CRPF Paramedical Staff Recruitment 2021
CRPF has welcomed applications for the Paramedical Staff opening in the Central Armed Police Forces. This enlistment has been accomplished for an aggregate of 2439 posts in CRPF, ITBP, SSB, BSF and Assam Rifles. Competitors will be chosen based on talk with which is booked to be held from September 13 to September 15, 2021. Competitors willing to show up for this enrollment can check the warning on the authority site crpf.gov.in.
CRPF Recruitment 2021 means to top off legally binding posts. Applications are welcomed from resigned CAPFs and ex-military faculty male and female who will serve the country.
Opportunity Details
AR – 156
BSF – 365
CRPF – 1537
ITBP – 130
SSB – 257
Qualification rules
Resigned faculty of CAPFs, AR and Armed Forces up to greatest age of 62 years
Apply this way
Qualified and intrigued applicants might show up for meet on planned date and time. Up-and-comers ought to bring unique and copies of enlistment related archives (Retirement Certificate/PPO, Degree, Age Proof and Experience Certificate and so on) and application structure containing name of the post applied for and 3 ongoing identification size photo Ho. There will likewise be a clinical trial on joining.