CCI Engineer recruitment 2021
CCI Limited has announced recruitment for 46 posts including 29 vacancies for Engineer and 29 vacancies for 17 posts. Candidates who want to apply for these posts can apply online through official website www.cciltd.in. According to the notification issued by CCI, the last date to apply for these posts is 30 June 2021.
Important date
Last date to apply – 30th June, 2021
According to the notification issued by CCI, the last date to apply for these posts is 30 June 2021. Candidates should note that none of your applications will be accepted after the last date. Candidates should note that the initial tenure of the selected youth will be one year which can be extended up to 3 years depending on the performance. Candidates applying for above mentioned vacancies should have minimum 2 years experience with qualification. And the age of the candidates should be 30 years.
Educational qualification
For this post only candidates having engineering degree in relevant subject can apply. Apart from this, to apply for the post of officer, graduation degree / as well as CA / MBA / post graduation degree is necessary.
How to Apply
Candidates who have applied online for the post of Engineer & Officer can first submit the application by visiting the official website cciltd.in.
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