CBSE Board Exam 2022: New Scheme
Amidst the increasing demand of students across the country to reduce the syllabus for the year 2022 board examinations amid the regular studies being disrupted during the second consecutive academic session due to the Kovid-19 pandemic, the Central Board of Secondary Education has postponed the next year’s 10th and 10th class examinations. Special Assessment Scheme has been announced for the board examinations of class 12th. For the academic session 2021-22, CBSE on Monday, 5 July 2021 announced to conduct the Board Examinations of Secondary and Senior Secondary classes on the basis of the reduced syllabus in two parts.
Download CBSE 10th, 12th Board Exam 2022 Scheme PDF – Click Here
New exam scheme for class 10
As per the new examination scheme announced for Class 10 CBSE Board Exam 2022, three Periodic Tests, Portfolio and Practical Work/Speaking – Listening Activity/Project will be conducted under Internal Assessment for classes 9th and 10th. All these will be in addition to Term 1 and Term 2 to be conducted during the year already determined by the Board. At the same time, after the end of term 1 for class 10 students, the examinations will be conducted by the board within 4 to 8 weeks from November – December 2021. The CBSE Board 10th Datesheet 2021-22 for the subject-wise examinations schedule will be released later. At the same time, Term 2 examinations will be conducted in March-April 2022.
New exam scheme for class 12
Similarly, internal assessment for classes 11th and 12th will consist of a topic or unit tests, exploratory activities, practical and project work, which will run throughout the session, in addition to term 1 and term 2 to be conducted during the year already specified. Will be Term 1 examinations for class 12 students also will be held within 4 to 8 weeks during November and December 2021. CBSE Board 12th datasheet 2021-22 for these exams will be released later. Thereafter, the Term 2 examinations will be conducted in March-April 2022.
CBSE will give a question paper, 50% syllabus
According to the new exam scheme released by CBSE, the question paper and marking scheme will be sent to the schools by the board. Term 1 exam will be MCQ-based and its duration will be 90 minutes. This exam will have questions from the syllabus of Term 1 only (ie about 50%).