ICF Railway Recruitment 2021
Fundamental Coach Factory (ICF) has delivered the work notice for tenth pass youth. This enlistment will be done on the posts of Apprentice. Intrigued and qualified competitors can apply by visiting the authority site icf.indianrailways.gov.in. The last date to apply for the above posts is 26 October 2021.
As per the notice delivered on the authority site, the complete number of posts are 782, out of which 582 posts of Apprentice (Ex-ITI) and 200 posts of Apprentice (Fresher) are empty.
Instructive Qualifications
For the above posts, the candidate more likely than not passed tenth or twelfth with least half stamps from a perceived board. Furthermore, ought to have ITI Diploma in significant exchange. Peruse the point by point notice for all the fundamental qualification related data.
Age Range
Candidate age ought to be between 15 years to 24 years. The age will be determined as on October 26, 2021 as standard. Saved classification applicants will be given unwinding in upper age limit according to rules.
Determination Process
There will be no composed test for Apprentice and competitors will be shortlisted based on their imprints in class 10 and 12 (booked contrastingly as indicated by the posts). Applicants will be chosen for these presents through merit list on be ready based on instructive capability.
Pay scale
For tenth pass fresher an allowance of Rs 6000 every month has been fixed. While twelfth pass fresher competitors and ex ITI up-and-comers will be given allowance of Rs 7000 every month. Intrigued competitors can apply for these posts by visiting the authority site.