of ICSI, icsi.edu. Next, enter the CSEET section available on the homepage. Now click on Download Admit card for CSEET to be held on 10th July 2021 link. Now a new tab will open. Click on the link given here to download the admit card. Now again you will be brought to a new page. Here candidates login by entering their registration number and date of birth. Now your admit card will be displayed on the screen. Check the details given in it. Download the admit card and take a print out for further use.
The examination for the July session is scheduled to be conducted on July 10, 2021. The exam will be conducted in online remote proctored mode. This decision has been taken due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Keeping in mind the remote protected mode, the Viva Voce portion has been removed from the CSEET to be held on July 10.
The Company Secretary Executive Entrance Test will consist of multiple choice questions. There will be 140 questions for a total of 200 Marks. The total duration of the exam will be of 2 hours. For detailed information about the exam pattern, you can visit the official website.