Delhi Police Constable PET PMT 2021
Delhi Police has released the dates for PET and PMT under Constable Recruitment 2020. The Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Measurement Test (PMT) for Constable (Executive) posts will be conducted from 28 June 2021.
Delhi Police had also issued a notice in this regard on its official website and informed that the candidates who have qualified in the written examination conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) will have to appear in the PET and PMT which will be held in Delhi. will be held on 28 June.
Roll number wise list
Delhi Police released the roll number wise list of candidates as well as the dates regarding when their physical test will be conducted. Candidates should note that it is mandatory to follow the COVID-19 guidelines laid down by the government during the exam. Candidates should come wearing a mask and take care of the rules like social distancing.
Admit card for PET and PMT will be issued soon
Candidates should note that the admit card for appearing in PET and PMT will be issued soon on the official website of Delhi Police. Candidates keep checking the official website for latest updates.