DSSSB Answer Key 2021
Delhi Subordinate Services Selection Board (DSSSB) has delivered the appropriate response key for different posts assessments. DSSSB had directed the web-based PC based test for different tests including Technical Assistant, TGT Maths, Scientific Assistant, Laboratory Assistant, Senior Scientific Assistant and TGT English. Every one of the competitors who showed up in the DSSSB Exam 2021 can download the appropriate response key through the authority site dsssb.delhi.gov.in.
Complaints can be documented by 25 September:-
This load of tests were directed from tenth to fourteenth September 2021 at different test communities. Applicants can check DSSSB answer key by following the simple tasks given underneath. In the event that any competitor has questions or protests against the appropriate response key, they can mention criticism through web-based mode at dsssb.delhi.gov.in. The office to mention criticisms against DSSSB Answer Key 2021 will be accessible till September 25, 2021.
Step by step instructions to Download DSSSB Answer Key 2021 :-
Most importantly go to the authority site dsssb.delhi.gov.in.
Then, at that point, click on ‘Answer Key’.
Presently Click on Draft Answer Key Notice for Online Computer Based Examination for Various Examinations for the Dates of 10, 11, 13, 14 September 2021.
Download the appropriate response key and keep it with you.
Competitors should enlist their protest like this:-
Most importantly go to the authority site dsssb.delhi.gov.in.
– Click on ‘Complaint Management Link for DSSSB Examination Held from 10 to 14 September 2021’ accessible on the landing page.
— will presently divert you to the login page.
In this competitors enter their application number, date of birth and snap on login button.
After this the appropriate response key will show up on the screen.
If there should arise an occurrence of any uncertainty in regards to the appropriate response key, up-and-comers can bring up criticisms till September 25.